
ignissimia | Joined since 2014-12-13

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2015-04-15 20:18 | Report Abuse

Ha ha, I have no idea where datuk is coming from with his misai comment but that means I am safe because I am a misai too.


2015-04-13 17:40 | Report Abuse

Quite a satisfactory close today, sir.


2015-04-10 14:28 | Report Abuse

The Sarawak state election is more likely to be held next year. It is not due until mid-2016.

The Election Commission is trying to increase tbe number of state seats from 71 to 82 without a corresponding increase in the number of parliamentary seats. Usually, the ratio is 2:1, s:p. The reason why the increase in parliamentary seats is not considered can be attributed to the fact that this will require a constitutional amemdment at the parliamentary level where the BN does not command a 2/3 najority whereas the state BN has.

Thd ratio started as 48:24, evolved into 71:31 in 2005 and soon may be bulldozed to 82:31.

In the early days of Malaysia when Singapore was part of the nation, the total number of seats in the hands of Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah added up to just exceeding 1/3 of the national total thereby condtituting a veto vote in the event of any motion detriment to these 3 partners of the 4 that made up Malaysia. Today Sarawak and Sabah collectively hold 56 seats out of a total of 222 parliamentary seats, a neutered grip of just over 25%.


2015-04-10 09:48 | Report Abuse

The above message is for cyphua


2015-04-10 09:44 | Report Abuse

It's a good practical advice from tc88. The saying is an old adage.

However, I am not knocking your style of investing. On another day, I would probably do the same thing.


2015-04-09 17:56 | Report Abuse

Ok, will buy some Insas for fun n kopi-o


2015-04-08 17:15 | Report Abuse

Licking their wounds, they are in the money and positioned to reap more profits later.


2015-04-04 14:15 | Report Abuse

This is obviously not a counter for day traders or very short term contrarians. It may be tradable for a stockist who wants to take advantage knee-jerk price movements.


2015-04-04 13:56 | Report Abuse

The management has never specifically stated its dividen policy but has been dishing out 1c fairly consistently yearly. They had given out more before when earnings were better, so you can't totally discount getting a special treatment this year yet.

In fact, i consider that the corp has done exceedingly well, first surviving the Asian Financial Crisis, and since then holding a mishmash of non-matching businesses traversing many fields together despite immense difficulties. Today, value is emerging again by and by due in particular to corporate moves and compounding capital appreciation of landed assets. Those are just paper shuffling and passing time.

More enhancement of value can be achieved even without need to take on new risks but by simply disposing off non-performing operations lacking prospects, and having a simplified company structure so that reports are easily comprehended by investors. There are plenty of horses in the many stables already.

I am sure it will be productive to concentrate on improving image and promoting to funds as well occasionally while navigating the never ending growth path that the management has been doing. Unless that is purposely left for a later time when the empire stops expanding.


2015-04-03 12:12 | Report Abuse

If there is going to be a rights issue, shares must be traded at par give maybe 10%.

Like that untung banyak lor.


2015-03-31 16:42 | Report Abuse

Accumulated some more today at 45.5c.

Happy to do so.


2015-03-31 13:48 | Report Abuse

Let the traders have their fun. It is healthy for the market, supply and demand, buyers and sellers countercheck each other. The amount of grouses raised here should indicate the level of success traders have.


2015-03-31 13:37 | Report Abuse

Retracing one more time BJCorp's share price movement over the past 9.25 years since 2006 indicating levels at some of the pivotal points of time when it was about to change direction, up, down or sideways.

Jan 2006 Low $0.095
Oct 2006 Low $0.120
Feb 2007 High $0.555
Mar 2007 Low $0.240
Aug 2007 Low $0.280
Dec 2007 High $1.550
Jan 2008 High $1.560
Oct 2008 Low $0.460
Mar 2009 Low $0.460
Mar 2010 High $1.770
Apr 2010 High $1.870
Dec 2014 Low $0.380

Mar 2015 high $0.490

There were episodes of manifold increases, steep retracements including 1 happening in a lengthy period of decline.

Think of the possibilities in a repeat performance this time with a much improved set of fundamentals.

Stand back and look at the bigger picture. Cheerios.


2015-03-31 09:44 | Report Abuse

Buyers evening up 46% at 27m volume 39 mins trading.

I believe A lot are speaking from the bottom their hearts but i maintain there is hope in their hearts too.


2015-03-31 09:31 | Report Abuse

You are definitely doing better than me. Got kopi and still stocked up as before.


2015-03-31 09:27 | Report Abuse

The positive aspect about the high number of negative news bearers and pessimists in this forum is that they can only be here due to interest. So, behind all these doubts and venom, there is definite hope in them too.



2015-03-31 09:14 | Report Abuse

Volume 12m in 12 minutes, 90% Disposal transactions.


2015-03-30 23:29 | Report Abuse

Or maybe a new Reit setup owning n managing the GMOC ? To be listed in .... Wow!


2015-03-30 23:15 | Report Abuse

The 3rd 'C' ? Let me dream ...

