KC Loh

lkc121 | Joined since 2012-04-24

Investing Experience Intermediate
Risk Profile Moderate

retiree with nothing better to do and watch stock go up and down, with a bunch of lovely coconuts to sell :)





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2013-12-13 18:15 | Report Abuse

drat & double drat....


2013-12-13 15:36 | Report Abuse

sorry, past three quarters


2013-12-13 15:35 | Report Abuse

fitters looks undervalued. Profit margin can be better vis a vis past 3 years


2013-12-13 14:32 | Report Abuse

that's why i said, conning kampung folks is easy! the wife made it too easy for him! try getting to city folks, well, that's a whole new animal!
bullock vs predators here! goner! LOL


2013-12-13 14:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by KC Loh > Nov 20, 2013 02:48 PM | Report Abuse X
Posted by Fortunebull > Nov 20, 2013 02:47 PM | Report Abuse
Seriously, I am not buying any stocks after Instaco! Luckily I sold all my Instaco with small profit left made from previous rounds! Even Hibiscus I sold all! Only Myeg holding until quarterly report out!

3130 posts
Posted by inwest88 > Nov 20, 2013 02:52 PM | Report Abuse
# KC my friend. What brings you here. And your posting - huh ?


now you remember your question, inwest88? hehehe


2013-12-13 13:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fortunebull > Dec 13, 2013 01:08 PM | Report Abuse
Fantastic day for me as usually! Made rm1 profit from hibiscus in and out! I know one lunny gone nuts because too jealous of me! Well, i say good! I enjoy him suffer! Everyone can read his posts just talking about wonderfull Fortunebull! Good luck everyone! See you next year! Off for a wonderful vacation! I will comment once Hibiscus breach rm5! See you then! Thanks a million to Dr Kenneth Pierra! We believe in you!

i am beginning to like this thread. as expected, he will try now to defend his RM1 claim in hibiscs. never knew this little liar can squirm and react so fast. and run away for holidays after repeatedly being caught! LOL Kudos bonescythe!

oh, the little part about me jealous of him. hopefully he can check the dates when i first told him off! he doesn't even have hibiscs yet then! as usual, expert in conclusion. Now you know why i posted the first post of his hibiscs claim then right, inwest88? hehehe :)

klse.i3investor.com server hang few times. anybody experience that?


2013-12-13 13:10 | Report Abuse

Haha ....if the story is believable


2013-12-13 12:44 | Report Abuse

Hehe bullbear. You make people speechless in AA thread already. Now starting your nonsense here with same broken recorder eh? Hahahaha


2013-12-13 11:57 | Report Abuse

from your few postings flowerpower, the gap can be seen.

the gap of your knowledge of share market and that of profezzer bullock who holds many degrees in TA & FA! LOL


2013-12-13 11:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by bonescythe > Dec 13, 2013 11:27 AM | Report Abuse
... Lose also say win, and win little say win a lot because he got no guts and take fast fast.

he sure win want la. how not to win with sure impressive return every round?... until of course, people catches him lah! LOL

Posted by KC Loh > Dec 2, 2013 08:08 PM | Report Abuse X
fortunebull claimed he made profit at liihen today
tjhldog said all transactions (16200 lots) were made by Lim Tau Jin and fortunebull is lying
fortunebull subsequently deleted his posts about making profit
now he is coming back, claiming in his siege mentality, everyone is against him, telling betulbetulcakap to be careful!

already strike millions with capital of 35k barely two months ago! Berkshire people better learn from him!


2013-12-13 11:20 | Report Abuse

incidentally, i wonder how is his instaco doing? he wallop a lot at 30 sens! no advertising of it lately? hehehe


2013-12-13 11:18 | Report Abuse

our sorchai bullock is using his son's education money to gamble. so go easy on him bonescythe! dont let the son pays for the father's sins! :)


2013-12-13 01:28 | Report Abuse

oh well, you can't win them all. grrr..... 1.5 sens dividend flew away



2013-12-13 00:03 | Report Abuse

BB is going for the next alphabet to do his nonsense! Trying benalec now! Hahahaha


2013-12-12 23:42 | Report Abuse

I would agree its pathetic! Warchest is kept for something! May have to to with rising price last two days! I am expecting announcement


2013-12-12 23:20 | Report Abuse

bonescythe's on that bullock, no worries! LOL


2013-12-12 23:19 | Report Abuse

if you have this proper mindset chengyee, you will not be chasing fads and latest news! keep calm and be rational even as Mr Market is here to serve you!

thanks for kind words inwest88. you have a good group here! do your best to protect them! :)


2013-12-12 23:12 | Report Abuse

but please overlook my bullying of bullies in the forum! LOL


2013-12-12 23:08 | Report Abuse

you should not have that mindset when investing (although i must admit its nice to strike once in a while). Rather, you should be thinking like a farmer, buying the land for produces! the land is the stock (or biz) and the produces, usually dividend ( or stock bonuses, etc).

the trick is to get the land cheap (a lot of people don't get it cheap but still hold on to good land is still ok) and wait for it to appreciate in value over time, whilst enjoying the produces in between! you can always sell the produces in the market and use the same returns to expand your land!

in my opinion, FA thumps TA for the most part (not saying TA is no good) simply because of the power of compounding (ie adding land)!


2013-12-12 22:49 | Report Abuse

Notice our bullock going ballistics now in other thread after the charge against hhim by bonescythe? Incidentally, there is another forummer by name of bones! May litigation come soon! LoL


2013-12-12 22:47 | Report Abuse

Tony, keep this here first. It will be useful one day, trust me! LoL

Posted by Fortunebull > Dec 12, 2013 10:10 PM | Report Abuse
Lets rake some money before closing 2013! Market will die off after Jan so best to be focus!


