
ktsk88 | Joined since 2012-10-18

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2016-07-16 09:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by disagreetoagree > Jul 15, 2016 04:39 PM | Report Abuse

Dear all, pls read page 6:

Please don't forget to read further down on page 13 on the same paper for VIVO news.


2016-07-16 09:14 | Report Abuse

just read the sentences for familiarity and similarity line on the bonus matter...........so BioAlpha also conning the investors?.

I didn't said anything..............i just posting.)


2016-07-16 09:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by disagreetoagree > Jul 15, 2016 04:39 PM | Report Abuse

Bonus shares will only be issued to shareholders of vivocom at the ratio of 1 bonus share per every 4 shares tht u own.

The EXCITING part that the Chinamen management of vivocom wanna con you all is this line:



2016-07-16 09:03 | Report Abuse


On behalf of the Board of Directors of Bioalpha (“Board”), TA Securities Holdings Berhad (“TA Securities”) wishes to announce that the Company proposes to undertake the following:

(i) proposed bonus issue of 166,666,666 new ordinary shares of RM0.05 each in the Company (“Bioalpha Shares”) (“Bonus Shares”) on the basis of one (1) Bonus Share for every three (3) existing Bioalpha Shares held at an entitlement date to be determined later (“Entitlement Date”) (“Proposed Bonus Issue”);

Looks familiar.................??


2016-07-15 13:59 | Report Abuse

From below sentences....................someone is blaming insiders for leaking info............hahaha................aren't you the one getting the info?...............change of tones now and no more harsh bashing today............know why?..............because Justinvestors could be right..............insiders news that Yeog might be leading a new role in VIVO..................hence no bashing and harping on the Yeoh issue now.

Posted by disagreetoagree > Jul 15, 2016 01:51 PM | Report Abuse

Disregard of how u guys dislike me, I'm confident in my choices of advocating sell calls in vivocom. This is simply too weak management for leaking out information regarding Dr Yeoh's departure is a NUMBER ONE RED FLAG for a listed company. If they cannot keep secrets with anything insiders, u can bid farewell to them.


2016-07-15 11:28 | Report Abuse

don't shout and laugh there....................you can't smile when your group of operators decided to push up..................you guys got the guts don't push it up forever.......if the shares price rally your group will be blamed n curse.


2016-07-15 10:20 | Report Abuse

dalam harga Q untuk jual tu........0.27/0.265 lebih korang 10 juta saham di letakkan.


2016-07-15 10:19 | Report Abuse

bila harga naik...............mereka panik dan datang cakap and memburukkan VIVO dan harap harap dia akan jatuh balik.

monitor gerak geri dia.


2016-07-15 10:17 | Report Abuse

tengok...................dia sudah dapat turunkan harga...............dia akan hilang sekejap pergi rancangkan langkah seterusnya.


2016-07-15 10:13 | Report Abuse

tgl 265 tambah 500 ribu syer untuk q


2016-07-15 10:12 | Report Abuse

tengok 265 sudah tambah Q sell..........................nanti mereka buang 0.26.


2016-07-15 10:11 | Report Abuse

semua operator mereka pandai...............q banyak banyak jual bagi takutkan orang..........kalau q mereka kena.............mereka akan buang sikit sikit kepada pembeli untuk takutkan yang lain lain.

ini cara operator berfungsi.


2016-07-15 10:08 | Report Abuse

VIVO only sub contractors to those Main Con and of course we do not have the completions to show..........unless the whole projects is completed and there you can see their website for the completion photo.

Since they just into constructions.............and most of the projects are procured in 2015/2016......................and it takes either 18 months to 36 months running into 2017/2018 before you can see the whole projects completions......................therefore you can see in their website some projects in progress.

On borrowing...............they just have 2 PP and for the time being...........their cashflow is still manageable and since they're only sub contractor............their payment is paid by progress billing from CRCC.

As for other private projects................payments are also thru progress billing...............so questions of cash flow is still manageable.

It is only when all the new projects starts at the end of 3/4th quarters.................that is when they need to really juggle with their cash flow.................that is when funds will be coming from warrants conversion/PP.

So for the 6 months...............the company should have no issue in attaining the 60 mil profits and this will ease part of the cash flow. Only strains test will surface in 2017.

