Blog Posts
2013-12-04 17:14 | Report Abuse
i don't think calving is selling..he must have increase his..and the TP is RM60 in 10 years..cheers
04/12/2013 17:13
2013-12-04 17:11 | Report Abuse
if sharks want to eat low..still not enough..few millions is not enough...need lower price and bigger volume..sharks waiting at 30 cents
2013-12-04 17:03 | Report Abuse
5 cents TA...tikam saja..haha
2013-12-04 16:44 | Report Abuse
Posted by ladzatz > Dec 4, 2013 04:43 PM | Report Abuse X
Posted by ladzatz > Dec 2, 2013 01:37 AM | Report Abuse X
tomorrow maximum 24 cents...then 10 cents
Posted by countfind > Dec 2, 2013 06:10 AM | Report Abuse
ladzatz ur ar anbz right? DON'T SHOOT YOUR MOUTH WITH NO BASIS....THERE ARE PEOPLE HERE WHO HAVE BECOME VICTIMS. if you have technical analysis knowledge say so..if not shut up...
well well now 10.5 need TA...this is very easy to predict...many here are also able to see that
2013-12-03 08:10 | Report Abuse
2013-12-02 17:07 | Report Abuse
habislah pantech TH mau kasi murah
2013-12-02 17:06 | Report Abuse
jcool what should be the long term TP?
2013-12-02 16:20 | Report Abuse
this is real selling 28
2013-12-02 16:19 | Report Abuse
5speed your comment is at 4.12...forced selling da abislah ngok
2013-12-02 15:32 | Report Abuse
hepitrade u tengoklah itu links anbz bagi..najib+anak
2013-12-02 09:48 | Report Abuse
sendiri beli sendiri jual ...just now ONLY 200 unit at 78 cents..kahkah..but want to sell at 75 cents...while same buyer want to buy at 70.5 cents...bushit
2013-12-02 09:10 | Report Abuse
hari khamis volume 27juta...jumaat 2 juta lebih sahaja...hari rabu ialah hari ke 5...pasti ramai yang beli hari khamis hari rabu dia mesti jual pasal takda duit...sama2 sudahkena
2013-12-02 01:59 | Report Abuse
2013-12-02 01:58 | Report Abuse
sudah bankrap...u mana boleh suka2 hati mau takeover...haiya melepek saja
2013-12-02 01:56 | Report Abuse
perwaja kinsteel punya...perwaja habis ..kinsteel pun habislah...very spinning doctor...dia kalau dia sudah bankrupt kena bayar semua hutang ..jual semua aset..sapa mau beli mahal?
if a son is a drug addict..papa will need to sara hidup anak ma and hidup sedih ma...
if that son die...who will support papa when he's old ma
senang kasi papa kawin sama datin janda kaya ma...walaupun datin tua..hehe
2013-12-02 01:45 | Report Abuse
pompom lu kah penculik dan pembunuh kat pulau pom pom sabah.? tolong hubungi polis...handphone saya kredit habis
2013-12-02 01:42 | Report Abuse
nice pair? bergu...strong analysis huh..don't u think so...? tq tq no need to geram ma
2013-12-02 01:39 | Report Abuse
azli my friend necro...silap2..hehe
2013-12-02 01:37 | Report Abuse
tomorrow maximum 24 cents...then 10 cents
2013-12-02 01:35 | Report Abuse
ching chong chenh xiu ta me wo ai ni hau ma shongsheng...get it?
2013-12-01 02:24 | Report Abuse
perwaja now only 12 cents...monday..kinsteel will follow
2013-12-01 02:19 | Report Abuse
or it will fell like never have been seen
2013-12-01 02:18 | Report Abuse
like before...give little dividen they can dispose more ..29th nov transaction may just be goreng..monday might goreng again ..until at a particular stage...they will dump again...why ? because revenue more than double for latest quarter...yet profit is only 1/6 from previous wonder it fell crazily from RM 2....the directors already know...and tipu-kena-kan u all
2013-11-28 00:51 | Report Abuse
nowdays people like to punt on new ipo..just that..tikam-tikam
2013-11-28 00:47 | Report Abuse
now the sorrow past has gone...the future is bright...u tengoklah alam...perisai...perdana..redtone..inari..sumatec...ibhd...the past has gone...they're now in heaven..and mq tech will follow...multiples of them
2013-11-28 00:42 | Report Abuse
psd57 ...u forget 5 important things when u compared between mui/mui-related with Keck Seng
1. Keck Seng make significant profit ma...mui...hancur ma
2. Keck Seng's management prudent and professional..not like mui and its associates
3.when Keck Seng get into new biz..they built and expanded it until successful...while mui and gangs beli sini beli
sana ,..then jual with losses..hundred millions bob..jangan buat2 tak nampak..histories tell us all
4.keck seng high credibility...mui..hampas... kaki penipu
5. about they lands...i don't think u are quite right about it...if u are right...just ask osk to buy mui
lah..privatize...banyak lagi orang yg brilliant..they don't believe u
6. mq tech u tengoklah nanti...nowdays we don't play with lands anymore..we play with jets...ini baru panggil
2013-11-28 00:28 | Report Abuse
necro takkan beli 2.51...mungkin dia sudah beli 2.60..itu pasal dia marah sama lu
2013-11-28 00:26 | Report Abuse
u are right..about all the snakes there...ponpon...macam tikam-tikam je nama kau ni...oh ye...apasal tony siplis? mana berita
2013-11-28 00:19 | Report Abuse
