Fardar Chye

iris | Joined since 2014-11-11

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2015-06-09 21:36 | Report Abuse

correct... so i think u and simun 99% is nite rat... eat till fat fat... me this kinda day rat ppl keep chase me marah me throw batu on me... cari makan pun tak dapat... menangis pun tarak orang tao.... sad die me.....


2015-06-09 21:32 | Report Abuse

depend also la... if u r a night rat baru like that.... day time rat very dumb de... u see me as a day rat jiu know le...


2015-06-09 21:30 | Report Abuse

ya i also 84... so we all rat la... this house macam rat house nia... hahaha


2015-06-09 21:26 | Report Abuse

simon, at some certain extend i kesian him also... now we don care he do it o not... but whenever he said sthg... ppl tend not to believe him anymore..... haha


2015-06-09 21:24 | Report Abuse

me too punch in! chik chiak!

Posted by Dunknow > Jun 9, 2015 09:14 PM | Report Abuse

punch in


2015-06-09 21:22 | Report Abuse

then 3 of us same age lo...


2015-06-09 17:52 | Report Abuse

i cukup emo lo.. why my .235 order is not filled..... why why why why why.....


2015-06-09 17:46 | Report Abuse

so u r 80后 also lo...


2015-06-09 17:46 | Report Abuse

hehe ya.. counterstrike... u also play de woh...


2015-06-09 17:42 | Report Abuse

omg duit play CS.... u sure is C-S.. not see *ss? hehe...

amen simon, don feel grieve.. when the opponent is weak... we take down their throne... push!!


2015-06-09 15:01 | Report Abuse

oh.... abang dk also at klang...

Posted by duitKWSPkita > Jun 9, 2015 02:59 PM | Report Abuse

Come..... Don't hide under Klang's bridge....

Come out pls......

I wanna BET with you if today KLCI no green I will RUN NAKED in my bathroom this evening.

DARE to BET or not?


2015-06-09 13:54 | Report Abuse

so sad meh duit.. i always tell myself that life is tough.. wanna go away from life is never easy... so i guess urs too.. we don hv the luxurious to go away from life so easily ok...... haha


2015-06-09 13:53 | Report Abuse

take care la duit.. rest more until fully recovered only start to activity ya.. if not wasted ur rehab period....


2015-06-09 10:39 | Report Abuse

thanks connie, but looking at it it doesnt seems like will surpasss 50 EMA too much right? probably touch and go down again? i am actually waiting for .150 for hit and run that it probably can go back to .170-.175 again...


2015-06-09 09:52 | Report Abuse

morning abang yy... wishing u all the best health ya!


2015-06-09 09:42 | Report Abuse

kakak connie... despite of busy auditing can i request u to help me take a look of nova? looking for 2weeks - 2 mths upcoming... i wan see see ur findings and mine got same bo...


2015-06-09 09:31 | Report Abuse

selamat pagi kawan kawan sekalian... in this red morning i hope u all got some earnings.. and can start drafting shopping list already... this song as a gift...



2015-06-09 09:29 | Report Abuse

simon, CO very khek.. u ok bo...


2015-06-09 09:25 | Report Abuse

wowow.. tekseng owning for 2 days liu... still in u guys' portfolio?


2015-06-09 08:28 | Report Abuse

morning guys.. today will have some slight rebound?


2015-06-09 07:24 | Report Abuse

good morning tsy.. wake up early to finish off sthg before work.. audits for the whole week ma... no time for trading lo.. wish u all earn big big huat big big ya...


2015-06-09 06:11 | Report Abuse

good morning han! good morning to all!


2015-06-08 23:07 | Report Abuse

ahh... thanks red, that makes things very clear now... can we see that from our platform? or only can know thru news?


2015-06-08 23:00 | Report Abuse

not really fun job la tho... ya boss is workaholic and expect us to be like her too.... wat to do... resources are limited.. work for a penny to live on....


2015-06-08 22:52 | Report Abuse

connie.. that day wanted to watch san andreas but finally chosen insidious3 hahahaa....

my boss? i bet she is also working now.... so no need call her la....


2015-06-08 22:45 | Report Abuse

not yet good nite for me lo... still working... @@


2015-06-08 22:44 | Report Abuse

oo connie... "I AM GROOT!" ahha.. i havent watch that movie too...


2015-06-08 22:37 | Report Abuse

parrot looks cute ma... normally ppl don like the red candle stick.. so call crow lo.. hahaha.. no la i bluff de la... hehe


2015-06-08 22:32 | Report Abuse

good nite abang dk..


2015-06-08 22:31 | Report Abuse

HAHAHA! so funny... u shud share this kinda vids more u knw... good for destress.. but fun time = fun time... discussion time = discussion time la....

gotta get back to work.. cheers ya!


2015-06-08 22:29 | Report Abuse

ohh.. the way u describe, i think same like me also eh... hahaha... aiya make fren no see face de... make fren see heart... so sure wont vomit la...

yep i think fgv looks interesting.. news is on already.. and today is the 4th black crow.. RSI and sto at lower region for so long...


2015-06-08 22:22 | Report Abuse

aiyo don zi yan zi yu la... here so many frens ma... haha...

and forgive my poor understanding again vaylens.. i must admit everytime u said sthg.. i am trying to prevent myself to misunderstand that you are teasing / saying sthg not so good la..

i mean here all is frens and buddies.. we can say things openly, but peacefully...


