John Chong

johnchong | Joined since 2013-09-16

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2013-11-24 02:09 | Report Abuse

I think it is high time for you to start a page like KC's "Any hidden gems" .... before it gets too hot for comfort here... Haha...
Don't forget to count me, if you do.

Before I forget, have a happy and peaceful well-earned Europenn trip and try to keep your pc at home, though many here will wish otherwise .... haha.


2013-11-22 01:55 | Report Abuse

Dragonslayer she is not your simu. Insults your innocense and you still is not aware that you have been goreng into charcoal. Had you taken advices from kind hearted souls in late Oct to before 6 Nov you would not be in present position.
Go to PM Corp thread and seek/learn take advice from people like Ooi TB, kcchong and will do you good.
That person/.....have done her part in making those ridiculious advice and goading you on will never appear again in that name rest assured will do so with another name to start a new mischief. Should she/he appear again you can easily detect by the same kind advice in one form or another.


2013-11-20 14:09 | Report Abuse

Why MANAGEMENT spending time and energy on the unproductive processes of returning the money, reduce the par value and then combine 4 into 1 to make par M$1? We do not measure the intrinsic value by par value.
Instead of returning the money, use it ASAP to upgrade and get new machinery and equipment to get better and fruitful results.

Apply "MAKE IT HAPPEN" slogan. You will hear less criticism.

Am practical and my 40+ engineers learn that and now only show me results even sometimes it seems impossible. I provide resources and support and they come back with results not problems. They know "Make it Happen" from..... Haha


2013-11-20 13:39 | Report Abuse

Mike, thanks for your concern but not to worry as PMC/MUI is only in my 10% portion of my trading/investing 90/10 portfolio). My opinion only and NO offence to anybody, this will be a slow but steady counter from now on, after the recent euphoria, intuitively. Patience pays hopefully here. Ha ha.


2013-11-20 11:26 | Report Abuse

No need to get worked up by such character.
Either missed the boat or defensive. Did not pay much attention to rubbish..and did not loose my energy.. haha


2013-11-20 09:49 | Report Abuse

MikeKong55, noted with thanks.
I am aware of the window dressing but have not employ it to advantage but with your insight I take your critical point of view into consideration in the future.
In the US they sell-off for tax purpose b4 year end (applicable only in US)and beinning of year they start loading what they called the Capricon Effect and happen to sort of coincide with our CNY rally.

Coming back to PMC, I foresee that both groups (ST and LT) indicators in Guppy's GMMA will continue its uptrend steadily and it would be a good candidate of the tenet "Buy the new highs" and for traders during the normal correctionsS and for investors to add more to their positions as professed by Morton Davis in his "From Hard Knocks to Hot Stocks" and Adom Khoo's momentum trading in his "Secrets of Millionaire Investors".
One should be open and I see no harm in putting 10k or more.
and have already bulid my porfolio to 70k and a little in MUI..


2013-11-20 02:00 | Report Abuse

Just a curiosity, from what I gathered in this forum, one of your basic philosophy is buy in March i.e during/after the annual CNY correction and sell before the the year end holiday lull period.
Why not sell during the CNY rally, instead?


2013-11-16 23:31 | Report Abuse

Fabien Wong
Were you in Jurong PS before?


2013-11-16 22:12 | Report Abuse

Thanks Calvin for the clarification. I was trying to explain since no one was responding to David.

I do not normally appear in the forum as it is enervating and also do not have those youthful enetgy. As I said before I admire the quantum of energy you spend here.


2013-11-16 21:57 | Report Abuse

I also will be in Singapore during this period which will be my first home coming for a CNY gathering after 9 years. Haha


2013-11-16 21:55 | Report Abuse

The S$ and B$ are at par and can be used interchangibly in Singapore. Is is accepted by everyone/shops without exception.

Should you visit Singapore end of Jan'14, can visit Logos Hope the largest f;oating library in the world be be berthing near the city for visitors. No entrance fees and books without GST nor tax. I bought 3 hards cover books last month for BD2 equivalent to S$6.6 each only.


