KC Loh

lkc121 | Joined since 2012-04-24

Investing Experience Intermediate
Risk Profile Moderate

retiree with nothing better to do and watch stock go up and down, with a bunch of lovely coconuts to sell :)





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2013-07-02 13:18 | Report Abuse

Shirley, you got in or not when crazy Friday struck?


2013-07-02 13:14 | Report Abuse

Suddenly I am very interested in Luster's postings! LoL


2013-07-02 11:46 | Report Abuse

uh? post deleted? hahahahahahahahahaha


2013-07-02 11:22 | Report Abuse

that's the top secret? LOL


2013-07-02 11:04 | Report Abuse

sombody or some group are earning big since it fell to 1.92 the last round!


2013-07-02 10:15 | Report Abuse

Very happy ashrizal1? Hehehe


2013-07-02 09:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by optimusrich > Jun 29, 2013 04:17 AM | Report Abuse

walao, this alexlulu sifu is so so powerful. predicted spsetia price like a super pro. price target 100% chun, timeframe also 100% chun chun. he said 6 month up 30%, on 7th May 2013 it hit 3.99 he said no risk. for the 6 month spsetia never drop below 3.00

OMG! he is the sifu of all sifus, the grandmaster sifu! i want to learn from him.

LOL... free promotion emarket style!


2013-07-02 09:41 | Report Abuse

Better and richer in jealousy? LoL


2013-07-02 09:40 | Report Abuse

No time, but keep answering and repeating? LoL

Sure sounds like a kalefeh winner! Hahahahaha


2013-07-02 09:38 | Report Abuse

Don't forget this though. The most nauseating self fanning post of 2013 without a doubt! LoL

Posted by optimusrich > Jun 29, 2013 04:17 AM | Report Abuse

walao, this alexlulu sifu is so so powerful. predicted spsetia price like a super pro. price target 100% chun, timeframe also 100% chun chun. he said 6 month up 30%, on 7th May 2013 it hit 3.99 he said no risk. for the 6 month spsetia never drop below 3.00

OMG! he is the sifu of all sifus, the grandmaster sifu! i want to learn from him.


2013-07-02 09:34 | Report Abuse

Had to resort to name calling finally! Feel like a winner? LoL


2013-07-02 09:32 | Report Abuse

Fair advice I think! But you didn't get it right? LoL

News & Blogs

2013-07-02 09:30 | Report Abuse

Not that I care where Nazri is from, you missed my point completely! The only point I wanna raise is, this friend of your for 10 years know better than one donkey trying to tell others to do opposite of what "nasri" said. LoL

Oh but I forgot, you just hell-bent to get me that you don't have time to read! Kelefeh! LoL. Will not live long! Hahahahaha

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-07-02 09:23 | Report Abuse

Recurring income on the mill parts! Steady.... steady...... oops later one camwhore gets jealous! LoL


2013-07-02 09:16 | Report Abuse

Little boy, you know what is bullish or not? Market rally and bull run is different. But no free lunch to teach donkeys like you!

Go create new thread now on this to attack me! Hahahahah


2013-07-02 09:12 | Report Abuse

No case la this TA guy called optikus. When dunno how to read chart, go blame people in FA! Hahahahaha

Taking one post and trying to explain me ka? No wonder you claim to know billionaires when you are just factory worker! Hahahahaha What a kahlefeh trying to be sifu of sifus. Jumping to conclusion and reading out of context champion! LoL

Well, no money people will stay up til wee hour of the morning and find non constructive things to do. Will not last very long on earth! Try read that in context hahahahaha

News & Blogs

2013-07-01 23:43 | Report Abuse

Shh don't tell optikus! He sold all his position already! LoL

Announcements & Events

2013-07-01 23:29 | Report Abuse

Optikus, this is one of my largest holdings! :) waste a little bit of my time because its OK, coz being given fat dividends

News & Blogs

2013-07-01 22:03 | Report Abuse

i got a copy of this :)

Posted by sohhai67 > Jun 22, 2013 04:50 PM | Report Abuse
kcloh. everybody who follow nazri would make money, if they do the opposite. I personally know him for more than 10 yrs. do u?

News & Blogs

2013-07-01 22:02 | Report Abuse

somebody still dont get the reason i am asking for Dr Nazri's take even though i am not interested in TA!

clue: stemmed from last week one sifu of sifus criticizing Nazri! and the sifu claims he is master of TA. quietly and not surprisingly, the donkey disappears as fast as he rose in this thread! hahahahahahahahahaha


2013-07-01 21:14 | Report Abuse

aiyoh, i go for dinner, also this gnat still talking non-stop ka? LOL

want to show your expertise, please explain this thread first la. http://klse.i3investor.com/servlets/forum/900299401.jsp?fp=2. in our group, we call it tikam-ology! hahaha Still lose money in index shares? that's why you not worthy of my time. i wonder why the above mentioned thread also you dont want to update the rest of the forummers? hahahahahahahahaha

i note you are covering my posts. at the risk of little kids claiming i am showing off, please go to Digi thread. there is another donkey dave challenging me to make a call to buy or sell Digi. why not make a report here what was my recommendation when Digi was RM5.30. we dont play tikam for 1.5 sens and then demand attention.

