
maggiemee | Joined since 2019-10-04

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2021-06-24 17:01 | Report Abuse

you tak da bukti you want sue reputable big 4 KPMG? hello are you sure?

first thing first. why you just cant answer KPMG queries and provide your huge ghosts debtor bill?

Please answer sebab kongkek.

those who said ppl sell cheap to you happy trading :DDDDD


2021-06-22 20:16 | Report Abuse

I won’t believe sebab kongkek those management really laugh die me. Kpmg Audit your account you can’t answer the queries of coz they reluctant to publish the unqualified audit report.

Now u said Kpmg negligence on doing audit then why you can’t show the proof. Don’t laugh die me. Happy trading you all go Holland

All those heavy shareholders withdraw all their position already tell you the truth


2021-06-21 16:28 | Report Abuse

Keep top up ppls want sell cheap to you. Don’t wait keep top up


2021-06-18 20:06 | Report Abuse

Walao u all stil don’t want to run ah. Wait die lar. U all never listen to me one. Go see my comment trail. They even change director u know what happened alrd. Don’t know how to answer auditor simply question where is the debtor come from
For your Rev every quarter. Dom know answer ke? Simple and easy


2021-06-15 16:47 | Report Abuse

ini malaysia SC dont care one. bursa clearly manipulate by many ppl and they never do any action or enhance the system. a goreng place for goreng ppl.

fundamental company sebab kongkek also dare to do this kind of job already issue many invoice but when tried to get the debtor confirmation no reply. why? fake lo. how to invest in bursa? nobody take action toward the company. all incompetent on handling the issue. die lo

pointless if you hire many many independent auditor to proof you are right but cant show supporting at all. a joke in 2021. last year dataprp this year sebab kongkek.

malaysia BOLEH!


2021-06-15 16:38 | Report Abuse

clearly the company got problem on manipulate their financial account just to give false info to the investor on buying their share.

if you cant provide the proof to kpmg on the customer identification what's the point hire E&Y as independent to check again your account?? it's pointless definitely loss confidence to this company. why want to hide>?? to make your company rev chart growth looks nicely? not a chance

you all here a lot sssssssssoooooooooozzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiii keep on burning your money really damn funny wakakakakaka


2021-06-13 15:01 | Report Abuse

no more sebab kongkek. Now is TG trend ssssoooozzzzaaaiii u all


2021-06-11 10:21 | Report Abuse

Rubbish bursa securities commission didn’t do anything just let those company manipulate their own account to con investor. Those shark really brainless to con ppl like this. Hope they all burned all their hand


2021-06-11 09:43 | Report Abuse

Rubbish stock


2021-06-10 20:13 | Report Abuse

Who got yesterday StockPIGtUtU live video which deleted by the admin themself after so many ppl scold they?


2021-06-10 20:11 | Report Abuse


Really ah?!! StuPIGTUT U refund money to his follower who suffered loss on sebab kongkek?


2021-06-10 20:10 | Report Abuse

Sebab kongkek so hard to answer this where KPMG routine procedure asking “Where the money goes”?

So hard just to answer this as a reputable company? Are you kidding me? Sebab kongkek


2021-06-10 19:57 | Report Abuse

StuPIGtutU Edwin deleted yesterday live video after so many ppl scold him yesterday night


2021-06-10 19:56 | Report Abuse

The next day today he deleted the live bcoz so many ppl scold him.. why delete if you think you nothing wrong on sebab kongkek buy call


2021-06-10 19:27 | Report Abuse

Yesterday night stuPIGtutU edwin guru open live teach ppl average down dropping share. So many ppl scold Edwin and he still think he made a mistake to average down is fine and those ppl scold him and he treated as haters.

You teach ppl average down a suspicious manipulated their own company financial account company is a NO NO and you still said it’s fine as this is a small money to lose if anything bad happen.

You better go Holland road teach your follower like that not a right method on investing. You are shame to be a stuPIGtutU guru. Those hot girls who support they is a false account on Fb if you all look deeply. What a Holland investing group guru sakes as old fox game and tyyyyy


2021-06-08 14:15 | Report Abuse

Penny stock in the making


2021-06-08 14:13 | Report Abuse

Just fire the company accounting team as they are failed to company management. Problem solve


2021-06-08 14:05 | Report Abuse

A dishonest company clearly to see and hard or avoid to answer auditor questions for the abnormal transaction and reverse claimed auditor is abnormal.

You all still dare to buy? The more you the more high possibility to Holland distinction.

Support kpmg adhere to accounting law and regulation and don’t tolerate to company who are the one “abnormal” and claimed back auditor is abnormal. Joke of year 2021


2021-06-08 09:39 | Report Abuse

StockPIGtutU guru when share prices at RM1.6 he was said: last time: the company fundamental is good you all afraid the share price won’t up ah? guru also a joke and trap into fake fundamental company.

Cannot tolerance to those company who tried to color their financial position to gather the fund from bursa to buy bungalow and luxuries car.


2021-06-08 09:36 | Report Abuse

Auditor asking why don’t have supporting you said auditor abnormal. What the h this company management team are. They are independent party who tries to proof your company financial position is clean and you open a press said auditor abnormal becoz asking you why the rev transaction don’t have supporting.

