
herbert456 | Joined since 2012-08-04

Investing Experience Beginner
Risk Profile High

I see myself as a small fish... always fall prey to BIG sharks in the share market. Sigh!!





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2012-09-25 12:04 | Report Abuse

I think by the time this forum finishes debating who is right or wrong, the price is probably trading at 2.90 ......


2012-09-25 11:49 | Report Abuse

Yeah right.... those who picked up at 2.86 just now can make a 2 sen profits in 15mins.... Isn't AA just a great counter to watch....


2012-09-25 08:14 | Report Abuse

The punters are really getting the share price down, sigh!!! ..... BUT the company has so much cash now that it keeps on Buyback its shares ..... The next thing you know, it will declare a bonus issue of share dividend, and whoa!! the share price rally like mad in Feb 2011 ..... It is possible that this will happen, seeing that the Company is very aggressive in buying back its shares now..... Keep on watching!!!


2012-09-25 08:06 | Report Abuse

Good advice ..... keep on sharing !!


2012-09-24 14:44 | Report Abuse

Buy more....


2012-09-24 08:07 | Report Abuse

It should be a BUY..... with so much cash raised from IGBREIT, they can do wonders in the market.... Unless you think holding cash now is not a good idea....


2012-09-23 21:07 | Report Abuse

In layman's term, IGB raised some extra cash from the floatation of their assets via IGBREIT. So, it is a good move and strategically, they are still the controlling shareholders holding 51% of IGBREIT.

However, most investors don't like these kind of strategies because they think that their interests get diluted. BUT, that is how business can grow and keep on growing.

Just like asking oneself, if you hold 10 different properties and you think you are rich because you have 10 assets. But at times of trouble, you probably want to dispose of some of these properties, and hold some cash in case of emergency and buy something more valuable. Thus, IGB is doing exactly that, and investors alike should support this move, which most of us would probably end up doing, just that we do it in smaller scale.

Well, now that IGB is trading at its net asset value, it's time for investor to take a look at this counter.... :))


2012-09-23 20:45 | Report Abuse

I am not so optimistic. If the intention to eliminate the manipulation by market makers is truly so, then the SC mandate should have been to stop all the market makers from trading in these principal shares, of which their call warrants are linked. However, the current rules only change the method of calculation of the closing price, and not to prevent the market makers from trading in the market.

Likewise, the volume of DRBHICOM is not in absolute one-way trading. There are those who trade contra on daily basis, and that's how the volume picks up as and when some small punters panic, they would also start selling. In fact, selling pressure is much easier to sustain than buying momentum. Those few millions shares a day, are merely peanuts in the jar.

Furthermore, the market makers are also allowed to trade in their own call warrants. Presumably, the call warrants are in the money, very likely the market makers will start to buy back their warrants, and creating the impression of strength. So, small punters will end up buying higher than the net worth.

So, let's cross our fingers that we can squeeze some profits out of these call warrants. Otherwise, in the longer run, we will probably end up no more buyer in the market playing warrants and the whole market will be so mundane..... sigh!!


2012-09-23 09:41 | Report Abuse

Dark?? Bald?? Handsome?? ...... Hmmm, these descriptions don't fit Warren Buffet at all! ... Hahahahha!! :))

News & Blogs

2012-09-23 09:33 | Report Abuse

Attended a few roadshows by analysts and investment bankers, and even CITIBANK is down rating Malaysia to UNDERPERFORM..... So, how not to be under selling pressure??

The only hope is probably the BUDGET 2013 goodies..... If the candies are sweeter than last year, we will probably get sugar high by year end. Otherwise, HoHoHo!!!


2012-09-23 09:28 | Report Abuse


Looking at the VOLUME last friday, I think the BUYING is already ON...... Meaning new punters have started to pick up this counter for later push higher....

If you analyse the morning trade last Friday, the punters were pushing it higher but not sustainable...... So, probably the same punters tried another strategy that was sell higher and buy back lower...... And that happened in the afternoon trade. So, by looking at the behaviour, I think the same punters will TRY to push it higher again in near future..... If that happens, you will be SMILING dy.... LOL :))

Good day!!


2012-09-23 09:22 | Report Abuse

Good points. Just want to share some thoughts with u.

On Monday, I believe the opening price for DRBHICOM will be adjusted to RM2.35 as this is the Ex-dividend pricing after taking into consideration the Friday closing cum entitlement. Thus, possibly creating a mirage of a price drop. Thus, an opportunity to trade on such warrants. If we go back to the past one week of trade for CJ, the highest rally was last Friday before Malaysia Day holiday, and it closed at 10sen. The mother share closed at RM2.54 that Friday, which is an arbitrage of 1 sen upside difference in CJ pricing versus mother shares. Subsequently, the following 4 trading days, CJ were traded down to close at 8.5sen (and still very much higher than the mother shares arbitrage), just the recent Friday close.

