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2021-06-27 19:00 | Report Abuse

Btw, I didn’t say I very rich ah. I know many Genting investors invest more than me. You’re the one who say people invest 1,2 lots then only reveal my Genting holdings.


2021-06-27 18:56 | Report Abuse

A young kid which doesn’t know investment telling an investment banker that he has chicken brain. Hahahaha


2021-06-27 18:43 | Report Abuse

Correct. When Genting & genm share drop. People there very happy to collect one. Scare no drop only. These are the real investors.

But when glove drop. People here all blame this blame that. Day night crying father crying mother. Bunch of gambling people here.


2021-06-27 18:32 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha ya lor. Most important is price movement. Even 1m also cannot lift the share price up a lot one. You try to bash in Genting forum la kikiki


2021-06-27 18:25 | Report Abuse

How big your portfolio can be? Since you can afford to lose all and you’re young. Unless you got a rich daddy la. But also no use la. You daddy got no investment sense punya son. All his money will be gone.


2021-06-27 18:22 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, ya lor. If your 100% is 10,20k then don’t say it la. With this kind of investment style. No matter how much of capital you have also will lose all. From the way you say win 3% take profit down 5% cut loss already shown you’re beginner. 3% take profit and 5% cut loss. 输多赢少, how to earn?

And btw I’m holding more than RM1m in Genting Berhad alone. My average price is RM3.57. Recently add abit more.


2021-06-27 17:44 | Report Abuse

Wah Lao. No wonder la. He say imagine high ASP. He hallucinating now. Should be too stress d. Until he analyse shares using imaginations. Imagine topglove RM9, imagine supermax RM10, imagine Kossan RM8, imagine harta RM20. Kikikii


2021-06-27 17:27 | Report Abuse

One shot buy 5 gloves? Obviously this is a beginner. Even if you win it’s by luck. This is not investing. If you don’t know how to came out with an investment plan, all your money will be drained by mr market.


2021-06-27 16:38 | Report Abuse

Salivating about glove? If it’s so good it won’t drop to this price lol


2021-06-27 16:22 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-27 15:57 | Report Abuse

@pjseow, I copy this from Genting forum. You can also check in the forum for the updates by people there. Genting earning cannot be calculated like what you did for glove companies. Glove can use ASP, glove production to calculate. It’s difficult to calculate Genting’s earning as it is based on the no of visitors and amount of bets in casino.

Good news for Genting
1. las vegas
2. Japan deal
3. Towards higher vaccination, opening up, travel passport
4. Mashpee notes
5. Downstate casino license (New York)
6. Genting Skyworld
7. US Biotech Listing
8. RWS 2.0 (US3.3b upgrade).... long way ahead but many ppl don't get the picture how massive is the upgrade. Building RWLV took US4.3b, and RWS 2.0 upgrade alone is US 3.3b

Bad news
1. Political ? (Knee jerk reaction unless PAS won)
2. Interstate travel banned


2021-06-27 15:26 | Report Abuse

At first glove supporters use PE, future earnings, ASP analysis, after all these failed they come out with cash reserve analysis. When cash analysis also failed, now they turned to imagination analysis. Pity glove supporters. Only left imaginations to support them.

You see Genting investors. All the analysis is based on facts. No imagination at all. See the difference between these two type of investors?


2021-06-27 15:13 | Report Abuse

You read more also no use. Because you don’t know what’s you’re reading. Wrongly interpreted


2021-06-27 15:12 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-27 14:57 | Report Abuse

Yayaya, so now glove supporters left with imaginations already?


2021-06-27 14:44 | Report Abuse

Oh I see i see. Imagine. I miss out the word my bad. You continue to live in your own world la okay. Continue to imagine ASP $300/k pieces la okay. Seems like what I said is true. People hallucinating now. Good luck


2021-06-27 14:35 | Report Abuse

Good chance to snap up banking stocks. Batch by batch


2021-06-27 14:34 | Report Abuse

Can you prove of higher ASP going forward? Don’t simply mislead people


2021-06-27 13:01 | Report Abuse

Wah good good. Got help. You guys pray zafrul will give another round of I-Sinar for you guys to average down la okay hahaha


2021-06-27 12:58 | Report Abuse

@beary, okay. Then exclude you for the petition.


2021-06-27 12:52 | Report Abuse

@beary, ya lor wait for moments like this to buy big ma. Why want sign petition leh? You tell me la


2021-06-27 12:48 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-27 12:40 | Report Abuse

Yes agreed. If you bought 20 years ago, your average should be less than 50cents. For topglove and supermax. You don’t even bother about it. Those crying father crying mother one should be those bought during short squeeze and average all the way down until now. Cannot tahan d hahahaha


2021-06-27 12:22 | Report Abuse

Ya lor. Long term investor wor. Topglove say become Fortune 500 ma. You guys say time will show it’s value ma. Be patience la. You guys don’t trust tan Sri ah?


2021-06-27 12:21 | Report Abuse

@citadel9999, yeah. Why don’t blame yourself for not doing research properly. Only choose to listen the good things, trust those half cooked sifu. A lot of people already warned ma. But you guys choose to ignore. What to do? Other than gloves no other shares d ah? Why choose to be in the industry full of negative sentiment? To be honest from my observation, those nay sayers are experienced investors. Whereas those who keep saying buy are newbie.