2013-11-16 20:11 | Report Abuse

My own 2c rece to your query based on basic read of all the info in this forum.
PMC is fully integrated in the cocolate part of its business. Everything they use is what they get from their own plantation abnd maybe other reliable Malaysian planters. The core and higher margin of their cocolated business is most likely the cocolate bars that we have been hearing about here compared to others like coco powder ....
As the demand for the bars are increasing it is only logical to use their primary produce to make and get the best margin. Besides, the cheaper competition and established name, I guess PMC's coco powder is superior as it is not a by-product. Calvin please check and confirm...

Unlike PMC, the international congomulates buy their coco from the major planters internationally, on-top of what they may have. COCO POWDER IS A BY-PRODUCT or the left-over of their other very high end extracts process i.e COCO BUTTER. The use of this butter is well-know in the beauty and health world.

No offence to anybody or company, just my own analysis of what info I gather here and my own logical analysis. I am an engineer by training and profession and so is natural to analysis based on info in front of me


2013-11-16 14:49 | Report Abuse

Let's make money together as a family. Brothers and sisters differing in opinion is a realthy but not far different. Huat ea as some used to say. Use the differing opinions to your benefits without hurting members of the family.

Read up on GMMA where they explain the action of Traders and LT investors as shown by the movement of the ST & LT GMMA.

The ST leads the way for the LT GMMA

I am going shopping now in BH not the market haha


2013-11-16 14:04 | Report Abuse

There are 2 camps (investor & trader) here and this is the fundamental reasons for this unnecessary quarrel.

Both's BASIC OBJECTIVE is to make MONEY. Let us not be hypocritical. Why are we here in this forum for? Be sincere.

The investor buys stocks with good fundamentals and hopes that others may see and come on board and in the process take the price up. THEY BUY AND HOLD.

The trader looks for a trending counter and finds one in PMC and thanks to Calvin's promotion. As a result both camps sees potential in PMC. TRADERS BUY WHEN TRENDS IS IN FAVOR AND SEE WHEN OVERBOUGHT this will cause a sell-off. TRADERS COMES BACK TO BUY AGAIN; etc.

The recent SHARP price rise is not due just the fundamentals but a combination of both traders and investors. Without the traders in the market price rise ill be a slow and agonising process which the early participants have experienced. It took them years and we are talking about a few weeks here.

Rightly or wrongly, thanks to the traders' action we saw the sharp price rise and fellows here have been warned that the rise is too steep and to be careful.

There are plenty of so called sharks out there in the general market but here they a only a few participants. I don't see the participants here as evil. Read and thinks over all the have been written and most have your safety in mind. We don't make money from each are here. It is our own action that decides our P/L in the end game.

Take my case:
Under Calvin's FA recommendations I bought 20k at 21 and based on my own TA I sold 10k at 33.5 (a bit too early then) with the inention to buy back more should fall back and was keeping the other for 42 and higher using the new high principle. (BUT I NEVER MENTIONED WHAT I DID BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT TO BE THE CAUSE OF OTHERS ACTION except that I warned that all the TA indicators are strong but also at overbought and needs breathing space)

When finally it fell I bought back 40k at 32 and had to cut loss. However, I bought back 30k at 27 by queing yesterday, as I am away on friday as it is weekend in the MEast.

Who is better "Investor or Trader? There is no answer. Don't compare with WBuffet.

I give you an example of Keppel Corp.
It was trading at $20+ more than 10 years ago.
During the financial crisis it fell to 96 cents when my collegue bought 30k.
The price gradually rose back to $18 and later fell again to $5+
Now trading at $11.

Who will benefit more. The investor who hold from beginning to today. or the trader.
He bought at $1 and sold at $18
Use the proceeds to buy 3,6 times more at $5.

WB also sells part of his holding when the price is too high above the fundamental and buy back when the price falls back to it's intrinsic value.

If PMC true asset value at today's price is $1.50 and due to speculative action it shot up to $2.5. FRANKLY/HONESTLY WOULD YOU SELL?

If the funamentals of the company is that fantastic it would still take a couple of years to build it's fundamentals to $2.5;
why not sell use the proceeds elsewhere and make some $$ and comeback. The company do not depend on you.

Calvin consider PMC as his property/baby and feels so protective and consider others who behave otherwise as traitor. I can't blame him, he is a different animal from most of us. Sorry Calvin for putting it this way.

Anyway like most of us, thank you once again for recommending PMC.


2013-11-14 18:51 | Report Abuse

Thanks mmtalents


2013-11-14 17:40 | Report Abuse

Malton trading cum div. Anyone know how much Div?


