
kltower | Joined since 2020-06-08

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2020-09-20 22:27 | Report Abuse

hehehe...yes yes yes glove is over, 7106 director Mr.Ng recently share buy back RM7.89 look so stupid.

7106 management massive share buy back between RM6.06 - RM6.60 also damn stupid, how come a forumer foresee glove is over but the management can't see? damn.


2020-09-20 17:28 | Report Abuse

17-09-2020 09.30am 30,025,473
18-09-2020 11.00am 30,348,579
19-09-2020 09.00am 30,685,301
20-09-2020 09.00am 30,975,784

I record covid cases everyday but sor hai said glove game over, after rr88 team rocket these kind of kaki... now have another batch of cyber troops recruit by different IB.


2020-09-20 12:23 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-09-20 00:46 | Report Abuse

hahalolwtf stop being lazy and do your own research, if more and more factories produce glove small player will flush out very soon ! come fast die fast !

you know why China need one belt one road ? because Asian market has become No.1 trading partner to China ! (No.2 Europe No.3 US ) couple years ago ang mo started to see China as BIG THREAT in many aspect, that's why nowadays they don't simply accept China products.

fact is fact, see what happened to China 5G, Tik Tok, Wechat...sorry to say we Malaysian must take this opportunity and take advantage of the trade world between Western and China.


2020-09-20 00:26 | Report Abuse

hahalolwtf China background cannot get FDA approval la as I told you US banned China 5G.

you should also know recently US banned TikTok and Wechat from China !

why you just can't understand US and Europe is the most important market (currency x 4.1 and x 4.87) ? China glove flood to all those poor market what's the point? can't make big money return too slow.


2020-09-20 00:20 | Report Abuse

hahalolwtf intco already covered long time ago in CIMB report la they plan to increase 20b glove from 2022 to 2024 but harta kuan already told you global shortage is 120b !

you think our big 4 will just sit there and do nothing ?? by 2022 our big 4 everyone of them will have few billion cash on hand you so look down our big 4 meh ??


2020-09-19 23:16 | Report Abuse

hahalolwtf you keep talking China will setup glove production line in Vietnam Indonesia Thailand Cambodia where is the evidence? show us la ?

please talk facts or else all these planning is just your illustration.


2020-09-19 23:00 | Report Abuse

hahalolwtf no matter Trump or biden win election both will continue treat China as enemy, this is politics issue China have so many expertise so what? look at their 5G...

the fact is US banned China 5G, Japan banned China 5G, Australia banned China 5G, most of the European member also banned China 5G !

US is the biggest glove market following by Europe if they all boycott, China glove sell to who?


2020-09-19 20:28 | Report Abuse

hehehe hahalolwtf you said by end of this year China businessmen can setup in Vietnam Thailand Cambodia Indonesia ah? where is your proof? show us la?


2020-09-19 20:16 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-09-19 20:02 | Report Abuse

hahalalwtf, harta kuan did not say good for his own company, he said THE WHOLE INDUSTRY SHORTAGE of 120b pieces of gloves:

“Right now, there is an enormous shortage (due to the pandemic)... We do not even know whether we (the industry) have enough to meet the demand for 120 billion more pieces of gloves in the next three years,” he said.


2020-09-19 19:27 | Report Abuse

hehehehe...hahalolwtf Harta kuan has 30 yrs experience in glove industry, and as a spokesman of a public listed company he won't simply give false statement.

if you said kuan is salesman talk then who the fark you are? mat 7 qualification you have ?


2020-09-19 19:05 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-09-19 17:01 | Report Abuse

maybe someone missed the new:

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 15): The supply of the rubber gloves will not be able to meet the demand in the NEXT THREE YEARS, said Hartalega Holdings Bhd executive chairman Kuan Kam Hon.



2020-09-19 16:49 | Report Abuse

hahalolwtf, 7106 business is run by a good management team not run by IB, you must understand one of the 7106 director recently acquired share average price RM7.89 and company performed massive share buy back between RM6.06 to RM6.60...

apa lagi u mau iB short lan jiao la the fundamental is there, next time if IB over throw not only 7106 will sbb other capital also waiting to collect because Top glove result enlightened them TG and 7106 are going to make billion profit for many quarters.


2020-09-19 09:26 | Report Abuse

BORIS JOHNSON please contact:

UK - Supermax Healthcare Limited

Address:12-16 Titan Drive, Fengate
Peterborough, PE1 5XN, United Kingdom
Tel:01733 615215 Fax:01733 615205


2020-09-19 09:17 | Report Abuse

USA 51,037 Brazil 39,991 France 13,215 UK 4,322 Spain 4,697 Germany 2,202 Ukraine 3,228 Belgium 2,028


2020-09-18 15:26 | Report Abuse

I guess 7106 management team also waiting for warrant expired / ib ticket exhausted then only give share dividend, otherwise no point you give more bullet to ib for them to throw in open market.


