
meathere | Joined since 2014-01-23

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2017-01-22 21:38 | Report Abuse

OTHERS AIRASIA BERHAD ("AIRASIA" OR "THE COMPANY") - Clarification on Article Appearing in The Financial Times dated 22 January 2017

AirAsia Berhad ("AirAsia" or "the Company") respectfully refers to the article appearing in The Financial Times dated 22 January 2017 entitled "AirAsia denies wrongdoing in dealings with Rolls-Royce". We wish to state that at all material times, AirAsia has had no dealings or transactions with Rolls-Royce and has no knowledge of any matter mentioned in the article.

In respect of the Bombadier Global Express corporate jet owned by Caterhamjet Global Ltd ("CJG") mentioned in the article, we wish to advise that AirAsia had already gone through the due process and obtained the necessary approval on the transaction from the Company's Audit Committee (“the transaction”), its Board of Directors and recommended to its shareholders for approval under the recurrent related party transactions circular at the respective general meetings held on 3rd June 2015 and 30th May 2016. The duly obtained shareholders' approvals were subsequently announced to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Malaysia”) on the same respective dates.

Under the agreement executed for the transaction, AirAsia is required to make an annual contribution of US$3 million per annum for the use of the corporate jet. The annual contribution covers the cost of fuel, aircraft engineering and maintenance, route charges, landing fees, parking charges, ground handling charges and security and immigration costs and in return, CJG agreed to provide a minimum of 75 flight hours per month to AirAsia executives.

Prior to 2015, the use of the corporate jet for the carriage of the Group Chief Executives of AirAsia and AirAsia X Berhad were contracted through AirAsia Asean Limited, and the costs incurred for the use and upkeep of the aircraft was paid by the Company's associate companies such as Thai AirAsia and Indonesia AirAsia, and not AirAsia.

AirAsia has since entered into a Sale and Purchase Agreement to acquire that same corporate jet from CJG on 21 June 2016 as was announced to Bursa Malaysia. The completion of the transaction is still pending.

This announcement is dated 23 January 2017.


2017-01-23 13:20 | Report Abuse


go read the press statement AA released about the RR credit is mentioned in the AAX IPO prospectus part la.....


2017-01-23 13:03 | Report Abuse

I thot only after next week there will be chicken fighting. Now should be still monkey fighting hahaha


2017-01-23 12:58 | Report Abuse


The correct view as of now is:

Senior AA employee who negotiated in the RR is implicated for corruption practice as per SFO case. Not TF personally. Is it within the senior employees only or AA/AAX management involved/knew about the corruption it is yet to be established or ascertain because as of now AA/AAX denied any wrongdoings.

Secondly, lousy or not this AA as a company overall is and will not just base on this scandal.

Thirdly, if money can be made in investing in this counter is good enough. A cat that can catch mice is a good cat, regardless is a black cat, white cat, Persian cat, or stray cat.


2017-01-23 12:29 | Report Abuse

If there are major swing ups n downs between weeks to months is good enough.


2017-01-23 11:45 | Report Abuse

bad news is good news to other ppl, similarly good news is bad news to other ppl as well...........


2023-11-14 13:03 | Report Abuse


Tan K W already shared this mrn.

JN88 Talk East Talk West never share news
23/01/2017 11:21


2017-01-23 11:26 | Report Abuse


simple hor...Support the 'other picture picture' for us.....other ppl sell also a type of support, buy also a type of support; aka do not let other's ppl dictate your destiny, you make own destiny.

Pls support to "suppress down' the price now and when the time right, ppl will turn to support propping up the price.


2017-01-13 21:55 | Report Abuse

Reading the below I got to say this.....One have to look at the 'big picture'

- without some major corrections, where can have multi major profit opportunities

- why you think some of us stick around here for so long since below RM1.00, RM100 to RM2.00, and continue to stick around when AA is RM2.00 to RM3.00; and from RM3.00 down to the RM2.00 range currently?

Answer: Multi bagger opportunities la....never once complaint when up or down but stick in here never leave since 4-5 quarters....see the other 'big picture'.

sengkee Whoever bought this last week, now losing 14 sen ++
23/01/2017 10:58


2017-01-22 10:15 | Report Abuse

Ziyi44, problem is those internal groups ppl will line their pockets 1st when come the time. But you n me the retailers will be like trying to still the foods from the lions. Yes, the lion bounty can be rewarding, but wrong move n get caught the consequences will be severe too.

