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2013-04-19 16:04 | Report Abuse

saya benci orang mana mana pun yang bohong selalu,tiada badan kerajaan yang melarang DAP pakai logo rocket,,tetapi lim kit siang terus mengulangi ROS yang mengharamkan rocket.


2013-04-19 12:49 | Report Abuse

ROS dan PRU telah cakap,DAP bolih menggunakan logo rocket,bolihkah PRU tarik balik apa yang mereka cakap nanti?mustahil. tetapi DAP segaja play up issue ini kerana tak mahu mengaku kesalahan pujuk pimpiman DAP mengendalikan kongres parti mereka.DAP kalau hendak mengelakan adakan kongres baru untuk memilih pucuk pimpiman mereka,bolih kemukakan hal ini ke mahkamah,membuktikan semua yang dibentangkan ROS itu bohong belaka.

Hal ini tidak kena mengena dengan logo yang hendak di pakai dalam PRU.DAP tetap wujud sebagai parti politik yang sah,kecuali Majlis tertinggi mereka yang di adu tidak di pilih mengikut peratuaran itu dikehendaki pilih semula.


2013-04-18 20:11 | Report Abuse

Saya berasa aneh,kalau cakap corruption,Chairman DAP Ngeh Koo Han kini telah menjadi tuan tanah terbesar Kelantan dengan bantuan PAS,ini bolih di kira corruption atau salah guna kuasa tak?


2013-04-18 10:30 | Report Abuse

saya tidak hairan Cuepacs sokong Najib,pernah baca berita bawah ini?

Cuepacs, government pensioners, pledge ‘undivided’ support for Najib in GE13
UPDATED @ 07:57:11 AM 20-07-2012

By Clara Chooi
July 19, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, July 19 — Cuepacs, an umbrella body representing over 800,000 public servants, and a newly-launched government pensioners club today pledged their "undivided" support to Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the Barisan Nasional (BN) administration for the coming elections.

Cuepacs president Datuk Omar Osman told government pensioners at the launch of KUPEKMAS (1 Malaysia Government Pensioners Club) here to stop the anti-government attacks during their "coffee shop talk" sessions, saying they should still stand with the rest of the country's 1.4-million strong civil service.

"It is important for us, as civil service retirees to stand with the remaining 1.4-milion strong civil service... they are the backbone, an important engine of the government.

"Don't as the PM for to give this and that and then at the end of the day, many are dissatisfied," he said to a crowd over nearly a thousand government pensioners at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) here.

"This coffee-shop talk, always condemning people... it is no longer time for that," said Omar, who is also KUPEKMAS president.

He trumpeted Najib's credentials to the crowd, pointing out that the country's prime minister has proven his mettle by reaching out to voters on the ground, irrespective of their race, religion and socio-economic backgrounds.

Omar then urged them to their feet in a show of support for Najib and BN, prompting them to shout "Agree" when he asked if the time was ripe now to back the government.

"I will continue this fight to ensure that the 1.4 million (civil servants) and 500,000 (government pensioners) stand strong with Datuk Seri (Najib).

"We want to ensure that this number 13 will be the number of glory for Datuk Seri's leadership," he thundered to the enthusiastic audience, referring to the coming 13th general election which must be held soon.

Critics from the federal opposition have often condemned government leaders for allegedly abusing the country's civil service, long viewed as a key vote bank for the ruling BN pact..........(omited)

dalam akhbar Cina sering dapat baca orang DAP mengecam kaki tangan kerajaan katanya mereka itu malas tidak kerjabaik,pandai bully orang ramai terutama sekali orang China ,Tony Phua mengatakan kalau PR mengambil kuasa akan mengurangkan jumlah kakitangan kerajaan dengan 50%,pengambilan orang baru akan diberhentikan....macam-macam.berita atas tidak hairan bagi saya.
saya kadang-kadang datang forum,kerana ada sedikit saham ditangan,kena baca apa orang lain cakap.


2013-04-15 21:54 | Report Abuse


GE13: Barisan tipped for elections victory

PETALING JAYA: The long wait for Parliament's dissolution has deprived the Opposition of the chance of postponing elections in the four states it governs, said the long-established The Economist.

