
goodluck999 | Joined since 2016-02-21

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2017-10-04 15:32 | Report Abuse

shark.. which day of OCT will jack ma come ?


2017-10-04 14:46 | Report Abuse

e wallet is yet to be finalized ..they will make it done for sure.


2017-10-04 14:43 | Report Abuse

i believe i have deeper understanding in XOX compared to you.. XOX already have all the allotted shares subscribed by macquarie at least half year will not issue new shares anymore.


2017-10-04 14:31 | Report Abuse

prince4, since you claimed that you know so much things.. kindly share more here regarding netx and xox.. i believe these are related as well.


2017-10-04 11:24 | Report Abuse

buy some at 0.05 ..worth to buy .


2017-10-03 16:11 | Report Abuse

honestly speaking.. i dont wish to talk much here regarding my plan.. i will tell whenever i bought in..i have few batches to cover the downside..


2017-10-03 16:08 | Report Abuse

if you have read my comments on mrcb few weeks ago ..just after confirmation of RI price..i already mentioned ,if possible ..sell first.. buy later..for me.. now is still not the time to buy in if you dont have shares in MRCB.....however.. if you are the existing one.. keep the mother....sell the OR if you cant fork out the money to subscribe..


2017-10-03 16:00 | Report Abuse

is true,nickhong .. we need to create our own protection range.


2017-10-03 15:56 | Report Abuse

even if hiaptek come down to 0.33..0.30..i will still keep buying follow my own planning.. as i mentioned.. i already planned to buy it batch by batch.. provided it willing to come down to my price..


2017-10-03 15:54 | Report Abuse

mr professor.. your comments related to me are misleading.. i didnt mention i have information saying it will be 0.50... IT IS PURELY MY OWN CONFIDENCE LEVEL and ability to foresee based on its latest quarterly report.. if you dont understand.. better go and read before you speak..

prove me wrong if i have mentioned that i have insider information???? as i mentioned.. i no need tips.. i have my own way to analyze ..i dont follow the crowd, that is why i can be successful and always pick right counter to invest ,no matter is short or even mid long term..i have many penny counters in hand which already holding more than half year while i already profited lctitan and ssteel at nearly the recent high price..


2017-10-03 09:44 | Report Abuse

i can see there are alot of newcomers here..who cant really see its real picture..hahaha


2017-10-02 10:27 | Report Abuse

adcool..not completely TA.. i have my reasons..this counter you no need to put too much efforts in FA is inevitably strong..


2017-10-02 10:06 | Report Abuse

keep track of my comments here then you will know when a buy call is given.


2017-10-02 09:29 | Report Abuse

depends.. i will only buy when the price is attractive enough.. i never say dont buy MRCB.. but ..i will buy when the pricing factor is positive to me..


2017-10-02 09:15 | Report Abuse

so dont try to get into it so hurry.. just wait a little longer


2017-10-02 09:09 | Report Abuse

i already mentioned earlier..shouldnt MRCB before that..must be patient enough


2017-10-01 11:38 | Report Abuse

those who not yet in and still stay sidelines..and keep worrying the uncertainties. then you may just ignore it and choose other counters to invest... while those already advice.. keep it and be patient.. before end of this year ..surpassing 0.50..very easily..


2017-09-29 16:56 | Report Abuse

akumaukaya.. we shall huat together. because we all also mau kaya


2017-09-29 16:55 | Report Abuse

tips?? buying shares depending on tips from someone else will hardly make you earn big bucks .. you need to depend on your own eventually..


2017-09-29 16:45 | Report Abuse

有些东西我没义务讲出来。i have my own reason to be so optimistic on hiaptek.. i dont waste my precious time to ''blow water'' ..我会一直反驳你,是因为你一直跟这么多人对着干,不想你的无知硬生生害更多乱丢票,还是亏着流血卖。


2017-09-29 16:21 | Report Abuse

if you dont have the shares or dont even have the intention to own the shares,why keep doing annoying stuffs over and over again ,"professor" ?? i wonder why...hmm..maybe you are the escapee from tanjung rambutan? who knows...or else ..why you are here?? 还是你自视过高,认为你能用这种方式让它跌?哈哈,你应该还没睡醒我觉得。。


2017-09-29 16:15 | Report Abuse

simple.. those Mau Kaya.. follow me .. those tak Mau.. follow this "professor"


2017-09-29 15:37 | Report Abuse

when price moving upward again.. this 'professor' will come out again and do the same thing.. to scare off you guys.. be aware.. those who have faiths in hiaptek.. shall keep holding it.. 0.50 on the way..


2017-09-29 14:47 | Report Abuse

this professor doesnt know me well.. he doesnt even know my previous trading record..when i say something..i hardly get it wrong.. just wait and see will do.. no worries like i said..


2017-09-29 14:22 | Report Abuse

i will not easily cheated by underdog of syndicate.. i am not normal weak holder..hahaha


2017-09-29 14:03 | Report Abuse

no worries. henry.. as i mentioned.. surpassing 0.50 is very easy.. i will only start to make the selling decision whenever the price is above that.. if go lower.. i can still cover more batches of shares..


2017-09-29 13:21 | Report Abuse

heng, yes, yours is right.. ultimate goal is to earn profit from shares bought in.


2017-09-29 12:55 | Report Abuse

yes, of course i stick to the facts.. that is the reason why i am here today and collected it in the morning..


