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1 day ago | Report Abuse
最近太多严重致命卡车路霸交通事故,那个时常嬉皮笑脸的车牌部长是不是应该安抚人心,出来和全国人民交代清楚,弯腰鞠躬道歉?这些货物运输公司或那些卡车路霸会那么猖狂,目无法纪,还比一些没人性的大V手势,因为有关部门办事不力,草草了事, 发白日梦。如果这个车牌部长不能为民请命,提出解决方案,请不要厚脸皮霸住位子赖死不走,请让位其他有能力者为民服务。一次是意外,接二连三的意外就不是意外。这个国家是不是疯了?
解决方案很简单,除了卡车路霸司机要被刑事诉讼,公司老板也一样要负刑事责任,一样要兴师问罪,这样的法律才有阻嚇作用。要不然民事诉讼对这些不负责任的运输公司根本怕都没怕过。因为对这些大老板来说,钱可以解决的问题就不是问题, 大不了去jpj还三万就拍拍屁股走人。那些卡车路霸还是会在马路大道横冲直撞,大欺小。公司吊牌也没有用,因为可以重头再来,注册新公司。
5 days ago | Report Abuse
This government always claims to be serious about anti-corruption, but then Anwar stated that the whistleblower in the high-profile Sabah corruption case cannot be protected because the whistleblower himself is part of the corruption activity so Anwar implied that only "clean" person can be protected under the whistleblower acts.
Essentially, this official statement has rendered the whistleblower protection acts redundant. For a simply case study let's imagine one day your boss asks you to give under-the-table money and sexual favor to a bank officer to expedite a problematic loan application, and instead of meeting this bank officer in a secret hotel room, you report the case to MACC and ask for whistleblower protection.
Then, out of the blue you receive a phone call from a man claiming himself as legal expert named Uncle Wah stating you are not entitled to whistleblower protection because you are part and parcel of the under-the-table activity.
This whole situation makes no logical sense at all and will eventually put the credibility of this government and the integrity of the laws at risk of collapsing as 10 out of 10 whistleblowers are insider who also "involved" in the game with reliable insider information because an outsider without insider information can never provide a reliable information at the first place.
Types of Protection (extracted from MACC website):
1) The identity of the informant and the information provided is kept confidential and not to be disclosed to anybody, even during the trial in court. (Section 7(1)(a) Whistleblowers Protection Act 2010)
2) Whistleblowers should not be liable to any civil action, criminal or disciplinary consequences of such disclosure. (Section 7(1)(b) Whistleblowers Protection Act 2010)
3) Whistleblowers are protected from any act prejudicial to the outcome of the reaction disclosures have been made. (Section 7(1)(c) Whistleblowers Protection Act 2010)
4) Protection is also given to those who have connection / relationship with the informant. (Section 7(3) Whistleblowers Protection Act 2010)
Question: which part of the above statement excluded the whistleblower in Sabah from the protection of Whistleblowers Protection Act 2020?
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Republican Ronald Reagan, who was a cowboy actor, and Republican Donald Trump shared a lot of similar personality (including their belief in astrology) and secured the strongest mandates in American history, so Trump's economic policy is expected to resemble Reaganomics (increasing defense spending, balancing the federal budget, slowing government spending, reducing federal income tax, reducing government regulation, and tightening the money supply in order to reduce inflation).
Reagan's political move to demolish the Berlin Wall was a prelude to the downfall of the Soviet Union, pushing Stalinism back to square one. Similarly, with the sanction of Russia's oil and the freezing of USD foreign reserves, Russia is running out of financial resources to fight the Ukraine war, so Putin may gradually retreat and Trump would march forward to end the Ukraine conflict, as the war was started by Democrat Biden.
However, the Middle East conflict, which was started by Republican Bush to protect the petrodollar and his family oil business, will likely continue and escalate further. The Republicans, essentially an oil cartel, understand that any military withdrawal from the Middle East could lead to the collapse of the US dollar. For the same reasons, tensions in the South China Sea will remain high, allowing Trump to pressure South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan for protection money and force them to relocate their factories to the US.