2013-11-14 15:25 | Report Abuse

Mikekong55 noted with thanks,
Am only waiting at 24.5 but if too drastic fall will withdraw not take action; am a trader and 10% investor.

by the way, can you enlighten me on this: if new shares are registered on 21/11 after right issue. Does it mean one can sell the registered on the same day or await further notice? My broker can't help saying that must call to confirm.
It should be Bursa have standard rules >> "Rules are rules"

Would much appreciate your response.


2013-11-14 13:03 | Report Abuse

Hope some of you have taken the opportunity presented yesterday to pick-up some other down-trodden stocks like Alam, Tebrau,Tambun ... using the save energy instead.......... haha

To those who hoped for 18.5
PMC's next support S1 = 24.5 not 18.5 (S3) which those who sold earlier HAD HOPED for. It is not the same before the promotion that have taken place, it has changed the sentiment to it.
Trade with the times instead.


2013-11-13 16:34 | Report Abuse

Spend your energy productively elsewhere to make some good money in this opportune time.


2013-11-13 15:48 | Report Abuse

No need to panic if you have not clear your stocks already - rather late now. Stay cool to trade wisely.

The general market is down even super Sumatec after rising to 56.5 is now still in negative territory after fallen to 46.5

Am waiting at 24.5 (30k) the next support level.


2013-11-13 14:02 | Report Abuse

The exercise period is over. If you had not done it by 6/11, sorry they are gone into the wind.


2013-11-13 13:36 | Report Abuse

Sumatec recently issued 4.1x rights (subscription @ 17.5 sen) and 1x warrant (free) wrt to the number of existing mother shares. Registration of new shares on 21st Nov'13.

Based on the above what is the logic for this price run-up. I understand that you have a master degree,

Unless, coincidentally, the company's oil exploration have made a rich oil find. I have my suspicion that interested parties are at play here which is more dangerous than here.

At today's current price, the prenium is 55.5-17.5 = 38 sen.

Consult sifu mikekong55 on your further action, before the averlance of new shares and warrants hit the market on registration day next week.

I have negative benefits in providing you the above info, as I have vested interest. I will be getting 20k to 60k of mother shares and 5k to 15k new warrants on 21st Nov depending on how many successful excess given. If the current price is maintained post 21st Nov, you can calculate my potential profit. (9.5k to 24.7k)

I really hope that the company have discovered rich black gold for the above to be sustainable. or else come 21/11 you may find 9/11


2013-11-13 12:27 | Report Abuse

Pathetic - Tit for Tat - Low Self Esteem.

Instead of focusing on the price movement which was a golden opportunity for making handsome money earlier this morning when prices swing to it's extreme. No need to frighten fellow form mates to sell to get the lowest price. This is a very small nest here. Guide one another instead and could have been made. You would have been a real hero instead.
When very fearful BUY and vice versa. Like someone in another forum said you need iron balls. Pardon me ladies.


2013-11-12 21:03 | Report Abuse

I have advised our fellows here to keep your earlier CAUTION call behind their mind as the ship sail faster forward. "Prices do not move in straight line'. I am not in favor the sniping at each other like the ones earlier at you. That's is why I seldom say anything. The reverse should not happen now I hope.

People in the heat makes mistake, so let us advise humbly for win-win situation.

Positive participation in the forums is really good to me. Here, people provide info in many form which would take much precious time and effort. Thank you for your contributions and also other fellows.

I am working in a foreign country and it is 4am to me when market starts that's why I start in the afternoon and respond in the night.

Without our good fellow contribution in the forums, I would 1/2 blind in the market. Thanks again.


2013-11-12 20:35 | Report Abuse

Early this afternoon, I have already cautioned overbought situation.

Take my own risk and may be a catching a falling knife. That is why I caution not to follow.

To me, 30 sen is a good support which was the resistance I mentioned before it's breakout and I have closed 1/2 my position after breakout from 21.5 sens purchase and keeping rest for LT investment; unless I see something funny. (S = 1 bid below break of support)

Current purchase on intuition only. So please don't follow, make your own risk assessment.

rooney2u, to be safe watch 30 sen and if it bounce you can consider.


2013-11-12 20:13 | Report Abuse

The correction have finally come.
Bought 40,000 at 32 sens at the close today
E = 32
S = 29.5
P1 = 36
P2 = 42
Reward/Risk = 1.6 to 4

Trade wisely. Do not follow blindly, do your own risk assessment.