2017-09-29 12:39 | Report Abuse

of course i can enjoy my lunch la, earning a quick 1 cent contra profit provided i willing to sell it now.hahaha


2017-09-29 12:36 | Report Abuse

then shame on you for being targeted by me just now.. again..人不犯我,我绝不犯人;人敢犯我,10倍奉还也绝不手软


2017-09-29 12:28 | Report Abuse

professor.. your last few sentences above ,are obviously offensive.. you intentionally target me and use such offensive statements.. why i do need to tolerate with you because of this?

"Why now only come out and talk shit??
If you only hold peanut shareholding, don't come and talk nuts with professor!
It only make you looks like a nut dumbass, just like siput shithand and siput sean”


2017-09-29 12:25 | Report Abuse

good then, solaris80.. lets wait for it patiently ..this is not a bad company as majority of them think actually..the significant changes in leoting statement may be due to the new info obtained recently.. i bought in this morning is mainly because of yesterday report.. and today huge gap down of 7 cents.. buying it today is a good entry.


2017-09-29 12:18 | Report Abuse

goodluck999:"your comments are correct before 29/9/17...but ..i need to tell you .. if you dont change yours after this.. yours will be wrong from today onwards.. trust me''。。anyone who think i am rude because of this ?? think again..

and compare to this...then you will know wat is the difference.

“Aiyoohhh!! Scare die professor loh! Hahahaha
Very soli loh!! If you want to act like to know everything, why not before 29/9 come out and say professor is correct??
Why now only come out and talk shit??
Let professor ask you now!
How do you know today is the lowest already? How sure are you it won't go lower? You know where is the bottom already??
If you only hold peanut shareholding, don't come and talk nuts with professor!
It only make you looks like a nut dumbass, just like siput shithand and siput sean”


2017-09-29 12:08 | Report Abuse

"always talk very politely".. if you are.. do you think i need to talk to you in this manner?人不犯我,我不犯人


2017-09-29 11:55 | Report Abuse

superpanda comments are inevitably good ..he got the key.. you need patience to earn fruitful return..lets see.. no point for me to keep talking like i am the almighty here.. you will understand my words eventually ..


2017-09-29 11:49 | Report Abuse

solaris80, if you dont understand why.. my advice.. dont touch this counter will be a wiser decision for you.. or else .. you can go and read the newly released quarterly report yesterday..and make sure you understand it ..


2017-09-29 11:47 | Report Abuse

jupiterang, OTB is potentially a liar .. you better be aware of his buy/sell calls..


2017-09-29 11:39 | Report Abuse

buying within the range of 0.35-0.36 is definitely a safe zone for worries.


2017-09-29 11:31 | Report Abuse

let me enlighten you.. ,professor (as per your name, but it doesnt mean i agree with your title).. i dare to talk to you here.. 5072 hiaptek will surpass 0.50 vrry easily ..and i no need to tell you the reason here so frankly.. you knw i knw..lets wait and see.. hahahaa.. if you dare to press it down to 0.33..or even 0.3 .. come then.. no worries.. i have few more batches to take ..PROVIDED YOU HAVE THE CAPABILITIES TO DO SO...hahaha.. wat a joke..


2017-09-29 11:25 | Report Abuse

you know i point talking bad to lure weak holders for selling you the tickets blindly.. this method is not workable to a strong holder like me..hahahaha


2017-09-29 11:24 | Report Abuse

hahahah.. each batch buying 50 lots for me is still long as i buy within my mean.i am ok.. if you want to talk like a problem ..go ahead..


2017-09-29 11:16 | Report Abuse

lets see ..calvin..i will only buy in when the price is attractive enough.but definitely not worries..


2017-09-29 11:14 | Report Abuse

hmm.. not bad.henry.. you managed to get it at 0.345.. good job indeed.. and again.. this is not a counter for contra.. of course you stand a chance for earning contra profit.. but earning tiny contra profit is not my cup of tea...


2017-09-29 11:11 | Report Abuse

i only buy in whenever the price looks attractive .. think before you speak.. why jealous if you cant buy ? or you quietly bought in before 29.9.2017 and now suffering instant contra losses??.. obviously you dont knw the timing of entry.. declare yourself as a professor??? hahaha..


2017-09-29 11:08 | Report Abuse

i only appear now and start buying is because i knw wat i am doing ..dont act cool in front of me.. professor..if you think this is a bad counter.. is there any reason for you to stay here?? think again no need to answer my question.. think again your reasonableness


2017-09-29 11:05 | Report Abuse

lets see..of course nobody will know whether this is the lowest.. but based on my own principle of investing .. buying at RELATIVELY LOWER PRICE should be ok..i will keep buying whenever it keep moving down as i mentioned earlier.... your definition of peanut ?? for me ....whenever i said BUY SOME means AT LEAST 50 lots for penny..


2017-09-29 10:13 | Report Abuse

as i mentioned.. again i dont buy at current price (above 1.00)... you will see ..


2017-09-29 10:13 | Report Abuse

no..even today up so much.. still not my cup of tea for now.. it is up to you guys to decide..


2017-09-29 10:12 | Report Abuse

your comments are correct before 29/9/17...but ..i need to tell you .. if you dont change yours after this.. yours will be wrong from today onwards.. trust me..