sometimes good result doesn't makes price goes up....yet bad result..sometimes leads to shoot up the price..this is bursa...remember that...many times made me dazzed
example1..EAH...i wonder why it doesn't go up while winning 2 contracts worth hundred millions...yet it move then...AFTER 2 MONTHS ma
example2...WONG ENGINEERING...recorded increase in losses...then shoots up ..double the price...crazy bursa
example2 MQ 10 years contract exclusively as the provider/manufacturer of Jetline
International Sdn Bhd (M)..which has bought (by RM1.1b) a jet maker american company
SyberJet Aircraft, a company which was once 80 per cent-owned by Emirates Investment and
Development Corp. SyberJet manufactures the world's fastest and longest range light business
jets - The SJ30. ..yet it stopped moving up but down if the confirmed news is just for
goreng...i believe the time will come for MQ TECH
however if u really think instaco will go up tomorrow...u must...i repeat u MUST buy as much as u can collectively together at opening time..9. a.m that your risks will be small ..yet your profit will increase
but no contra please...yet sometimes u have to ma
2013-11-28 00:00 | Report Abuse
that's not the is because when there was an iron and steel boom..because of high
demand from BRIC...especially China...many steel companies are not prudent enough...they want
to expand their foothold too if they're so desperate to chase something... it's like
playing bursa by contra...without picking up
it's the fault of the management...they take too high uncalculated risks
by the way mq tech is quite sweet..check it out
2013-11-27 23:17 | Report Abuse
better u put your bet on mq 15.5 cents...and if that's how u want to play..why don't just put buy order for mq tech..say at 13 cents..sama juga kan...tapi nasib untuk gulung tikar kurang ma...potential very high
2013-11-27 18:56 | Report Abuse
semakin ditahan semakin teruk...esok lagilah siap yg tahan hari ni pun tak tau nak buat apa esok...
so please don't put yourself under danger tomorrow...still not stable...more to come...may go down another 10 cents,,tomorrow...
please cut loss and do consider mq tech jet provider...the 1st in Malaysia
2013-11-27 18:53 | Report Abuse
must change counter...i told not expect it to registered losses of RM 111m for the tech is a good bet..sorry...but u have to run way out..good luck and take a better consideration ...starting tomorrow
2013-11-27 18:49 | Report Abuse
Consolidated results for the financial period ended 30/9/2013
mamamia jumlah kerugian= RM 155 juta...hari punya announcement...esok apa yg akan berlaku agaknya???
2013-11-27 18:46 | Report Abuse
tak takut ke?..anak kinstel iaitu perwaja yg sebeum ni lebih tinggi harganya ..sudah 16.5 cents..gua tak perasan dan tak sangka begitu cepat
2013-11-27 17:31 | Report Abuse
praying for tomorrow to open at 18 cents...kaya gua nanti ..kiki
2013-11-27 17:30 | Report Abuse
tomorrow wa tak mampu lagi...wa tak sanggup lagi main can pickup
tomorrow please buy 100 units-100units can u..please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2013-11-27 17:24 | Report Abuse
no fight lah... i just check my account..i bought it 4 times 100 units...and compared it to the transaction track..just telling..if i bought at 15.5 cents...400 units...i must have boought some at 15 cents ma...lagipun sebelum ni wa beli at 16.5
2013-11-27 17:20 | Report Abuse
i just giving advice to addy..i thought he's a muslim...just that...and if he's not or don't want to
accept the problem....yet why the hell u mr clc152 internationally english speaking
macho want to be involved ?
mr clc...u deleted your posting didn't u...what i said was true...peace...buat baik berpada2...kritik
orang tengok2...buat jahat jangan sekali
2013-11-27 17:08 | Report Abuse
u are a big liar...all 100 units ..4 times at 15.5 cents was me...haiya ini hari lu silap tipu ma
2013-11-27 16:56 | Report Abuse
so kasih hapus itu 388200...apa lagi jcool..ngap lah
2013-11-27 16:54 | Report Abuse
cepat angkat tinggal 388 lot shj at 15.5 cents..tomorrow start at 18 cents
2013-11-27 15:33 | Report Abuse
losses because flood in thailand..that was past future...the only ...exclusively to
produce precision components of biz jet...contract given 10 years by Jetline International Sdn Bhd
(Malaysia) which has bought SyberJet american company which
manufactures the world's fastest and longest range light business jets - The SJ30. And it has
been stated by MIDA officially that Jetline International Sdn Bhd (Malaysia) is 100% malaysia
wholly owned...and bought and RM1.1b and Jetline is the only one with the licence...just take a
look at sumatec...people are not thinking about their tech has great future ahead!!!
2013-12-04 17:16 | Report Abuse
siphon? Word of the day...u hit the nails right on everyone heads..haha