
leslieroycarter | Joined since 2013-10-05

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2016-05-30 15:13 | Report Abuse

Do not worry because bonus is on the way....


2016-05-30 14:10 | Report Abuse

Consolidation brought the downfall....


2016-05-30 11:59 | Report Abuse

recommended stock but dropped like shit....


2016-05-30 09:32 | Report Abuse

More uncertainties r coming.....be readied for more shocks....


2016-05-28 14:58 | Report Abuse

Gloomy global markets not auger well for plantation counter more so the self removal of RSPO will has an ermormous impact in the short term , long term will depend on the restructured management to play a meaningful role in reducing debts and artificial costs created solely on unnecessary acquisitions without much technical analysis.


2016-05-27 11:49 | Report Abuse

non -stop droppings.....when the 1q result out with reduced profit >35% and so it may adjust accordingly with the price ...


2016-05-27 11:44 | Report Abuse

Nobody is very sure of the directions , so be pessimistic on the outlook because many countries r experiencing lower n negative growth in year 2016 more so in the coming year/years when predicted disasters may come to our shores, like
10 year cycle crash which may happen in 2017/2007/1997/1987...
ours may be faster .....due to many unresolved financial n political turmoils
Our national debts r balloning n closed to the thresh-hold 55%!
uncertainties in Coming elections in 2018 or earlier ?
businesses r bad n really bad due to less disposable incomes; the result of inflation , lower incomes n more expenditures;
our ringgit depreciation created more hardships to many even exporting n importing cos r badly affected!
Unless early conclusion of the unresolved troubles , Bursa will not perform well in the coming years...


2016-05-26 18:24 | Report Abuse

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

6:15PM CANONE 1Q net profit 10.953 million (decreased 35.09%)

Too bad , very poor results....may breach RM 3.00?


2016-05-26 15:07 | Report Abuse

i think the recession is imminent given our political , financial upheavals continue unabated! Just too bad!
many had predicted it may set in at year 2017? That is a 10 yr cycle continued from 2007/1997/1987....
But i think we r getting nearer beginning at the middle of 2016 and early 2017.... no more oct 2017....


2016-05-26 14:46 | Report Abuse

the chances of it dips below 1.00 is there!

News & Blogs

2016-05-26 09:28 | Report Abuse



2016-05-25 14:39 | Report Abuse

still looking strong despite May day in Bursa in the month of May....


2016-05-25 14:37 | Report Abuse

only value at 11c....reverse calculation....even after consolidation taken, what a mess taken by the management thinking that the counter may transform into blue chips?


2016-05-25 14:34 | Report Abuse

profit dropped 1.35% only n still making but the stock price tumbling ....? This is the ploy to buy lower still by some major shareholders to collect cheaply from desperate clients...
Tuesday, 24 May 2016

6:59PM LATITUD Nine-month net profit 63.117 million (decreased 1.35%)


2016-05-25 11:30 | Report Abuse

kalau tki , tkb, tkf dan lain2 pun cabut kerana tak cukup makan akibat matawang menurun, bermakna keuntungan bagi co ini pun turun, nisbah harga saham juga turut akan menguncup ...dan ia akan ditunjukkan pd harga saham akhirnya...
25/05/2016 11:29


2016-05-25 11:26 | Report Abuse

nampaknya saham ini akan menuju ke kaunter poh sen....kaunter penny ...


2016-05-25 11:24 | Report Abuse

dah takda harapan ? kini satu dunia nak cari pasal dgn kita , maka lagi buntulah bursa kita....nasib ku yg malang.....


2016-05-25 11:19 | Report Abuse

Bad month for maybank in may....


2016-05-23 10:34 | Report Abuse

Dalam kamus bisines , kalau untung hanya 3.2c , berapa agak tuan nak bagi harga kaunter ini ?
Dalam industri perladangan , pe- nya agak rendah dalam lingkungan 10-12, maka harganya tak lebih dalam poh sen aje... memandangkan ia mempunyai nilai haltanah , maka setinggi2nya pun tak mampu melebihi RM 1.....


2016-05-19 13:27 | Report Abuse

look like many got millions .....be careful , must remember your stake has to be divided by 10 or else is considered short selling n is an offence!

