
inwest88 | Joined since 2013-06-06

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2014-07-25 20:04 | Report Abuse

russtieluv - rest assured that the people giving their TA views are genuinely keeping others to be better informed before making a knowledge to buy or sell. There is no recommendation to buy or sell. At the end of the day you have to make the final decision in your trading. Happy trading.


2014-07-25 19:54 | Report Abuse

KC - didn't know you are here until I come to this thread. Congrats on your gains in Guoco, M Flour, SKPRes, Gadang etc


2014-07-25 19:51 | Report Abuse

profit - you too have a great time during this break.


2014-07-25 19:50 | Report Abuse

trustme932 - not bad I would say although had to cut 2 counter for a 1 to 1.5 sen loss. Glad to see Mulpha started to move as I have been holding for years. You reckon it will still rise ? Also how you see Mexter. You too have a great holiday break.


2014-07-25 16:20 | Report Abuse

trustme932 - saw you here so just drop in to say hello !


2014-07-25 15:47 | Report Abuse

Hi chongls - thanks. Hope you are doing well in your trading !


2014-07-25 15:30 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - I posted a good morning message in you but in the wrong thread (just deleted) Apologies. Then went out and now only back. You have not offended me in any way, nothing at all. Moreover I do not get offended so easily. Life is too short for for all petty and trivial issues. You don't get any joy in being angry with someone.

Ptpfitman (thanks) knows me well from my 932kaki thread days where I respond to each and every message unless I am not in front of the screen.

Today didn't do any trade in view f the long break. Waiting to sell the rest of Ijacobs. Happy to see Guoco rising these few days. Was asked to buy at the 1.10 level by one of my e-friend KC Loh at that time before he stopped posting. He's good at picking FA counters like MFlour, Gadang etc.


2014-07-24 07:50 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - good morning. Thanks on lionfib. Sold half of Ijacobs at 54 sen yesterday. Cut Keinhin for 1.5 sen loss and still holding on to Ancom and see it performs these 2 days. Taking a look at Penta and Dolmite.


2014-07-23 07:51 | Report Abuse

tsy88 -good morning. Came back late last night.
- Have yet to clear Ijacobs and Ancom
- Tafi ( looks termpting but have to monitor the volume in the morning),
same for Watta
- Good choice on lskee

No time to run through last night. Have to look at how the stocks perfrom this morning before going to office.

Happy and profitable trading.


2014-07-22 09:17 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - mmsv shot past 40 sen.


2014-07-22 09:04 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - by the way, entered keinhin for fun trade.


2014-07-22 09:03 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - euro gapped up at 58 sen. I reckon the chances of gaining is minimal if this is entry price. I may be wrong. It all depends all the forces behind it. Surely the behavior is not normal


2014-07-22 07:57 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - euro has risen almost 20% in the last 4 days. Do you still want to go in, especially if it gaps up. Definitely I will not. Just my opinion.


2014-07-22 07:54 | Report Abuse

speakup - good morning and happy trading.


2014-07-22 07:53 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - I did not expect Mikromb to reverse its uptrend so fast.


2014-07-22 07:50 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - am still watching smiscorp.


2014-07-22 07:49 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - good morning. As I mentioned bones is doing a great job and thus attracts a lot of followers. But then the gap up is too huge in the early morning and there is no point chasing unless it rises further. Thus I do not follow unless you are in before his recommendation, having said that I agree that ewein is disappointing but I reckon it's still good in the medium term ans as I said earlier, it;s not so much for trading. I have cleared those under trading but still keeping some for a while.


2014-07-21 19:30 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - congrats of your Landmarks fun trade. Ijacobs bought back a bit only. Got to go for dinner now.


2014-07-21 18:18 | Report Abuse

also sold the rest of ewein at 62 sen after observing the selling has emerged.


2014-07-21 18:15 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - not working today. Went out in the morning and back after lunch, thus have time to see the screen. Yes, cleared Ijacobs at 51.5 but re-entered at 49.5 again. Sold PPHB at 95 sen and also cleared Siggas at 75 sen for 1 sen loss. By the way forgot to mention (sorry about this) that i bought Ancom in the morning at 68.5 sen. Will probably sell tomorrow. Agree with tm932, thus overall I have reduced my position today.


2014-07-21 15:03 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - There are certain counters I do not touch, and Lamdmarks is one of them. I have some KSL in my portfolio, bought at 2.13 early in the year.


2014-07-21 15:01 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - at one point wzsatu dropped to almost the previous closing price. I thought that would be the best opportunity to go in but I didn't. Was focusing on Ijacobs then early trading and felt that the oomph is still there, so entered (just a bit) at 47.5 sen. Then I went out. About half an hour later I saw from my mobile that it was 50.5 51. I reckon there is more upside to come.


2014-07-21 09:17 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - Wzsatu is up. Did you manage to go in ?


2014-07-21 09:16 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - cleared the balance of Nihsin at 27 sen with good gains (bought late Friday afternoon and out 50% after 30 mins and the rest just disposed. Looking at the momentum there be still be some upside but I am contented with my gains.


2014-07-21 08:29 | Report Abuse

tsy88- compliments and praises are definitely the last things in my mind and I am sure TCS feels the same. Our intentions are just to hope that everyone can make some money.