2013-12-12 22:36 | Report Abuse

As my sabahan friends would say zenwan, ada, ada... kat ranau!


2013-12-12 22:16 | Report Abuse

Only concern for those in his barangai! LoL


2013-12-12 21:48 | Report Abuse

but unfortunately, i cannot find anything about his above RM1 scores to date, even when he was Hafiz Millip! LOL


2013-12-12 21:33 | Report Abuse

i am sure he must have hit more than RM1 from somewhere. for how else would you explain his capital jump from 35k to millions, let alone his age from 30 years old to 55 years old in a span of few months? hehehe

Nov 4, 2013 11:23 PM | Report Abuse
I am sure SKPress will make a showing of uptrending! Until that time, our capital must continue to look for opportunity returns in other counters! I am sure if you have 35 thousand to choose SKPress and Myeg, you would definitely choose Myeg! Or do you hard headedly choice SKPress waiting for opportunity return to past you by! You choice!


2013-12-12 21:29 | Report Abuse

just one clarification too. The figure is a TTM from information here



2013-12-12 21:19 | Report Abuse

i got weida at 1.52. so i am not sure to tell you to enter or not chengyee. it seem to be always facing resistance at 1.78-1.82 range

if you want to look at FA, perhaps its still ok with a PE of 3.07. so if you can see earning prospective for the next one or two years, then you can consider it! FYI, the last earning was not too stellar! could be a potential red flag here!

Category Ind-Prod - Main Market
High 1.810
Low 1.750
Volume 998,600
Volume (B/S) 31,600 / 46,000
Price Bid/Ask 1.800 / 1.820

ROE 21.33
P/E 3.07
EPS 58.65
DPS 4.00
DY 2.22%
PTBV 0.65
RPS 279.69
PSR 0.64
Market Cap 228.4M


2013-12-12 17:30 | Report Abuse

here's a nutcase story! Remember kuya bullock? has something to do with fictional too, although i cannot remember what that is! LOL

Posted by tjhldog > Dec 2, 2013 07:12 PM | Report Abuse
old man nearing coffin still tell lie! The market volume all done by Lim Tau Jin. You have no shares, don't talk nonsense here *&%@(!^%


2013-12-12 17:26 | Report Abuse

but i am glad you didn't deny you are Hafizsapi, you know, the one who would think people will believe his story about friend sleeping to & fro KL-Oz! bluff kampung people only can lah! they like to be entertained! LOL


2013-12-12 17:23 | Report Abuse

I pity one nut here with blue veins popping out from his head from his rage! surely a goner and the son will have to burn the vegetable soon! LOL


2013-12-12 15:32 | Report Abuse

sorry ar inwest88, coming in a lot here since i haven't seen dolly for a long time! just giving my 2-cents comments here and there also! :)


2013-12-12 15:30 | Report Abuse

ooi1955, in the myeg thread, just dont follow senior cheerleader then all will be fine! :)


2013-12-12 15:08 | Report Abuse

aik, i didn't read that! LOL

News & Blogs

2013-12-12 15:05 | Report Abuse

no lah kcchongnz. i sometimes take unnecessary risk! :) not good to follow me!

i would also like to benchmark my % returns the following year against the last two years results.

in saying so, yup, you may be right. there are still undervalued shares lying around and a few potential turnaround companies that i have seen. Market may not be all that high for all counters yet! gonna be interesting next year for FA investors! LOL


2013-12-12 15:02 | Report Abuse



2013-12-12 14:58 | Report Abuse

inwest88, gua tak dapat anything from yesterday. blur. but then again, the "it" provide a lot of ammunition for me everyday! can't catch up!

anyway like i said, more to come! LOL

News & Blogs

2013-12-12 14:45 | Report Abuse

actually kcchongnz, it would be interesting to try spotting gems and make a top pick in a high market! that would really test the FA investor's mettle! just saying... :)

Announcements & Events

2013-12-12 13:31 | Report Abuse

looks like news well received. Up wor! :)

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2013-12-12 13:28 | Report Abuse

gua betul betul sayang sama ini CBIP! LOL


2013-12-12 12:46 | Report Abuse

since were are in the correct thread, anyone knows how one can check in as luggage? this is very interesting! i asked the retard who posted it, but no answer, of course! LOL


2013-12-12 12:45 | Report Abuse

BsB, from today you can remove the bullsh*t part! a 30y.o. successor disguising as a 55 y.o. bullock has come forward to claim it! LOL

[Hafiz Millip] - Is it true we can get cheapest fare by checking in as luggage? My friend told me he only pay RM50 to Australia from KL...the problem is..he end up back to KL coz he slept during the back and fro flights...


2013-12-12 12:42 | Report Abuse

and with fortunesapi so kay-po since he claimed its not him in Tropicana thread! hahahahahahahaha


2013-12-12 12:41 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fortunebull > Dec 12, 2013 12:34 PM | Report Abuse
Scary! Very scary! There's one lunny almost all his postings dedicated to hatred for someone! He must be suffering from delusion of extreme mental problem!

yeah, wonder who is Hafizsapi? LOL


2013-12-12 12:37 | Report Abuse

BsB, to have an inkling how the judgement will proceed, read the following two links! question to be ask here, why Swamy had to ask the same PM who has given the nod for airlines liberalization? what say you since you already bought AA shares? :)



let's see how much pressure the election will force Manmohan to backpedal!

third link just an extra :)


2013-12-12 12:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by cockroach > Dec 12, 2013 12:24 PM | Report Abuse
conclusion? Buy or Sell!

LOL. people dunno what the Hafizsapi talking about!


2013-12-12 11:39 | Report Abuse

...and waiting news if an unprofitable company can launch IPO next year in Indonesia! :)