News & Blogs

2016-05-16 14:49 | Report Abuse

the buying n selling by major shareholders even shareholding at 1 % irrespective of 5% shall be automated given the present 3D n Nano Tech age . This is the only way left to protect the minority shareholders who are in the receiving ends all the time. In fact they are the losers esp in share trading when all the info were withheld at the expense of the big timers...


2016-05-16 12:54 | Report Abuse

After ex div , it will be cheaper still...


2016-05-16 10:11 | Report Abuse

Index 1600 may breach soon!


2016-05-14 18:36 | Report Abuse

Look like may day is coming , more so in the month of May ....usually is v pessimistic in the month of May...


2016-05-13 16:00 | Report Abuse

PE 8-9 , shall be ok....most of the risks has been accounted for...


2016-05-13 15:56 | Report Abuse

The lowest it has achieved was 8.18....more downside..i presume...


2016-05-10 15:58 | Report Abuse

hope not 1 single day affair.....material litigation n pn 17 look likely....


2016-05-10 11:53 | Report Abuse

In overbought territory for some times , need to be careful....


2016-05-10 11:52 | Report Abuse

major shareholders r selling aggressively....good or bad? or profit taking?
Thursday, 3 Mar 2016

6:08PM PADINI CHAN KWAI HENG (50,000 units Disposed)

Wednesday, 2 Mar 2016

5:57PM PADINI CHAN KWAI HENG (250,000 units Disposed)

Friday, 26 Feb 2016

6:09PM PADINI CHAN KWAI HENG (72,100 units Disposed)

Thursday, 25 Feb 2016

11:30AM PADINI PADINI - Notice of Book Closure

Wednesday, 24 Feb 2016

6:09PM PADINI CHAN KWAI HENG (165,000 units Disposed)


2016-05-10 11:47 | Report Abuse

big pic is foreign investors r leaving ....leaving a trail of blood path....


2016-05-10 11:42 | Report Abuse

at least got 1c div declared .....to stop the slide...


2016-05-10 11:41 | Report Abuse

consolidation...means death is soon for this counter , what a brilliant idea from the top management to kill off all the speculators...


2016-05-10 11:38 | Report Abuse

going deeper south to see more icebergs ...


2016-05-10 11:36 | Report Abuse

in v bad shape ....


2016-05-05 21:09 | Report Abuse

is a losing concerns unless govt comes to the rescue like MAS ...but 27c ex from RM 8 initially?


2016-05-05 15:50 | Report Abuse

going south after ex div...it is worst after div received...may see below 8 if not careful....


2016-05-05 15:48 | Report Abuse

electronic shares real hard hit.....


2016-04-25 19:32 | Report Abuse

Bahasa Malaysia is an official language bagi Malaysia ; so i will entertain you with Bahasa Malaysia with its answer , the language that i can express myself with ease.
RM 13 adalah harga yg ditetapkan oleh pernerbit bond tentang harga stok yg mempunyai nilai tersensdiri;
Kebanyakan ahli pakar ekonomi juga menetapkan harga se-umpama spt diatas tidak lari 5 % dari harga yg ditetapkan ; ada juga peberbit meletaklan harga 16.95 bagi mengambilkira keuntungan yg akan diperolehinya sehingga akhir tahun ini;
saya bukan pakar ekonomi , maka adalah baik bagi saya merujuk kpd orang bijak pandai untuk menentukan harga nya;
Itulah pendapat cetek yg ada pada saya; saya yakin dgn pakar-pakar yg bijaksana dan juga pengurusantertinggi Scientax untuk menguruskan syarikat dgn terbaiknya ;
saya yakin dgn kemampuan yg ada padanya hingga boleh membawa syarikat kpd paras yg dikagumi serta disegani . Sekian Terima Kasih.
Harap jangan sekali-kali melabelkan jawapan yg yg utarakan juga sebagai "spam: ; ketidak faham dalam bahasa tidak boleh dianggap bahawasanya bahasa orang lain tidak berguna dan bukan bahasa ligua frangka yg digunapakai ramai;
Kita semua ada di Tanah Air yg dinamakan Malaysia , maka adalah kewajiban saya utuk menegakkan kesalahfahaman bahasa yg sengaja dianggapkan sebagai bahasa " spam" yg tidak masuk akal sama-sekali. Terima kasih banyak-banyak atas pertanyaan yg diutarakan.
Thank You...