Just like Reagan's defense system dubbed "Star Wars," Trump will push for a similar "Star War" with the help of Elon Musk's Starlink, so the trade war with China will be escalated to a cold war similar to the cold war with the Soviet Union. The whole world will be divided into two parts, and all nations have to pick a side.
With the escalated trade war (and cold war), China may totally withdraw from the US market and look for other regions to dump their goods, and this paradigm shift is expected to adversely affect nearby countries like Malaysia and Indonesia, forcing them to strengthen their anti-dumping laws and establish trade barriers against China, so the outlook of the global economy for the coming years is rather gloomy as some emerging countries may see a currency crisis or a crash in their stock market.
In fact, some history experts reckon that the current situation resembles that of WW1 and WW2, which were started by trade wars (to compete for natural resources) and then latest escalated into military wars.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
阿克马言论过火 刘天球要教他礼义廉耻
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2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Terima baik, the market is expected to totally meltdown if the index failed to hold 1580 so be prepared for a perfect storm and fasten the seatbelt.
If PBB swing below RM4.4 it is better to avoid this stock. Let's say PBB can give you dividend yield of 4.8% but due to unforeseeable financial crisis PPB crashed to RM2.9 or a paper loss of 34% so at RM4.4, is this a good value buy? The answer seems obvious.
Once bitten, twice shy. George Soros was looking for an easy target to attack, so when Anwar was Finance Minister in 1997, our economy was attacked by Soros, and then fast forward to 2024, and Anwar is still our Finance Minister, and most of the promised reform failed to materialize, and most of the 1997 problems are still inherited in 2024. Coincidence?
Although most people think that lighting will not hit the same spot twice but believe it or not, this long-held myth is far from the truth as the chances of lightning striking the same place twice are actually very high (maybe due to gravity forces or magnetic field).
3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Global fund managers, led by George Soros, and tech moguls like Elon Musk are all-in for Trump's victory. Trump’s policies, which have shown more consistency (for better or worse) than Biden’s often indecisive approach, could trigger hyperinflation and force the Fed to hike the interest rate, strengthening the USD, reversing USD carry trades, and adding downward pressure on the ringgit.
Trump will mandate U.S. firms to bring operations back to the U.S. and restrict outsourcing jobs. The “China plus one” strategy sounds feasible on paper (try to fool or cheat the U.S. trade sanctions) but practically self-contradictory as this kind of "cheating game" will not last long.
After Trump is elected into office, Elon Musk will push fully his futuristic plans. The Optimus humanoid robot, along with xAI and Starlink, will be integrated nationwide to automate American factories, with robots handling production and driverless cars delivering goods to create an advanced infrastructure that could reduce reliance on human labor.
3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
“我乐见(terima baik)此事。”
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纳吉道歉,安华开心,股市今天却暴跌 -13.93 点,一点都不开心。基金经理看到一个完美的政治风暴可能就要来了。安华好彩是说 "terima baik" 不是说 "terima kasih" 。可是 "terima baik" 如果翻译中文也可以是"搞定"的意思。时光如梭,扎希可以撑几久,没有人说的准。团结政府随时倒台,应该也不会是什么大新闻吧?
