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17 hours ago | Report Abuse

几个傻瓜一直 flag 大师博文。其实是大师自己 delete 博文。和几个傻瓜的 flag 一点关系都没有。加油 flag 哈哈


17 hours ago | Report Abuse



18 hours ago | Report Abuse

@super* 话中有话,这才是股票高手。风水可信不可迷。同样的道理,技术或基本分析,可信不可迷。可是那些股市小白因为会看一点点财报就自以为是天下无敌。如果是那么简单,官有缘也不会输到贴地。可是官有缘是亿万富豪,他输的起。你们问问自己,您拿的出几个100万来输?官有缘有上百个股票经理为他收消息,可是一山还有一山高,最后还是被市场大鳄收割,遍体鳞伤。你们这些股票小白算老几?一天到晚flag大师博文,不知天高地厚。

@super* 如果懂巴菲特的話,就知道 the economics of public bank is deteriorating。就是說,你拿各項數據去除的話,會發現「速度」變慢、或甚至惡化了。


If you are an ordinary poker player looking to get more bang for your buck, this will be your laundry list:

1) Maybank (1155)

2) RHB (1066)

3) HL Bank (5819)

4) Alliance (2488)

5) Affin (5185)

6) Public Bank (1295)

7) AMBank (1015)

8) CIMB (1023)


18 hours ago | Report Abuse

财经新闻 外资大步撤离13.3亿令吉马股 2025年01月20日


博傻理论 大象打架,小草遭殃 metaverse
Publish date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024, 12:06 PM

看图推演 (网页链接),如果富时大马吉隆坡综合指数失守《第一防线1580》和《第二防线1552》,将引发恐慌性抛售,全面性股灾。我们的经济部长,曾是国油高管,对石油工业了如指掌,苦口婆心劝告人民说,马来西亚的石油储备相比十年前已经减少一半。国库空虚,入不敷出,以此类推,所有经济补贴,包括RON95、食油和水电费,都会逐步取消。97年《亚洲金融风暴1.0》,从泰铢贬值开始,美元热钱瞬间回流,导致亚洲经济泡沫崩溃。溪云初起日沉阁,山雨欲来风满楼。一个完美的《亚洲金融风暴2.0》即将来临,您准备好了吗?


18 hours ago | Report Abuse




因果报应,不懂就不要装懂。很多人会因为这些半桶水的分析而倾家荡产,家破人亡。君子爱财,取之有道。本质上,@LB* 和那些网络诈骗集团没什么区别。他们的目的就是要骗那些无知的退休人士入局买大众银行,推高股价,然后他们就偷偷出货。谁是疯子,谁是骗子,大家应该心中有数。



20 hours ago | Report Abuse



依书直说,以风水八卦来推算,大众银行不应该有这样大的成就。如同对面阿马银行一样(Arab-Malaysia Bank 创办人四眼仔枪杀事件,一马公司被罚款28亿马币,澳新银行贱价清仓出货,谈到头皮都发麻, 阴风阵阵,太巧了吧!),因为大众银行的玲珑宝塔的龙脉旺气被国油的双子塔镇压。道生一,二生三,三生万物。其实,大众银行的标识是一个八卦图,卦中有卦,天地人,三重卦。万物生于有,有生于无,周而复始, 生生不息。太极生四象,四象生八卦。如果大众银行的股价跌破这个“四四”价位,是清仓出货的信号。因为这个分水岭价位或许是标叔冥灯带路,回光返照,挥手告别,信不信由你。十年弹指一挥间,恩怨情恨皆是缘。


20 hours ago | Report Abuse

Ladies and gentlemen, the magical show is happening right before your eyes! And yet, you all still can't accept the reality that the true master can see far beyond the future. Some of you even like to flag the true master messages. If the posts irritated you, I can assure you all that you'll end up losing your underwear in the stock market because most of you have formed strong opinions about the stock market, but in reality, most of your opinions are just illusions without any basis. So sit back, enjoy the show, and maybe—just maybe—you'll learn a thing or two before end up homeless for losing all your EPF saving. God bless you all.


23 hours ago | Report Abuse

I am not here to spread fake news or make fun of those who have incurred losses from buying Public Bank as I see a lot of people have high expectation from stock market and some of them even takeout all their EPF saving and buy YTLP. However, I can see from @skc761103 that his holdings in Public Bank Hong Kong have caused him significant financial pain. I sincerely hope he can find a way to resolve his financial issues.

If Public Bank is truly a well-managed institution, they should have been able to replicate their successful business model to turn around Public Bank Hong Kong. Unfortunately, this has not been the case, which suggests that Public Bank's business model may not be as robust as you all think so good luck buddies.


1 day ago | Report Abuse



1 day ago | Report Abuse

Markets are never wrong – opinions often are. (Jesse Livermore)

Stock analysts like to give target price and tell you Public Bank is worth RM5 or YTLP is worth RM7 or Index will close at 1800 in 2024 but none of these prediction came true because stock analysts are not stock traders and they can't understand the logic behind the news so their target price to most professional traders are just plain rubbish.

