
moneymakerx | Joined since 2020-09-11

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2021-03-10 09:09 | Report Abuse

@pdchs, unless it's off market. yesterday there is none.


2021-03-10 09:05 | Report Abuse

@mariam. your friend has lost around 48%, too bad he has not set cut loss at meaningful 15-20%. His fees for learning trading lessons.


2021-03-10 09:02 | Report Abuse

Shortseller at work today.


2021-03-09 17:39 | Report Abuse

@DannyArcher, Petronas if listed, cannot be the ATM of BN/PN already.


2021-03-09 17:33 | Report Abuse

When the fear level is at the peak, that's when one should buy. Not when everyone is in recovery theme stock or tech stock or bank stock. Or the worst type now, the airline stock.

If you are not in the position when everyone is not looking, you are looking at the wrong place.


2021-03-09 17:33 | Report Abuse

@investmalaysia8. I already know about ASP decreasing. Of course TG is about sentiment. It's always been about that. But how do you cash in on sentiments? It's to be a contrarian to people like you.


2021-03-09 17:31 | Report Abuse

For those in the know, riding more waves to come in the future. But for the naysayers, keep on harping with your ego, if that's what feeds you and your family.

My dividend this year in TG is 6 figures already, and I am still a very small fry. But you are such a pathetic loners. @Investmalaysia8.


2021-03-09 17:28 | Report Abuse

@investmalaysia8. there is a big reason why most semi is in Penang. Fast flight in the raw material, fast flight out to destination. Those counters you mentioned are good companies, but you worship tech like it's the god of stock now. But the fact remains that tech on its own cannot make it. and if you are really a tech trader/investor, you wont even be here. but you are just proven a troll without substance or money for that matter.


2021-03-09 17:25 | Report Abuse

@investmalaysia8. which tech players moving up the chain? Without the incentives. Malaysia tech players cannot compete. Most malaysia tech players are plug and play, assembler, final touch up, cleaning, testing. Moving up whose chain? China?

I mention like TG, not only TG. If you want tech sector to do well. Other manufacturing has to do better to go automation. It's not a rocket science question. If you wish TG to go down, then tech will go down as well. That's how much automation comapnies are so tied with manufacturing sectors.


2021-03-09 17:16 | Report Abuse

@investmalaysia8. Without companies like TG. you think automation companies got business to do? You keep your head inside sand enough d. No need to think so loud, everyone can see how stup!d you sound like.


2021-03-09 17:15 | Report Abuse

@investmalaysia8, you just answered for me. There are just too many players. and these are low end players. Go ahead, and invest into tech. Dont need you to teach other people what to invest.


2021-03-09 17:05 | Report Abuse

@Investmalaysia8, and because EV is consumer product, the choices are plenty. and it's a matter of regulation, needs vs wants. than healthcare sector, which is essential. You are totally barking on the wrong tree.

Please tell us, is ASP for EV sector on the rise?


2021-03-09 17:03 | Report Abuse

@investmalaysia8. Captain obvious. ASP dropping is not the end of everything. In fact, it's only a good begninning. Education is the most expensive part of any business. with more usage and more awareness of hygiene and better SOPs around hospitals and with handling anything raw in the future.

If you want to have fast cash, in and out style. Go to the trendy stock, EV, or recovery theme whatever that means. and while you are in the EV sector, is the ASP for EV going up? You are goo of nonsense as well.


2021-03-09 16:53 | Report Abuse

@investmalaysia8. how is EV counter doing? US CBP is a non-issue, has always been the plot to short the glove sector in the beginning. Keep recycle old news like old news paper. I am sure EV will go higher with your naysaying here.


2021-03-09 16:32 | Report Abuse

Tenaga is squeezing the Malaysian dry by raising prices every chance they get. and everyone pays for it. But no one will knock on their door saying they are profiteering. If you work in tenaga before, you know how incompetent their team is. And all of us have to pay for their fat cheques.


2021-03-09 16:20 | Report Abuse

yingzhe17, why no shorting today and yesterday?


2021-03-09 16:19 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri said, "It's not over yet"


2021-03-09 16:08 | Report Abuse

ESOS can be issued in many situations, in most cases, it's given as bonus. So if your salary is high, your ESOS is high as well. It's a bonus.


2021-03-09 16:07 | Report Abuse

ESOS is issued for employee. it's an option to buy the share later. usually ESOS will be valid for 8 years on average. While most investors have to time the market to get the low price, the employee has the options to buy later. and 8 years is a very long time. So many things can happen. Many millionaires are created this way in TG.

So those who sneer at ESOS, you have no idea what you are talking about.


2021-03-09 14:06 | Report Abuse

Keyman188. I am not worried at all. 2021 dividend enough to buy house already. I am just here to see how much you want to pull down TG. because there are just bunch of clowns spreading fear.


2021-03-09 13:52 | Report Abuse

keyman188, your imagination is vivd, but too bad my average is 1.5. High enough floor for you?


