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2015-06-24 18:34 | Report Abuse

This Trive will become profitable company sooner than everybody expected.


2015-06-24 18:31 | Report Abuse

The best project. Guaranty return as there is huge demand of housing in this kerteh area especially demand from oil and gas workers mainly PETRONAS staff who will surely looking for this house. I know this because i work there before and i know how limited housing supply in kerteh due to increase number of PETRONAS employee transferring from other area to kerteh or decide to stay in kerteh. The best thing is this area is one of the area safe from flood during raining season in Terengganu starting from october - February and the extra thing is that it is so near to the new build East Cost Highway connecting Terengganu to all main city.


2015-06-24 15:12 | Report Abuse

mcm dah pancit jer.


2015-06-24 15:06 | Report Abuse

lucky i jump in this morning on SUMATEC adik PDZ. :-)


2015-06-24 14:57 | Report Abuse

hahahah sudah mari


2015-06-24 10:29 | Report Abuse

Now Sarawak Report and Tony Pua have to cook other lie in order to be use or reference by Dr. M. Hahahahah wakakkak.


2015-06-24 10:07 | Report Abuse

(The Star) – A former PetroSaudi International employee has been arrested in Thailand, allegedly for leaking information related to 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Xavier Justo, a former IT executive at the company, was arrested at his home in Thailand on Monday and was charged with attempted blackmail and extortion against his former employer.

“We are relieved that Mr Justo will now face justice through the courts. We have been the victims of a regrettable crime that has unfortunately been politicised in Malaysia.

“We are happy to finally set the record straight and we apologise to the Malaysian people for the harm that one of our unscrupulous ex-employees has caused to them,” a spokesperson for the company said in a statement on Tuesday.

The Royal Thai Police’s crime suppression division had reportedly seized numerous computers, hard drives, and other evidence from Justo’s residence after obtaining a court ordered search warrant.

PetroSaudi said it was mulling further legal action in other jurisdictions against Justo’s actions.

PetroSaudi had become embroiled in the 1MDB controversy after a joint-venture deal between the two companies was said to have been orchestrated by business tycoon Low Taek Jho.



2015-06-21 22:07 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-06-21 22:04 | Report Abuse

hehhehe every month got big news leh...but price no move one. they should push down again to 0.185.hehehhe.


2015-06-21 01:46 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-06-20 22:43 | Report Abuse

PART 2 : -
7. Mr Pesek’s opinions do not seem to have a strong connection to the facts. He gives away his true agenda when writes that “Asia-based journalists have missed Mahathir Mohamad since he left office in 2003” and suggests “a return to old political leadership” is “urgent”.
It may be that nostalgia for the past and his distance from Malaysia have clouded his judgement, and led him to write an unsubstantiated hatchet job on the current prime minister in order to please a former prime minister about whom he gushes, his “mercurial governing style and fiery rhetoric made for great copy”.
He certainly seems to have changed his mind about Tun Mahathir. Only last year he wrote: “The insular and jury-rigged system of affirmative action, national champions and fat subsidies over which Mahathir presided now holds the economy back. The Malaysian leader also had a tendency to embarrass his nation on the international stage with his nutty anti-Semitic tirades.”
He concluded: “Malaysians must find fresh inspiration by looking forward, not back to 1990.” We agree. Why does Mr Pesek now think we should look back to a system he described in such a derogatory manner last year?
8. Malaysia has undergone an impressive economic transformation under Prime Minister Najib and the country is on course to reach the goal of becoming a high income status nation by 2020 – as the figures and achievements I have mentioned above make clear.
Because of our achievements, I was invited to share our experience at both Harvard and Oxford Universities this year. At the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, I had the privilege to share Malaysia’s success story with government ministers from many countries. Last month, I was invited to share our experience with Russian cabinet ministers in Moscow.
9. I wonder why it is that many countries and institutions can see the progress we are making, but Mr Pesek chooses not see any of it? His latest outburst is consistent with a serious of slanted articles that unfairly run down Malaysia and its leadership.

10. Differing opinions are bound to be expressed on Bloomberg View. The defence of “fair comment”, however, does not apply to getting facts so woefully wrong. We would hope that the editors at Bloomberg agree, and will correct or take down such a disgracefully biased and ill-informed article.
Y.B. Senator Dato’ Sri Idris Jala
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and CEO of the n Performance Management and Delivery Unit (PEMANDU).


2015-06-20 22:42 | Report Abuse

When I read William Pesek’s latest commentary on Bloomberg View, I barely recognised the country he was writing about. He starts by referring to Malaysia’s “underlying economic distress” and “prolonged slow growth”, which he says are caused by “race-based policies that strangle innovation, feed cronyism and repel multinational companies.”

The facts, however, are these:

1. Between 2009 and 2014, Malaysian Gross National Income grew by 47.7 percent.

2. Growth last year was six percent, and over the next four years the OECD predicts Malaysia will enjoy annual growth of 5.6 percent. It would be perverse to characterise this as “slow”. By contrast, the Economist reported last month that “The European Commission is forecasting growth in 2015 of 1.5 percent, which would be the euro area’s best outcome since 2011.” A growth rate nearly four times that of some of the most advanced economies in the world hardly suggests “distress”.

3. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak launched Malaysia’s ‘Economic Transformation Programme’ in 2010. Let me highlight some key achievements:
- Firstly, in the last 5 years, annual investment growth has been 2.5 times more than in the preceding years. Each year, total investment reached a new record for Malaysia. The bulk of this investment is from the private sector. If the private sector has no confidence in Malaysia as alleged by Mr Pesek, why would they put in record investment year on year under the Najib administration?
- Secondly,‎ the country’s fiscal reforms are being successfully implemented, cutting Malaysia’s fiscal deficit for the past 5 years, while keeping public debt at only 53% of GDP. This level of public debt level is far lower than in many countries, such as the US, UK, France, Japan and Singapore.
- Thirdly, as detailed in the World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects report 2014, Malaysia’s efforts at reducing poverty have been a great success, virtually eliminating absolute poverty to less than 1 percent. Since 2009, the income of the bottom 40 per cent households has increased by a compound annual growth rate of 12 percent, even higher than the national average of 8 percent. Inflation has been kept in check at only 2.4 percent. And through the implementation of minimum wage legislation, we have lifted 2.9 million people immediately out of absolute poverty.
- Fourthly, we touched the lives of 5 million people through rural roads, electricity and water projects. This represents possibly the biggest government expenditure over a 5 year period in the history of Malaysia. All of these were done in the name of inclusive economic development.

4. That should be enough to dispel the suspiciously negative picture Mr Pesek paints. But let me address some of his other inaccurate accusations too.
As for the alleged failure to “dismantle race-based policies that strangle innovation”, let me quote from a report in a respected international news organisation:
“Malaysia eased rules governing overseas investors, initial public offerings and property purchases, peeling back decades of benefits to ethnic Malays… Foreign companies investing in Malaysia and locally listed businesses will no longer need to set aside 30 percent of their equity to so-called Bumiputera investors, Prime Minister Najib Razak said today. He also raised overseas ownership thresholds in the fund management industry and at local stockbrokers.” At Initial Public Offerings, “Publicly traded companies will no longer have to meet any Bumiputera equity requirement under today’s liberalisation measures.”
If Mr Pesek disagrees with any of the above, perhaps he might discuss it with his editors. The report was published, after all, by none other than Bloomberg.

5. At another point, he writes that Prime Minister Najib has “deepened the economy’s reliance on oil and gas production”. The International Monetary Fund believes otherwise. The headline on its “Economic Health Check” report this March was: “Favorable Prospects for Malaysia’s Diversified Economy”.

6. Mr Pesek rounds off his imaginative piece of writing by declaring that “the ringgit’s fluctuations are a decent summary of the country’s wayward course in recent years”.
Perhaps he would like to discuss this with Malaysia’s Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, one of the most admired central bank governors in the world. She has repeatedly said that the ringgit is undervalued. Here is what she said recently: “When the oil price plummeted, the wrong perception of the degree of dependence of the Malaysian economy on the oil and gas sector led markets to think that we would be more affected than others. Of course the ringgit is undervalued. It doesn’t reflect our underlying values, which are solid and strong.”



2015-06-20 22:39 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-06-20 22:39 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-06-18 11:19 | Report Abuse

lately a lot of new investor buying it..emm something...


2015-06-16 11:06 | Report Abuse

im waiting at 0.18


2015-06-16 00:25 | Report Abuse

i think it will stop go down and stable around 0.60-0.70.Goodluck all.


2015-06-16 00:08 | Report Abuse

wow freefall


2015-06-11 23:45 | Report Abuse

what 17 cent ? so if that the case than wait for it to go down la because can buy more before the push up the price.


2015-06-11 11:08 | Report Abuse

i dont know if they can amend the RI to a new price but i believe that must go back to shareholder and EGM again to get approval. At current price it is totally not attractive to investor. What is their strategy i dont know.


2015-06-11 11:04 | Report Abuse

currently this is one of the safe counter with much more upside potential due to strong performance from manufacturing and tech counter.


2015-06-11 11:02 | Report Abuse

i put target price at 0.25 at this moment.


2015-06-11 10:28 | Report Abuse

tunggu VSOLAR go first. They cannot goreng both. One by One.


2015-06-10 21:19 | Report Abuse

hahahah what are u talking about wan? their financial problem already settle with creditor and private placement also done with new shareholder inside and new team inside and also they turn to property now will a few project already in hand and a few will be announce later. hahahhah u sleep ker all this while. hahahhaah.


2015-06-10 19:37 | Report Abuse

heheheh triving and waiting the right time la. they control the price ma.


2015-06-09 23:34 | Report Abuse

it will only shoot back after reach target 0.09 - 0.095.


2015-06-09 11:04 | Report Abuse

heheh the code non stop la.