Since there are internal play, you cannot predict like normal counter hence your risk also much higher. So good luck with it or just choose another counter to play.


2017-01-22 10:36 | Report Abuse

Thick skinned calvin acted like Saint wants to save ppl n calling corporation doing unethical practices yet he himself is doing unethical actions of twisting facts, giving inaccurate info, crazy theory to promote unjustifiable fear into market everyday.

When caught n confronted just keep quiet.

Why calvin? cat got your tougue, or you just can't answer back because is so obvious ppl exposed you left n right, up n down?


2017-01-21 21:13 | Report Abuse

JN88, only calvin himself can understand his own rational......other ppl just lost in his Eagle eyes visions lol


2017-01-04 21:35 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng ohhhh calvintaneng LOL!! LOL!!

..........His holding cost for AirAsia (new pp shares) only Rm1.80

So from Rm2.58 there is a 43% downside!!..........

That must be the most ridiculous statement of the century from the one & only one possible calvintaneng!!!

- What theory for you to get to that conclusion?
- Base on what rational or logic?
- What business sense are you base on this?

If his new pp share cost is RM1.80 or 8 sen for that matter, wouldn't it be more benefit to have the share price to move higher as possible so that his holding is worth more value overall or when he dispose off is worth more.

calvintaneng ohhhh calvintaneng !!!!!

Pls don't give ridiculous trash answers or try twist n turn. We are not in kindergarten.....Waiting for intellectual logic answer that other sifus can agreed too.


2017-01-21 10:19 | Report Abuse

Why would Petronas want to make UMWOG minority shh happy anytime soon for no apparent reason or when there are no invisible hands twisting them to make cronies benefit internally first or for their own benefit?

PNB's hand get twisted 1st to get the 'bailout' rolling 1st, the UMWOG sharere will slide as pe market dictates/mkt force, then PNB will go into action to prop up the share price (maybe with Petronas help) - but before that all internal/crony groups will load up 1st, price go up, they make money. PNB become the hero again.

The problem with retailer or ppl without the privy info, how can you time correctly to benefit from it? Yes, you can make profit if enter n leave at the correct timing.

So good luck. Hope your investment plan/strategy work and can benefit from it. Lets visit again in weeks and months to come.


2017-01-20 20:01 | Report Abuse

TF/AAX/AA 'loan' those AAX shares to someone for reason/s. Million dollar question is what for? Just make you wonder since PP is nearing the deadline as well.......hmmm


2017-01-20 17:02 | Report Abuse

I am thinking too, this weekend can buy Toto or not and use as hedging against AA wakaka hahaha


2017-01-20 16:54 | Report Abuse

Meathere is happy when up, happy when down, no buy call or sell call when up or down.

Just invest and make own decision to the should not be complicated....

happy weekend all.


2017-02-20 10:31 | Report Abuse

CNY next weekend ....anyone wants to fight, fight all you want these several days but DON'T bring the fight to a brand NEW YEAR...Start fresh, start good, and be kind. Then will be more 'ong' ar, 'heng' ar, 'huat' ar ;)

Gong Xi Fa Chai & Happy Holiday......


2017-01-20 14:14 | Report Abuse

meathere gang very big?


2017-01-20 14:12 | Report Abuse


throw anytime @ any price depending on your risk appetite, expectation vis vis your entry price and what you think the price direction next. No fixed right n wrong choice or anyone to tell you otherwise.


2017-02-22 00:38 | Report Abuse

Lunch time / Break time,

Anyone got humorous posting for some laugh? Thank you....


2017-01-25 06:54 | Report Abuse


I agreed with you. I promoted the same ideas and even wrote a blog posting about it. Then I realized, better just earn money and have some humor here to pass time will do. Take too seriously also no use since so many thick skinned ppl that don't to talk logic plus so many with their own agenda for their own benefits.

My Opinions And Wish For a Better

batu88 A question from me:
what is the benefit that you can get if you become a spammer / try to promote yourself become "god of stock investing"? I really can't understand. It's harder than study a stock.
I think our ultimate goal here in the forum is consistent which is earn more money. Try to keep this forum informative. I believe everyone here is open minded and you may share your opinion (buy / sell / hold, etc) but appreciate that if your statement can support with some fact.
20/01/2017 12:16


2017-01-14 02:54 | Report Abuse


Did I ever say no fraudster in i3 before? So what do you mean at last I admit? Pls don't spin and twist the topic okay. Only a fraudster will do that.

