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2021-03-08 11:25 | Report Abuse

Those previously talked bad and laughed at Genting and CIMB now u can see these two counters price, Genting currently $5.08 and CIMB currently $4.57 already over ride be higher than supermx currently $4.34. What u think?


2021-03-08 11:00 | Report Abuse

I am here to see many of u still in dreaming for the bull and up trend of supermx never wake up and pity u keep on talking about the negatives of vaccines to condole yourselves.


2021-03-08 10:49 | Report Abuse

Don't always talk about the negatives of vaccines to condole yourselves. Even with some negative news of the vaccines, glove stocks including supermx price also can't go up much again and would continue its down trend until they show to the market can sustain its super profit post-pandemic.


2021-03-08 10:40 | Report Abuse

As I said already if want glove counters to have price up trend rise rapidly, all glove companies including supermx must show to the market that they really can sustain its super profit post-pandemic as high level as or even better than that during pandemic because most investors and the market perceives like that. Otherwise its price be stagnant or down trend until next new pandemic come.


2021-03-08 10:29 | Report Abuse

Watch the following to understand the price movement and trend for glove stocks price including supermx:


2021-03-07 16:39 | Report Abuse

Actually market perceives whether gloves stock price can be up trend to go up much again have to see the glove companies really can sustain its post-pandemic profit as high level as or even better than its super profit earned during pandemic.


2021-03-07 16:28 | Report Abuse

The only possibility for glove stocks price be up trend go up much again is the glove companies must show out they can keep on making post-pandemic profit earnings higher than that during pandemic now. I think this is impossible because glove companies profit is at the peak with abnormal highest demand, highest ASP and highest profit margin in this one or two years during pandemic, how can it make higher profit earnings again after its peak over post-pandemic.


2021-03-07 16:16 | Report Abuse

Watch the following to know the price movement and trend for glove counters including supermx:


2021-03-07 16:10 | Report Abuse

Nonstop talking about the ongoing high demand for gloves post-pandemic can't help to push up supermx price because u can see now the glove demand is already very high at its peak but the stock price can't go up much still dropping lower and lower. Even the gloves demand still can remain at high or moderate level post-pandemic, can't expect the stock price will go up to previous high level. Those trapped at high level above $7 might have to keep for long term until next pandemic come.

The demand for gloves post-pandemic would be outstripped by its over supply to cause the drop of its ASP because glove demand would definitely drop gradually to a moderate level even still higher than pre-pandemic level and its supply would highly increase due to the production expansion of existing glove companies and the entry of new glove manufacturers and factories in many countries like US, China, Thailand, Malaysia and others.

After pandemic later might have cheap sales of gloves, we can see the glove manufacturers especially the big ones will throw to sell gloves at cheap price to maintain its market share due to high competition caused by the drop of gloves demand and its oversupply.


2021-03-07 13:46 | Report Abuse

Watch the following to understand the price movement and trend for glove stocks including supermx:


2021-03-07 13:09 | Report Abuse

US could reach herd immunity by summer through vaccinations alone, CNN analysis finds
By Deidre McPhillips, CNN
Updated 10:38 PM EST, Fri March 05, 2021

(CNN)The pace of Covid-19 vaccine administration in the US continues to improve, each day bringing the country closer to herd immunity -- the point at which enough people are protected against a disease that it cannot spread.

This week, President Joe Biden said that the US will have enough vaccine for every adult by the end of May, and a CNN analysis of federal data shows that herd immunity is likely not far behind.

At the current pace of about 2 million shots per day -- the latest seven-day average of doses administered reported by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -- the US could reach herd immunity by summer through vaccinations alone. It will likely be even sooner, if factoring in individuals who may have some natural immunity due to prior infection.


2021-03-06 23:52 | Report Abuse

According to history chart analysis, supermx possible price bottom at $1.70 to $2 still very far from the current market price $4.50. That means its price still possible to drop much before reaching its bottom part.


2021-03-06 23:44 | Report Abuse

Watch the following to understand where the possible price bottom for glove counters including supermx:


2021-03-06 14:15 | Report Abuse

If funds consider to buy in glove stock, they prefer and would buy in topglove and hartalega as already included in the klse index composite long time ago but not supermx which has been just included and it seems to be kicked out soon from klse index composite in the coming review.


2021-03-06 14:08 | Report Abuse

Luke O'Neill, Trinity College Dublin
March 5, 2021 2.27pm GMT

The COVID vaccines are working. Data from Israel and Scotland shows that they are protecting people and may also be decreasing the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. If it all holds up, people will be protected from severe disease, the amount of virus will progressively decrease, and we can truly plan for a way out of the pandemic.