This is my opinion.


2016-07-15 09:18 | Report Abuse

tewniamak.....................thanks you for the compliments...............said what you like............we are on the way to the banks.

continue your cursing anyway.....................you get nothing but keep on cursing.


2016-07-15 09:16 | Report Abuse

sorry for those sell at 0.22..............


2016-07-15 09:11 | Report Abuse

BioAlpha flies now after Bursa approval....................when first announced hardly moves.


2016-07-15 09:09 | Report Abuse

Lame duck talking more courteous knowingly know inside happening................no more bashing and sell call.

Bonus issued need approvals from Bursa...................looks at BioAlpha bonus announcement dated 6 June...........approval approved by Bursa yesterday 14 July.

Bullshit talking.


2016-07-15 09:04 | Report Abuse

someone now deviated from bashing VIVO knowingly that Yeoh have decided to stay on at VIVO......................what a lame ducks.


2016-07-14 15:07 | Report Abuse

if he is a good samaritan or saviour as we called it..................do more things better.................go fight the ISIS.


2016-07-14 15:05 | Report Abuse

one writing bad about VIVO................leaking news to The Edge.................another behind the market pressing to buy...................obviously someone that knows inside out of the company.

Why would you wanna keep playing, monitoring, creating bad vibes about VIVO............it is just a infancy company transformed into construction.

You figure out the motives then....................if it is so bad..............why bother about the stock faith?.


2016-07-14 14:58 | Report Abuse

don't talk about 50s......................40s is enough.


2016-07-14 14:57 | Report Abuse

no no these bandits are from the inner camp that disgruntled and unhappy, going all out to do damage control.


2016-07-14 14:49 | Report Abuse

Jokers sure funny lah, if not how to attract our attentions.


2016-07-14 14:39 | Report Abuse

enough for time being...............let him barks and take credits.


2016-07-14 14:25 | Report Abuse

He is smart in twisting, imagining, forecasting etc..............should not called himself investors or academician......................labelled him dreamer cum clown.


2016-07-14 14:11 | Report Abuse

You so smart cannot tell the actual date of VIVO down to 0.21..................i am lesser smart how to tell.................don't look upon me so high..................i am just a toilet cleaner at public toilet.


2016-07-14 14:09 | Report Abuse

He think his father company that can do anything straight away...............VIVO is listed company and need to informed BURSA to get greenlight lah.


2016-07-14 14:07 | Report Abuse

mental disorder syndrome............because a discharged employees of VIVO..............


2016-07-14 13:42 | Report Abuse

VIVO affected by these:

1) Ringgit
2) CHINA Philipines Island Claims
3) Metal price
4) Oil price
5) Dr Yeoh
6) The Edge
7) Disagreetoagree
9) 1MDB
10) Najib
11) ???..................continue the lists (cut and paste guys/gals)


2016-07-14 13:39 | Report Abuse

YES.......only VIVO affected by all issues around the world.....................


2016-07-14 12:03 | Report Abuse

Did you all see The Edge keep repeating their articles and just changed the date of publications?.......................contents almost the same just changed the sentences.

I would wonders who paid them to post so effectively almost every week.................they themselve won't be so good posting coverage on the same company weekly.

All for same motives.


2016-07-14 11:33 | Report Abuse

friend...........the operators are queueing as seller and throwing, then the try buy back lower to made day trade gains..................if they successful to pull down more, they made more gains.

But for last few days, they can't do that and incurred losses due to more retailers are mopping the shares as they throwed.

That's why you see many buy volume waiting...............

Therefore, do not simply sell if you think the company is doing fine and have the growth potentials. Every company sure have teething problems internally............but as long the Management is pro-active in solving it and also willing to divulge out to the public their planning......it is good signs.

Risks is imminence in constructions industry.............namely execution, timely delivery, cost overrun etc....................every company will try their best to contained this issues.

Overly worried of all risks will detriment to your investment purpose................better don't invest in stocks.

These guys do not.............i repeat do not attacks other stocks/companies and only in VIVO....................therefore you should aware of this tactics.

Just my opinions.


2016-07-14 11:25 | Report Abuse

disagreetoagree................my wife not Michelle Pang..............my wife Michelle Yeoh.....