Bottom line, you get caught as fraudster here hehe


2017-01-20 11:48 | Report Abuse

BuyWithConviction aka investo >>>>> Investo aka BuyWithConviction

Yes a lot of fraudsters here including YOU yourself BuyWithConviction aka investo....

screw-up posting before change log-in to investo? See the time of posting for both postings.

so please, don't say I n Investo or I n BWC bla bla la when both nick name belong to the same person....

P/S: I don't have gang and I never ever promoted any buy calls. can check my history. So pls cut n paste this also hehe


BuyWithConviction Probably he followed your gang's habit of using outdated information? Can't complain only when others do it but keep quiet and even encourage your own gang to do the same lies. Hehe
19/01/2017 20:57

BuyWithConviction Yes he was using outdated info. merck N Icon8888 gang again getting a taste of their own medicine. Hehe.
19/01/2017 20:59


2017-01-20 10:49 | Report Abuse

In Oct 2016 he promoted ppl to buy at around 1.40 then early Nov buy calls again around 1.20, then drop to below 1.00 he still give buy calls in Dec.

Since then up and down a bit BUT still below his 1.40 buy call. If you follow his call since last year, net-net you still at big lost.

Only newbie don't know his history will follow his call recently......don't believe check his call history in his blogs n postings.

John Lu Holland stock...only Calvin can ask newbie buy at so high 1.24
19/01/2017 17:03


2017-01-20 10:23 | Report Abuse

Aiya that calvintaneng always blow wind only. Always use his old record of so called chun chun calls. A lot more not chun-chun calls don't want to hilite side by side.

Ppl caught him lying, he go give outrageous reasoning n just bulldozed ahead like give outdated info of more then 6 months ago saying wellington & EFF selling AA stakes but totally cannot explain why EPF bought heavily since 3 weeks to few days ago. Just bulldozed with his thick skinned. If Eagle can talk, probably will tell calvin off and not to associate with their name anymore.

IronShirt traderman aka calvintaneng aka "Chameleon" ( one side attack another side Bullish Buy )

Calvin has long traded AA as traderman,,,,,,,,if you keep posting even chameleon Exposed
to EagleEye
20/01/2017 09:35


2017-01-19 20:47 | Report Abuse


Can you pls explain why you said EPF dump AA when it is TOTALLY the OPPOSITE?

Monday, 16 Jan 2017 - EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (800,000 units Acquired)

Tuesday, 10 Jan 2017 - EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (2,000,000 units Acquired)
- EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (261,000 units Acquired)

Wednesday, 4 Jan 2017 - EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (828,900 units Acquired)

Tuesday, 27 Dec 2016 - EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (1,500,000 units Acquired)

Thursday, 22 Dec 2016 - EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (1,000,000 units Acquired)

Thursday, 15 Dec 2016 - EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (4,550,000 units Acquired)



Jan 19, 2017 11:06 AM | Report Abuse

Calvin was chun chun in warning on sudatrap

Also chun chun on warning about Ifca

And chun chun warned about conman corp

This air(no real substance by lots of air and publicity after paid publicity) asia will be another chun chun warning

High debt bomb of rm78 billion committed debt

Razor thin margin of only Rm46 a seat

Hidden off balance sheet accounting like China co.?

No one dare to take up pp only tf forced to do so?

Wellington, Epf and Tf himself disposing shares?


The business model is unsustainable.

The accounting is suspect.

Sell into strength now!!

sell and go buy new year stuff for your families


2017-01-19 20:08 | Report Abuse


Do you know you can be sued you for libel?

Don't simply spread more rumor like about EPF dumping AA which you did not answer why you made such a screw-up lie? Are you becoming a rumor monger?

Posted by calvintaneng > Jan 19, 2017 07:48 PM | Report Abuse


ALARM! Sound the Alarm!!

Beli 30 planes mean TF will pocket extra 2% commission fee for each plane.



2017-01-19 19:05 | Report Abuse


Same principle as valuegrowth's ..... when you believe in its value.

Why paying rent when you know pretty sure the property value will appreciate eventually over time.....

