
madcow78 | Joined since 2019-03-27

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2020-01-22 15:54 | Report Abuse

I think the reason for the share price to run up is due to significant decreased in the existing share after the consolidation.

Once the Right Shares are issued, the price will be very volatile.

Based on current price of 0.42, those who bought before the ex-date will be in the money.

100 shares = 2 consolidation shares (@1.75) + 200 rights (@0.105). The rights theoretical opening price will be 0.315 (0.42-0.105), way above the costs price. Those who bought will be very anxious and hope the price stay at current level in order to cash in the fat bonus.


2019-12-17 18:20 | Report Abuse

With such a big project, they might need another shareholders approval as this is consider IPT. I don’t think the current mandate include IWH-CREC.


2019-12-17 18:19 | Report Abuse

Frankie, totally agreed that share price will only move up after the land deal is approved. Most likely it will be range bound till then.


2019-12-04 15:24 | Report Abuse

IWH IPO and provide funding for IWH-CREC to develop BM. Ekovest highly likely will be the main-con.

Currently, IWH own IWH-CREC, Ekovest (via the IRPS), and PLS (via Ekovest).

Will IWC be used as the backdoor listing or potential merger to consolidate all the entities into one?


2019-11-25 16:40 | Report Abuse

Perdana and Dayang share price has run up prior to the QR as market already priced in the better results. So market probably took profit after the release of the announcement.

Whereas for Naim, its core business is still in the construction. The O&G sector is through its interest in Dayang and Perdana as associates. For Q2, its construction sector actually making a loss. If it is able to show improvement, couple with the better contribution from its associate, i believe eventually it will reflect in its share price.

Let's see if they announce today.


2019-11-22 14:05 | Report Abuse

Still holding though. Let’s see how’s the result in Q4. If there is reversal of the impairment, she price should move up much higher as it will truly show the worst is over.

Tlill then, let’s hope it gradually move up to the target price.


2019-11-22 13:06 | Report Abuse

Take away the other operating income if 81.8m, operating profit is abt 70m. Revenue slightly lower than Q2


2019-11-21 22:16 | Report Abuse

Judging by the recent corporate exercises, i would believe BM is on.

On paper the transactions doesn’t make economic sense to Ekovest, but the way I see is the big bosses try to get IWH own part of Ekovest so that when IWH-CREC appoint Ekovest as the main con, IWH (aka the shareholders) will benefit from the construction of BM.

However I don’t think the announcement will be out soon, so better don’t play contra. Not until they complete the second phase of the PP first.


2019-11-21 21:54 | Report Abuse

This could the other sharelder of IWH idea as they don’t have interest in ekovest. WIth the proposed transactions, IWH could potentially own up to 24% of EKO, hence enjoying any profit arising from the construction of BM!


2019-11-21 17:11 | Report Abuse

Perdana reported profit of RM18 million.


2019-11-21 13:27 | Report Abuse

Penergy just announced an extraordinary results.


2019-11-20 11:03 | Report Abuse

If BA can report a 100 million profit (without the gain on disposal of Perdana), that will set the tune for the share price to move towards RM1.


2019-11-20 11:01 | Report Abuse

I doubt there will be negative impact.

If the "over payment" of the project related expenses is recoverable, such expenses will be reversed from the income statement, and the profit should goes up by 76% of the expenses (after corresponding income tax).

If is deemed not recoverable, it become real expenditures and that has been booked (tax implication taking into accounts as well) in the previous year. No write off for the current financial period.

That's my view.


2019-11-20 10:36 | Report Abuse

Let's see if can break recent high of 1.10, good momentum now


2019-11-20 10:33 | Report Abuse

Dayang theoretically ex-right price should drop by about 10 cents, but is up 8 now.


2019-11-13 18:26 | Report Abuse

With the improving results, and the cash flows, hope the market can re-rate BA, it is not difficult to see BA reachs RM1 with PE15-PE20 and better results.


2019-11-13 18:07 | Report Abuse

I think PE and EPS will give us a more meaningful valuation rather than look at the share base.

BA 2Q EPS - 2.39, annualised - 4.78. PE - 10.25
Yison 2Q EPS - 8.29, annualised - 16.58. PE - 40.05

Of course there are other financials and factors to considers. But if just using PE of 40, BA theoretical share price should be close to RM2.


2019-11-06 22:23 | Report Abuse

In share market, nobody know some exactly what would be the financial results, save for insiders. As investor, we can analyse base in industry conditions, company past performances and publicly available informations and do a guesstimate.

I believe the Q3 results should be slightly better then Q2. Hope there is no surprise on the finance costs as they have refinanced in previous quarter, this q should provide more clarity if they will incurred higher interest expenses. Also hope no significant maintenance costs incurred for the purpose of the disposal of Perdana.