So, we could see here that the behaviour of CJ punters were disassociated with the mother share pricing. On the other hand, the pricing for CN stayed the same at 3.5sen and 4sen.

Now, this is the interesting part. Why these CJ and CN closed pricing are so important, in my view?? Firstly, the punters who are playing CJ and CN now, are just like you and me. Possibly some very RICH and grouping of a few high rollers. These pricing are indicative of their ENTRY points, and if they are to EXIT, it must be higher than these pricing.

The rationale is, if the pricing for CJ goes higher than 10 or 10.5sen on Monday, it indicates the EXIT of those who entered on that rally day. Likewise, if CN trades higher than 4.5sen, it also is an EXIT indication.

Thus, I agree with you that if CJ goes down to 6.5 on Monday, it is a good BUY, because if these existing punters are willing to let go at 6.5, using the arbitrage of the past week, they are not likely to recover the loss and likely to suffer higher loss than playing contra. So, it will be a hard bet, but if it does, I am ON buddy!!

I agree that manipulation in pricing of mother shares is not easy, but it has happened again and again. IF we go back by recent past, when CG, CF, CH expiring, same pushing down occurred. Sigh!! Those who played CH then would know.... sighhhhh!!!!!


2012-09-22 18:59 | Report Abuse

Agree with your premium analysis. BUT, and it is still the biggest BUT of all..... In the past 2 months, the highest traded volume were only CJ and CN. Call warrants would not earn you profits if you just still on it and HOPE for the price to move. My experience somewhat taught me not to TOUCH warrants that lack volume even if the price is attractive, because it will not move even if we try..... Because it is the investment bankers that created the warrants, and likely to be holding the biggest chunk. They would let go when the volume picks up. Otherwise, they rather let it lapse and lose their administrative costs.

Now, let's analyse CR and CN. Both are issued by the same investment banker ie. CIMB Bank. So, questions to ponder why CN is at RM3 exercise price and CR at RM2.5?? And why CIMB issued new call warrants, when their existing ones have yet to expire??.... Simple theory.... CIMB is doing what we call AVERAGING of their risks. They are set to sell their call warrants as High price as they could, and if they can't they will wait if time permits. They will only lose money when their call warrants are in the money. So, they are likely to sell and hopefully punters would buy and trade.

So, it is obvious that CR is now TOO new for traders to actually gauge what the trend of their warrants would be like. Chances are those who had recently entered CN would hold on to it as they have picked up at the lowest price of 3 sen or 3.5 sen and probably made some rounds by selling into 4 sen or 4.5 sen. After all, if they lose, the quantum is smaller compared to CR (pricing). Thus, the support is strong for CN for the time being.

CR is still queuing as though the "market maker" i.e. CIMB is still trying to sell off their units. So, most punters would think maybe they would wait for a little longer before they enter CR. If that's what everyone else is thinking, then there is no point parking your cash in CR, whereas you can trade CN on daily basis, knowing that pricing is of no relevance for now. IT is the VOLUME that matters when it comes to call warrants.

As for CJ, the punters were too smart and somewhat very aggressive for the past 2 months. If you have been observing CJ, you would realise that it had been almost the same big contra players in the market selling in the morning and buying back in the afternoon to make contra profits. However, I realise that the same contra players have been overselling recently, to the point they had to buy back either the same price or probably higher. So, given the same scenario, go with the volume. I am not saying CJ will not move higher on Monday, but if it does, I suggest better not touch it until it comes down; because we know who these punters are..... :))

Good luck in trading buddies!!!


2012-09-22 18:26 | Report Abuse

EPF is not a charity organisation. It sets out to make as much profits as possibly can for its members. There are also counters that EPF net disposed during this time, BUT AIr Asia counter continues to see EPF buying into this counter. That speaks volume of what it expects to see in the near future as EPF trading is very fast and furious....

News & Blogs

2012-09-22 18:17 | Report Abuse

There are a few comments and observations to share:-

1. IGB Corp will end up holding only 51% of IGB REIT after its floatation. Thus, most shareholders would think that they may be better off to dispose some holding in IGB and start some positions in IGB REIT instead. After all, the REIT fever is ON given the dismal overall share market, as REIT is more promising given their mandate to distribute dividends from rental income. Thus, the possible trend of some punters disposing IGB and start buying IGB REITs.

