Blog Posts
1 month ago | Report Abuse
such an amazing run for southern cable......
1 month ago | Report Abuse
may TCS have a good start in 2025... jia you!
1 month ago | Report Abuse
@michael kwok - big time celebrations if really 30 sen 😁
high of 17.5 sen today.. go go go! wonder if got some good news or sth...
1 month ago | Report Abuse
And indeed we are all still waiting .. *twiddling my thumbs*
1 month ago | Report Abuse
Dxn is slowly but surely recovering from its recent low. Go go go! Hope it will reach 60 sen again in 2025. Afterall valuation is v cheap for a consumer products company. Only 8.3x now …
1 month ago | Report Abuse
Looks more like a winter time at PTRB.. Results koyak, while receivables continue to balloon. Operating cash outflow already RM28mln in 6 mths alone. Cash balance left RM21.9mln. Let’s see the next quarter macam mana..
1 month ago | Report Abuse
at current price, downside is v limited. just need some good news to boost it. hmm, waiting for contract announcements.... hopefully got good news in coming 1Q. construction industry will do well in 2025.
2024-11-11 19:22 | Report Abuse
wow.. this stock.. which has been so quiet and dead... now BAGS A RM200 MILLION PROJECT..
is this the start of the company's turnaround?? 2025 will be good? RM200 mln over 2 years..
wah.. wonder tomorrow market will have what kind of reaction... hopefully tomorrow market is up la.. today down 12pts
2024-06-05 16:39 | Report Abuse
wah, non-stop selling since results... 😮
2024-05-31 15:48 | Report Abuse
Farm Price punya price holding strong.. sources said apparently they have institutional shareholders already. good sign.. dont play play. now selling vege also got standard already thanks to Farm Price 😁
2024-05-31 15:39 | Report Abuse
hmm, after Q4 results disappointed.. price dropped abt 10% from high of 34 sen. now will have to wait see how it performs in the next quarter...
2024-05-31 15:34 | Report Abuse
aiyoyo.. biggest profit highest revenue in history but price dropped 5% 😂😂
dsonic mgmt.. pls do share buyback, company is undervalued.
2024-05-31 15:31 | Report Abuse
typical buy on rumours and sell on news.. sigh~
2024-05-31 15:28 | Report Abuse
2.34 now.. market red red everywhere. hope this is healthy correction and not start of downtrend 😅 afterall this stock got fundamentals. and now give 4.0 dividend. hmm.. have to see what happens..
2024-05-31 15:23 | Report Abuse
this is really sad... after what the owners have done.. kena quick slap on the hand saje. and now bursa delist, close case. life goes one.. la la la. but what about the public's money??
2024-05-29 11:25 | Report Abuse
lagenda has become legend.. but unfortunately, for the wrong reason.
2024-05-14 06:10 | Report Abuse
woohoo, SSB proposed to acquire 51%-stake in data centre (dc) M&E specialist for RM23 mln! The news came just 1 week after their EGM approval to vary the private placement utilisation proceeds. Nice, very nice. Looks like this SJEE company has done dc jobs before.. unlike some companies which say they are tendering for dc jobs (but has never done one in the past).
will be really interesting to see the response at 9am later.. will share price jump? got chance to be like VSTECS?? hmmmmm.... can't wait till 9am.
2024-05-11 16:07 | Report Abuse
I recall reading in the Edge In Dec23/Jan24 that Focusp was some fund manager's stock pick for the year. It's May already... and focusp is still trading between 70-77 sen *yawn*
But trailing PE is 11.5x... attractive for consumer stock, esp since it has own brands. Why not much interest ler??
2024-05-11 16:03 | Report Abuse
Unique is on fire! 29.5 sen.. nice, very nice.
eagerly awaiting results later this month. As @kritikos said, mgmt said results shld be good. pls don't disappoint. i am waiting for it to go back to >30 sen again.
2024-05-11 15:51 | Report Abuse
yesterday (Friday) rehat sikit so can charge forward again next week. break 50 sen??
2024-05-11 10:53 | Report Abuse
Coffee Can, haha.. that's a very interesting point!
One of the core values of Body Shop is "Vegetarian and Vegan Friendly" Link is here:
So, Body Shop = no animal cruelty.
Burger & Lobster = eat meat/lobster. the more you eat, the better the biz.
opps, how to reconcile ar then? 🤣
2024-05-06 23:09 | Report Abuse
came here to check out the forum.. discussion seems to have died off. share price also has lost some steam recently.. though still very good from where it started off not too long ago. today got some good news on the sectors.. which shld benefit MCE.
1) Proton records sales of 11,025 units in April, higher by 17.1% y-o-y
2) Perodua eyes 79% jump in exports this year as it introduces more models in Brunei
so ... there's still leg to the rally? building base now? i guess only time will tell.
2024-05-06 22:55 | Report Abuse
tomorrow EGM .. seeking approval to vary the utilisation of proceeds.. if you read the circular, it says they wanna do acquisition.. currently in nego w/ some prospects wor. eyeing M&E.... jeng jeng jeng.
2024-05-06 22:49 | Report Abuse
Anyone has luck getting allocated with FP shares? if yes, good for you! i think u shld get the refund in your bank v soon.
in reality, though, it's really hard to kena the lottery. take a look at the results (it's uploaded on Tricor website.. public info), unless you apply >1 mln shares... else, macam no need to bother.
even if you try for 1 mln shares (that's RM240k in cold hard cash), your success rate is 30% for non bumi and 40% for bumi... and itupun, you get 15,000 shares (worth RM3,600) out of 1 mln shares applied. of coz, this means you get some pocket money on opening. perhaps, better bet is to buy in the open market upon listing... just hope the price is not too high! market pls bagi chance.. i will be watching and waiting to jump in.
2024-05-04 14:11 | Report Abuse
went to putrajaya precint 15 few days ago and drove past SDS Bakery shop! wah, didnt know they expanded to klang valley i went to check sds website and realize already got 5 outlets in selangor. good.. good..
2024-05-04 14:06 | Report Abuse
me waiting for the upcoming results (in June)... shld be good *fingers crossed*
2024-05-04 14:05 | Report Abuse
TA Research covers the stock.. can read the analysis there. Maintains TP at RM2.76. Price sudah recovered to RM1.89.. strong eh.
btw, company got recommend 1.5 sen dividend.. but have to wait a bit.. need shareholder to approve first at AGM.
1 month ago | Report Abuse
at least got some positive news... looks like it's just admin or paperwork stuff ... finally. can look forward to stop twiddling my thumb dy. this transaction is a long time coming! hopefully post completion, SJEE (through SSB) can also give us small fry shareholders more good news... some data centre contracts would be excellent!