2016-07-14 11:20 | Report Abuse

Just a final conclusion here from all the posting by a single person and The Edge paper..............to paint a bad picture of VIVO to push down the price..............reasons only known to them.

The more they come out with articles and comments here..............the rational reasons or motives is become clearer by the days.

VIVO is transforming into a reputable constructions player and the future is bright...............just because someone have vested interests is doing the damage control.

Thanks to these personnel...........................the more adamant the investors, retailers, bankers, institutional players are buying more and more into the company......


2016-07-13 16:58 | Report Abuse

whether we long or short.....................what to do with him...................sell or hold..................what to do with him.

this fella is sick..


2016-07-13 16:52 | Report Abuse

someone accused myview 1s up come barking.................now that fella Bornoil up 0.005 (half of 1 sen) already so happy...........hahaha......hypocrite.


2016-07-13 16:42 | Report Abuse

i tunggu sampai nak mati pun tak dapat beli 0.21s.


2016-07-13 16:30 | Report Abuse

DISAGREETOAGREE............................where is the 0.21s?..............walao.


2016-07-13 14:17 | Report Abuse

the price is control by you..................how to rally.......................lembu diikat manalah nak gerak oi abang disagreetoagree.


2016-07-13 14:08 | Report Abuse

you can't said that...............you are bound to listen and believe him..................else you will be challenged...............hahahaha


2016-07-13 14:00 | Report Abuse

he only comes here made noise on VIVO.........................ask him post to tweeter, FB, IM etc............more effective to bring down VIVO.


2016-07-13 13:51 | Report Abuse

Bila nak nyanyikan lagu ni ha?

london bridge is falling down.........falling down.................falling down....


2016-07-13 13:42 | Report Abuse

it is common for companies to announced the bonus issue and the date to be determined later.

Go check BioAlpha Holdings Bhd announcement


2016-07-13 13:41 | Report Abuse

Yes, all mother, warrants holders entitle to the bonus accordingly.


2016-07-13 11:23 | Report Abuse

Look at the last paragraph.....................pls retaliate?.............very arrogant indeed.

Posted by disagreetoagree > Jul 13, 2016 11:20 AM | Report Abuse

So this bonus issues, does it propel vivocom's share price sky high? Only ONE CENT UP ????? Like this also u wanna come out shout so loud ah? Aiyoo......MyView.

I'm still advocating sell calls....I've solid arguments on vivocom's business and its directors. Do u have any analysis? Have u share kah? I want to see new things from ur camp. pls retaliate....lol


2016-07-13 09:22 | Report Abuse

since you can brought up many possibility........................we can assume VIVO didn't get the HSR from CRCC.....................but can they get some sub-sub contracts from others?

Possibilities is endless..............not certain at this point of time................why bother so much.

You will loose all the opportunity when you too worry about possibilities..................better keep monies in the bank................but bank also not saves becos PDRM only cover your sum of deposit up to RM65k....................if you have millions in it.............you bound to loose that millions too.


2016-07-13 09:15 | Report Abuse

everyone here knows the effects on dilution of EPS on bonus calls................and the risks involved investing in VIVO and also the YEoh issue before jumping in.

You don't have to come and repeat the same issues...................we're all adults with clear mind whom can think and acts on it.

Thanks for your advices so far for hasten the early announcement.


2016-07-13 09:06 | Report Abuse

people loves bonus because they got more shares although price will be adjusted later..............but in history all those stocks that gone ex-bonus will climb back where it is before bonus announcement.

You basically failed big time here telling people to sell and hoping to crash down the stock and the company.


2016-07-13 09:03 | Report Abuse

dome come and talks craps now....................the stock now at 0.27s...................


2016-07-13 08:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by ktsk88 > Jul 12, 2016 09:20 PM | Report Abuse X

Really good news indeed after almost 1.5 months being bashed by someone doing damage control here.

Now it proof the person wrong.

I think share consolidation will happen after transfer to MB. Current moment the company will consider at infancy stage of the construction industry and doesn't looks to command a value of over RM1.00.

Think of the consequent if the stock trading at over 1.00 for ACE stock, any bad result will pull the stock price down severely.

Let it graduate to MB and few more excellent quarter result to put it into solid footing b4 share consolidation.