waste of time. still far to get validation to be sifu; what more sifu of sifus! long way to go, kid! now go speak to newbiestock & fat tub! same level! LOL


2013-07-01 18:22 | Report Abuse

try tell story of Muhibbah gain again after the news break out ok? same level! LOL


2013-07-01 18:20 | Report Abuse

kah kah... std 1 evaluation! like this level ar, mingling with millionaires or billionaires? now its pretty much confirmed little boy playing with virtual money! Grandma, over to you. this idiot not worthy of my time anymore! 1.5sens want to achi-acho..... LOL


2013-07-01 17:17 | Report Abuse

Wah no response from tony. Ciao first :(


2013-07-01 17:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > Jul 1, 2013 05:07 PM | Report Abuse
hafiz my friend..

Hafiz, sudah one up! LoL whatever education you have given to f-tard here seems to be working! Keep it up! LoL


2013-07-01 17:08 | Report Abuse

Optikus, you see what have you down to your little twit of a bro? Stop watching smut in front of him til 4am. He is spamming smut now to look for income wahahahahahaha


2013-07-01 17:06 | Report Abuse

Not even a squeak from tubby! Only do what he does best. Putting pix of either himself or his relatives. LoL


2013-07-01 16:53 | Report Abuse

The scientific name is optikus retardous preposterous richous. Cross breed with a Greek cyberteon dog I think! You can call him optikusrich if so wish! LoL


2013-07-01 16:50 | Report Abuse

Yuneoro (Jerry) , can I intro you to another mouse? Crossed breed in cybertron! We know him today officially as Optikus! The self-claimed sifu of all sifus and long lost brother of tubby! He's everywhere and waiting to pound on poor little me for typos in his quest to try assassinate my character! Hope this can enrich your studies of rodents further! LoL


2013-07-01 16:44 | Report Abuse

Anybody asked him? LoL


2013-07-01 16:37 | Report Abuse

What happened to optikus, the kecut king? Wahahahaha

Wow how can have grandsifu whose prediction chun chun to tell everyone to run?

Need money to bad to try create panic ka? Trying to salvage your 2013 losses prior and post-election? LoL

News & Blogs

2013-07-01 16:24 | Report Abuse

Help you paint complete picture of the multiheaded hydra OK? Hehe

Posted by optimusrich > Jul 1, 2013 12:52 PM | Report Abuse

newbies, very highly likely possible he is a bayi or bayi mix. hate chinese so much.

News & Blogs

2013-07-01 16:16 | Report Abuse

And speaking of monkey.......hahahaha gawdd this species is so predictable! Caught! Lulu will always be a Lulu! The honkeys really know how to use the proper terminology! Haha

My fart must be rose scented lately! LoL

News & Blogs

2013-07-01 16:09 | Report Abuse

Would you not agree, bullbear? Hehehe

News & Blogs

2013-07-01 16:09 | Report Abuse

Malindo oh Malindo..... a case if monkey see, monkey do!


2013-07-01 13:08 | Report Abuse

LoL...now I understand your nick wahaha126


2013-07-01 12:30 | Report Abuse

Before little boy jump to conclusion again, let me clarify I didn't say he is one! A fat tubby with a shrill of a voice can be....er.....absolutely disgusting, just like a tub or lard! LoL


2013-07-01 12:23 | Report Abuse

LoL....... I am sure its being deleted even now! Thank god now can go take lunch properly!

When you say voice in parenthesis, please don't tell me they are like katoey from our northern neighbours ar? Gelifying! LoL

News & Blogs

2013-07-01 12:14 | Report Abuse

Anybody heard any updates from Dr Nazri from Alliance over the weekend? Mind posting here?


2013-07-01 12:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > Jun 28, 2013 08:44 PM | Report Abuse

i dont broadcasting my profit like you, and i never hide my losses like you!

Hafiz and Jerry, you much keep this one OK? Its a classic big cendawan head talking in case he comes back from purgatory! LoL

Pray for his soul. A man living up to 101 years, what more can he want than seeking attention. See his profile for further clarification! Hahahahaha

News & Blogs

2013-07-01 09:25 | Report Abuse

No harm hoping :)


2013-07-01 08:30 | Report Abuse

Bogus accounting hmmm... I believe some clampdowns but won't completely eradicate them. Have a honkey friend who used to say, business in HK is like this: "close one listed company to open two new ones! " he meant assets maneuverability and that is how the rich gets richer in HK/china. So long as there are legal loopholes, people will exploit that. And that is why china accounts are highly suspicious even to their own unless you are in very high profile and established companies like Hutchinson or Chinapetro


2013-07-01 06:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by KC Loh > Jul 1, 2013 01:24 AM | Report Abuse

Alexlulu, you just follow the right side of your brain, and if he is not there,try the left side. But if he is still not there, try in between the crack of your butt. I am sure he is always there to find solace in a bull market especially if he is broke!

OK. People with money needs to sleep and check stock market tomm ffor trade opportunity. People with no money continue to stay up late til 4am writiing fiction or character assassination is understandable! Wahahaha good night. The floor is all yours! You win again! Wahahahahahaha


Worth repeating for completeness sake! LoL