
maf1964 | Joined since 2020-04-26 03:12:38

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2022-11-09 22:02 | Report Abuse

agreed. lge cud hv screwed our econoomy.why must he tell the world msia has money problems, behaves more like oppostion then a govmt member


2022-11-02 16:00 | Report Abuse

burs need to check if the details prvided for listing is correct and not some cooked up figures. if there is evidence of foul play then some people shud be joining Najib


2022-11-02 15:59 | Report Abuse

a con stock. after listing it goes only one way down. bursa need to investigate to prevent retailers ending up with usless stock. im sure some people with interest in this stock has cashed ou


2022-10-31 19:42 | Report Abuse

sunset again today


2022-10-30 15:04 | Report Abuse

and again sunset last Friday.


2022-10-17 19:17 | Report Abuse

i am an ikan bilis bodoh that was trapped. soon i will be out of the B40 group and go even lower. they will hv to create a new group fo r me called the below below40 group (BB40)


2022-10-17 16:20 | Report Abuse

the view is no longer sunny. its cloudy.


2022-10-17 16:20 | Report Abuse

pity those who bought it at 61sen. buth then again it cud be amajor shareholder who bgt it high so that he could entice others to buy.


2022-10-17 15:40 | Report Abuse

back in the 1990s when ipo very hot , most can touch RM8-00 to Rm10.00 on opening. if u lucky to get 1 lot , can eat wagyu bwwf for 1 month. for thr non beef eaters they can eat dhall with ghee for 1 year


2022-10-17 09:45 | Report Abuse

i just hope its not the directors who is selling and cashing out after they got a good premium from listing

News & Blogs

2022-10-14 20:14 | Report Abuse

of late i hv yet to see a post by marina mahathir. she talks with triple tongue

News & Blogs

2022-10-14 20:13 | Report Abuse

fat hopes. no one trusts mahathir.even his amily members


2022-10-10 11:31 | Report Abuse

Ms soh chak boo has chucked away close to 3 million shares. why she not wait for special dividend


2022-10-07 21:03 | Report Abuse

how is budget 2023 going to benefit PCCS ?


2022-09-27 23:45 | Report Abuse

there is a dumb ass who thinks Tanco can hit 36 sen. in his mothers dreams


2022-09-19 22:53 | Report Abuse

i dont support any political party or poltician. Opposition or govt. they are a useless bunch of e-diots who want to make use of others so that they cna hv a cushy life. we wvote for say canditae A. after winning he jumps ship saying that he did it for thr rakyat. he get millions and we get heart ache. wonder if the anti hopping law wud be effective


2022-09-13 00:03 | Report Abuse

This Michael Kwok also, half of his prediction tak boleh pakai. The crystal ball he use not clear enough...............................................................

At least half of his prdiction can pakai. i know some people whose predictions is 100% out


2022-09-11 11:51 | Report Abuse

when this share was around RM6.00+ THE management was buying this shares to push up its price and also encouraged others to buy it, now all in deep sheet as they wud hv lost a lot of money. they shud hv realized that once the pandemic was over prices wud drop. now they are paying for their greed


2022-09-11 11:37 | Report Abuse

two years a for rm2,70 one cud buy 1000 shares of SD. now for that same amount of money , one can buy 90000 shares.
one cus also buy 2700 roti canais. now with taht amount of money one wud only get around 100 roti canai at todays prices. it is niting compared to the wagyu beef taht the management team is eating


2022-09-08 18:48 | Report Abuse

whatever peopple want to say they can but today my confidence in pang 72 has incrfeased a lot. when syscorp was being battered , it still rose evn though in the morning it was a bit slow.

all i can say is thanks pang72 and im sincere about it


2022-09-08 09:47 | Report Abuse


Crude oil is crashing below usd90 about - 3.6% now!!

Syscorp will fly higher tmr because fix cost petrol fuel lower again!!...................................

are u very sure it can even hit 80 sen,
u have been promoting this stock aggressively for many days.

i dont want people to say u are part of a pump and dump syndicate nd ask the authorities to investigate


2022-08-29 23:14 | Report Abuse

Damas will see his 75sen target being achieved and maybe even surpassed.


2022-08-29 23:12 | Report Abuse

For a 60+ sen share, 6 sen dividen= 10% returns,. Better than EPF , Kwap,ASB, tabung haji, affin bank.
only bank rakyat pays higher.