JN88 Question= why so many people dare to buy house? Money from sky?

valuegrowth Wongchin, that's worst case, but you are right.
Life is, shit happens~
I did bought in highest point (and The only one), but shouldn't worry about that when you believe in its value.


2017-01-19 15:06 | Report Abuse


you are indeed mother of all genius....I never thought someone really bother or able to have own gang just to create over 10 millions page view....(Msia population just over 30m) salute.

Now I really know who's postings to read n follow and who I can skip completely...yours truly.

I am happy today to have my lunch n break time humor as usual....


2017-01-19 13:45 | Report Abuse may incur a lot of wrath from readers of i3. Don't you know Icon888 blogs popular readership?

If his blogs got not substance, than those 10 millions of readers (many are repeat readership) are fools and you are mother of all genius....

P/s: Icon888, you got gang meh? or fans who follow your blogs?

* 10 Million Pageview For Icon8888 Blog *


Jan 19, 2017 12:59 PM | Report Abuse

Lunch time..............:-)
True what @BWC say about low class. Icon8888 may try write blog N talk big but his knowledge N calls show he is still newbie N when he spam attack using bad words (just like merck) shows how no class this gang is. .............


2017-01-19 11:52 | Report Abuse


EPF on 11 January just added AA more and is holding more than 5% stake in AA.

The facts below carry huge significant since:

- More than 5% stake in AA is no chicken feet since of its huge market distribution

- 11 Jan is before the recent spike trend and before TF interviewed by Bloomberg

- if the trend stay and the upcoming 16Q4 result end of Feb (normally strong quarter) euphoria, the trend will continue to spike to March where the AAC committed bids outcome will gather more investors interest.

Are you saying EPF 'play-play sand' with AA holding?


2017-01-02 22:04 | Report Abuse

AirAsia hopes to turn profitable mid-2018, increase fleet size

Isn't the topic is misleading, they should be more specific to mention AirAsia India unit...


2017-01-03 02:06 | Report Abuse

Rolls-Royce employees were also charged with failing to prevent the payment of $2.2m to AirAsia executives between 2011 and 2013 to win orders for Rolls-Royce products and services.......

China Eastern Airlines, Garuda, AirAsia and Thai Airways did not respond to requests for comment on Tuesday....

hmmmm wondering who pocketed the $2.2m....


2017-01-18 17:47 | Report Abuse

hehe 3.80 this weekend a bit far fetched....2.80 this weekend and with averaging 10 sen each day if consistently till CNY will go crazy already for this counter


2 months ago | Report Abuse

BWC aka Investo,

Icon8888 dare to write up blog postings about counters and open to everyone for discussions, critiques, comments, and anyone even can continue to comments months/years after the posting if anyone want to argue his prediction materialized or not.

Are you dare to write a blog posting on AA predictions like Icon8888 where we all can witness your so called 'BIG PICTURE SCENARIO & WIN-WIN SCENARIO' investing methods?

If your methods really work, ppl will acknowledge - so far in i3 we always discuss about value investing, dividend base investing, dynamic investing, KYY Golden Rules investing, KC hybrid methods etc.

So if your so called BWC/Investo's 'BIG PICTURE SCENARIO & WIN-WIN SCENARIO' investing methods can be put together with rest of i3 'Hall of Fame' investing methods wouldn't it be great?

BuyWithConviction Posted by Investo > Dec 15, 2016 07:08 PM | Report Abuse

merck/supermx/Icon8888 gang dun listen 2 me N still attack. I think i defend long enough, i start do some attack also. Since Icon8888 talk so big N attack win-win plan N big picture N call them useless then must be Icon8888 calls very good otherwise stupid 2 talk bad other ppl coments. But i did fast check and i find his calls very bad!:(see repost below). He act like a fradster, own calls very bad but attack other ppls coments as useless. Laugh

Posted by Icon8888 > Aug 11, 2016 12:08 PM | Report Abuse
I am not selling. I am guided by PER
I think it should worth 3.50 to 4.00 before special dividend from leasing disposal. add that in, RM5.00 not impossible

Posted by Icon8888 > Sep 27, 2016 11:41 AM | Report Abuse
I tambah makan yesterday and today. Minimal downside risk

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 12, 2016 12:53 PM | Report Abuse
the insiders are buying now
if u are smart, jump on the bandwagon now
(if you are not smart, just stay sideline and bitch about it)

Posted by Icon8888 > Nov 24, 2016 09:45 PM | Report Abuse
three strong results today : Jaks, Air Asia and Thong Guan
I am happy

Posted by Icon8888 > Dec 15, 2016 04:38 PM | Report Abuse
Bought more today at 252
I never sell based on whatever picture


2017-01-17 19:10 | Report Abuse

I would like to see a strong 16Q4 report result 1st, then concern more on the AAC binding bids progress, 17Q1 report result, only then final successful AAC sale outcome, etc in that sequence or whatever size pictures you want to name them......