“Simultaneous elections tend to favour Barisan Nasional, with its greater resources,” it said in a write-up on “Malaysia's looming election”.

It pointed out that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had the advantages of incumbency such as deciding when to call for the general election.

The Economist predicted that “the odds still favour the Barisan” in the coming elections as voters in the rural areas would help the coalition win.

“Constituency sizes give greater weight to voters in the countryside, who tend to be more conservative than the wired, cosmopolitan and cynical residents of the cities.”

The Economist said Najib's prerogative of deciding when to call for elections was also favouring Barisan and disadvantaged the Opposition.

It also stated that the spate of sexual misconduct accusations against Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim might have eroded his standing.

The allegations might also create tensions within Pakatan, it said.

“Perversely, some Chinese remain worried by Anwar for a different reason: his early days as a firebrand Islamist student leader.”

It pointed out that Najib remained very popular in opinion polls with an approval rating of 61% in a recent survey.

The Economist said Najib had done well when he went on TV on March 19 to talk about the Government's transformation programmes.

“He had a good story to tell, of robust economic growth of 5.6% in 2012, poverty virtually eliminated, inequality reduced and 400 legal cases against corruption initiated.

“And he was able to announce that a scheme to give cash handouts to poorer households will become an annual event,” said The Economist, which started in 1843 “to campaign on one of the great political issues of the day”.


2013-04-15 21:41 | Report Abuse



2013-04-15 17:16 | Report Abuse


Sedikit sebanyak Tun M menceritakan sejarah penubuhan parti PAS yang menggunakan 'Islam' sebagai label yang senang menarik penyokong dan tidak boleh disoal kembali kerana menggunakan tiket 'Islam'“PAS atau Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PIMP) ini ditubuhkan bukan kerana memperjuangkan Islam. Ianya ditubuhkan kerana golongan ulama dalam UMNO mintak 10 kerusi dalam Majlis Perwakilan Persekutuan. Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra ketika itu berkata ‘Kita hendak mentadbir orang Melayu. Kita bukan nak baca doa’. Maka mereka merajuk dan terus menubuhkan PIMP. British segera meluluskan parti baru ini. Ini kerana PIMP boleh memecahkan perpaduan orang Melayu, yang begitu pada ketika itu.''。。。删了后段


2013-04-15 15:16 | Report Abuse


General election to continue to influence market this week

THE overbought situation is expected to slow down Bursa Malaysia's upward momentum this week, said Affin Investment Bank vice-president and head of retail research, Dr Nazri Khan.

Nazri said the May 5 general election would continue to influence market sentiments.

“The bullish sentiment is still strong, mostly due to pre-election rally and foreign investor fund inflow. This reflects their confidence in the likely election victory for the incumbent government.”

“Given the buy on rumours, sell on news' play and the resilient foreign fund inflow, we expect the positive sentiment to continue after a slight pause for profit-taking,” he told Bernama.

He said the recent rallies were solid, albeit overbought, and hence a natural pullback was expected.

Nazri expected the benchmark FBM KLCI to face resistance at the 1,740 and 1,750 points level this week, with 1,700 and 1,680 points as support levels.

On a Friday-to-Friday basis, the benchmark FBM KLCI increased 9.88 points to 1,698.53 from 1,688.65 previous Friday.
The Plantation Index shot up 118.15 points to 8,114.54 from 7,996.39 and the Industrial Index gained 13.23 points to 2,898.64 from 2,885.41 previously. The Finance Index, however, slipped 5.68 points to 15,899.99 from 15,905.67.

The FBM Emas Index soared 58.68 points to 11,627.01 from 11,568.33, FBMT100 perked 59.6 points to 11,455.25 from 11,395.65, FBM Mid 70 rose 36.95 points to 12,917 from 12,880.05 and the FBM Ace Index gained 22.39 points to 4,050.68 from 4,028.29 previous Friday.

Weekly turnover advanced to 5.535 billion shares worth RM9.124bil from previous week's 4.917 billion shares worth RM9.769bil.

Main market volume improved to 4.674 billion units valued at RM9.01bil from 4.21 billion shares valued at RM9.663bil previously.

The ACE market volume rose to 656.884 million shares worth RM91.183mil from 556.779 million shares worth RM74.709mil previous Friday.