Fundamental and technical analysis are derivative of historical data so must be used with caution as historical pattern will evolve with time. Investment Banks do have their own trading departments so you have to read their analyst reports with a pinch of salt as sometimes they will add salt to your wound.

In stock market no one is guru but either winner or losser. Be open minded and read as much as you can as stock market is a voting machine reflecting the reality instead of your personal opinion as your personal opinion most of the time is an illusion out of your imagination. If you think my writing agitated you it is because you think you are agitated but market will not work that way. You must put aside your ego and personal opinion and see the market with an unbiased mind and hit the button when the price action reaches the climax so you must be patient and wait for the sucker to make mistake as market spend 80% of the time in consolidation range.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Date: 29-11-2024
Time: 11.30am
Benchmark: KLCI 1597.21

29-11-2024 Friday
5148 Affin**********RM2.91x1000
0828 GOLDETF*****RM3.66x1000
5211 Sunway*******RM4.86x1000
5148 UEMS*********RM0.965x5000
(11.30am KLCI 1597.21)

5-12-2024 Thursday
0829 CHINAETF****RM4.57x1000
(11.30am KLCI 1611.84)

30-12-2024 Monday
5238 AAX********* RM2x1000
(10.24am KLCI 1630.54)

07-01-2025 Tuesday
5148 UEMS*********RM1.16x5000
(11.05am KLCI 1629.54)

5148 UEMS*********RM1.08x5000
(3.40pm KLCI 1604.50


Quick Notes: Investing is a marathon, not a sprint. This simulator will be overweighting CASH and underweighting STOCKS despite the fact that fund manager Tan Teng Boo is forecasting KLCI to hit 2,500 to 3,000 points over the next three to five years.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

If we like to rival the development of Shenzhen, we need to totally revamp our education system as 90,000 failed maths, 52,000 failed English. Most importantly, we need to allow international students to wear short pant in UM library or else no way top international students will come here to study for obvious reason. Also in the special economic zone we need to allow foreign investors to renew all their business permits online as sometime the offline security guards are too busybody and require everyone to follow his highest moral standard and as we know foreign visitors are puzzled by our high moral standard and don't like to wear long pants to fully cover their legs so it will be a cultural shock to them to do business here. In the worst case scenario, we may need to allow them to wear rainbow watch or else they will prefer to setup factory in Thailand for obvious reason:


1 week ago | Report Abuse

30 years ago we invited Bill Gates to become our MSC advisor and then we told the world we will become internet super power of the world and that time 马云 was still a tour guide in Hangzhou who can speak very well English so one day billionaire Yahoo founder Jerry Yang visted China Jack Ma voluntarily become his tour guide free of charge and both of them become good friend so Jack Ma asked Jerry Yang to invest in his startup Alibaba and Alibaba becomes an internet super power and our MSC corridor still without a single window so can JSSEZ rival the development of Shenzhen? We need to do one thing at a time. We are telling the world we like to design our own CHIP to rival Nvidia but most of our high school students failed their math so most likely it will be an empty talk again just like the Lynas case.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Singapore syndicate will gang up to push up land prices and many foreign workers in Penang and KL will move to JB and JB will become metropolitan similar to Penang or KL and nothing more so it is over hyped to say JSSEZ will become Shenzhen. 20 years ago we sold some big volume of palm oil to USSR and this calculative Russian instead of fully settle the trade with cash they offer us a free seat for space travel and Malaysia twisted the story and told the world we will become an astronaut super power so after 20 years we still cannot see a single rocket designed and build by our local university but China has landed their lunar spaceship to the moon so can we rival the development of Shenzhen? Hahaha...


1 week ago | Report Abuse

When 吉利 was producing cheap freezer we already setup mega factory to produce Proton car but this Proton car was really a nightmare sometimes the power windows cannot open during humid day and cannot close during raining day so after 30 years Proton can't survive the global competition and sold to 吉利 which is world's number one automobile company so can JSSEZ mirror the development of Shenzhen? We need to fix our education system so that our students can count the math correctly or else no way Malaysia can compete with Vietnam and not to mention even US cannot compete with China in terms of technology development.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

For sure Johor GDP will overtake KL in five to ten years time because Singapore will shift their low value products or so called backyard industries to JSSEZ to take advantage of cheaper land and labour in this areas but some analysts could have overestimated the potential of this is economic zone. 30 years ago Malaysia told the world we will become an automobile super power so we bought outdated technology from Mitsubishi but after 30 years we still don't know how to produce our own engine head so can we rival the development of Shenzhen? The answer is pretty obvious:)


1 week ago | Report Abuse

This economic zone was proposed 20 years ago to attract investments from the Middle East. However, after two decades of waiting, there are no signs of Middle Eastern funds showing interest in Malaysia. JSSEZ will become more of a political buffer zone for Singapore to distance or keep at bay the "green tsunami." If Johor turns green, Singapore would suffer the most, both economically and politically. As a result, Singapore will likely shift low-margin, labor-intensive industries (similar to JCY) to JSSEZ.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Google, Amazon, and Microsoft have very high standard for ESG so Tenaga will be transformed into a clean energy producer but this transformation will be expensive (dirty coal is the cheapest form of energy). Ultimately, Tenaga may have no option but to use nuclear power or else with the power-hungry Data Center existing government subsidy will balloon from 5b to maybe 10b.