2020-09-18 15:16 | Report Abuse

no need diu IB la, just remember:

director sbb on 09-09-2020 within 7.48 - 8.35

company massive sbb on 10-09-2020 within 6.06 - 6.60

cold weather coming European covid cases shooting up

harta boss mentioned in EGM 120b glove shortage until 2023 /2024


2020-09-18 06:54 | Report Abuse

US 40,141 France 10,593 Spain 11,291 UK 3,395 Germany 2,170 Belgium 1,153 Holland 1,753 Ukraine 3,584 Israel 4,791


2020-09-18 00:34 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-09-18 00:13 | Report Abuse

niama those who shout RM5 really show no respect to the management.

director share buy back on 09-09-2020 within the range of 8.35 - 7.48
company massive share buy back on 10-09-2020 within the range of 6.06 - 6.60

now you want RM5? what's wrong with you?


2020-09-17 21:56 | Report Abuse

good qtr also throw shares... boleh land culture.

every day internet phshing, phone call phshing, politic people cheat, kyy cheat, IB tricks, A to Z all kind of con case that's why investor over reacted.

just be patience next qtr 7106 will show convincing result, let result do the talking.


2020-09-17 19:08 | Report Abuse

re: ahpooki2 no la bro, if Supermax also make 1b above different story d... TG eps too low compare to 7106, good show will come later.


2020-09-17 18:46 | Report Abuse

TG last qtr 300m super 400m, TG today qtr 1.3b Super sure following at least 1.0b !! if not I drink longkang water !!


2020-09-17 13:39 | Report Abuse

Supermax one month later result out PAT sure 1b above


2020-09-17 06:40 | Report Abuse

Russia 5,670 new cases, Putin vaccine is working.


2020-09-17 06:29 | Report Abuse

France 9,784 England 3,991 Spain 11,193 Germany 2,021

today will hit 30,000,000 worldwide.


2020-09-16 21:06 | Report Abuse

the giant nitrile glove producer -- harta boss has spoken glove continue shortage for the next three to four years.

some IB analysis is too consecutive especially Macquarie Ambank JF Apex all these rubbish report pls throw into longkang.


2020-09-16 20:55 | Report Abuse

this sentence never translate by English media:



2020-09-16 20:53 | Report Abuse

diu the whole week most important info is from Harta boss:





News & Blogs

2020-09-16 13:39 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 15): The supply of the rubber gloves will not be able to meet the demand in the next three years, said Hartalega Holdings Bhd executive chairman Kuan Kam Hon.


IB report is rubbish, the biggest nitrile glove maker said shortage of 120b gloves.


2020-09-15 23:00 | Report Abuse

aiyo don't talk vaccine la the answer is here


KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 15): The supply of the rubber gloves will not be able to meet the demand in the next three years, said Hartalega Holdings Bhd executive chairman Kuan Kam Hon.


2020-09-15 07:41 | Report Abuse

with scientist statement, now almost can confirm those who said vaccine out glove doom 1 - 1 = 0 is totally sor hai.

even have vaccine still need glove for continuous protection and repeat of vaccine injection.


2020-09-15 07:27 | Report Abuse

means even have vaccine, very high chance vaccine effect durable for 12 months only, after that still need glove for continuous injection.


2020-09-15 07:24 | Report Abuse

" We monitored healthy individuals for more than 35 years and determined that reinfection with the same seasonal coronavirus occurred frequently at 12 months after infection. "


2020-09-15 06:46 | Report Abuse

Seasonal coronavirus protective immunity is short-lasting


2020-09-15 06:44 | Report Abuse



2020-09-15 06:43 | Report Abuse




2020-09-15 06:41 | Report Abuse

当地时间9月14日,顶级学术期刊《自然-医学》(Nature Medicine)在线发表了由荷兰、西班牙、比利时等团队联合完成的一项研究,题为“Seasonal coronavirus protective immunity is short-lasting”。研究通讯作者为荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学医学中心的Lia van der Hoek。






2020-09-14 16:36 | Report Abuse

8.88 8.88 8.88 8.88 8.88

$ $
$ 7106 $
$ HUAT $
$ $
(( | ))
( ( | ))


2020-09-14 16:34 | Report Abuse

7106 GO !! GO !! GO !!

$ $
$ 7106 $
$ HUAT $
$ $
(( | ))
( ( | ))


2020-09-14 16:33 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-09-14 15:53 | Report Abuse

一支穿云箭,千军万马来相见 !!

$ $
$ 7106 $
$ GO!!!! $
$ $
(( | ))
( ( | ))


2020-09-14 15:51 | Report Abuse

IN COMING !!! 8.50 road block clear !!!


2020-09-14 15:50 | Report Abuse

I remembered last time ppl share here... ASP in July is already USD 180...but if you monitor the retail price changes in Amazon website... ASP is definitely keep moving just that we don't know how much now? it could be USD 2xx already...


2020-09-14 15:35 | Report Abuse

before covid we are talking about manufacturer price USD 25 per box 1,000 pcs.

now amazon website retail price latex per box USD 25 for 100 pcs, nitrile above USD 30 per box for 100 pcs. retail price keep moving means market continue shortage in US.