Fardar Chye

iris | Joined since 2014-11-11

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2015-06-11 15:22 | Report Abuse

can jio me together bo...

Posted by duitKWSPkita > Jun 11, 2015 03:21 PM | Report Abuse


next week Thursday 11am find one we sama-sama hantam like itu apa BDB last time.

tis week too many ding ding dong dong travelling works jor.


2015-06-11 15:21 | Report Abuse

ifca megasales...


2015-06-11 15:20 | Report Abuse

i masuk a bit d ifca... tipu tipu makan lo dunno can bo...


2015-06-11 15:16 | Report Abuse

but i think 1.20 well supported right... if wanna go in might as well sapu 1.21-1.22...


2015-06-11 15:15 | Report Abuse

may be wait lagi about 4pm see how... after potong potong T4 may be got some cheaper sales..


2015-06-11 15:14 | Report Abuse

yesterday i out liao woh.. yesterday i in 1.21 out 1.29..

wa now 1.20 ka... i think i wan buy kopi lagi leh.. hehe


2015-06-11 15:06 | Report Abuse

oh.. i bet u r more science than tech.. bcos the way u put up analysis is very thorough...


2015-06-11 15:05 | Report Abuse

that is wat i think before ur earlier statement lor...thats why i think few times and comes up with "finally don go in la".. but when u say "shark goreng"... i seems to be quite interested to see whether can zap a bit sei kai o not for my tonite supper at mamak stall o not ma..


2015-06-11 15:02 | Report Abuse

duit, r u acturial based?


2015-06-11 14:59 | Report Abuse

bro alan.. u said like that.. i very tempted to go in lei... ehhehe


2015-06-11 14:55 | Report Abuse

uit pw.. i can open woh... u try again and see...

others can open bo? i must dedicate this song for his effort of maintaining 9999...


2015-06-11 14:50 | Report Abuse

duit, the 3 statements that u shared thru the author i can fully agree.. but it suddenly shined onto a doubt in my brain:

does ur work place has a procurement department? im sure econsave has it.. and when ur procurement personnel attempted to that job, the best skillset that he/she must possess is negotiation skill. call me limited exposure, but so far the definition of the negotiating skill set that he/she must possess is call "pressing onto supplier"..

wats ur opinion / does the book explained on this part also? sorry to say that whether local / foreign organization of negotiation is never #3... not of im aware......

sigh sigh...


2015-06-11 14:46 | Report Abuse

kakak tsy... don pecah duit khangthao... i very admire his spirit of "tak-lepas-10k"...

after ur comment i think now he is singing this song:



2015-06-11 14:34 | Report Abuse

nvm duit.. we now no longer think win-win.. we think win-win-win-win-win-win-x9999

u shoot the poem.. i do the translation.. everybody gets the fish!


2015-06-11 14:30 | Report Abuse

kamsiah abang duit... i always interested in ur menu and if i see a long long poem like Selalu Lari Penang... then i will know wat to do...


2015-06-11 14:27 | Report Abuse

sure no lose faith la... lose faith liao i wont lepak in i3 already... hahaha.. bro alan.. lately got wat khangthao.. got see klci roller coaster o not? bring u up up then bring u down down...


2015-06-11 14:22 | Report Abuse

u so humble nia simon.. if u buy also i think lose half cent only right... opening is 315-320.. i think u lose sikit2 u tarak rasa la ehehhe...


2015-06-11 14:18 | Report Abuse

sad sad betul with ci.. i sold off hk lose half cent on 11am... 11:05am sudah terus slump...


2015-06-11 14:15 | Report Abuse

wa... CI cannot break 1750.. i think the news simon shared is the impact kut... or memang tak jadi jadi liao.. simon ur CO cabut liao ber?


2015-06-11 14:14 | Report Abuse

so how's our lunch appoinment? the empuraukuteh stil on bo?


2015-06-11 08:49 | Report Abuse

ya lo alan, i agree with u.. thats why i died many times liu.... d*ng! ahahhaa


2015-06-11 08:46 | Report Abuse

audit also must makan ma... there is a lot of ppl can layan the auditor geh.. no worry... if duit and dunknow say "ON", i "ON"!


2015-06-11 08:43 | Report Abuse

morning abang dk.. i like that name lei.. fartfart.. describe me well.. .i love YOUR PISANG... very TASTY! YUMMY! ehhehe...

no game plan for me today... audit whole day on my dept... wish u guys huat huat huat ya!


2015-06-11 07:54 | Report Abuse

Ur expectation quite high oh 1750.. i expect 1740 nia haha


2015-06-11 07:30 | Report Abuse

i agree... i mean today la... hehehe.. general trend still bearish.. but as for today.... need to play smart a bit.. unfortunately i will be caught by audits.. hopefully can get some kopi o again... hehe


2015-06-11 07:18 | Report Abuse

don thank so fast first... i think we need to cabut HK first.. rebound seems today will cont... i guess 1740 is largely possible...


2015-06-11 06:48 | Report Abuse

Ohayo tsy... yes audit ends tmr... yesterday i get some short breaks cos thy auditing other dept...

Duit very nice... to maintain my 1288 he del other posts at other forum ma.... heheh


2015-06-10 21:19 | Report Abuse

farfar say swee la! tmr i ask auditor makan sendiri...imma lunching with u guys!


2015-06-10 21:11 | Report Abuse

duit.. u dun cheat my hweeling lo... its nt the 1st time u said sthg like tht d..... sad die me...


