KC Loh

lkc121 | Joined since 2012-04-24

Investing Experience Intermediate
Risk Profile Moderate

retiree with nothing better to do and watch stock go up and down, with a bunch of lovely coconuts to sell :)





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2013-12-20 15:31 | Report Abuse

ok, inwest, kcchongnz & bonescythe, we need to pass the hat around. need to collect funds for the deserved children whose father used their funds for punting/gambling!

I don't mind selling one of my AA share to start LOL


2013-12-20 15:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fortunebull > Oct 11, 2013 04:57 PM | Report Abuse
I got tons of certificated in TA! Attended so many courses! Enough to wipe butt for lifetime! Also can lecture FA in universities!

how about punting certificates? LOL


2013-12-20 15:26 | Report Abuse

son's education money sudah lenyap? :)


2013-12-20 15:25 | Report Abuse

we must let him win as said. mentally unstable since RM10 stock collapsed! LOL


2013-12-20 15:23 | Report Abuse

soon the son will burn him at the stake! LOL


2013-12-20 15:22 | Report Abuse

but nice to know a millionaire like you sends your old folks to elderly home! LOL


2013-12-20 15:21 | Report Abuse

grovelling at what level now! hahahaha

if only Saturn were still around, i would have asked him what is that level below retard was before! LOL


2013-12-20 15:17 | Report Abuse

are you sure everyone else is angry ka? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2013-12-20 15:16 | Report Abuse

hehe....... let me go check hibiscs for the moment! will be back with more insults later! LOL

Oct 14, 2013 12:37 PM | Report Abuse
Ha! Looks like someone not happy and full of angry! Spin here and there! Even Hibiscus gone up also he is blind! What do you call such person! In my book I write off as losses!

Blog: Ecofirs - Carbon to Diamond
Nov 15, 2013 10:13 AM | Report Abuse
Bonescythe! Don't be angry with yourself! I am just pulling your leg!


2013-12-20 15:11 | Report Abuse

Dec 6, 2013 12:23 PM | Report Abuse
Flowerpower! Many ask what target price! Come on, endless suppy of oil, how to set target price! RM10 also I wont sell!


2013-12-20 15:10 | Report Abuse

haha, running out of ammo? LOL


2013-12-20 15:10 | Report Abuse

go delete it ok, before people verify it! LOL


2013-12-20 15:09 | Report Abuse

Blog: Make Consistent Stock Investment profit – by Prof Philip Cheng, Taming the Money Sharks
Oct 12, 2013 11:01 AM | Report Abuse
Ha! Plenty! Read my postings! All make money! I hate lossing even a single cent! Losing money is bad habit!


2013-12-20 15:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by KCLoh > Dec 20, 2013 03:03 PM | Report Abuse
Wife support me! I am worst than handicapped! Stay home wack coconuts up and down 24hours looking for retards! LOL

glad you consider yourself as retard! wahahaha entertainment value bar none! LOL


2013-12-20 15:01 | Report Abuse

that's true also in some sense! never deny it and never con also! :)


2013-12-20 14:57 | Report Abuse

which is Hafiz Millip, the cangkulman! LOL


2013-12-20 14:52 | Report Abuse

just take him for entertainment value bonescythe. very nice to have a loose nut around sometimes! LOL


2013-12-20 12:39 | Report Abuse

yup darren! but those are risk one have to take in investing! :)


2013-12-20 12:37 | Report Abuse

i will remove myself from this thread indefinitely, to take our hafizsapi on his magical carpet ride! poor thing, must have really been a setback when come back from his holidays and all his bungaraya layu! LOL


2013-12-20 12:35 | Report Abuse

i rest my case to my first sentence! LOL


2013-12-20 12:30 | Report Abuse

inwest, a sorchai is following me! LOL reading from what i wrote yesterday! seething and fuming in his pants i see! you better ask for royalty too here! hahahahahahaha

Posted by KCLoh > Dec 20, 2013 11:47 AM | Report Abuse
I am jobless and have plenty of time to insult in i3investor! No one ever defend me! Hahahaha! Latest victim Fortunebull! Donkey Dave, Tom Cat, Newbiereturns and many more already gave up! I am the best! But don't ask me about stocks! I actually don't know much about TA or FA! I create my own SA!


