
kltower | Joined since 2020-06-08

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2020-09-14 15:29 | Report Abuse

7106 next qtr at least 1b PAT, no need argue if don't believe go Amazon website check retailer price no matter latex or nitrile glove all increased price.


2020-09-13 08:43 | Report Abuse

France 10,561 England 3,497 US 42,695


2020-09-12 20:53 | Report Abuse

Russia new 5,488 covid cases, excellent Putin vaccine.

45.6% no intention to be vaccinated.
18.6% wait next year
13.2% accept immediate vacinnation
4.6% wait another few months
18% no comments

research base on 9,000 Russian age between 18 to 75


2020-09-12 18:44 | Report Abuse

7106 yesterday up so much i3 really toxic


2020-09-12 18:42 | Report Abuse

i3 so many non stop call sell 7106 and said it will drop to RM1 or below.


2020-09-12 18:28 | Report Abuse

yes very good dont listen to anyone in i3 now you can leave i3


2020-09-12 18:11 | Report Abuse

supersinginvestor (1) your money your own responsible nobody in I3 forum put a gun on your head force you buy or sell.


2020-09-12 10:45 | Report Abuse

take loan to buy share = typical sor hai.

win money laugh lose money blame ppl = typical loser.

don't know what you are buying terus jump in = typical dai lan ngong


2020-09-12 10:21 | Report Abuse

top glove boss interview by 8TV, mentioned that lead time from normal 30 / 40 days to 300 / 400 days, a ten times increased...

tan sri urged investor be patient, quarter report will out next week.


2020-09-12 10:03 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-09-11 14:39 | Report Abuse

一支穿云箭,千军万马来相见 !!
两副忠义胆,刀山火海提命现 !!

$ $
$ 7106 $
$ GO!!!! $
$ $
(( | ))
( ( | ))


2020-09-11 12:01 | Report Abuse

一支穿云箭,千军万马来相见 !!

$ $
$ 7106 $
$ GO!!! $
$ $
(( | ))
( ( | ))


2020-09-11 10:45 | Report Abuse

more and more ang mo vaccine found problem, later China vaccine will be questioned by the world about why China vaccine can develop so fast?



2020-09-11 10:36 | Report Abuse

you throw I buy you throw I buy, signal very very clear...

7106 share price is extremely under value, future qtr confirm very very strong performance.


2020-09-11 09:39 | Report Abuse

Stanley very angry, very very angry


2020-09-11 09:13 | Report Abuse

Stanley angry already... don't play play


2020-09-11 08:54 | Report Abuse

Mr Johnson said the government was "working hard" to increase testing capacity to 500,000 tests a day by the end of October.



2020-09-11 08:51 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-09-11 07:33 | Report Abuse

Macquarie forecast top glove fy 21 can make 10b profit that's higher than maybank...

actually with huge money on hand the company can easily diversify into other high potential business ( although after 2022 ASP may soft landing), but IB sound like after 2022 all glove company will bankrupt.


2020-09-11 06:57 | Report Abuse

Spain 10,764 France 9,843 England 2,919 US 34,323 Brazil 39,114 India 96,760 TWINDEMIC is coming.


2020-09-10 18:06 | Report Abuse

hehehe...share buy back 5,488,000.

Stanley give hint already, 不死发发...just ignore the storm, if not die later Huat Huat !


2020-09-10 17:39 | Report Abuse

Top Glove: The Board of Directors wishes to inform that the Company will be releasing its fourth quarter financial results for the period ended 31 August 2020 on Thursday, 17 September 2020.


2020-09-10 13:21 | Report Abuse

hehehehe...those who shout RM1 or few cents is King of sor hai.

7106 is going to make 2b to 3b nett profit in FY 2021, if trading at RM1 means market cap is 2,720m share x 1 = 2.7b.

ROI = 2.xb / 2.7b = 100% return... so if 7106 trading at RM1 per share means you acquire the company for absolutely FREE !! might as well you put a gun on Stanley head ask him to surrender Supermax to you for free, faster.


2020-09-10 12:52 | Report Abuse

sorry, top 3 glove company in the world because very soon 7106 will challenge harta.

Kossan not in the picture, remain no.4


2020-09-10 12:46 | Report Abuse

hehehehe...those who shout RM2 RM3 is totally sor hai.

7106 is going to make 2b to 3b nett profit in FY 2021, if trading at RM3 means market cap is 2,720m share x 3 = 8.1b.

ROI = 2b / 8.1b = 25% return... so if 7106 trading at RM3 per share I think multi billionaire will sapu all the share and happy to acquire a top 4 glove company in the world with non stop income.


2020-09-10 12:19 | Report Abuse

no need see la, top glove Supermax same share price up down up down 6.xx simultaneously, u up I up u down I down like a mirror must be controlled by super big capital behind.


2020-09-09 20:52 | Report Abuse

hehehe... karma strike Donald Trump for not respect sains ah? printed so much money, export inflation and create pain to us.

supermax is doing good, absorb all the evil Money and reward to shareholder. Good.