2013-11-12 15:44 | Report Abuse

What I have in PM & MUI are for investment.

Watching & waiting to buy more for short/mid term gains.


2013-11-12 15:27 | Report Abuse

Prices had moved relatively steeply in the last few days. Healthy RSI & MFI > 80% implies in the overbought region so just needs some breathing space before the next leap.

All other indicators GMMA, Stochastic and MACD strong and healthy but too strong which explain the pause BUT VOLUME IS LIGHT DURING THE PAUSE WHICH IS IMPORTANT.

Be COOL you can't expect over-speed otherwise it will burnout.

News & Blogs

2013-11-10 18:25 | Report Abuse

All kinds of economic and natural disasters will happen anytime and are there waiting to happen.
Take them as opportunities to make $$$.


2013-11-07 11:40 | Report Abuse

A place for TA education.


2013-11-07 10:54 | Report Abuse

Ayam Tua how about getting your guru in CNX to give their comments,


2013-11-07 10:50 | Report Abuse

Volume during this pause has been low is PROOF.
All the TA are so strong indicating over bought stress that is why this minor correction/pause.


2013-11-07 10:26 | Report Abuse

No worry.
Just a healthy correction; as cautions by many with good intentions earlier. But some taking childish snipes shorts at them.
Time to watch and accumulate at prices you feel comfortable.
As long as it does not fall below 30 sen the uptrend should be intact.

Next taget after breaking 35 at high volume should be 35+7 = 42 sen.

Good luck and trade wisely and
Hope not to see unnecessary snippings in the future in this forum.


2013-11-05 15:57 | Report Abuse

No need to give names....
The lingo "Cornered" implies syndicates bought and then jack-up

Here the major shareholders have been holding their shares for sometime I believe, as they know what & where their business is going.

If you miss the boat it is ok, either jump in at the next destination or find another boat.

My strategy in such situation, is look for a bullish pendant and when ready to jump-in, take a bigger step so that you win more for what you missed earlier. Always have a positive attitude and we will see less of the ......... in the forums.

OTK is a very good example of a positive character.

We should appreciate his inputs and keep his advice behind your mind all the time as the ship moves faster forward. What he said is no different from what Ayam Tua just said.

Quote Ayam Tua
at 0.345 -- first, up - then correction - then up - then correction - then up - ding dong ding dong - watch this forum - then up, then correction -- then up -- ding dong ding dong - correction - media house take notice of up then -- up then -- correction -- then $1.00 and beyond ...

Bottomline: UP


2013-11-04 15:26 | Report Abuse

You can go it's sister ah mui if you give up here
It may be the next leg


2013-11-04 14:59 | Report Abuse

Ha ha barring Calvin seems to have the opposite the effect.

Instead it has becomes the catalyst for rise as it seems have attracted more attention and interest in this counter. HAha

You can also buy this chocolate in the Middle East.


2013-11-04 14:50 | Report Abuse

Forget to mention.

If you are interested in a uptrend stock take the offer and when you sell a down trending gie to buyer.


2013-11-04 01:15 | Report Abuse

Focus on one counter and don't get distracted. Later you have gain experience and success, then you can diversify.



2013-11-04 01:11 | Report Abuse

lim there is no hurry to get into the market. Study and understand the bascis and when you feel comfortable you can start to do some trading to test the water.

The market is always there, no need to jump in with eyes 1/2 covered, you know what i mean. It is better to start late than be burnt & your savings fly away.

If you really want to then plan your exit before entering. Prepare to loose little with the objective to make more. Make firm commitments to your plan and do not hesitate.

> Entry price =

> Stop loss (Exit) price = this can only move up as the price increase but cannot be reversed. VERY IMPORTANT RULE.

> Profit target = P1, P2,.... follow up in a uptrending stock like PM Corp at the moment, until the stop price is triggered.

So you maximise your profit and cut your losses short.


Try to get some educations, it is worth your while as you are starting young. Cheers


2013-11-03 14:49 | Report Abuse

Wait after 6th Nov when OR commitment confirmed.

Looks like starting to goreng towards 6/11 by vested interest. If this is the case, you know what will happen BUT I hope I am wrong.


