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2019-03-19 23:26 | Report Abuse
I hope the Board reads this forum
2019-03-19 23:25 | Report Abuse
This Co only serves own relations who are CEO, ED etc thus the various directors' fees paid. Loss making co for so many yrs still pays out fees to directors, utterly nonsense!!!
If they continue the same way they managed f0r the past donkey yrs, and not getting a capable md, what do u expect for 2019 results?
I bet it will still be in the red again?
2019-03-04 11:25 | Report Abuse
Quiet and lacklustre stock for many yrs now. It was cheap some yrs ago and I decided to write in for a copy of complimentary Annual Report. The Sec called later if I was sort of investor to take a stake in Cheetah. Todate performance is disappointing
2019-03-01 10:49 | Report Abuse
Agree with Junqi. It happened a few times in the past 2 yrs. just recently it went down to 95sen and now the same cindy kate is conspiring. It an advantage to be big
2019-02-08 17:33 | Report Abuse
Rebound is it bcos of the immediate outlook is fairly good and the upcoming qtr results shows a stable earning.....?
2019-01-10 09:18 | Report Abuse
AA is to Brent oil price, Bursa is to Wall St. It's a seesaw ride.
2018-10-17 11:43 | Report Abuse
Wow o.485!!! Sympathise with you.
By the way gentlemen what is yr take 'tis time. Do u think the offerors r going to succeed? Pls give an honest feedback.
2018-10-01 14:25 | Report Abuse
Not today; when is the hard day, maybe in Dec?
2018-09-26 23:12 | Report Abuse
It might go below 3, over nx few days b4 it goes up bcos of special dividend
2018-08-30 13:03 | Report Abuse
If privatisation is on the card why is EPF selling?
In my opinion, it is the work of the respective fd mgrs to trade etc.
2018-08-29 19:45 | Report Abuse
Iphone4, Stock mrkt eat people, by big shareholders. See what happened to Hunza some yrs ago, now MWE. Soon Insa
2018-08-14 12:10 | Report Abuse
Turkish crisis maybe impact its share performance in nx few months.
2018-08-07 10:06 | Report Abuse
Silly to buyBack at 1.10 ystd. The fundMgr is using Co funds recklessly. They could easily buyBack at lower price
Though kpj pays 4 times of dividend the yield is not attractive. Having said that it's a longTerm play
2018-07-27 00:08 | Report Abuse
Bunuhsateman, why are you so pessimistic?
2018-07-26 11:42 | Report Abuse
DoraCuties, you must happy now. But you hv been having heartAche. I understand
2018-07-12 12:54 | Report Abuse
Agree. Already many such cases e.g. Hunza
2018-06-16 23:37 | Report Abuse
Qt results will be announced end of June
2018-03-14 23:06 | Report Abuse
Too late. HCourt cld only approve 2 mths fr now.
2018-03-06 19:35 | Report Abuse
quite hopeless in its share performance despite improved results
2018-01-19 15:37 | Report Abuse
no lah. See official announcement.
Your Agent is most likely referring to another co, maybe Hovid Bhd.
Ask him again.
2018-01-18 23:40 | Report Abuse
Tokok88, the Offeror has yet to despatch the Offer Document lah!!! There isnt any deadline as yet!!!
2018-01-14 19:55 | Report Abuse
if hovid is down tmrw, HSS buys some more and eventually achieve >90%, then would there be a Compulsory ACQUISITION ???? at what price?
Some help to explain???
2018-01-12 20:49 | Report Abuse
If Hovid is delisted, yr shares can't be traded anymore even though u r still a registered holder. MingTzy, r u worried?
2018-01-12 20:46 | Report Abuse
MingTzy" is the last day for the Offerers to accept Hovid (0.38) and Hovid WB (0.20) failing which one holdings are subject to open market buying & selling prices.
2018-01-09 17:31 | Report Abuse
offer document which was due ystd, has been deferred to a later date.
2018-01-03 22:56 | Report Abuse
We the Goliath can't fight David. David will prevail as history was told.
2018-01-03 22:46 | Report Abuse
They have by 8/1/18 to despatch the Offer.
2018-01-03 10:58 | Report Abuse
sitia serious hoplanner? My a/c not credited yet. Complaint to who?
2018-01-02 22:45 | Report Abuse
Money still not credited yet (2/1/18) , not according to the terms agreed i.e. Payment will be paid 10 days fr the date when the offer has become unconditional (20/12/17).
How now?
2017-12-20 17:30 | Report Abuse
kancahna84, u katak di bawah tempurung
2017-12-15 12:22 | Report Abuse
At bursa LINK you can obtain up-to-date of how much the Offerers have acquired so far.
Can someone help to provide what % now. Bursa link needs registration lah.
2017-12-15 10:21 | Report Abuse
It's technically RM3.72 before the share split of 1 to 4. It is on downward trend.
2017-12-14 22:21 | Report Abuse
Offerers hv exhausted all means to attract shareholders to accept their offer. First the extension of datelines (2nd time extended to 29/12) then 15/12 being the last opportunity to up the offer price but they chose to stay at old offer .
If by 29/12 still cannot achieve 66%, then the whole exercise is over.
Multi530 said it is an expensive exercise, so I think they will succeed
2017-12-08 21:54 | Report Abuse
I hv lost track of how much more HSS needs to reach 75%? How does WB being computed together with its mother shares?
2019-03-27 18:12 | Report Abuse
No wonder the price dropped suddenly, from 1.02 to o.95!