2013-12-20 12:05 | Report Abuse

good good. do that. we know you lack of funds to invest! keep yourself occupied! LOL


2013-12-20 12:02 | Report Abuse

our lembu hafizsapi is back! dropped his skirt guise and now our RM1 margin expert is.... ME! cloned from my butt's DNA samples! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

is he that readable, this 30 y.o. boy? LOL

Posted by bonescythe > Dec 18, 2013 03:16 PM | Report Abuse
He will reincarnate in another name. Trust me


2013-12-20 12:00 | Report Abuse

i am financially ok, yup! but i still join my friend in some simple ventures here and there also! :)


2013-12-20 11:56 | Report Abuse

remember to do your stunt in skpres thread too yeah? now that you almost exhausted all your son's education funds on punting, O university professor of investment! LOL


2013-12-20 11:44 | Report Abuse

I3investors kaki flag
Dec 19, 2013 06:20 PM | Report Abuse
Just came back from holiday! The moment I open I3investor, the same joker repeating same insults. So I say, he wins big time! Guys, I wont comment in i3investors anymore! I don't have time or luxury for quarrels! Good luck guys!

i see your luxurious time came back! cakap pun belit belit lah hafizsapi! LOL


2013-12-20 11:40 | Report Abuse

pity at this raging bull. so full of anger! LOL

we buy with our spare money, not with our children education funds! tak tahu malu! hahahahahahaha


2013-12-20 11:39 | Report Abuse

fortunebull, tukar your brief ka? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....


2013-12-19 22:40 | Report Abuse

hehehe good night ladies. me got some reading to do! cheerio!

Thanks a lot the rest of you guys! >(



2013-12-19 22:33 | Report Abuse

i thank God everyday for my smart wife, hopefully not smarter! (this post will self-destruct in 30 seconds - to the tune of mission impossible at the back)


2013-12-19 22:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by ooi1955 > Dec 19, 2013 10:13 PM | Report Abuse
Ya loh... KC ... and you men will either end up buying EXPIRED goods or pay more for it... cos you men just walk in & out with one thought in mind... to complete the mission... case close! Am I right?

now you know why Mr Market made a chump of me? hehe


2013-12-19 22:25 | Report Abuse

inwest88, i dunno what is SA still. South Africa? hehe


2013-12-19 22:24 | Report Abuse

connie, all these were already pre-empt by my good missus! now i know why she bought me my smartphone and tell me to kwai-kwai sit in the coffeeshop until she is finished!



2013-12-19 22:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by ooi1955 > Dec 19, 2013 10:13 PM | Report Abuse
Ya loh... KC ... and you men will either end up buying EXPIRED goods or pay more for it... cos you men just walk in & out with one thought in mind... to complete the mission... case close! Am I right?

you got it! why did i ever raise this issue, and do you notice all the men suddenly disappears? grr.....


2013-12-19 22:15 | Report Abuse

waiting in departmental store is just ain't me!!! :)


2013-12-19 22:11 | Report Abuse

but don't shoot the messenger if the price doesn't jump! hence, SA! LOL


2013-12-19 22:09 | Report Abuse

i remember someone wise told me before, man walks into supermarket to look for products! everything chop-chop, cleared in less than 2 minutes. ladies walk into supermarket to look for price! you can be potentially stuck there half a day. massive riot if grand sales is on! i know there are exceptions to the rule, but generally, its true of which i dont think you will disagree! LOL


2013-12-19 22:04 | Report Abuse

connie, i mean ladies have more advantage when it comes to matters of bargaining. Man usually, as ooi1955 says, just sign and be done with! hehe


2013-12-19 22:03 | Report Abuse

@ooi1955, getting back to subject matter, i think N2N warrants could show a rise tomm. I know its a sideway counter for the longest time, but you never know about tomm!

deja vu, because this is similar to some counters i have seen before one or two catalysts takes the price to a jump! this is my SA (still figuring what this is!) hehe


2013-12-19 21:59 | Report Abuse

yeah indeed, she said she didn't feel rich in Europe. One sandwich sets her back 9 Euro!


2013-12-19 21:58 | Report Abuse

ladies being ladies, i think she is thinking far ahead in terms of bargain! any problem, she can always go back to the shop and tell them off i guess! if bought from Europe, how to return the wares right? in saying that, i think she will spend la eventually.... :(

one thing i still don't get is, why ladies don't bargain with Mr Market? hehehe


2013-12-19 21:55 | Report Abuse

you two giving me loaded questions! say yes i die, say no also i die!

can i smile wryly or not? hehehe


2013-12-19 21:51 | Report Abuse

thankfully she didn't! she said pavilion better! wonder should i be happy or not?


2013-12-19 21:48 | Report Abuse

holiday from headache ooi1955, hehe

i think early days still for n2n, but won't be surprise something big is brewing in terms of pricing! deja vu! don't buy on my account. i am showing off to my imitators only about my "prowness" in TA LOL


2013-12-19 21:30 | Report Abuse

hehehe.... thanks inwest88 and jjoker! made my day! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2013-12-19 21:25 | Report Abuse

oh i see. imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! LOL

that donkey won't be the first! i have ranging from kcloh, kcloh1, kclow,kclowsenior etc. this little millionaire boy is pathetic compare to his predecessor! LOL


2013-12-19 21:20 | Report Abuse



2013-12-19 21:18 | Report Abuse

huh? is it?


2013-12-19 21:13 | Report Abuse

and something is brewing in n2n hopefully upwards! chinaman in singapore into warrants transferring! :)