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Maybe can write a blog post....BWC in need of help from I3, etc to find who know about BWC to lend a helping to the poor soul. Really got deep issue this person.


2017-01-17 15:31 | Report Abuse

Just pity him. Adult trapped in children mentality. Just pray he can get well or his family can notice and lend him a helping hand to lift him up from his problem.


2017-01-17 15:15 | Report Abuse

BWC, re-post ppl comments is yesterday kindergarten mentality other new humor for tea break or not? Thanks in advance....


2017-01-17 15:10 | Report Abuse

Yesterday is kindergarten lunch humor, today is lalang lunch and after lunch humor reading everyday....I think I start to like this jokers posts...... keep it up....


1 month ago | Report Abuse

BWC = kindergarten mentality + master lalang...with that kind of comment up or down he also can claim his prediction is corrects wakakakaka

BuyWithConviction Buy rate strong at 75%. Volume however not big enough for confirmation. This means the current rise in AA is a false rally or the rebound is still in early stages only. >>>>> [predicting price going down back]

Given that big picture is gradually improving, i believe there is a good chance this rebound is true and have further to go. >>>>>> [predicting going up]

News & Blogs

2017-01-17 10:13 | Report Abuse

The problem with Media Prima's so called 'hidden value' as mentioned is likely to remain 'hidden'. What concentrate evidence ALREADY IN PROGRESS status to unlock AND MONETIZE the so called hidden value and translate to quarter result's revenue/profit? Those so called 'probable' revenue streams and so called potentials if really matters, should already spark interests with investors yet it just slide side ways.


2017-01-16 12:38 | Report Abuse

Lucky read it as lunch break humor. Normally will just skip all jokers BWC/Investo posts. Just like kids in kindergarten repeating what other ppl saying. Really pity him to stood to that level of mentality.


2017-01-13 17:47 | Report Abuse

BWC = King of hindsight. Kaki kong, kaki song + kaki kong kaki ho (sendiri cakap, sendiri syiok + sendiri cakak sendiri bagus) wahahaha

News & Blogs

2017-01-06 13:34 | Report Abuse

A listed company so fragile? One batch of mislabeled of outside box 50mg vs inside packaging 100mg triggered recall for that particular batch can cause the company to go Holland. Wow, good imagination. Never thought of that myself. Why I response to this post anyway....


2016-12-07 12:51 | Report Abuse


Dec 6, 2016 09:39 AM | Report Abuse

Merck / Supermx8 and to rest of readers,

Just continue to be the better man/person by ignoring BWC/Investo posts. We all already know what level they are. Without replying to their posts COMPLETELY, they got nothing to response to and they will just like blowing to the air.

Thank you. We want to be the better people, and not stood to their level.


2016-12-06 09:39 | Report Abuse

Merck / Supermx8 and to rest of readers,

Just continue to be the better man/person by ignoring BWC/Investo posts. We all already know what level they are. Without replying to their posts COMPLETELY, they got nothing to response to and they will just like blowing to the air.

Thank you. We want to be the better people, and not stood to their level.


2016-12-05 15:58 | Report Abuse

So far only left BuyWithConviction continue to instigate quarrel and senseless arguments and reminder in this forum.

meathere: merck,

can you be the better man by stop accusing or posting about BWC, Investo, Supermx8? if you stop but the rest still continue to bash you or other people here , it proves that you are the better man than the rest of them like BWC, Investo, Supermx8.

Be the better man.
05/12/2016 14:24


2016-12-05 14:24 | Report Abuse


can you be the better man by stop accusing or posting about BWC, Investo, Supermx8? if you stop but the rest still continue to bash you or other people here , it proves that you are the better man than the rest of them like BWC, Investo, Supermx8.

Be the better man.