Evidence is also growing that once you’ve been infected, there is a pretty good chance that you will be protected from further infections, or at the very least, have less severe disease. This makes sense, as it’s why your immune system evolved in the first place.

Over millions of years, the immune system was sculpted by the laws of natural selection. Once you’ve been infected or vaccinated, memory B and T cells persist. When you are reinfected, they wake up and eliminate the infection to such an extent that you won’t even feel sick. You can see how this made evolutionary sense. Feeling sick means you’re less likely to procreate, so there would have been a survival advantage to immunity


2021-03-06 13:55 | Report Abuse

Everyone including the glove companies management and directors board also guessing and saying on their own view about the ongoing high demand for gloves but it's still in the stage of estimation and projection only not come to the reality yet so what the PAT of glove companies shows and what the company management and directors say can't give the sure and convinceable answer now.


2021-03-06 13:44 | Report Abuse

Will gloves demand continue to remain high since the increasing production and supply? Only the time can answer this question. Thus let the time to answer it since no one can give the sure answer now even the PAT of glove companies subject to change as time pass on can't give u the sure and correct answer now.


2021-03-06 12:43 | Report Abuse

Not only local institutional funds, some forreign funds also selling release from glove counters now. Thus high selling pressure and weak buying force cause the glove stock price dropping, difficult and slim chance resume to previous high level. Have to wait long long time until next new pandemic come only have the chance.


2021-03-06 12:24 | Report Abuse

Watch the following for your stock investment:


2021-03-06 12:21 | Report Abuse

Watch the following for your stock investment:


2021-03-06 09:38 | Report Abuse

All the glove counters including supermx would continue in long-term down trend with some minor rebounds in between until WHO announce the pandemic under control or over at that time would deeply drop again. All glove counters including supermx price up and bull at beginning of last year were mainly due to pandemic arise, thus they would definitely price down and bear due to pandemic under control or over later. This is perceived by most investors and the market.


2021-03-06 09:23 | Report Abuse

Why other counters with RSS its price still rising but glove counters including supermx with RSS its price dropping because the market trend now not with glove counters, the big players, funds and hot money already released from glove counters moved into other counters for speculation push up the price. People and short term funds speculate in other counters but not in glove counters including supermx.


2021-03-05 14:10 | Report Abuse

Malaysian Rubber Council expects demand for medical gloves to eventually normalise this year

Wednesday, 03 Mar 2021 03:39 PM MYT


2021-03-05 12:55 | Report Abuse

All hope for price to go up much but it opposes from what u hope it would continue to swing at current level within small range no momentum to rise much to even $5. See whether it will further drop or not. When WHO announce the pandemic under control later it would definitely deep drop again.


2021-03-04 12:21 | Report Abuse

How much bullets u have to up the price, ridiculous. U think u are superman even supermx also no super power to push it up.


2021-03-04 12:17 | Report Abuse

As I said already only the minor and temporary technical rebound, no big rebound and it can't last long. After that it might drop further down again most probably will break $4 down to $3 plus. It's long term down trend, hopeless the more u buy the more be trapped.


2021-03-04 00:02 | Report Abuse

China Develops New Drug That Cures Coronavirus Faster Without Vaccine

A NEW drug is being tested by scientists at China’s Peking University
A Chinese laboratory has been developing a drug it believes has the power to bring the coronavirus pandemic to a halt.
The outbreak first emerged in China late last year before spreading across the world, prompting an international race to find treatments and vaccines.

A drug being tested by scientists at China’s prestigious Peking University could not only shorten the recovery time for those infected, but even offer short-term immunity from the virus, researchers say.
Sunney Xie, director of the university’s Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Genomics, told AFP that the drug has been successful at the animal testing stage.

“When we injected neutralising antibodies into infected mice, after five days, the viral load was reduced by a factor of 2,500,” said Xie.
“That means this potential drug has (a) therapeutic effect.”
The drug uses neutralising antibodies – produced by the human immune system to prevent the virus infecting cells – which Xie’s team isolated from the blood of 60 recovered patients.
A study on the team’s research, published Sunday in the scientific journal, Cell, suggests that using the antibodies provides a potential “cure” for the disease and shortens recovery time.
Xie said his team had been working “day and night” searching for the antibody.

“Our expertise is single-cell genomics rather than immunology or virology. When we realised that the single-cell genomic approach can effectively find the neutralising antibody we were thrilled.”
He said he hopes that the drug will be ready for use later this year and in time for any potential winter outbreak of the virus, which has infected 4.8 million people around the world and killed more than 315,000.