2. Please do not be fooled by the drop of 4 sen when the trading on Friday should have been higher given the positive news flow out of IGB. If you notice the volume of over 4mil on Friday alone, which is almost 4 times the average shares traded for the past one month. Also, earlier in the morning some punters tried pushing it higher but later succumbed to selling pressure. But, it wasn't panic selling. So, that shows some contra play by punters. In other words, the drop is just a shock and awe tactic to get IGB shares at lower pricing before pushing it higher.

Nevertheless, I m still in favour of IGB in the longer run. Start to pick up some warrants to gain exposure to this IGB long term play.


2012-09-22 17:52 | Report Abuse

Sold all my CJ yesterday and switched to CN. Will fish for some CJ if it drops drastically on Monday. The value for CJ on Monday should be 6.25 sen, given that the mother share closed at RM2.39 (i.e. Monday ex-div price = RM2.39 - RM0.04 dividend adjustment). Thus CJ should be trading at (RM2.35 - RM2.10 ) / 4 = RM0.25/4 = RM0.0625.


2012-09-21 15:49 | Report Abuse

In fact, not only EPF is supporting AirAsia, even Wellington is supporting this counter.

That shows the potentials of AA to go higher in near future.

All in all, AA still exhibits strong potentials for future earnings growth, as well as stability of investment as compared to other aviation counters. So, that explains why AA still attracts investors at times of uncertainties.


2012-09-21 07:57 | Report Abuse

So, that's how we play warrants, sell when it is high, and buy back when it is down..... I suppose today will be rather active, coz the AGM over yesterday, dividend entitlement going ex- on Monday, and few news came out last nite......

Keeping an eye on this counter.....


2012-09-20 17:57 | Report Abuse

Maybe this news would give DRBHICOM a small rally for its dividend tomorrow....



2012-09-20 17:55 | Report Abuse

I think tomorrow will be a mixed trading day, coz it will be the last day for dividend entitlement. So, prices will be higher than usual. .... Maybe can consider buying on Monday, when it goes ex-dividend.

Today, I traded some CJ at 9 and bought at 8.5.... small contra gains... I also sold some CN at 4 and bought at 3.5.... small contra gains..

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2012-09-20 08:40 | Report Abuse

Congrats!!! to Bursa Malaysia...


2012-09-19 16:06 | Report Abuse

In fact, let me correct that statement ----- Because it was contra, I actually didn't use any cash at all to earn the RM500. Probably, I m too naive to think of it that way, but it was a contra gain. So, no need to fork out money as yet.


2012-09-19 16:04 | Report Abuse

Bro ---- 100k lots ----- Yes, my capital was RM9k and I made RM500 for a turnaround of one day....


2012-09-19 15:51 | Report Abuse

I bought 100k at 9sen yesterday , and sold at 9.5 today ..... But, u got to be careful as tomorrow is T+3 for those who bought on friday rally....


2012-09-19 14:41 | Report Abuse

I have some q at 10 and 11 to sell, but those I sold at 9.5, I then q at 9 to buy back. If I can't get it back, that's fine. Because, also need to consider tomorrow and friday for the key deadlines..


2012-09-19 14:39 | Report Abuse

Well, u already in the money.... I picked up CJ at 9 yesterday and sold at 9.5 today....


2012-09-19 14:02 | Report Abuse

It should....


2012-09-19 12:07 | Report Abuse

Strong buy at 2.49 this morning ..... possibly a rally in the making!!!


2012-09-15 15:23 | Report Abuse

Captros ...... BEWARE!!!! it is very tempting to buy CJ on Tuesday when the market reopens. BUT, beware that those who are holding CJ (from the active Friday trades, could be thinking OTHERWISE). Reason being, once they have the units on hand, they r only going to pay on T+3. As such, they can also play contra by SELLING on T+1 and T+2, as well as T+3; and BUY back lower on the same day. The strategy they deploy will be SELL and shock the market first, and then buy back the same day to make contra profits. That way, they probably do not have to pay anything when T+3 comes.

Did u notice that the price of CJ now does not match with the mother shares, i.e. given the mother shares closed at 2.54, the corresponding price for CJ should be 11sen (i.e. [RM2.54 - RM2.1] / 4 = 11 sen). So, when the market reopens, CJ will go UP in the morning, but it will FALL again when the mother shares dip. Next week will be a shorter week given the Monday break, and that Friday is the last day of dividend entitlement. So, a lot of possibilities given that T+3 from Friday rally is Thursday.

So, if u buy too high on Tuesday, be careful of these few key dates being Thurday and Friday deadlines. Btw, warrants can given u quick returns, but also can take away your capital very fast.....