2019-11-06 10:42 | Report Abuse

Mikekim... Yes, i believe the profitability should improve for Q3. I would not look too much into the one-off gain as this should have been priced in already, and this is just a one-off and non-recurring. If they are able to improve its operating profit and cashflow, highly likely there would be re-rating. Hopefully with the new CEO, they are able to have some stringent costs measurement in place. This is what we are looking forward to.


2019-11-06 07:43 | Report Abuse

I don’t expect much saving on then maintenance costs as a result of the disposal of Perdana as the announcement was released towards to end of quarter. They might even incurred Moreno maintenance costs on Perdana for the disposal.


2019-10-31 10:48 | Report Abuse

AGM is over, hope this time is for real! gogogo!!!


2019-10-23 21:19 | Report Abuse

For those believers in BM project, pls hold and don’t do contra, just buy and keep till the announcements. It may be days, weeks or even months.


2019-10-23 21:05 | Report Abuse

I would think the shareholders has the right to know not just the intended use of the fund raise, and also the name and background of the placees as they subscribe at a discounted price. This give more transparency and confident to the market.


2019-10-16 10:14 | Report Abuse

Since it was mentioned BM will proceed during the Budget, it will go. Just need more clarity who will get the contract.

My view is Crec-IWH will get it since it was the chosen one and was reinstate back to them back in April. It is highly unlikely it will change due to the time sensitivity and BM is not just a mega development in Malaysia, it is also a part of one belt one road for China.

To me hold tight tight and wait till the time come. I could lose 10-20% of my investment, but my potential gain is huge. That's the risk i am willing to take.


2019-10-15 19:59 | Report Abuse

Hmmm.... interesting resolutions. I believe it needs shareholder mandate to enter into transactions with Cres-IWH?


2019-10-11 16:55 | Report Abuse

aiyo... can borrow shares and close on T6, so confident got $ also don't want to earn meh.


2019-10-11 16:48 | Report Abuse

@roger, i thought u are very confident? Why closed ur short position where u can make more $$?


2019-10-11 16:42 | Report Abuse

wait after 5pm


2019-10-11 15:37 | Report Abuse

Cres-IWH, not Ekovest or IWCity.


2019-10-08 21:54 | Report Abuse

Finally its rewards for those holding investors. My feel is something is going to announce during the budget 2020 and hopefully is not just a one day show this time round.

Cheers for the best! Huat Ah!


2019-10-08 21:52 | Report Abuse

Really hardcore seller...

NAPS higher than Share Price = AK inject more loans = Higher Cash to par down debt or Expansion = lower interest = higher profit = higher EPS = higher Share Price

Chiong Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!


2019-09-27 12:50 | Report Abuse

This one die die must hold if betting on BM. My gut feel is it will proceed, just the timing. Maybe during budget announcement?

Share price movement could due to potential another round of PP at lower price? Finger cross that's the case.


2019-09-27 12:46 | Report Abuse

Just wondering why those who are so pessimistic about this Company bother to come here and bombard the forum. If i have no interest in the Company i won't be bother to leave any comments. Having said that, good move that they managed to secured US$75m shareholder loan. Look forward to more good news, especially the next quarter results to justify further the uptrend.

My target 0.80 based on PE 10, not considering the one off gain from the disposal of Perdana as this is non-recurring and just one off event. Hope it can be achieved after the next qr out.


2019-09-22 12:07 | Report Abuse

Gecko, I think it is unfair to ask Pang or fellows to provide such details as I believe these aren’t company in depth information and is not make public by the management. What we can do USB analyse the financial information quarterly, speak to management if available, etc, and Moreno importantly the macro business environment in ONG.

Thought impairment loss is accounting loss, but its shows that the business outlook is bad and the assets aren’t not generating positive income. But looking at past 2 quarters financials, and more importantly the banks are willing to extend loans indicate confident.

The road to recovery is Long, but it has badly wounded, and the cost is Low. For me I will take BA over Yi Son as the risk and rewards are different.


2019-09-22 10:45 | Report Abuse

I kind of understand where Geco is coming from. He is voicing his concerns. Of course two quarter of profits shows the company is on the right track. But as we all know quarterly results are not audited and hence the competency of the management is important. There are alots if company showing great results but the last quarter is always with huge adjustments which detoriate the numbers. Whatever it is, as what Mabel mentioned, we evaluate base on informationvailable, do our own risk management and see if is worth investments in the company or not. For me, I have done my risk assessment and vested. Disposing Perdana is a good move which have huge costs saving which is recurring. The only concern is as what was mentioned the costs saving is RM70m a year, sales proceeds is US$40m (abt RM160m), the operating costs for Perdana seem very high as compared to its market value. If that’s is the case for other FPOS then I am abit worry. However, it might shows that there are more room for costs cutting measure if possible?