“Planning for the clinical trial is underway,” said Xie, adding it will be carried out in Australia and other countries since cases have dwindled in China, offering fewer human guinea pigs for testing.
“The hope is these neutralising antibodies can become a specialised drug that would stop the pandemic,” he said.
China already has five potential coronavirus vaccines at the human trial stage, a health official said last week.
But, the World Health Organisation has warned that developing a vaccine could take 12 to 18 months.

Scientists have also pointed to the potential benefits of plasma – a blood fluid – from recovered individuals who have developed antibodies to the virus enabling the body’s defences to attack it.
More than 700 patients have received plasma therapy in China, a process which authorities said showed “very good therapeutic effects”.
“However, it (plasma) is limited in supply,” Xie said, noting that the 14 neutralising antibodies used in their drug could be put into mass production quickly.

Using antibodies in drug treatments is not a new approach, and it has been successful in treating several other viruses such as HIV, Ebola and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).
Xie said his researchers had “an early start” since the outbreak started in China before spreading to other countries.
Ebola drug Remdesivir was considered a hopeful early treatment for COVID-19 – clinical trials in the US showed it shortened the recovery time in some patients by a third – but the difference in mortality rate was not significant.

The new drug could even offer short-term protection against the virus.
The study showed that, if the neutralising antibody was injected before the mice were infected with the virus, the mice stayed free of infection and no virus was detected.

This may offer temporary protection for medical workers for a few weeks, which Xie said they are hoping to “extend to a few months”.
More than 100 vaccines for COVID-19 are in the works globally, but as the process of vaccine development is more demanding, Xie is hoping that the new drug could be a faster and more efficient way to stop the global march of the coronavirus.

“We would be able to stop the pandemic with an effective drug, even without a vaccine,” he said.


2021-03-03 23:57 | Report Abuse

Watch the following about the stop of price drop in glove counters:


2021-03-03 23:50 | Report Abuse

Watch the following to get some idea about the bottom of price drop:


2021-03-03 10:45 | Report Abuse

Whether the price is at bottom or not the market would tell u, it's not determined by the company financial results.


2021-03-03 10:31 | Report Abuse

It's just the minor technical rebound after the deep drop. It's volatile at current level due to some short term speculation. After that it might drop again. Be aware of the trap.


2021-03-02 23:21 | Report Abuse

Even though the pandemic can't be ended soon might take some more time to end but it most probably be under control by vaccines up to certain extent allowing worldwide economy to recover. Later there might be new drugs developed to cure the covid virus without using vaccines like what China scientists have discovered and put in trial stage now. If China scientists really can discover and develop a drug to cure covid virus no need vaccines, USA and Europe scientists might be able to do that also. With this new drugs development in progress to cure covid virus, we might not need to use vaccines later.

China Develops New Drug That Cures Coronavirus Faster Without Vaccine


2021-03-02 22:52 | Report Abuse

If have rebound only the minor and temporary one won't go up much and won't be long because the price already deeply dropped would have high selling pressure from many trapped ones to sell release plus local and forreign funds continue selling. furthmore weak buying force because many investors' money already trapped and tied with it lack of money to top up and less new buyers for market trend and market sentiment not with glove counters now, even have some buyers they would just wait for lower price to buy won't chase high to buy. At this moment no big players and no funds do speculation to push up its price. How can it have big rebound in this kind of situation?


2021-03-02 17:23 | Report Abuse

As I said already since from $8 plus end of last year drop to now almost $4, the move u buy the more be trapped. As I said already gloves stock up and bull due to pandemic arise would also be down and bear due to pandemic under control or over. It's reality now.


2021-03-02 16:45 | Report Abuse

Now someone said $5.50 is expensive but last time said $6, $7, $8 all very cheap undervalued. That's much difference in view about supermx just within few weeks time.


2021-03-02 15:53 | Report Abuse

Supermx would create history in Malaysia as the only one counter with shortest life span about 6 months included in klse index composite. It to be kicked out in next review.


2021-03-02 15:37 | Report Abuse

With large trading volume and price down no significant rebound, it seems will break $4 be further down, now not the bottom yet. When u see small trading volume and price standing no more dropping that may be its bottom.


2021-03-02 10:20 | Report Abuse

No big players and no funds do speculation to push up, with strong selling pressure and weak buying force, how can it rebound and go up significantly?


2021-03-02 10:16 | Report Abuse

No obvious rebound, only the hidden rebounds in between during its drop. Price would continue to the south.


2021-03-02 09:42 | Report Abuse

Going to break $4 towards $3 plus soon. Prepare for lower again.


2021-03-02 09:30 | Report Abuse

It would be cheaper and cheaper until u don't believe.


2021-03-02 09:03 | Report Abuse

Talking so much about the high demand for gloves but the glove stocks price become lower and lower.


