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8 hours ago | Report Abuse

I don't like glove stock as it only make money during pandemic and you only see their product during hospital visits so glove stock is never my cup of tea but today out of curiosity I take a look at the price action and was shocked that party looks like over so you guy can go home early. See the relationship of the boss with his lovely wife and beautiful daughter you can tell the fengshui QI of glove stock is really bad.

News & Blogs

8 hours ago | Report Abuse

“Be nice to people on the way up, because you may meet them on the way down.” (Jimmy Durante, an American comedian).

Now I understand why the small boy @Lbikeride was never invited to Uncle Jaks's adult meeting room because his childish personality fits the psychological profile of a troublemaker, narcissist (自恋), and to a certain degree, stalker-mania (跟踪狂). In reality he must be very narrow minded (not willing to tolerate other people's opinion), always living in his own sneaky world (鬼鬼祟祟的世界) and seeing the outside world with up-side-down views.

He will screenshot all i3 social conversations and keep complaining to SC and MCMC until his email IP is blocked, and his complaints are dismissed by the senior officer of SC and MCMC as rubbish. i3 is registered in New York, USA which is legally regulated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to prevent security fraud and the server is remotely hosted in Singapore Cloudflare which is legally governed by Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to prevent money laundry. So apparently the legal knowledge of small boy @Lbikeride is still stuck in the baby stage of walking with wet pamper.


13 hours ago | Report Abuse

Last month, I told my fund managers to sell MyEG when small retailers chased after the news of their cryptocurrency venture, as I don't believe anyone can create their own currency without the backing of Bank Negara. So, after my fund managers kept selling MyEG, it kept dropping.

However, after the damage was done, I told @income and my fund managers last week to watch out for the news that MyEG might be riding the tsunami wave of DeepSeek so the price started to rise.

p/s: our national hero @Lbikeride, please help to screenshot this unlicensed investment opinion to SC and MCMC as what is bad news to you could be good news for fund managers and @income.

If we did not create AI, then who actually created DeepSeek, the super-intelligent AI? The answer seems obvious. It is like the chicken-and-egg question that has debated for century by scholars.


13 hours ago | Report Abuse

Last month, I told my fund managers to sell MyEG when small retailers chased after the news of their cryptocurrency venture, as I don't believe anyone can create their own currency without the backing of Bank Negara. So, after my fund managers kept selling MyEG, it kept dropping.

However, after the damage was done, I told @income and my fund managers last week to watch out for the news that MyEG might be riding the tsunami wave of DeepSeek so the price started to rise.

p/s: our national hero @Lbikeride, please help to screenshot this unlicensed investment opinion to SC and MCMC as what is bad news to you could be good news for fund managers and @income.

If we did not create AI, then who actually created DeepSeek, the super-intelligent AI? The answer seems obvious. It is like the chicken-and-egg question that has debated for century by scholars.

News & Blogs

13 hours ago | Report Abuse

Last month, I told my fund managers to sell MyEG when small retailers chased after the news of their cryptocurrency venture, as I don't believe anyone can create their own currency without the backing of Bank Negara. So, after my fund managers kept selling MyEG, it kept dropping.

However, after the damage was done, I told @income and my fund managers last week to watch out for the news that MyEG might be riding the tsunami wave of DeepSeek so the price started to rise.

p/s: our national hero @Lbikeride, please help to screenshot this unlicensed investment opinion to SC and MCMC as what is bad news to you could be good news for fund managers and @income.

If we did not create AI, then who actually created DeepSeek, the super-intelligent AI? The answer seems obvious. It is like the chicken-and-egg question that has debated for century by scholars.


13 hours ago | Report Abuse

Last month, I told my fund managers to sell MyEG when small retailers chased after the news of their cryptocurrency venture, as I don't believe anyone can create their own currency without the backing of Bank Negara. So, after my fund managers kept selling MyEG, it kept dropping.

However, after the damage was done, I told @income and my fund managers last week to watch out for the news that MyEG might be riding the tsunami wave of DeepSeek so the price started to rise.

p/s: our national hero @Lbikeride, please help to screenshot this unlicensed investment opinion to SC and MCMC as what is bad news to you could be good news for fund managers and @income.

If we did not create AI, then who actually created DeepSeek, the super-intelligent AI? The answer seems obvious. It is like the chicken-and-egg question that has debated for century by scholars.


1 day ago | Report Abuse

I have lost touch with Anwar's news ever since BN became his golf buddy but if in fact it is true that he has setup an anti-government department (to go after his political opponent) it is like slapping his own face. Sometime I really feel like we are being played out like a fool by Malaysian politicians.

In 2015 Anwar's supporter started an anti-government rally and clashed with FRU. It was really a nightmare which sent the whole nation into fear. I remember people rushed to 99 Speedmart to buy mineral water, toilet paper, cat food, Karex and so on. Hopefully no more such incident will happen again.

But the Political Pandora Box has unboxed by Anwar himself and no surprise other aspired opposition politicians will copycat him after seeing how he gained power easily through political turmoil engineered by his supporter last time. The history will repeat again and again and again.


1 day ago | Report Abuse

I really hate glove stock as they only made money when pandemic 🙏


1 day ago | Report Abuse

引發全球大衝擊的DeepSeek,已經點燃中美之間一場沒有硝煙的戰爭 | 老高與小茉


1 day ago | Report Abuse

When they announce the DeepSeek hosting it will fly to the sky but the main concern is the debt level too high. DeepSeek is an open-source everyone can take advantage so it will be a big surprise if MyEG don't ride on the tsunami wave created by DeepSeek.