2020-09-09 13:36 | Report Abuse

hehehehe... hng33 Ekovest is your favorite stock ah? once broken 0.53 sky is the limit ah? you slow slow wait la...

(1) after this month all kind of BANK LELONG property floating in the market, it will press down the average market price, nowadays who will buy expensive new launching property? all this mega project use to con people only.

(2) Ekovest plan to goreng since BN government, from BN collapsed until Pakatan Harapan collapsed project still cannot proceed, how do you know when the current government collapse? they are combination of few parties will different genda and only a nose ahead by having few extra parliament seats.

(3) none is safe until everyone safe, vaccine will definitely shortage in 2021, foresee construction and property sector will continue sink till 2022. if you always think 7106 overpriced and bark non stop in our forum I can also say your Ekovest over priced with no profit backup (Ekovest last qtr profit loss -53 million).


2020-09-09 12:59 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-09-09 11:34 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-09-08 23:21 | Report Abuse


US banned China 5G, Japan banned China 5G, Australia banned China 5G, most of the European member also banned China 5G !

do you think all the above mentioned countries will accept China vaccine? 5G also ban do you think they accept vaccine from China (with unknown future side effect) to inject into their body ??


2020-09-08 22:32 | Report Abuse

Russia reports 5,099 new coronavirus cases, 122 deaths


Excellent Putin vaccine, superb vaccine.


2020-09-08 19:46 | Report Abuse

65% Of U.S. Voters Would Be Skeptical Of A Covid-19 Vaccine This Year

go Google


2020-09-08 18:28 | Report Abuse

aiyoh ppl still don't understand... Malaysia back to 3 digit simply prove that this is a stubborn virus la idiot.

twindemic is coming, glove shortage will further push up ASP, glove counter will bull run soon !


2020-09-08 10:14 | Report Abuse

kekekeke... today new tactic from IB gunner: sell Supermax buy kossan... lol


2020-09-08 10:01 | Report Abuse

hehehe...buy kossan? last qtr kossan only make 131m VS supermax 399m

i won't surprise if coming result supermax beat kossan by extra 400m above...you will regret to sell 7106 and buy kossan.


2020-09-07 15:26 | Report Abuse

hng33, you don't selectively throw one data out and keep condemned it with all your illustration, how do you explain this data:



2020-09-07 14:53 | Report Abuse

got subsidiary company mah, this is ascending right? how to explain this:


2020-09-07 14:31 | Report Abuse

re: persie ... ya FDA August shout shortage now peak demand maybe Trump have glove factory in US... kekeke


2020-09-07 14:25 | Report Abuse

today so many new ID/ account call sell... niama work so hard ? something abnormal...


2020-09-07 14:21 | Report Abuse

re: Tyco, yes dai gor Supermax confirm champion.

recently I found that one of the model nitrile powder free exam glove medium size, price increased from $29.99 to $35.99 per box as compare to last week...

hand shaking profit ah... US must be in shortage glove otherwise how to up 10% above? all these people talk kok tell lies here must be recruited by IB / fund to spread fear !


2020-09-07 14:09 | Report Abuse

kekeke... FDA recently announced glove shortage in August suddenly peak demand? what a super genius...


2020-09-07 13:48 | Report Abuse

I won't be surprise if next qtr result out Supermax beat harta again (this round by extra PAT 300m above).


2020-09-07 12:59 | Report Abuse

next year if any vaccine approved by WHO (so far WHO said must wait until mid of 2021), it would be limited.

Japan alone need 500mil dose of vaccine to make sure Olympic can carry on, vaccine sure shortage.

the whole world need at least 47.4% ( 3.64b people) to be vaccinated, so easy meh?.don't forget VACCINE = POLITICS


2020-09-07 12:32 | Report Abuse

twindemic is coming.

Cumulative deaths expected by January 1 total 2.8 million, about 1.9 million more from now until the end of the year. Daily deaths in December could reach as high as 30,000.

can naysayers imagine how many glove needed from now on till second quarter of next year?


2020-09-07 12:27 | Report Abuse

SEATTLE (3 September 2020) – In the first global projections of the COVID-19 pandemic by nation, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine is predicting:

Cumulative deaths expected by January 1 total 2.8 million, about 1.9 million more from now until the end of the year. Daily deaths in December could reach as high as 30,000.

The Institute modeled three scenarios:

A “worse case” in which mask usage stays at current rates and governments continue relaxing social distancing requirements, leading to 4.0 million total deaths by the end of the year;

A “best case” of 2.0 million total deaths if mask usage is near-universal and governments impose social distancing requirements when their daily death rate exceeds 8 per million; and

A “most likely” scenario that assumes individual mask use and other mitigation measures remain unchanged, resulting in approximately 2.8 million total deaths.


2020-09-07 07:50 | Report Abuse

England 2,988 France 7,071


2020-09-06 15:06 | Report Abuse

Cumulative deaths expected by January 1 total 2.8 million, about 1.9 million more from now until the end of the year. Daily deaths in December could reach as high as 30,000. 