3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Banking M&A from 0.93x to 2.35x of book value:
2018 Asian Finance Bank Berhad MBSB 1.30
2013 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad BIMB Holdings Berhad 1.88
2013 Hwang DBS Affin Holdings 1.28
2012 OSK Investment Bank Berhad RHB Capital Berhad 1.77
2012 ECM Libra Investment Bank Berhad Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad 1.27
2011 RHB Capital Berhad Aabar Investments 2.35
2011 EON Capital Berhad Hong Leong Bank Berhad 1.42
2008 Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad DRB-Hicom Berhad 2.15
2008 EON Capital Berhad Primus Pacific Partners 2.21
2008 RHB Capital Berhad Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank 2.18
2007 Affin Holdings Bank of East Asia 1.30
2007 MIDF PNB 0.93
2007 RHB Capital Berhad Employees Provident Fund of Malaysia 1.76
2007 AMMB Holdings Berhad Australia and New Zealand Banking Group 1.29
(Courtesy of Beluga from Affin Bank forum)
Quick Note: if Public Bank decided to standstill like a lame duck and be taken over by other bank to call it a day the floor price should be around RM4.35 or 1.5x of book value. However if they decided to stand like a man and put up a big fight to become MEGA BANK vis-a-vis Maybank and RHB , it will be an expensive war and a nightmare so the floor price should around RM2.9 or could be much lower if EPF and PNB refused to give up the fight.
3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
The proposed takeover of EONCap by HLBB has all the makings of a replay of the hostile takeover of Southern Bank Bhd (SBB) by the CIMB Group back in 2005.
industry observers say there have been indications that HLBB isn’t willing to pay anything above 1.3-1.5 times price-to-book value (PBV) for EONCap, based on its rather low return on equity (ROE) of 4.2% and return on assets of 0.3% in FY2008.
Thus, based on its 2008 book value (BV) of RM4.62, this works out to between RM6.15 and RM7.10 a share. EONCap’s projected BV for 2009 is RM5.05 — which means that the price that Quek may be willing to pay is anything between RM6.76 and RM7.50 a share.
3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Malaysia’s Southern Bank rejects hostile offer
The robust defence from the country’s second-smallest bank sets the scene for a highly charged takeover battle, the largest in Malaysia’s financial sector to date and one that could result in one of the biggest deals in south-east Asia this year.
Southern Bank’s blunt statement to the stock exchange did not identify its potential alternative partner. But it said it had asked the central bank for permission to enter into negotiations, a local requirement.
“The board believes an alternative takeover partner will be available that will maximise value to our shareholders,” Southern said, describing the would-be partner as a “major local financial institution”.
Hong Leong Bank and Public Bank have been widely touted as possible partners for Southern, which said last week it was looking for a “white knight” suitor after months of talks with BCH failed to yield a friendly deal.
3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
The banking landscapes of Malaysia (GDP USD 460 billion) and Singapore (GDP USD 470 billion) may seem similar at first glance, but Malaysia is at least 30 years behind in terms of financial strength and sophistication. Singapore’s Monetary Authority successfully merged their local banks into just three MEGA Banks (DBS, UOB, OCBC), positioning them as strong players on the global stage. Meanwhile, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) still faces significant resistance from small and mid-sized local banks to consolidate. As a result, Malaysia’s banking environment remains closed door and lacking international competition.
There’s no doubt that Public Bank (NTA RM2.9) has been well-managed for decades, but the time has come for them to either lead the consolidation game and take out their cheque book to acquire smaller banks to transform into a MEGA Bank or risk being taken over by a more aggressive competitor. It’s no surprise that Public Bank has instilled a so-called "corporate poison pill" strategy to fence off hostile takeover, but this will only delay the process, but no way they can reverse the MEGA TREND engineered by BNM so the day is numbered as the forced merger may come sooner than anyone's expectation.
As for those who are naysaying about the bad fengshui of Public Bank (NTA RM2.9) and AMBank (NTA RM6), perhaps they should check out Affin Bank's (NTA RM4.7) new headquarters at TRX. Since they moved into their new building, their positive QI has been rising like a super star! Coincidence?
3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Most analysts have rated positively Public Bank, claiming that the sky is clear after news came out that the Teh family has employed a mix of "golden handcuffs" and a "corporate poison pill" strategy to make Public Bank less attractive for hostile takeovers. But doesn’t that seem contradictory? Why would the Teh family want to limit their own options if, one day, PNB came knocking on their door offering to buy their shares at double the market price?