2013-11-02 14:20 | Report Abuse

Be consistent and you will progress fare better than Mr WB


2013-11-02 14:19 | Report Abuse

Generally, Prices takes 90 of the time to rise 50% and 10% time period to rise the next 50%.

Assume TP price rise MR1.00 then say you observe 3 months rise by 50 sen then the next 50 sen may take only 1+ week

When prices rise parabolicaly then standy to unload.

Trade wisely.


2013-11-02 14:11 | Report Abuse

The rate of rise's gradient is slightly less than 45 degree so is ok & sustainable. It have reached it's first flat pole target price.
Those who intends to add let it break above 30 sen on high volume and new target price is 30 + new flag.

Use GMMa for this uptrending stock as your guide.

Am still holding on to my position.

Will add more when appropriate. Dont ask me what, why how. I act on the situation and info at hand.

No need to panic. Can sell some to confirm yr profit, if u are worried


2013-10-31 14:19 | Report Abuse

Tudor may become the Cadbuy or Hershey of Asia. I bought some Tudor Chocolate - Almond last Monday in Nestore in Bahrain. A bit too sweet for me. Haha


2013-10-31 14:14 | Report Abuse

Prices like anything else do not move in straight lines. There is always retracement. Retracement is a breathing taking and time for reload or load-up more as long as the fundamentals are on track.
Watch the TA they tell the underlying story of the company. Even if there's an earthquake in the general market, the price will return after the short blood bath.Watch its GMMA for trending stocks.

Have confidence and Happy trading ahead.


2013-10-31 14:07 | Report Abuse

MUI was associated lovingly with Mui Chai of a then favorite HK drama beautiful character at that time when MUI was running up to MR25++

Here is more amo for chocolate fans from "Kitchen Table Book"

Tasty treat heads off heart disease
Kuna Indians living on the San Bias islands are some of the poorest
people in Panama, but they're the least likely to die from heart disease, diabetes, stroke, or cancer - all thanks to their drinking habit. The island Kuna drink lots of cocoa, it's their main beverage. They grow their own cocoa beans, especially rich in flavanols. These plant compounds belong to a larger group called flavonoids, a type of polyphenol similar to the ones in green tea.

• Research shows blood vessels function better after eating chocolate
or drinking cocoa. Its flavanols stimulate your blood vessels to
produce nitric oxide, which helps them work more efficiently.
• Cocoa may even heal damaged blood vessels. People who drank
flavanol-rich cocoa three times a day for one week reversed blood
vessel damage caused by smoking.
• Cocoa also improves heart and blood vessel function in post menopausal women with high cholesterol and protects LDL
cholesterol from oxidation, a process that leads to hardening of
the arteries.
Older adults benefit more from cocoa & chocolate than young ones. Seniors who ate cocoa for several days saw bigger drops in blood pressure and bigger improvements in circulation than young adults who ate the same amounts.
Indulging in a little dark chocolate need not be a dirty secret. Now you can say it's for "health reasons." The flavanols in chocolate cause your blood vessels to release nitric oxide that makes them relax. When they dilate and open wider, your blood pressure drops.
One square of dark chocolate daily can bring borderline-high blood
pressure back into the normal, healthy range, according to new research published in the distinguished Journal of the American Medical
Association. (You can find more info in the book). I bought this book in Logos Hope largest floating library when I visited her last Friday. in


2013-10-29 12:58 | Report Abuse

If closes above 68 sen at end of today and confirm it stays above 68 sen it confirms the breakout, next price target 82 sen and above


2013-10-28 02:45 | Report Abuse

I take my hat-off for your true dedication & commitment to this family of shares. You are in love. I am not complaining but thanks.

As for me, I just look at the facts and logic and that's it. Take it or leave. In the forums I see some get so emotional/defensive and get blinded at their own cost. I would not be bothered/nor response unnecessay. TIME WILL TELL/SHOW THE REALITY.

Even my thanking you have attracted attentsion elsewhere & quotated when I recently made a comment. These people really dogged you. You are really COOL. Haha.

So you are putting in Jurong West. One day may call you up for a chat over a cup of coffee or hot chocolate when I go to Singapore. Haha


2013-10-27 02:18 | Report Abuse

Price chart showing higher High and highrt Low.

Last trade end 25/10 is bearish engulfing but low volume. Kawan should you change your mind this maybe a chance, try que at 23.5 & stay cool.