2021-03-02 08:54 | Report Abuse

Even the pandemic not yet end still exist , the glove stocks golden time would end no more shining.


2021-03-02 08:34 | Report Abuse

With drugs discovered to cure covid virus no need vaccines later that would definitely lead to the drop of demand for gloves. Then, what would happen on all the glove companies and glove counters?


2021-03-02 08:30 | Report Abuse

China Develops New Drug That Cures Coronavirus Faster Without Vaccine

A NEW drug is being tested by scientists at China’s Peking University
A Chinese laboratory has been developing a drug it believes has the power to bring the coronavirus pandemic to a halt.
The outbreak first emerged in China late last year before spreading across the world, prompting an international race to find treatments and vaccines.

A drug being tested by scientists at China’s prestigious Peking University could not only shorten the recovery time for those infected, but even offer short-term immunity from the virus, researchers say.
Sunney Xie, director of the university’s Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Genomics, told AFP that the drug has been successful at the animal testing stage.

“When we injected neutralising antibodies into infected mice, after five days, the viral load was reduced by a factor of 2,500,” said Xie.
“That means this potential drug has (a) therapeutic effect.”
The drug uses neutralising antibodies – produced by the human immune system to prevent the virus infecting cells – which Xie’s team isolated from the blood of 60 recovered patients.
A study on the team’s research, published Sunday in the scientific journal, Cell, suggests that using the antibodies provides a potential “cure” for the disease and shortens recovery time.
Xie said his team had been working “day and night” searching for the antibody.

“Our expertise is single-cell genomics rather than immunology or virology. When we realised that the single-cell genomic approach can effectively find the neutralising antibody we were thrilled.”
He said he hopes that the drug will be ready for use later this year and in time for any potential winter outbreak of the virus, which has infected 4.8 million people around the world and killed more than 315,000.

“Planning for the clinical trial is underway,” said Xie, adding it will be carried out in Australia and other countries since cases have dwindled in China, offering fewer human guinea pigs for testing.
“The hope is these neutralising antibodies can become a specialised drug that would stop the pandemic,” he said.
China already has five potential coronavirus vaccines at the human trial stage, a health official said last week.
But, the World Health Organisation has warned that developing a vaccine could take 12 to 18 months.

Scientists have also pointed to the potential benefits of plasma – a blood fluid – from recovered individuals who have developed antibodies to the virus enabling the body’s defences to attack it.
More than 700 patients have received plasma therapy in China, a process which authorities said showed “very good therapeutic effects”.
“However, it (plasma) is limited in supply,” Xie said, noting that the 14 neutralising antibodies used in their drug could be put into mass production quickly.

Using antibodies in drug treatments is not a new approach, and it has been successful in treating several other viruses such as HIV, Ebola and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).
Xie said his researchers had “an early start” since the outbreak started in China before spreading to other countries.
Ebola drug Remdesivir was considered a hopeful early treatment for COVID-19 – clinical trials in the US showed it shortened the recovery time in some patients by a third – but the difference in mortality rate was not significant.

The new drug could even offer short-term protection against the virus.
The study showed that, if the neutralising antibody was injected before the mice were infected with the virus, the mice stayed free of infection and no virus was detected.

This may offer temporary protection for medical workers for a few weeks, which Xie said they are hoping to “extend to a few months”.
More than 100 vaccines for COVID-19 are in the works globally, but as the process of vaccine development is more demanding, Xie is hoping that the new drug could be a faster and more efficient way to stop the global march of the coronavirus.

“We would be able to stop the pandemic with an effective drug, even without a vaccine,” he said.


2021-03-01 23:54 | Report Abuse

Investing in glove counters must realize that all the good fundamentals of glove companies are now at the peak during pandemic. All these are expected to come down from its peak post-pandemic only don't know how low it would come down, may be down to a moderate level that slightly higher than pre-pandemic level. Let time to present it.


2021-03-01 23:37 | Report Abuse

Nothing is forever at the peak and high level. After the peak must come down. Glove demand is definitely at the peak now during pandemic then definitely one day later after the pandemic under control or over it would drop from its peak back to lower level for normalization. This is the simple principle that I think everyone would understand.


2021-03-01 22:25 | Report Abuse

Since topglove price now is about 50 cents higher than supermx price, if topglove can drop to its bottom let say $3.50 as JP Morgan estimated then supermx price might drop to its bottom around $3 that may be $2.50 to $3 which is little higher than pre-pandemic level. This might be the immediate bottom level at this moment but when time pass on to show its super profit decline and gloves demand drop that might cause its bottom price even lower.


2021-03-01 21:51 | Report Abuse

Nobody knows where its bottom is but it might be near to bottom when WHO's announcement caused the deep drop again.