Warrants increased to 191.441 million units valued at RM14.622mil from 131.803 million shares valued at RM14.288mil previously. Bern


2013-04-15 10:48 | Report Abuse

老马最近在安华家乡峇东埔演讲时说了个故事,当马来亚要独立,成立立法议会时候,一批回教长老前往见东姑,要求东姑分配10 席位给回教长老,谁知东姑一口拒绝,他对这些回教长老说:我们在立法议会是治理国家,不是来念经祈祷(kita disini untuk memerintah negeri bukan membaca doa)这些回教长老气到脸都黄了,于是他们向英国人申请注册泛马回教党 PMIP。 英国人马上批准,因为有利于分裂马来人。



2013-04-15 10:01 | Report Abuse




2013-04-14 17:13 | Report Abuse

for those who want to grasp power,they can say anything to please you.read the anwar story below,

Anwar’s Financial Ghosts Return to Haunt Him

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


The problem with past misdeeds is that they often tend to reappear at inconvenient moments. Take Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's current travails, with an increasing number of financial irregularities during his tenure as Finance Minister in the 1990s coming to light.

First there was the controversy over Bank Negara Malaysia's (BNM) foreign exchange trading losses during the 80s and 90s, said to have run into tens of billions.

Anwar, who was finance minister from 1991 to 1998, maintains that the matter was kept from him after he had assumed the post. He was, however, accused of covering up the scandal by none other than DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang, who in 1994 held Anwar personally responsible for the losses.

The latest unsavoury revelation concerns a bank CEO who in 1999 had declared to the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) that Anwar had instructed him to channel millions of ringgit into the accounts of individuals and companies.

The CEO, who has not been named, had confessed to the graft-fighting body after Anwar was removed as deputy prime minister and finance minister in September 1998.

Sources claim that this CEO would have been a star witness, since he had managed the movement of the funds locally, but investigators discovered that these instructions were largely verbal and left no paper trail.

ACA, which was later reorganised into the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in 2009, had questioned hundreds of suspects and witnesses.

A statutory declaration by former Bank Negara assistant governor Datuk Abdul Murad Khalid had sparked off the probe. He claimed that Anwar had amassed some RM3 billion during his tenure as finance minister, with Anwar's cronies setting up master accounts from which contributions could be made according to Anwar's wishes.

According to the New Straits Times, ACA had roped in BNM's investigators and probed a master account that had been opened in the British Virgin Islands.

Four investigating teams also examined several companies and individuals that ACA believed had money trails leading to Anwar.

Yet sources said that the undocumented transaction instructions and origins were a major obstacle in this probe. Funds channelled from companies to individuals were somehow justified as donations, which legalised the transactions.

Sources also pointed out that investigators faced additional constraints such as lukewarm responses from foreign governments.

"In one of the investigations, investigators had traced the illicit channelling of monies for a project, the value of which had been inflated by millions and the extra costs were making their way back. This hit a snag as ACA couldn't get the cooperation (of a neighbouring country)," a source was quoted by the New Straits Times.

With those responsible having covered their tracks so successfully, it was impossible for the ACA to establish the origin of the RM3 billion. Investigators wrapped up the probe in late 2000, after a year of investigation.

MACC investigations director Datuk Mustafar Ali said his agency did not reopen cases once they were closed by deputy public prosecutors.

"This is unless new and significant evidence is introduced or raised," he told the New Straits Times.

Anwar will no doubt heave a sigh of relief and hope he can sit through this storm of revelations, like he has in the past over his gaffes over Israel's security and Malaysia's "archaic" homosexuality laws.

Yet these new allegations of financial irregularities have important ramifications for Anwar's credibility as an administrator.

A politician who now lambasts the Government over unfounded claims of corruption and cronyism, is found to have earlier been a key part of the system himself and perhaps even benefited from it.

Anwar therefore seems the last person you would want in control of the economy at this crucial hour. If he can condone losses of billions of ringgit in forex deals or have illicit funds stashed away in foreign tax havens, think of the harm he can do if he is handed the reins of the entire country.(more to come,in new posting later)


2013-04-14 04:00 | Report Abuse

55,000 orang China dari pelbagai bidang akan mengadakan perhimpunan terbesar sekali di Selengor bagi menyokong Najib untuk memimpin negeri ini.kerana orang perniagaan China tahu akan bahaya dan kemungkinan hancor negeri ini kalau tiada kerajaan yang kuat dan jujor.