2016-04-25 18:58 | Report Abuse

is good to have a second opinion...not all are smooth sailing...


2016-04-25 18:41 | Report Abuse

Someone has suggested that the Malay proverb is to be construed as a spam ;
One does not know the beauty of Bahasa Malaysia does not mean that the language is a spam : you must be very careful when you are criticizing an official language of the land ; you must be damn joking by criticizing a language foreign to you in the hope that i3 will be behind you in doing so; and i sincerely urged you to be polite and be respected when pointing fingers to others lest you also will suffer the same fate as what you had suggested.


2016-04-25 18:28 | Report Abuse

i am confident that i3 moderators can differentiate between a spam and a proverb in peribahasa where Bahasa Malaysia is an official language here in Malaysia; if the moderators simply banned the use of bahasa here in Malaysia , thus it is a contravene against the spirit of the usage national language policy in Malaysia . i will thus forward my questions to the government of Malaysia esp to Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka ( DBP ) and the relevant authorities to intervene on behalf of all the Malaysians here with regards the usage of Bahasa Malaysia to be treated as a spam as suggested by the honourable loveygramps here. This is my last comment and hope that all be well respected and please do not treat these as a spam ....


2016-04-25 16:49 | Report Abuse

Buat baik berpada-pada buat jahat Jangan sekali...hanya Nak KONGSI Bukan Nak cari gaduh...itulah maksud Ku yg tidak berniat APA-APA...Bukan sengaja Nak menegakkan Benang yg basah...macam setengah -tengah orang yg ingatkan kononnnya bahasanya adalah terbaik , kesalahan sendiri Tak nampak , kesalahan orang lain digunungkan , ITU Bukan soapan santun maksudnya.. ..best of luck to all.


2016-04-25 16:30 | Report Abuse

Jangan bersifat bagai harimau Nak menerkam siapa saja hanya Nak tunjuk gah kpd orang lain. Baik resmi macam padi , lagi berisi lagi tunduk.


2016-04-25 16:22 | Report Abuse

We can find good Malay proverb to show us guidance such as "diam diam ubi berisi , diam diam besi berkarat" so in life we shall follow the first anecdote instead of the later. So time will tell we are heading for the good or the bad. Thus best of luck to all who are believers in Scientax and not to be swayed by those who are pouring acids to metals in the hope to see all of us are suffering. They are the ones who will be benefitted when the stock suffered a heavy fall because of the punishing words used to discredit the potential of this very stock. Jangan marah seekor nyamok nanti nyaris satu kelambu terbakar.


2016-04-25 15:54 | Report Abuse

Another good Malay proverb"satu jari menunjuk kpd orang lain , sepuluh jari akan tunjuk kpd muka hang" Maka buatlah baik berpda-pada,ITU adat resam dan sopan santun orang disini. Berlagak macam kera kena belacan amatlah menyedihkan. Itu saja DPT Saya KONGSI....


2016-04-25 15:48 | Report Abuse

No comment ...I want to share a Malay proverb, it reads" siapa makan chili ia akan rasa pedas" this will be aptly applied to those who think they are. Just sharing and no name calling please..


2016-04-25 13:15 | Report Abuse

He has recommended sell again....better read his latest blog....


2016-04-25 13:12 | Report Abuse

It is trading lower from 160 level , something is very wrong here .... As a minority shareholders , many things happened but we were not being informed unless u got insider info....so better stay away to avoid more losses....


2016-04-25 12:30 | Report Abuse

leslieroycarter Scientax is well supported by its anticipation of 20-30 % yearly incremental growth and the and dangling carrot Of bonus 1 for 1 . I think short term may trade from 12.50 To 13.00 but longer term may trade well Above 13.00. Just look AT the volume dan roughly gauge that the sellers are limited in volume. Not many will buy that It is a worthless stock As someone has assumed, hoping that the fall can offer him more opportunity To buy low . He poured a lot Of acid thinking that many will buy the bait . Well , i3 members can see his colors for the sprouting nonsense And doing all sorts Of monkey stunts To deceive and to antiganise others in order To create confrontational q&a , thinking that all will buy his Or her ideas. Sadly Scientax is real And solid , As strong As the rock Of Gibrauter ...just sharing....
25/04/2016 12:29