An new suitor already confirmed to buy up a substantial part of the Great Mall of China at a price better than that in the lapsed Memorandum with the Hong Kong based player. New partner is also a reputed mall operator in China.

Imagine the capital cashout n return, and the rentals flowing in.


2015-03-30 10:10 | Report Abuse

Congrats to those who sold at 48c n above.

Question now is when are you going to buy back?


2015-03-30 08:58 | Report Abuse

Can consider dilution from LC which expires later this year, less than 300m new shares.

LD maturing a long time to go yet and what more with 5% interest.


2015-03-29 16:21 | Report Abuse

It has not happened in Msia this time, yet. We are one of the first if not the first to the increase interest rate. It has not gone up and up but stayed stagnant for years now. Judging on the strength of our economy, it is not going up anytime soon. Unless the country runs into a money crisis and have to increase rates ala Greece, Russia recently.

Greece appear to be a terminal case but Russia will sort out their sutuation and pull out of their troubles becoming even stronger, my opinion only.


2015-03-29 16:10 | Report Abuse

I think we still have a few more years to go before a major correction. My take is 2018.

Currently, the market is so very vigilant and cautious that it is most unlikely to run up and develop bubbles.

Another thing, normally when the interest rate is increased for the first time, the market takes that as a cue for a continual rise in interest rate until it tops up usually a 2 - 4 years later Usually swiftly followed by a hugh correction.


2015-03-29 15:24 | Report Abuse

I wouldn't be surprised if the market is disappointed with just a token rise in the share price tomorrow. This counter needs a longer period filled with a string of good and interesting news to power an ascent in its share price. You can't expect investors to casually brush aside their long held misgivings about BJCorp overnight. The change must develop into a lasting transformation with a new trusty corporate image. There is work to be done in this department.

This counter is largely held by the key man himself, his proxies, nominees, relatives, friends and retailers by my humble guesswork based on conjecture. I don't see local funds holding these shares and I can't imagine foreign funds with a normal code of practice could invest in this counter when it is so difficult to read. Correct me if I am wrong but I mean no malice.

Once, the management simplifies the corporate structure and succeeds in getting institutional funds, local and foreign, to invest in BLCorp for the long haul, the price will surely punch very high into the sky.

I am an optimistic investor of BJCorp with a longer horizon. So, if there is no bonanza tomorrow, it is still palatable as long as we are on track to the longer term target which can only be called fantastic.


2015-03-28 13:31 | Report Abuse

I am focused more on the longer term target. Most traders end up with less overall.


2015-03-28 13:25 | Report Abuse

I am not planning to sell at all. I wont bother to trade at below 65c.


2015-03-28 00:17 | Report Abuse


Ya, good way to wipe away 4.85b from the Intangible Assets. However, BJToto is a reliable cash cow for BJLand to to ensure there is a steady revenue streaming in to service the loan facilities. They will have to find alternative revenues if they that that option.


2015-03-27 18:24 | Report Abuse

Accounting trick? The trick is in the earlier concealment of this pile of gold when it was there all the time and people not believing in its existence even with all the evidences pointing at it, not in the unlocking of wealth.

Now what about the mountain behind this pile?


2015-03-27 16:32 | Report Abuse

3.1 The Exchange may approve a listed issuer’s request for suspension where -
(a) the listed issuer requires time to prepare and release an announcement relating to a
material transaction, such as -
(i) a very substantial transaction as defined in Chapter 10 of the Listing
(ii) a significant change in the business direction or policy of a listed corporation;
Practice Note 2
Requests for Suspension
As at 3 August 2009 Page 2
(iii) any other corporate exercise which the Exchange considers to be material;
(b) the listed issuer intends to -
(i) make a material announcement, including one that falls within paragraph 3.2
below (“Very Material Announcement”); or
(ii) hold a press conference to make a Very Material Announcement,
before the close of trading; or


2015-03-27 16:22 | Report Abuse

Not that exciting if it is regarding Redtone only


2015-03-27 15:55 | Report Abuse

Why speculate? What's the point? In a few days' time, we shall know exactly what are going to happen.


2015-03-27 15:50 | Report Abuse


More likely to be BJCorp making an offer to buy all the shares still being held by the previous key owners of Redtone.


2015-03-27 15:49 | Report Abuse

More likely to be BJCorp making an offer to buy all the shares still being held by the previous key owners. Later there will be more corporate exercises involving U-Mobile, possibly a merger. May even involve buying a significant portion of MOL Global being so cheap now from investors who want out.


2015-03-27 15:12 | Report Abuse

New Rights issue to raise capital !

Joking only, lah


2015-03-27 13:29 | Report Abuse

A simple and quick empirical 'value analysis' together with logical reasoning and a bit of critical thinking is good enough for me for this counter. Thanks a lot to Calvin.


2015-03-27 13:13 | Report Abuse

Because of the myriad information that you have to sieve through, crisscrossing equity ownerships, splintered assets ownerships, subsidiaries status and consequent measurement issues, and you literally have to sit in their offices to do that for a long period to come up with a fairly up-to-date analysis of BJCorp that investors are looking for.