But i dont think it will limit up. But it will certainly go up


2022-08-29 11:16 | Report Abuse

PCCS is moving positively


2022-08-26 10:59 | Report Abuse

not an exciting counter


2022-08-26 10:55 | Report Abuse

a coward who hides behind a fake name. pretty sure u must hv lost a bit when HY dropped. ha ha ha


2022-08-26 10:54 | Report Abuse

donny belowski....pity your mother never taught u maners. have repoted u for abuse, hope they ban u


2022-08-25 23:40 | Report Abuse

this old uncle is so greedy . what does he want to to wih all this money. he will die anytime and then what will happen to the money. hey ols man , go and enjo your money before you kick the bucket


2022-08-25 14:40 | Report Abuse

i see a lot of excited people buying the call warrants. if any of u guys made money, get out and stay out. these call warrants are controlled by IB and they dont want to lose


2022-08-23 19:37 | Report Abuse

anyway damas i hope you are correct for your sake as im sure you have many shares.
i hope your prdiction comes trues75sen


2022-08-23 19:35 | Report Abuse

when i used the word dumbass. was refering to your name dam as


2022-08-19 09:57 | Report Abuse

i think they mght try to trap with the warrants sine its close to being in the money


2022-08-19 09:56 | Report Abuse

are u syre da mas . dont be a dumb ass.
i agree with nobody cud be a trap.
we will see in the evening.

if u feeling itchy and wantto buy , go in at 5 sen


2022-08-18 20:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ven Pandora18 > 15 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Dam hilarious
Hahaha! CharlesT sifu..

you call chares t a sifu???? my toes are laughing


2022-08-17 18:42 | Report Abuse

sold off all my ataims shares at break even. normaly my luck is after i sell it will shoot up


2022-08-15 22:08 | Report Abuse

go back to Britain and i hope u dont follow your countryman and bash the pakis.
ayou come here and affect our economy. im sure you kow what the british did in the past in all the asian countries that they controlled. like they made the chinese to become opium addicts


2022-08-15 17:03 | Report Abuse

ini tipu punya company. lagi baik derma duit kit kepada badan kebajikan atau derma kpd kerajaan utk bayar kapal2 LCS


2022-08-15 11:07 | Report Abuse

heard he is ataying in nepal. not hard to find a kwai loh in a country of different colored people. andy u better go back to ritain . try paki bashing.


2022-08-15 11:05 | Report Abuse

i hv a ot of nepalis who used to work under me.they are loyal. a lot hv gone back to nepal . hv asked them to look for and hall and if they come across him,to slap him and spit on him for trying to sabotage the Malaysian economy


2022-08-15 11:04 | Report Abuse

Over the past few weeks ATAIMS has not dropped eeven though it did not go up. its stable. so im keeping my lots cos one fine day its gonna shoot up


2022-08-15 09:55 | Report Abuse

Farid Fet too did the right thing.
i really wonder what this share is actually worth.
maybe not eve more than 20sen


2022-08-15 09:54 | Report Abuse

Top volume today......what's next?
Hiong hiong hoot to Rm1.50.
Charles ...change yr name.Hiong hiong hoot to Holland.
i hopr nobody was influced by u.

At least Paktua set a tgt of 1.24 and im sure he achieved it,

next time dont be greedy


2022-08-15 09:50 | Report Abuse

those who get burnt with this counter deserve it. Its ACE counter right. the owners will lookto get out with maximum profit.
those who were looking to pay off their house loan, buy luxury car may not even hv enough to buy coffin. but can afford to go to holland.
they say that becos they cud hv vested interest in this counter and want to get othe in to push it up


2022-08-14 12:26 | Report Abuse

i am surprsied that ourmorally upright leaders did not complain about this counter name.
Sis (sys) can be in reference to sister or woman.
so this counter name is suggesting to the woman to open ( her clothes).
they shud insist this counte change its name to Closesys....and some people will be happy


2022-08-12 22:41 | Report Abuse


i think (only) that some thing is going on at ataims.i hv bgt 100 big lots andnow making 1K profit. was thinking of selling. But whenever i sell the counter will imy shoot up.

3 days ago............................................

Today i sold my TELADAN-WA at 52 sen. it then shot up to 55sen.
but the mother share did not move. this always happens to me


2022-08-12 22:29 | Report Abuse

Can this counter reach RM2.00 in the ext two weeks ?


2022-08-12 21:47 | Report Abuse

i hope monday this counter get UM. then it will go up some more.