2015-06-10 21:01 | Report Abuse

hehe... duit... pls invite me for ur empurau kut teh can ah...

abang dunknow... shhh... don pecah my khang thao la...

jc... we must maintain malaysia a lovely place for all races ma...


2015-06-10 20:54 | Report Abuse

he keep deleting post lo... panlai leh him... heheh


2015-06-10 20:50 | Report Abuse

telima kasih mayak mayak abang dk.. bagus bagus... i suka kopek kulit pisang punye fiu... sangat siokkk... BAPOI BAPOI!


2015-06-10 20:47 | Report Abuse

yeah abang dunknow... bring ur legions or minions... BAPOI BAPOI!!! i join ur minion troops too...


2015-06-10 20:46 | Report Abuse

saudara jc.. bukan kah bulan puasa kurang jam? sebab pukul 7 saudara saudari sekalian sudah bersedia untuk berbuka puasa...

tetapi saya risau bulan puasa, sebab rakan rakan kerja sekalian nampak lemah.. i kesian dekat mereka... tapi tengok mereka masih cuba untuk bekerja, hati saya sangat sedih... ommmm


2015-06-10 20:36 | Report Abuse

ada apa apa sharing dari saudara duit? kenepa I tak jumpa mana mana?


2015-06-10 20:35 | Report Abuse

mualaikum salam abang dunknow... anda sudah buang kulit belum?


2015-06-10 20:34 | Report Abuse

hi han.. saya juga telah makan makanan malam saya.. hari ini i mendapat beberapa nama yang baru, ada yang menggelar saya fadar hye, ada farda, sekarang nama i bertukar menjadi farfar... tapi i rasa i paling suka farfar.. sebab nama macam bunga la.....

malam ini farfar makan telur goreng roti... sedap sekali! kerana farfar sendiri yang masak... slrrrpppp...


2015-06-10 20:28 | Report Abuse

selamat petang kawan2 sekalian... adakan anda telah memakan malam anda?


2015-06-10 20:26 | Report Abuse

yeah... currently im reading this book call "how to make money in stocks"... quite good book.. may be if u are a book type of person u can read it too.. alot of new things learnt... altho its a book regarding US stock markets but some of the thing it still can be related....


2015-06-10 20:23 | Report Abuse

yo.... simon.. don like that... thats what those culprit wan us to do... don let them tak chek... don ever consider to close it.. just to share with u...

last time i do folo some experienced forumers until that person also hosted his own forum... i folo him thru every time he gave us some opinion (of cos by my own decisions).. thru those times, of course got up and got down... end up the forum owner left the forum and leave me and another forum member chatting and exchanging views only... but our uphold is we do not wan the forum to dies off bcos altho both of us are newbie and noobs... we are still keep in touch to make sure the forum does not goes off...

simon.. its always easy to create a family.. but its very tough to maintain the harmony of the family... we will be with u... if abang region knows this he will also never agree.. but as i said, we make our own decisions.. altho u still can make the call but i really really really really really really hope u can maintain this....


2015-06-10 18:25 | Report Abuse

Aiyo simon... ignore them la... their purpose is to make us feel annoyed.. if we really react to them then they feel very siok... so ignore them is the best... jom i belanja u mamak kopi o... ipoh white coffee... weli good de.. hehhe


2015-06-10 17:51 | Report Abuse

great chat with u ozzie.. drive safe ya!


2015-06-10 17:48 | Report Abuse

i couldnt agree enough with u.... do u watch the avengers? listen to wat bruce banner said "im always angry".. i learn how that means a lot to our daily life...

Posted by ozzie75 > Jun 10, 2015 05:45 PM | Report Abuse

Well, I am not taking further exposure at this juncture other than monitoring and exchanging views (both peaceful and offensive) with participants on those that I have on hand, and react accordingly if there is a reason to. Pests? They do appear at the predictable time, we can't avoid them. Just let them moan to express their presence. :)
Take it easy, my friend.


2015-06-10 17:46 | Report Abuse

ozzie bro.. i must tell u that every industries has their secrets.. but their secrets are not to be told ya... ok lets give u some sneakpeaks:

i had this "person" that is having close-up relationship with the brand name u just mentioned, telling me that: by all means, don buy, if u really need to choose 1 from them, just pick the Pr***n S**a BLM...

Posted by ozzie75 > Jun 10, 2015 05:41 PM | Report Abuse

Speaking of which....the components in Proton cars, are they really or the very least substantially 16949 certified? hahahaha. :)


2015-06-10 17:42 | Report Abuse

do u mind tell me where is the place? i would like to get special discount from u during cny cooking u know.... hehe..


2015-06-10 17:40 | Report Abuse

hahah! yes ozzie thats lubes.. but we don produce that.. hehehe...

no worry im still able to differentiate real jokes vs "joke jokes"..

hows ur trading day? harvested anything? or ruined by pests?


2015-06-10 17:38 | Report Abuse

u too tsy.. enjoy ur day ya!


2015-06-10 17:36 | Report Abuse

actually only the first filled lubes required TS.. so its like the same oil that u supply to car brand X at their service center.. it doesnt required TS.. but if u want the lubes to be the first drop of engine oil inside the engine.. then TS is mandatory..


2015-06-10 17:34 | Report Abuse

yes u r right... for any parts that u supply to assembly into a car, u must have TS as baseline to supply... even the paint, the rubber linings, and the reverse camera in it...

can u enlighten me what is the definition of "market fish buying customers"?


2015-06-10 17:30 | Report Abuse

im currently in the lubes ozzie.. u seems quite familiar huh...