News & Blogs

1 week ago | Report Abuse

狗咬吕洞宾,这篇看淡《杨忠礼电力》的爱心博文发布于 2024 年 5 月 1 日,当时股价大约在 4.5 马币。爱心博文一出,顿时炸锅,引爆九级大地震,犹如世界末日。很多黑粉不服气,狗血淋头,泼妇骂街,妖声鬼气,大喊大叫,认为看淡《杨忠礼电力》的人都是傻瓜。

我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。良心博主,料事如神,果不其然,2024 年 5 月 24 日,股价突然暴跌0.44马币,那些黑粉恍然大悟,上错车,可是还是死抱着侥幸心态,不肯止损,希望股价可以绝处逢生,反弹回升。

冰火两重天,当时《杨忠礼电力》的股价已经明显见顶,高不可攀,随时崩盘。可是那些《无间道股票分析师》还是莫名其妙,一致唱好这档《仙级飆股》,自吹自擂,费劲吃奶力气吹噓,声称合理天价为 6-7 马币之间,许多散户信以为真,拿出毕身积蓄老本 all-in,结果现在入住《豪华套房》,股价暴跌30%,每日唉声叹气,神志不清,像疯子一样见人就咬,见人就骂。天才与天真只是一字之差,天才与白痴只是一步之遥。股票市场没有所谓的专家,只有赢家和输家。

无风不起浪,事出必有因。《杨忠礼集团》负债450亿马币,全马负债排名老二 (国能负债排名老大)。暴风雨前的宁静,完美风暴一触即发。溪云初起日沉阁,山雨欲来风满楼。《恒大集团》,2020年《 财富》世界500强,排行第152位。2023年8月17日,《恒大集团》在美国申请破产。

十个《高富帅》,九个坏,十个《高负债》,九个烂,十个洞,九个盖。冰冻三尺, 非一曰之寒,前车之鉴,后事之师。如有雷同,纯属巧合


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Date: 29-11-2024
Time: 11.30am
Benchmark: KLCI 1597.21

29-11-2024 Friday
5148 Affin**********RM2.91x1000
0828 GOLDETF*****RM3.66x1000
5211 Sunway*******RM4.86x1000
5148 UEMS*********RM0.965x5000
(11.30am KLCI 1597.21)

5-12-2024 Thursday
0829 CHINAETF****RM4.57x1000
(11.30am KLCI 1611.84)

30-12-2024 Monday
5238 AAX********* RM2x1000
(10.24am KLCI 1630.54)

07-01-2025 Tuesday
5148 UEMS*********RM1.16x5000
(11.05am KLCI 1629.54)

5148 UEMS*********RM1.08x5000
(3.40pm KLCI 1604.50


Quick Notes: Investing is a marathon, not a sprint. This simulator will be overweighting CASH and underweighting STOCKS despite the fact that fund manager Tan Teng Boo is forecasting KLCI to hit 2,500 to 3,000 points over the next three to five years.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

看了这个视频,您会觉得李光耀比我们想象中厉害。他不但改变了新加坡的命运,也改变了中国甚至整个世界的历史。西方媒体曾经批评李光耀独裁,可是李光耀对全世界说新加坡要的是《社会秩序 Social order》。国家有秩序,才有发展空间。


News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse


博主粉丝现在应该明白为什么云顶赌场不被封神的原因,因为它只有经济价值,没有社会价值。同样道理,比特币是由反政府分子提出来的金融概念,后来演变成用来避税和洗黑钱的金融工具。美国政府想抄高比特币来还美债,偷天换日,根本是天荒夜谈,傻子游戏 (GREATER FOOL GAME)。现在的比特币已经不是当初中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)心目中的的比特币(DEFI, Decentralized finance)。如果中本聪真有其人,他应该会在此时此刻清仓离场。

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2024-10-24 16:01 | Report Abuse

The proposed takeover of EONCap by HLBB has all the makings of a replay of the hostile takeover of Southern Bank Bhd (SBB) by the CIMB Group back in 2005.

industry observers say there have been indications that HLBB isn’t willing to pay anything above 1.3-1.5 times price-to-book value (PBV) for EONCap, based on its rather low return on equity (ROE) of 4.2% and return on assets of 0.3% in FY2008.

Thus, based on its 2008 book value (BV) of RM4.62, this works out to between RM6.15 and RM7.10 a share. EONCap’s projected BV for 2009 is RM5.05 — which means that the price that Quek may be willing to pay is anything between RM6.76 and RM7.50 a share.

News & Blogs

2024-10-24 15:55 | Report Abuse

Malaysia’s Southern Bank rejects hostile offer

The robust defence from the country’s second-smallest bank sets the scene for a highly charged takeover battle, the largest in Malaysia’s financial sector to date and one that could result in one of the biggest deals in south-east Asia this year.

Southern Bank’s blunt statement to the stock exchange did not identify its potential alternative partner. But it said it had asked the central bank for permission to enter into negotiations, a local requirement.

“The board believes an alternative takeover partner will be available that will maximise value to our shareholders,” Southern said, describing the would-be partner as a “major local financial institution”.

Hong Leong Bank and Public Bank have been widely touted as possible partners for Southern, which said last week it was looking for a “white knight” suitor after months of talks with BCH failed to yield a friendly deal.


2024-01-28 11:13 | Report Abuse

Affin Bank is the smallest bank in Malaysia so it is kind of interesting that it has attracted the attention of the Sarawak government. Sarawak is the most powerful state in Malaysia which is asking to increase their parliament seats to more than 30%. With this kind of political ambition it is unlikely that Sarawak will be pleased with only a five percent stake in Affin Banks.