They may have a department doing just that but not releasint this info. The public has to do its own work.


2015-03-27 12:34 | Report Abuse

For reviewing.

Jan 2006 Low $0.095
Oct 2006 Low $0.120
Feb 2007 High $0.555
Mar 2007 Low $0.240
Aug 2007 Low $0.280
Dec 2007 High $1.550
Jan 2008 High $1.560
Oct 2008 Low $0.460
Mar 2009 Low $0.460
Mar 2010 High $1.770
Apr 2010 High $1.870
Dec 2014 Low $0.380


2015-03-27 11:21 | Report Abuse

BJCorp's financial reports are drawn up in compliance with accounting standards and country's laws. However, this does not mean the reports are giving you a clear picture of the corp's true intrinsic value which is what most people can relate to. In fact, many cautious investors n stocks speculators are confounded by the figures especially if they are not faniliar with these rules, modus operandi of certain types of businesses, basic market prices of different types of properties n companies and how these prices change.

Simply put, if you are one as described above, you will not be able to arrive at a reasonably correct value for a counter like BJCorp let alone a reasonable price for the stock, and you won't have the confidence to believe any stranger's free opinion anywhere.

If you have to wait for everything to be realised and reported in the way you want it, you just have to watch from the sides and maybe buy at a higher price.


2015-03-26 17:11 | Report Abuse

Not bad, closing at 44c. See if the volume hits 50m or more tomorrow. then there may be something to cheer about over the weekend.


2015-03-26 16:26 | Report Abuse

All the noisy screamers CHOW already ...

Or maybe r busy doing their in out in outs


2015-03-25 21:44 | Report Abuse

MOLG is looking good before their planned full year 2014 financial results on Friday, March 27, 2015 at 8:00 am Eastern Time or 8:00 pm Kuala Lumpur Time.

Today's high so far is USD2.799.


2015-03-25 21:30 | Report Abuse

BJLand's pbt is 7.83% of turnover based on the first 3 quarters of FT2015. 5.53% is base on the last quarter.


2015-03-25 21:21 | Report Abuse

My appologies, a careless mistake.

BJLand's pbt is 5.53% of turnover, still fairly healthy considering all expenses, interests, depreciation n amortisation have been fully covered.


2015-03-25 18:20 | Report Abuse

BJLand's nta attributable to ordinary shareholders of parent as at 31.10.2014 was $1.07 and improved to $1.08 as at 31.01.2015 despite reporting a loss of $26.636m attributable to ordinary shareholders of parent for the last quarter. That is not even a mosquito bite since it is still a gain Q-Q, net assets wise. Cummulative earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders of parent for the FY2015 is still $95m+ With 1 more quarter to go.

BJLand's pbt is a healthy 19+% of turnover.

Who is really worried For BJCorp ?


2015-03-24 11:16 | Report Abuse

Im glad you have researched comprehensively and are clear about the 2 loan stocks now.

I have a fair amount invested in BJCorp but not enough to make me very apprehensive should the market take a deep dive. That means i can and may increase my holdings several folds if the price drops crazily. I think the corp is strong and sound enough to survive another super crisis.

The $6b+ intangible assets is a concern but more than compensated by the apparent undervaluations of its booked assets. Business turnover has moved up to over $10b pa, business operations make more than enough to cover overheads and borrowings costs while the landed assets value compounds upwards at a faster rate than the rise in business costs.

VT has a reputation of being a shrewd dealmaker and also of making a lot of money while many others banking on him fails. I don't see that a fault. Recent years, he has become visibly philanthropic. You can't criticize that. He rub shoulders with ppl in the corridors of power. On the surface, he is stepping back in the running of the businesses with his children slowly doing more. Maybe, with a new generation, the management style may turn more conventional which is what investors are familiar and comfortable with. Like, market prices rise when profits, net assets, n growth prospects rise, giving decent dividens regularly, etc, etc.

When all those things happen, how do you imagine its share price will behave?


2015-03-23 17:45 | Report Abuse

I have seen VT buying BJCorp-LC at 6 or 7c apiece in 2006.

Anybody want to quit now?


2015-03-23 17:36 | Report Abuse

The BJCorp-LC coupon is zero-rated, so it is not correct to say that holders of this paper are getting interests at 5% pa.

The pricing advantage is not significant enough to persuade ppl to buy 2 LCs to convert into 1 Corp.

Whoever wants to see higher Corp prices will also need for the LC to be lifted correspondingly.


2015-03-23 12:44 | Report Abuse

I just checked and found that the total number of outstanding shares of BJCorp-LC listed on KLSE is only 589,739,505 not 9,794,902,878. So even with full conversion of all outstanding LC shares, the dilution effect will be negligible cos its only additional <295m BJCorp shares.


2015-03-20 16:42 | Report Abuse

One by one, old warriors are re-appearing.

You can smell blood in the air.