Didn’t you all think the sebab kongkek got anything to hide to avoid answer the auditor queries. Support Kpmg to adhere to the law and don’t tolerance to the managent team


2021-06-08 09:34 | Report Abuse

Those morrooon go ahead average and still think ppl said bad to sebab kongkek to buy cheap.

Who buy who die. An company who can’t answer a auditor simple query why those huge rev transaction without any supporting doc for proof


2021-06-05 19:16 | Report Abuse

Those platinum member Go ask your guru guru why supermax removed from KLCI see how they answer. See how they pusing. They earn your hard earn money but you lose your hard earn money from their game glove buy call and hold
Until now. Brainwash kaw kaw by they


2021-06-05 19:13 | Report Abuse

Silly u supermx alrd removed from KLCI still tell us fundamental. You kena Kongkek kaw kaw by the soooozzzzzaaaaaii guru guru stockkpickytutU


2021-06-05 14:58 | Report Abuse

Those who bought this share becoz old fox and stockPIGkytutU guru guru kena kongkek kaw kaw wakakaka. You all wait die soon penny stock awaiting you those hold.

If you think that ppl want buy cheap just to say something bad about supermax then you need to think about whether you’re ssssstttttuuuupppppuuuddd or not hiakhjak


2021-06-04 17:19 | Report Abuse

slowly ssssuccccck your blood.

a business management team cant answer why those revenue transaction without supporting. what a lame comapny. you all still believe it will rebound to ringgit+++? what a joke in 2021. sebab kongkek you money give they buy luxury and banglow. you all byk ssssssooooooooooozzzzzzaaaaaiii


2021-06-03 16:07 | Report Abuse

now you all can see all those delayed on financial year report and excuses is just to buy the company management time to align with auditor whether or not to hire a new auditor just to agree their current financial position. what a lame management team sebab want kongkek investor money.


2021-06-03 16:03 | Report Abuse

dont play taichi with me sebab you want kongkek investor money. all are investor hard earn money and you all take the fund to buy luxury car and banglow. really brainless management


2021-06-03 16:01 | Report Abuse

yes auditor please stand to your expert and dont tolerance to any account transaction without any supporting. dont tolerance to the company management team trying to blackmail and so on.

this is unacceptable which given the false info of your company management trying to gather the fund from the retailers and institution buying your company share.

is that so hard to provide the proof on your company receivable customer who bought your item?

question to you all think about it.


2021-06-03 15:58 | Report Abuse

im not trying to buy cheap im telling the fact here. hope you all think about it. why you cant show the proof of your business trasaction>? ghost customer and ghost account just try to make your comapany rev and mgn chart look nicely?

sorry auditor cant accept it. you take investor money because they see your company fundamental good every quarter got profit but you cant show the proof. what a shame on the company management team. you have jeopardy the investor money especially the large investor EPF money because they trust your company fundamental.

EPF money are from the whole nation malaysia citizen hard work money. how dare you this management team do this kind of job on color your company financial account to give false information. cant tolerance it if you manipulate your account.

Auditor please adhere your duty and dont tolerance this kind of company cant answer your queries on the revenue manipulation without any proof.


2021-06-03 15:52 | Report Abuse

who buy who die.

a company dishonest when asked to provide reason why there is no supporting on receivable for the revenue generate cant answer. you make business got contract cant just show to KPMG for proof? why did the company trying to hide? you all think about it.

why cant provide proof on those huge receivable account for the revenue? why want to manipulate if you cant provide the proof where auditor asking you? KPMG doing the right job on this case.

keep on the true and diligence on custody company account prevent this dishonest company trying to bluff the investor eye on fundamental. pity those value investor and last but not least. EPF bought a lot now selling because of this company management cant answer KPMG queries case's


2021-06-01 20:05 | Report Abuse

You all kena kaw kaw bu the false news on account manipulated. Sleepless night for those who throw sooooohhhhhhaaaaaiiiiii kia


2021-05-31 15:37 | Report Abuse

those who bought this share you will gonna lose everything as no body want take your share now. all queue sell


2021-05-31 15:36 | Report Abuse

haha please call scm to charge the market manipulator. very obvious alrd. nobody take action. hiakhiakhiak. this is all lied on stock market. never ever trust anyone


2021-05-31 15:28 | Report Abuse

con stock. nobody take action toward this scam stock. bursa really malaysia boleh boleh


2021-05-29 15:22 | Report Abuse

Inikali lah. Malaysia finished all medical healthcare collapse. Who gonna save us


2021-05-29 02:20 | Report Abuse

Faster buy KYY left and condemn the glove counter now slap him back


2021-05-29 02:18 | Report Abuse

Run for your life


2021-05-28 10:14 | Report Abuse

brainless bursa stock those shark really tak akal one

News & Blogs

2021-05-28 01:31 | Report Abuse

U already sold out just quiet la why want to condemn glove stocks like AT and Mahsing after you took your profit. Why you so noaughty

News & Blogs

2021-05-28 01:29 | Report Abuse

Your beloved Guru and who you all loyalty for. Now you know the fox true colour


2021-05-26 17:02 | Report Abuse

Ini kali lah. Ah ong sssoooozzzaaaiii kia


2021-05-24 18:27 | Report Abuse

So many rubbish here give false comment to pure ppl buy


2021-05-24 18:26 | Report Abuse

This happened in Msia