As for AirAsia warrants, I m holding CT. This is very risky given its shorter expiry n higher exercise price. BUT it was the highest traded warrant for AA. So, I m keeping to see if the next few weeks rebounce of AA can give this one a booster....

Anyway, good luck in trading!!


2012-09-15 12:35 | Report Abuse

captros.... I think between CJ and CM, better to keep CJ for the next few weeks. Reason being, it is the most ACTIVE with high volume on daily trading. And to play call warrants, you need to go for the one with VOLUME. That way, you can make profits by "in-and-out" as frequent as u possibly can.

If you have been monitoring CJ for the past few trading days, u probably noticed that CJ hit its bottom at 7 sen on Tuesday and then, moved up to 10 sen yesterday. It's obvious that those who tried to push it further down, once it couldn't be done (because no more quantity to sell); u would notice that the punters would have to buy back.

Thus, yesterday when the mother shares moved, the CJ movement was very active.
As such, I would still keep my CJ for now. But every opportunity to make profits (i.e. contra play), simply just take it!!!

Good Luck!!


2012-09-14 21:30 | Report Abuse

Bought CJ at 7.5sen yesterday. Today sold at 10sen..... Made a few contra rounds between 8.5 and 9.5..... All in all, CJ is still a good warrant to play given its volume and low strike price....


2012-09-14 14:48 | Report Abuse

going up to 2.47 now..... GOGOGGOGOGOGOGO


2012-09-14 14:07 | Report Abuse

Thank GOD, I am not.... can u imagine yourself being like him?? LOL

News & Blogs

2012-09-14 14:06 | Report Abuse

Never say never...... I thought just yesterday, someone said AA will be a FALLLLLLLING Knife..... But today, it is a FLYYYYYYYING Jet.....


2012-09-14 14:04 | Report Abuse

But Warren Buffet once said ------ "Greed is GOOD."


2012-09-14 13:43 | Report Abuse

The spread had easily given them huge contra profits with such volume play.... How we envy these players!!!


2012-09-14 13:42 | Report Abuse

But, they could have SOLD and BOUGHT it back in the same trading day..... That in the past two days, the pattern had been as such...


2012-09-14 13:40 | Report Abuse

The morning session suggests something very unusual of the counter.... Some small minority is pushing up the price, almost effortlessly coz the one-way direction of price going UP, is unlikely to be multiple players in the market.


2012-09-14 13:35 | Report Abuse

But this is only the first day of the rally after US announced the QE (which means lots of hot money flushing the market in the few weeks to come)..... So, that means the rally will be on-going at least for a while, right??

If so, the price is already trading at 3.11..... Very likely it can shoot higher, right??

News & Blogs

2012-09-14 13:34 | Report Abuse

But this is only the first day of the rally after US announced the QE (which means lots of hot money flushing the market in the few weeks to come)..... So, that means the rally will be on-going at least for a while, right??

If so, the price is already trading at 3.11..... Very likely it can shoot higher, right??

News & Blogs

2012-09-14 07:45 | Report Abuse

It is moving already if u haven't noticed. Sometimes, it is not in the price, but the VOLUME.

Please check out the volume yesterday n the day before. The pattern seems to suggest that EPF is now buying back before the dividend goes Ex-.

The mentality of EPF is somewhat evolved around a dividend payout stock, and they r likely to buy back what they sold off, to be entitled for dividend. That's their game plan. Likewise, the past two days were not suitable for CJ contra. Maybe today would be a better day after the high rise in Dow Jones.

Actually, 2 months are considered very long for call warrants play given the high volume, and high volitility. It's how u strategise to make $$$.

Let's watch for the morning session to get a glimpse of what's coming.....


2012-09-13 15:25 | Report Abuse

But some parties may not agree..... see the movement of the share price now.... Up Up Up!!!


2012-09-13 14:29 | Report Abuse

Why?? If u can buy now and knowing it will go up, shouldn't that be good?? Why must u want the price to drop dirt cheap?? Besides, it's still dividend entitlement next week, unlikely it will fall that drastically.


2012-09-13 10:56 | Report Abuse

Likely to break RM2.45 today....


2012-09-13 10:12 | Report Abuse

From 2.37 now up to 2.40......


2012-09-13 10:12 | Report Abuse

Price starts moving higher


2012-09-13 08:17 | Report Abuse

I see... well, good luck!! hope EPF not getting in your way..... coz they r the big punter on this counter.... :))


2012-09-13 08:16 | Report Abuse

That's why the market is still attractive to punters.... The "HOPE" for a chance to make decent money, and it doesn't matter whether it make sense at all, coz some go for the thrill..... :)