2021-06-27 12:06 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-27 11:12 | Report Abuse

@myinvestor, why not you come out with petition to boycott JPM and Goldman?


2021-06-27 10:31 | Report Abuse

Exactly @glovefinish. Let them syok sendiri for one two weeks la haha


2021-06-27 10:09 | Report Abuse

@pjseow, 几十万你亏的起,不代表其他人跟你一样。很多人all In手套股


2021-06-27 09:42 | Report Abuse

You’re so naive. If RSS being removed, big funds will trade less in Malaysia. They’ll go other countries. Then Malaysia will be full of retailers and local funds playing the shares. Bursa will be dead. You think government will care about ikan bilis? What can ikan bilis contribute? Stamp duty?

International funds can offer a lot more to Malaysia. You think government will want to lose them in order to please these amateur investors? Hahahaha you guys continue to dream la okay. Good luck.


2021-06-27 08:52 | Report Abuse

As we can see from glove and Genting forum. Genting forum people are happy, supporting each other. Share views on the goods&bads of Genting. Although there’s people who post negative comments, but people there together fight back the negative comment.

Whereas in glove forums. I can see people sue here sue there. Even from glove supporters. 鬼打鬼,一盘散沙。proves that these people are in deep stress. Maybe got anxiety and now even hallucinating after looking at their paper loss. 手套是用来求命的,却害到散户家破人忙妻离子散。罪过,罪过


2021-06-27 08:51 | Report Abuse

As we can see from glove and Genting forum. Genting forum people are happy, supporting each other. Share views on the goods&bads of Genting. Although there’s people who post negative comments, but people there together fight back the negative comment.

Whereas in glove forums. I can see people sue here sue there. Even from glove supporters. 鬼打鬼,一盘散沙。proves that these people are in deep stress. Maybe got anxiety and now even hallucinating after looking at their paper loss. 手套是用来求命的,却害到散户家破人忙妻离子散。罪过,罪过!


2021-06-27 08:01 | Report Abuse

Wah, this is why Singapore is a high income nation. Malaysia keep dreaming of flying cars la


2021-06-26 20:59 | Report Abuse

@ken2004, please go and see in Genting forum. Ask people there got people promote gloves or not la. Get your facts right


2021-06-26 20:58 | Report Abuse

I see people say in telegram group that the petition works well because got 800+ people sign in just one day. There you go. Now you understand why people losing in share market. Simple logic also don’t know.

If the petition is really successful, it should have thousands of people sign during first day. First day should record the highest number. But that’s not the case. You still call that successful? You don’t know diminishing returns theory? Study more before invest in market la.


2021-06-26 20:52 | Report Abuse

Genting RM4 don’t want. Buy supermax at RM7. Hahaha


2021-06-26 19:49 | Report Abuse

Lmao. 800 people? Haha bersih so many people alos no use. You think this petition works? Lol


2021-06-26 19:09 | Report Abuse

@toneefa, don’t blame RSS and weak market. Yes market is weak. But why glove drop the most? Because of future fundamental. Look at Genting. Genm lowest drop to 2.6 then rebound. Genting 4.6. Even other shares also drop around 10%, 20% like that only from peak. Why glove can drop 70% from peak? You really think is weak market and RSS caused it?

Do remember now RSS mostly stagnant already. Didn’t increase much. But glove prices dropped a lot in just one month.


2021-06-26 18:56 | Report Abuse

100% revenue goes to Genting!!


2021-06-26 18:55 | Report Abuse

It’s the greatest casino in LV for a decade. Everyone first choice will be there.


2021-06-26 18:53 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-26 18:33 | Report Abuse

Don’t sohhai la you @very goat. Toh sui ka. You’re embarrassing malaysia investors. Skilled investors like WC & 天哥 didn’t even touch glove stock. WC fast in fast out.

Only amateur investors like you die die hold glove stocks think it’s a super FD only.


2021-06-26 17:42 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-26 17:11 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-26 14:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-26 12:48 | Report Abuse

Ya wor. Don’t have module 6&7 can advise on shares?


2021-06-26 12:47 | Report Abuse

Africa? No need worry la. Their glove usage is very low


2021-06-26 11:37 | Report Abuse

As we can see many people are waiting to sell their glove counters. How to move up to RM7 like that. Many sellers. No hot money. Country politic issues. Sector uncertainties. Not even one good factor in glove sectors now.


2021-06-26 11:09 | Report Abuse

Hahahahaha damn funny @glovesoff. Straight away give link kikikiki


2021-06-26 11:07 | Report Abuse

Okay first is short squeeze. That time I see people got the fire o. Macam yes. Burn the shorties la, teach them a lesson la. Never do research properly simply go and chase high.

After that say short sellers got cost incurred la, have to pay dividend la. And everyday thank you short sellers for the cheap tickets la.

Then they do all sorts of research say PE low la, cash reserve la. SBB la. Demand there la. Virus variant la. And recently is the ADR la. Do research on ADR la. Some people say limit up la lol.

After all these failed and the price continue to drop, give up jor. Finally Beh tahan already and request to sign petition. Hahahahahahaha wtffff jokers la you all.