A more logical explanation the Restricted Offer for Sale (ROS) was proposed by Public Bank's management as a "sweetener" to facilitate their purchase of LPI's shares from the Teh family. In reality, this ROS might clash with Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)’s efforts to institutionalize the banking sector to engineer a MEGA BANK through forced mergers. Currently, Maybank has a market cap of USD 31.49 billion, while DBS sits at a massive USD 84.58 billion. Clearly, Malaysia’s banking sector has some catching up to do.
To navigate the potential outcomes, let’s consider the ANZ-AMBank as a case study. ANZ put up its 16.5% in AMBank via block trade at RM3.85 per share (compared to its NTA of RM6.05), which also represented a 8.3% discount to the closing price of RM4.20. Using Public Bank’s NTA of RM2.90 as a starting point, we can run a back-of-the-envelope calculation to estimate the potential impact on share price. If BNM approves the ROS, it would undoubtedly spark political resistance, as the ROS appears to directly undermine BNM's Financial Services Act 2013 (FSA). So the big question is whether BNM will challenge the ROS and block the deal to ensure the smooth progress of the consolidation of the banking sector. The answer seems obvious!
1 month ago | Report Abuse
ASML业绩暴雷冲击市场 全球芯片股市值蒸发1.8兆
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1 month ago | Report Abuse
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1 month ago | Report Abuse
贵多不贵精,不难想象,国家在这样的基础上脆弱发展,必然会逐步走向沉沦。如果当年大陆没有经济开放深圳和全世界公平竞争,今天的中国就不是今天的中国,甚至可能比今天的巴基斯坦还要沉沦。古人说,养不教,父之过;教不严,师之惰。要提升国家竞争力,必须打破现有体制,实现《有教无类,政教分离》,不要把政治因素带进国家教育体系,完完全全开放本地政府大学, 让全民公平竞争,国家的经济实力才能在国际舞台上立足。
1 month ago | Report Abuse
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2024-02-21 08:52 | Report Abuse
Economically there is no reason for Malaysia to build high speed train as we are not yet a high income country. Totally agreed with both Tony (Tony Fernandes and Tony Pua) flying with AA is better option as everyone can fly. If the government go ahead with the high speed train it will kill two birds with one stone as both AA and HSR will be competing with each other and both will fail to achieve the economies of scales. It is sad that DAP is trying to sideline Tony Pua and Kian Ming as both really talking with logical sense.
2024-02-14 17:13 | Report Abuse
KUCHING - Malaysia’s Sarawak state aims to provide up to one gigawatt (GW) of renewable energy to Singapore by 2032, with negotiations to supply the electricity via submarine cables now at an advanced stage, according to Sarawak state energy unit Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB).
If I read the news correctly, Sarawak will incur zero cost in this power supply to Singapore as the undersea cable will be built by Singapore at their own cost. The big question is why don't Singapore buy from Peninsular Malaysia with cheaper startup cost? Yes, the answer maybe related to RE to comply with the world's highest standard of ESG but those who have high tech knowledge must know this kind of undersea cable can be used to transmit high-speed data (Broadband over Power Lines) and all these developments are pointing to one direction that is AI technology and maybe in future the plan is to link up to Indonesia Nusantara and then all the way to Australia. Never underestimate the imagination of our small neighbor as they always think ahead of time and always several decades ahead of us in economic planning.
2024-02-02 23:20 | Report Abuse
Affin Bank as long as trading above 2.15 the uptrend remains valid. Not sure what caused the deep pull back but technically the correction is within expectation.
2024-01-28 11:13 | Report Abuse
Affin Bank is the smallest bank in Malaysia so it is kind of interesting that it has attracted the attention of the Sarawak government. Sarawak is the most powerful state in Malaysia which is asking to increase their parliament seats to more than 30%. With this kind of political ambition it is unlikely that Sarawak will be pleased with only a five percent stake in Affin Banks.
13 minutes ago | Report Abuse