2014-07-21 07:51 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - good morning. Sharing is definitely not an issue as the big big cake of Bursa is is enough to allow everyone to have a bite of it. However do take note that my stocks are purely for consideration and in no way is a recommendation. It's always prudent to do some work first before entering any stock.


2014-07-21 07:47 | Report Abuse

Good morning TCB


2014-07-20 22:49 | Report Abuse

rchi - matrix, profitman, stay_foolish, yoda88 and the rest of the good people are doing a great job in unselfishly guiding and helping the others. They are responding to each and every request made here.


2014-07-20 22:45 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - these counters are just in my watch list for monitoring and I may or may not take up any positions. It all depends on the market conditions and the behavior of the respective stocks. I am glad you are doing some study and analysis to assess whether to go in or not. There may be counters (not mentioned) that may catch my attention during the trading hours and I may not have the time to post it here now that I am back to work in the daytime.

Good night.


2014-07-20 20:48 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - another week of trading before Raya. Will be looking into Ijacobs and Weida again. Also smiscorp and furnweb. Saw your posting on wzsatu . Looks good but have risen quite a bit. Was in this counter when it was 80 over sen and made 13 sen. Since then did not re-enter again.


2014-07-19 12:29 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - good morning. Looking at the tremendous surge in volume, I reckon that there is something brewing. At the moment I think they are still trying to clear the overhang. Once done it may shoot, failing which then I will considering selling.


2014-07-18 21:48 | Report Abuse

(1) Congrats on your Ewein and PPHB gains. I sold another 15% Ewein at 63 sen and now left with 75%. Still holding PPHB
(2) Sold 50% Nihsin at 25 sen to lock in some profits
(3) Mikromb - do not be deceived by the rise in price. The selling will continue probably continue next week unless those behind change their minds


2014-07-18 16:44 | Report Abuse

tsy - bought some Nihsin at 24 sen


2014-07-18 15:18 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - ijacobs still going at this moment. Good counter for me (gained 4 rounds)


2014-07-18 15:16 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - ppbs can hold on for a while. For Mflour I did not enter. Try not to hold too many counters at this time of uncertainty (probably I am a bit conservative). I clear other counters like Sona WA (bought some time ago at 28 sen). If you are thinking of going init Sunzen, don't ! The selling has not stopped yet.


2014-07-18 09:52 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - cleared the balance 50% od Ijacobs at 44.0 / 44.5 sen. Not working today but going jalan2. Happy trading.


2014-07-18 09:50 | Report Abuse

Profitman - thanks. Hope your stocks are doing well.


2014-07-18 09:11 | Report Abuse

livermore - glad you are enjoying the fun trades. Will be more fun if there are gains ! Happy trading.


2014-07-18 07:32 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - good morning. like I mentioned, bones write up is always after when he sees sudden surges in volume in normally lowly traded counters (Ipmuda, Dolmite). Nevertheless he is doing a great job. My approach is to spot such counters and get in early before other does for minimal risks. Knowing our local market there will always be a gap up today, probably not in the opening but later when the situation over the plane crash and Israel conflict cool down. Anyway Ewein is still good for the medium term.

The Dow was actually up in the early hours of trading but the trend was reversed and them extended losses in the last hour of trading as Israel sent ground forces into Gaza after missile attacks from both sides during the 10-day-old conflict.


2014-07-18 07:30 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - I am not a big player and if you were to read my postings in 932kaki, I am always contented with small gains as I believe one will not get rich from the stock market. Or probably just 1 or 2%. Of course it's not exactly coffee or beer money. It's very important for new players especially to understand this. They can afford not to win, but can they afford to lose ?


2014-07-17 21:25 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - by the way I also cleared the balance of Mikromb at 31.5 sen.


2014-07-17 21:22 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - just got back from drinks. Congrats on Ijacobs. I am glad and also relieved that you are making gains from the stocks I mentioned to look out for (not recommended), otherwise I would feel rather bad.

As I mentioned Ewein for me is for a longer hold as I believe in its future growth. Its land bank is located in a very strategic area. Having said that, if the price trend upwards I may clear some to lock in some profits and keep the rest. Again it all depends on the ever changing market situation and sentiment.

Good night !


2014-07-17 17:47 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - also asdded some Ewein at 59 sen


2014-07-17 17:46 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - I sold 50% of Ijacobs at 43 sen.


2014-07-17 09:16 | Report Abuse

patthew - good morning. Not going into TMakmur. Happy Trading. Gtg.


2014-07-17 08:32 | Report Abuse

Tsy88 I can only post in i3 in the early morning before 9.15 and perhaps in the late afternoon. Thus when I enter during the day I use my mobile. I use the klse screener to check my portfolio and watch list


2014-07-17 07:49 | Report Abuse

tay88 - also looking at the movements (both price and volume) of Goodway and KPSCB (again could be 1 or 2 days play). Going for marketing / breakfast.


2014-07-17 07:48 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - good morning. With the Dow and Eur markets up, there should be some robust trading today. Hopefully pphb can bring me some gains ( it was really strong in the late afternoon which made me go in).


2014-07-16 21:37 | Report Abuse

tsy88 - looking at the following but with some reservations.
lcheong ( FA not that good)
prestar (worry it could be a 1 day play as happened a few times before)

For more than RM1 price, Mflour looks tempting.

Good night


2014-07-16 21:29 | Report Abuse

Newman - haha, better than losing ma. At least got some beer money. Good night.