我们说什么,都要事实来印证,我也是支持有一个替代政党,不过现在还没有出现。民联三党没有共同目标,政策,是临时巴结起来的组合,有近半数席位,国家马上陷入大动乱,所以华人商团看到危险,他们要举行盛大集会,五万五千人 公开力挺纳吉.这个不是我要的,是报纸已经刊出的新闻。


2013-04-13 18:04 | Report Abuse

O,Singapore,read the migration report posted above,in Singapore,56%of those who want to migrate chose Malaysia as their permanent home,why?corruption ?Singapore is known to the world as a legitimized corruption,that is ,they passed the law in parliament so that lawfully pocket the money,therefore,the Singapore PM salary is 4-7times (I cant remember exactly)higher than the US president...father,wife all can hold key post in the government ,you can not find it in other countries all over the world.....


2013-04-13 10:23 | Report Abuse

tiada rasuah di PR?kalau Ngeh Koo Han bukan Chairman DAP Perak,bolihkah dia memdapat tanah seluas 15000 hectare tanah dari kerajaan Kelantan?buat perkiraan sendiri,satu hectare kelapa sawai berapa pendapatannya satu tahun ?15000 hectare bagi masa 50thaun beberapa?Projek-projek di Pulau Pinang bukankah semua di rampas olih kronie lge? aiyah,banyak lagi ,seumpamanya pembalakan di Kedah.soal pasir di selengor,lesen rumah urut,(kalau ikut peratoran yang ada dalam satau kawasasn patut ada berapa rumah urut ka la O k ada hadnya,bukan bolih menbiarkan rumah urut berbarisan di sana,tetapi.hendak sokong siapa adalah hak sendiri,.. saya cuma membentangkan kenyataan bahaw PR, kalau mendapat 112 kerusi di parlimen,jangan fikr mereka akan tubuhkan kerajaan pusat,perlawanan sengit akan cetuskan serta merta,,katak katak berbalisan nak jumpa Najib untuk melompat.satu minggu tidak sanggup menubuhkan kabinet(ada banyak jwatan lainlian,)seluroh pasaran akan tumpas,dalam masa satu minggu kita akan balik kepada keadaan 1997,..(kes rasuah selalu ada dalam laporan akhbar,u tak baca/)


2013-04-11 19:52 | Report Abuse



2013-04-11 11:15 | Report Abuse

read this:

Migration survey : Singapore 56%of them want to live in Malaysia

A survey by Mindshare carried out early this year found that a staggering 56 per cent of the 2,000-odd Singaporeans polled agreed or strongly agreed that, “given a choice, I would like to migrate”.

Interestingly, according to the report which quoted a World Bank statistics, among 300,000 of those who had migrated, 100,000 of them chose Malaysia as their new home...

The key findings :

- 62% of those polled believe that Singapore political leaders are paid too much these days.

- 65% think they will not be able to retire comfortably in Singapore.

- 72% think they cannot afford to get sick these days due to high medical costs.

- 73% think that public housing prices are getting out of hand.

- 75% think they should not be spending their entire working life paying off housing loans.

- 69% believe there are too many foreign workers taking up job opportunities in our society today.

- And 73% believe that Singaporeans should be granted priority in employment.

Reported by Sin Chew : http://www.sinchew.com.my/node/263805?tid=1

Here is a link to an English blog in Singapore : http://therealsingapore.com/content/...y-want-migrate


2013-04-11 09:59 | Report Abuse

compare with other regional countries,Malaysia is a peaceful and prosperous country,it is not easy for a multiracial country,take a look in India,Thailand, Indonesia,Philippine ..don talk about the middle east.corruption?crime? no corruption,no crime in other countries?just talk about the western countries,now they are having big problem,countries in Europe go bankrupt one after another,can you say that they are free from corruption and abuse of power?many people keep on harping that Malaysia going to bankrupt for almost 50 years,but today ,our people are enjoying peace and prosperity ...
One reality we must know that the PR is not a political party,but its a gang up for election campaign only.the do not have common platform and political agenda .If they win the GE with marginal majority,fierce fighting will beak out immediately between the 3 parties in order to grasp power in the government .some of them,the newly elected MP may line up to see Najib,offering conditions for cross over,if new government can not be formed in one week,we will face disastrous consequences...share market and forex market collapse suddenly ..very soon we will return to the situation in 1997 or1980s.