1 week ago | Report Abuse



1 week ago | Report Abuse

The SEZ will push up land prices (UEMS, Sunway) and create a lot of construction jobs (Gamuda, Suncon). But most of the high value businesses are expected to remain in Singapore and Suzhou Industrial Park and only those labor intensive low margin business will go JB as Malaysia education system failed to produce high tech workers so the economic multiplier effects of SEZ will be limited.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

The idea of transforming Johor Bahru into a special economic zone (SEZ) similar to Shenzhen was noting new as it was proposed 20 years ago but never took off. This is largely because Malaysia is one of the last places Singapore would consider for investment due to historical tensions.

The Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone (JS-SEZ) is different, not for economic reasons but due to political realities. Singapore aims to make Johor a buffer zone for the "green tsunami." Singapore will ensure the success of the JS-SEZ so that JB people focus on business rather than engaging in political discussions that could incite racial hatred which will make the foreign investors in Singapore mentally uncomfortable.

We can forget about the high-speed bullet train in the context of the JS-SEZ. Singapore is well aware that it won't make a difference, as foreign investors are unlikely to invest billions of dollars in Malaysia due to unstable political reasons. Singapore is more concerned that Johor Bahru turning green will negatively impact their economy, as Singapore heavily relies on JB's water supplies.

Lee Kuan Yew said: "I would sleep more comfortably with Umno in power as it is a party I have known since the 1940s"


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Tenaga relies on government subsidies, amounting to around 5 billion MYR per year. This dependence suggests that their business model may not be economically sustainable, potentially because our electricity rates are priced well below the market rate. Over time, this situation could mirror that of RON95, where the government will gradually withdraw the subsidy to reduce public debt.

The Malaysian government may soon realize that power-hungry data centers could do more harm than good for the country. Corporations like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are not charitable organizations. When they establish operations in Malaysia, they will likely demand that Tenaga or the government ensures the reliability of our power supply. In other words, Tenaga or the government might need to compensate for any loss of revenue in the event of a power outage.

Recognizing the potential economic drawbacks of data centers, the government may impose strict regulations. This will particularly affect smaller data centers like YTL Power, which may struggle to meet stringent green requirements.

Tenaga ESG: High Risk

YTLP ESG: Severe Risk

News & Blogs

2 weeks ago | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

看了这个视频,您会觉得李光耀比我们想象中厉害。他不但改变了新加坡的命运,也改变了中国甚至整个世界的历史。西方媒体曾经批评李光耀独裁,可是李光耀对全世界说新加坡要的是《社会秩序 Social order》。国家有秩序,才有发展空间。


News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse


博主粉丝现在应该明白为什么云顶赌场不被封神的原因,因为它只有经济价值,没有社会价值。同样道理,比特币是由反政府分子提出来的金融概念,后来演变成用来避税和洗黑钱的金融工具。美国政府想抄高比特币来还美债,偷天换日,根本是天荒夜谈,傻子游戏 (GREATER FOOL GAME)。现在的比特币已经不是当初中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)心目中的的比特币(DEFI, Decentralized finance)。如果中本聪真有其人,他应该会在此时此刻清仓离场。

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

The proposed takeover of EONCap by HLBB has all the makings of a replay of the hostile takeover of Southern Bank Bhd (SBB) by the CIMB Group back in 2005.

industry observers say there have been indications that HLBB isn’t willing to pay anything above 1.3-1.5 times price-to-book value (PBV) for EONCap, based on its rather low return on equity (ROE) of 4.2% and return on assets of 0.3% in FY2008.

Thus, based on its 2008 book value (BV) of RM4.62, this works out to between RM6.15 and RM7.10 a share. EONCap’s projected BV for 2009 is RM5.05 — which means that the price that Quek may be willing to pay is anything between RM6.76 and RM7.50 a share.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Malaysia’s Southern Bank rejects hostile offer

The robust defence from the country’s second-smallest bank sets the scene for a highly charged takeover battle, the largest in Malaysia’s financial sector to date and one that could result in one of the biggest deals in south-east Asia this year.

Southern Bank’s blunt statement to the stock exchange did not identify its potential alternative partner. But it said it had asked the central bank for permission to enter into negotiations, a local requirement.

“The board believes an alternative takeover partner will be available that will maximise value to our shareholders,” Southern said, describing the would-be partner as a “major local financial institution”.

Hong Leong Bank and Public Bank have been widely touted as possible partners for Southern, which said last week it was looking for a “white knight” suitor after months of talks with BCH failed to yield a friendly deal.


2024-01-28 11:13 | Report Abuse

Affin Bank is the smallest bank in Malaysia so it is kind of interesting that it has attracted the attention of the Sarawak government. Sarawak is the most powerful state in Malaysia which is asking to increase their parliament seats to more than 30%. With this kind of political ambition it is unlikely that Sarawak will be pleased with only a five percent stake in Affin Banks.