News & Blogs

2015-06-08 12:19 | Report Abuse

This code transaction happen since last tuesday.


2015-06-08 12:17 | Report Abuse

i dont think it is selling in small quantity. But it is more to code that only syndicate know between them. They are waiting for an event/instruction/announcement...


2015-06-08 12:15 | Report Abuse

i also want to play code la. Kacau their code. Buying or selling in small number like that easy ma.


2015-06-08 09:54 | Report Abuse

again with the code


2015-06-07 17:10 | Report Abuse


KUALA LUMPUR, June 6, 2015:
Online blog Sarawak Report has come under attack again for misleading publications related to 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB), with another online blog Benchmark accusing the former of withholding key documents.
Just days after Citizens for Accountable Governance Malaysia (CAGM) blasted Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle Brown’s denial that her husband Andrew Brown was acquainted with former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the Benchmark blogger wrote: “It is devious of Sarawak Report to only selectively leak and publish a few documents which allowed Sarawak Report to mislead their readers.”The Benchmark blogger added: “Sarawak Report has published only only a dozen of these thousands of documents they admit that they have in order to manipulate a storyline that they want to allege.

“In the interest of fairness, we invite Sarawak Report to release every single of the thousands of documents that they said they have in order to let their readers be the judge of the full story.”
The Benchmark blogger wrote: “The documents proves that PetroSaudi-1MDB joint venture was initiated with the Malaysia government at the highest level of the Saudi Arabia Kingdom royal family.
“PetroSaudi is owned by Turki bin Abdullah Al Saud, the seventh son of the then King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. Prince Turki was also the Governor of the Riyadh Province.
“With King Abdullah’s blessings after His Highness meeting with Malaysia Prime Minister (Datuk Seri) Najib Razak. the documents show that Prince Turki has instructed PetroSaudi to enter into a Joint-venture with 1MDB.
“As Prince Turki is the founder and chairman of PetroSaudi International, he wrote using his Royal letterhead to Najib Razak ‘As a follow up to the dialogue we initiated, please find enclosed a letter from MY CEO’.”
The Benchmark blogger also wrote: “The second letter is from 1MDB lawyers Wong and Co with attachments of letters written by the CEO of PetroSaudi International to the 1MDB-PetroSaudi JV to demand repayment of US$700 million (RM2.61 billion) into PetroSaudi International’s JP Morgan Chase Account for account of RBS Courts Bank Ltd (544-7-4487)6).
“This clearly shows any transfers for fund into Good Star Ltd accounts was at the instruction of PetroSaudi International CEO and not by 1MDB.
“The third latest letter is a written confirmation by PetroSaudi International that the controversial Good Star Ltd company has always been fully owned by PetroSaudi alone.
“Taken together, the above document trails clearly show that:

* 1MDB has never transferred any money to third party owned accounts other than to the 1MDB-PetroSaudi JV

* Good Star Ltd is and has always been a fully owned PetroSaudi company

* The entire joint-venture was done with the full knowledge and in agreement with the highest levels of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia leadership.”

Copies of the above three letters can be found at http://thebenchmark1.blogspot.com/2015/06/petrosaudi-1mdb-jv.html?m=1.
In the earlier criticism, CAGM chairman Md Zainal Abidin had reportedly said while CAGM expressed “support for Sarawak Report’s initiative to expose 1MDB’s alleged wrongdoings, he reminded her to practice responsible journalism, adding that it was ‘morally and ethically wrong to hoodwink the Malaysian public in the pretext of fighting for justice and transparency’.”


2015-06-06 15:29 | Report Abuse

hahha Abdul Rahim nice Pantun. Jap ni pantun ker apa ni. Heheheh Confius kejap.


2015-06-06 15:27 | Report Abuse

hehehhe. Risk Trader that TP 0.15 is so fast la. In one week time or two week maybe can achieve.


2015-06-06 15:24 | Report Abuse

dont worry la.I think suma still got chance to go up.


2015-06-06 15:22 | Report Abuse

sunztzhe go and read. Then you will know why. The title of the article is one thing and what people understand about the article is another thing.


2015-06-05 18:14 | Report Abuse

Buy this Sanichi ASAP. A week ahead is belong to Sanichi and Etitech.


2015-06-05 17:49 | Report Abuse

consistently go up.


2015-06-05 10:39 | Report Abuse

How i wish i know the code.I observe since tuesday they start using this code. As if they waiting for something or instruction for next action. Whether it is to push down or to push up.


2015-06-05 10:03 | Report Abuse



2015-06-05 09:46 | Report Abuse

clearly they are waiting for something. Those using Maybank Online can see the transaction.


2015-06-05 09:44 | Report Abuse

they start the code since tuesday


2015-06-05 09:34 | Report Abuse

why they keep playing with the code ? are they waiting for the OPEC Meeting tonight ?


2015-06-04 11:51 | Report Abuse

tak habis-habis main kod


2015-06-03 20:29 | Report Abuse

Chan giving way for halim to buy the remaining share. Then they will start push the price.