2013-04-09 00:08 | Report Abuse



2013-04-08 10:31 | Report Abuse

谁说马来西亚会完蛋?破产?说了几十年,结果国家天天向上,我们用车率是世界最高。没有钱,哪里可以。有政党轮替好的,不过,现在还没有出现这个党。现在三党为了席位问题,就已经闹翻了。有官做有钱拿,哈,哪里不乱。不要看不到,民联的朋党商业集团迅速扩张,林冠英在槟城,就好像台湾陈水扁,倪可汉在霹雳,如果不是行动党主席,哪里可以拿到吉兰丹的15000 公顷土地,算一算,一公顷棕油园每年收入多少,50年收入多少,可怜那些底层的干部,个个落得贫病交加。



2013-04-08 09:24 | Report Abuse



2013-04-07 18:12 | Report Abuse


1. 马来票回流国阵,不止在乡村,城市的马来票也会大举回流国阵。巫统的调查,308大选,城市马来人有50%投反对党,估计多半是公务员军警。现在不同了,民事雇员工会和退休公务员公会几个月前在布城开大会,声言大选全力支持纳吉和国阵。他们要民联停止攻击公务员,因为几年来民联不断攻击军警人员和公务员说他们贪污,腐败,没有效率,行动党还提出要把公务员减少一半,所以这次民联是不会有城市50%马来票支持了。印度票,民联也无法好像上次那样,拿到80%支持,308反风那么厉害,国阵还是有60个多数席位,10%城市马来票和印度票回流就够了(乌雪国会补选就是列子,那个补选,只有28%华人支持国阵)

2. 纳吉这几年来,一直争取华人的支持,结果如何,要看大选成绩才懂。华人是很多被误导了,只看负面没有看到国家正面的事物。很多人形容大马华人非常悲惨,样样被压迫,不过,80%中小型工商业都是华人拥有,最富有的人华人占了大半,专业人士也是华人多,房产,商业产业,不动产都是华人拥有多。

大马政府化在人民身上的钱也不少,我们的必需品,全部有津贴,白糖,2 零吉一公斤,广州,要9 块人民币,过路费,中国更加贵,市区停车,10元人民币一小时,(广州—)猪肉,没有补贴,但是中国也不便宜,一公斤要35 到48元人民币。。汽油更不必说大马便宜的多,中国是世界第三大石油国。(?早两年的数字)



但是,华人铁了心反政府,固然反对党的宣传仇视和种族情绪,不过马华似乎没有了解华人心态。宁可要回教国也不要你们,但是,他们忽略了,民联有半数席位,国家马上大动乱(组不成政府的)生活在城市的华人首当其冲。为何动乱,到时三党就打到头破血流,争取内阁和政府各种官位,也有人排队找纳吉谈条件跳槽。一个礼拜组不成政府,股市马上暴跌,三天后,逼仓行动,又再暴跌,市场很快进入萧条,很多华人商业如餐厅之类,有一天用一天,这种行业最先倒闭。。。。。大家是股友,不必我说了,回忆1997 年就明白。

News & Blogs

2013-04-05 13:42 | Report Abuse

小时候小学老师给我们一个简单算术问题,树上有十只小鸟,猎人开枪打下了一只,还有几只?10减1 不是还有9只吗,大家说9只9只,忽然有人觉悟了,不对,一只也没有了。。因为枪声一响,哪里还有一只。。大马人民的生活,不会太差啦。

News & Blogs

2013-04-04 09:16 | Report Abuse

不是,千万借钱买车的人不知如何是好。车价大跌,是否有margin call?900RM最低薪金现在已经弄的到处罢工,华人厂家头疼。。说明这个宣言乱乱写。

News & Blogs

2013-04-03 23:39 | Report Abuse