2015-06-08 22:20 | Report Abuse

oh.. haha... ur cuteness never stops.. haha.. sure boleh..

i havent got into any transactions since last fri morning... my company having audits for the whole week and i think i cant do shit during office hours.. i also receive the info on plantation.. i think its good to go for investment type of transaction instead.. mao tanam lama2 baru ada buah besar ma...


2015-06-08 22:17 | Report Abuse

plus... as i suggested earlier that, every1 has their own decision making.. we can disagree with each other if we find ourselves with different opinion but theres no need to suan siao / bombard / anyother similar actions to person who commented sthg.. why would we want to possibly create a not so harmony environment in public forum since its a share media for us to exchange opinion..

i think anybody with different thoughts are always welcomed to share their opinion even if its different.. our main objective is main money ma... not make enemies...


2015-06-08 22:14 | Report Abuse

yup simon, even hawkeye arrow so zhun also can miss ma....

vaylens.. i think u also need to learn how to put a comment in a public forum.. as phrases that may cause understanding shud be avoided.. if not ppl with poor understanding like me later misunderstand again then no good la... hehe...


2015-06-08 22:09 | Report Abuse

hi guys! nampaknye abang dk very active today... u sapu mai abang duit's comment quota to use also ka... hehe...

how r u all doing today? got huat huat bo?


2015-06-08 22:06 | Report Abuse

ok noted simon. i think even if different opinion but with positive discussion still very healthy ma... anyway.. im still very noob on this.. must take different different opinion to learn up...

abang K... wow.. birdnest also wanna go nasdaq liao leh... we form 1 simon & co bhd go nasdaq also wan bo... hehe...


2015-06-08 22:01 | Report Abuse

yep rockman, work is tough... study is tough.. theres no easy life.. but i know 1 thing is passion can drive us thru all... so lets learn more on stock trading hehehe... are u taking finance course?


2015-06-08 22:00 | Report Abuse

i agree with u on the upper resistant simon, i think the blockage shud be around 1745-1750... but somehow i rase the support is now much lower than 1730 already.. i feel la.. to me its like the existing support is going down to 1715-1720 that may be coming in this or next week... wat is ur opinion?


2015-06-08 21:58 | Report Abuse

paiseh abang K... may i ask wat is FF stands for?


2015-06-08 21:58 | Report Abuse

vaylens.. i feel u macam treat simon as dato kong leh... in case u not knowing simon well enough.. he is chartist, TA#1, unlike duit, duit is FA #1, TA#2... so if we can interpret both their opinion, sure can learn a lot of things...


2015-06-08 21:55 | Report Abuse

abang simon, isnt the previous few days of rebounding approaching 1750 already cope up from OS region? because my personal opinion that altho the general sto and RSI still OS, but there is not much of strong rebound can come up.. to me, i think 1770 is quite challenging... but as all time we are mentioning, we are at boleh land ma.. apa pun boleh hahaha...

abang K8118K... u got pay KWSP bo... i pay lo.. when u say the loan repayment.. i very scare after i retire no more EPF money lei... hehe


2015-06-06 19:15 | Report Abuse

rockman... after i finish my spm, i tell my family i don wanna cont study anymore... bcos study has no money... i have to rely on others for economical support... i wanna come out to work.. my family they had successfully get me finish my degree and made me wat i am today...

but now im out to work, i wish that i can go back to the college again.... hahahah


2015-06-06 19:13 | Report Abuse

hi guys... hows weekend going... pls kesian me... saturday sunday still in the office.... sad die me....


2015-06-06 19:08 | Report Abuse

oh... rupa2nya i salah faham again... betul betul lousy punye pemahaman la me... sorry paiseh ya... haha


2015-06-05 18:42 | Report Abuse

Thanks. Long time no ppl call me "smart" liu... my eyes got wet when i saw that compliments...

anyway, thats wat brothers for ma... back up each other.. motivates each other.. sometimes kacau2 ejek2 abit but no hard feeling wan ma...


2015-06-05 17:58 | Report Abuse

duit, noted ur advise...

truthfully, simon, i am a bit disappointed with ur statement.. a bit only la.. u said like that do u meant that we will blame u or marah u about the statements u gave? we here for sometimes already and we all know that decision making in stock trading / investing is at our own hands and if anything goes wrong or didnt turn up to be in our way is our own responsbility because nobody force us to buy anything over the market...

put those aside.. here we not only forumers.. but frens, brothers and sisters... we should bear with each other and continuous learning is the only key for us to win long way ahead ma...

if u found my comment offensive, i apologize, but i didnt meant to offense anybody or u, simon, i am just trying to remind that the virtual relationship we build here is already equal to frenship... cheers!


2015-06-05 11:30 | Report Abuse

good morning rockman... already go to class? hehehe... i miss my college time...


2015-06-05 11:26 | Report Abuse

fake 1 leh region... the 0.085 is 100 unit nia... don happy so early.. macam quite volatile like that...


2015-06-05 10:48 | Report Abuse

owh.. me is differnt... me look at those entered at .22-.23 fella... happy for them ma... seems like moving with 10% gross profit wert....