2019-09-13 16:28 | Report Abuse

Expect the unexpected!


2019-09-13 11:07 | Report Abuse

IK, i don't take into consideration those one off items, it's more like a bonus, good to have. Fundamental is the key and so far i have see turnaround of their results which give comfort to me. Look at the background of the Company, the macro economics, then its key management and analysis their financials will give rise if you want to invest in the Coy or not. These are bread and butter of the coy.

Here also wishing all happy and prosperous Mid Autumn Festival. Spend more time with your loved one ya! Cheers!!


2019-09-13 11:02 | Report Abuse

Haha... i believe is not inked yet, but my guess is it will be soon so that the project can kick start after CNY next year.

After all such a big project need to have proper planning and after month of discussion, i believe compromise can be reached.

The timing of Ekovest raised it fund is sensitive, and who is the new PP nobody know. The issued price of 82 cents is way higher than before the announcement of reinstatement of BM. Who would want to subscribe at such price if they don't think there is a big cake for them? Just be patient and i believe those believers shall be rewarded!

Here also wishing all happy and properous Mid Autumn Festival. Spend more time with your loved one ya! Cheers!!


2019-09-12 21:42 | Report Abuse

So many information... anyone can share with me who are the placees taht thw company issue PP at a discount?


2019-09-12 21:23 | Report Abuse

If I borrow money to buy properties, as Long as the rental income can cover the debt servicing, and no sudden crash in the property prices, why bother If there are millions of debts?


2019-09-12 21:20 | Report Abuse

BA is still in NTA, and is making profit and cashflows. Yes they have difficulties over the past 3 years as a results of the sudden crash in oil price, but they have improve since then, same as the oil price. As Long as oil price stay above 50, BA will be ok. So now is the management execution is important moving fwd. Once the results improve, debts problem will be solved by itself.


2019-09-12 11:02 | Report Abuse

PN1?? Never scare before...

As i said before, BA is too big to fail, if it fails, the chain effect is uncontrollable, both top and down side. All the bankers will not let it fail because of their exposure. They would rather delay their collection than not collecting at all. BA is still operationally sound, generating operating cashflows is the key. It is backed by one of the richest man in Malaysia. It probably need to do fund raising to make its balance sheet look healthier, but not at current price.

Hope all those who vested continue to enjoy the uptrend!


2019-09-10 21:27 | Report Abuse

Yinson EPS is about 0.2-0.25 and PE of 30. If BA can show consistent improving results and cash flow for next 2 quarters, it is not hard to see it go up to 0.80-$1 with PE of 20.


2019-09-10 21:12 | Report Abuse

Fiinally it starts to show uptrend! Nice closing today and should continue to go up, hope can reach 0.40.

Moving forward, it may plan to raise fund through equity. But to do that share price must be much higher than the price now, maybe 0.70-0.90 BA may explore RI and PP. of course don’t wish to have RI as it will deplete the share price.

Before that, let’s enjoy the uptrend!


2019-09-06 15:53 | Report Abuse

Buy musang so that he has the money to pay for the deposit? Just my Guess....


2019-09-06 15:46 | Report Abuse

Self high??? If there is news the price should be at least 10% higher way before the so call big announcement.

Anyway I do believe time will come, Ekovest had raised so much fund for the last 6 months, and issued new warrant to prepare new fund requirement for next year.


2019-08-31 17:40 | Report Abuse

Technically they can’t use ‘proposed by’ as the project is between Gov and Cres-IWH, nothing to do with Ekovest. But, Ekovear could be work closely with IWH on the project planning for the Gov to approve, that’s why they use ‘proposed to’. Until such details has been ironed out then we will see the inking of the agreement. I believe no such wording mentioned in previous announcements. So this is very encouraging and carefully worded statement coming out from the company.


2019-08-30 17:38 | Report Abuse

Anyone can post the prospect statement? Can’t load on my phone


2019-08-23 16:41 | Report Abuse

look at price movement, doubt will have announcement over the weekend


2019-06-20 20:57 | Report Abuse

For contra player, it is advisable to avoid this stock. This stock will definitely fly, just wait for the right timing. As a listed company, they have to deny that they are not involve as there no official agreement signed. At today AGM, LKH is saying from the point of IWCity, not IWH. Even if deposit paid (IWH), iwc or ecovest has no obligation to make announcement as the project is no awarded to them. And the fact that there is PP at such high price say something is brewing. Of course they can’t say the proceed is for BM, as they are involve YET.