2021-03-09 13:41 | Report Abuse

Too much profit, cannot go up in bursa. must do losing business, then only peoiple like Keyman, invetmalaysia8 will want to push you to holland.


2021-03-09 12:56 | Report Abuse

Dickyme.i rode the waves from 1.5 to 12, 3 to 14 before. And now from 6 to 29 and now 15++. History don't repeat for you.


2021-03-09 09:39 | Report Abuse

@inPeace, that's a very good quote. Those traders who run here run there. Earning peanuts. Real money is made in waiting. Few percent up sell, when drop, don't dare to buy. When up, all in. These type of behaviours are destined to scrap only minor earning but the losses are huge when things don't go your way.


2021-03-08 23:28 | Report Abuse

InPeace, that's because the R value for Israel, the world's most innoculated population on earth, is inching closer to 1. Even though the vaccine controls the disease, but the spread of newer variants are getting to reinfect. At the moment, if we are to inject vaccine every 6 months. Only mRNA vaccine will have the better chance, since DNA vaccine will create immunity against the vector that is carrying the vaccine, which is the adeno virus.

That also means most of the vaccines available now will be not usable past first few vaccinations if this is going long term. Good thing is that vaccine prevent serious damage of covid disease. but this is as far as good news go.


2021-03-08 15:55 | Report Abuse

@lasereye2020. collect when its out of cycle. then ride the wave up. Not enter during the up trending phase. You will be food for those who are already there.


2021-03-08 15:51 | Report Abuse

pdchs, today no shortselling yet in TG.


2021-03-08 15:50 | Report Abuse

Maxsuper, you no money say no money. My cost is 1.5 now. No need to envy one/


2021-03-08 15:24 | Report Abuse

titan3322, you are right. IB researches are more rubbish than substances. It's always that way.


2021-03-08 15:21 | Report Abuse

HrryPttr, no doubt it will. since this is bursa. too small a pond. TG is going to HK. 7X bigger. More vibrant trading expected.

I am banking on TG to drop tomorrow after QR to collect more. Last week collected more at 4.69 - 4.72. But not enough. And these 2 days no shortselling, tells me that tomorrow shortseller will use that opportunity to push further down.

Oh well, works for me either way.


2021-03-08 15:18 | Report Abuse

With Nasdaq correction still going strong, IB is stuck between a hard place and a rock . No where to promote and push. But IB will not shortsell tech. it's their darling anyway. but that's going to change very soon.


2021-03-08 15:15 | Report Abuse

Now IBs are on the fence on the glove counters. With 1.9T free money, IB will want to keep harping on the good news on shortages of chips, but electronics are consumer products. it means manufacturers of those products either have to cut more corner or risk losing their market to better priced markets. And we have no shortages on those markets who sell electronics. If cannot find 3mn, manufacturer can resort to older chips, older tech until it's no longer accpeptbile due to comaptbility or size difference, capacity difference, specification difference are too big to overcome.

And Malaysia listed tech stocks are really among the smallest and at the bottom of the value chain.


2021-03-08 14:48 | Report Abuse

williamh, well, shortsellers arent touching the tech yet. these are most likely reaction to the US Nasdaq correction. This correction is going to be cushioned by the 1.9T free money. So tech cycle is still going strong. but correction is already in the way.


2021-03-08 14:08 | Report Abuse

@investmalaysia8. You go invest into your tech stock and since it's so good, people will invest. No need to promote here. You want to invest into EV. go ahead, who is stopping you? But why you want to tarnish TG on the way out? Cheap tricks.

TG has been expanding every year, adding 2 factories every year on average, and when that's too slow. TG acquired Adventa and streamlined the processes to be more efficiently run as a business. Before that, Adventa is at loss year in year out. Tan Sri has a diamond hand.

Why do you care so much about CAPEX in expanding? and be so negative about it? You have zero idea about glove business from what I can read so far. So stop shaming yourself here. It's just embarassing at this point.

Moving forwards expansion will likely to double up if not more. Because the demand outstrip supply. Imagine the world want 300 bowl of soup, NOW. not tomorrow, NOW. But the supply line can only come online gradually until end of the year. And when that end of the year finally come. the demand is 350bowl. But the supply can only cater for 280bowl.

If you dont understand the basic microeconomic of supply and demand. Stop posting embarassing stuffs here. Go to your EV counter, we dont deserve id!ot like you here.


2021-03-07 21:43 | Report Abuse

investmalaysia8. thanks for instilling more fears. without you to spread more fears. how can I get more cheap tickets? The only 15% mention above is the annual growth demand increase at 15%. If the world demand is at current 300B pieces.

That means
2022, 345B pieces (15%)
2023, 379.5 pieces (10%)
2024, 413.6 pieces (9%)
2025, 446.6 pieces (8%)

At current expansion of worlds gloves capacity. The world will only come to equilibrium in supply and demand around 2026.


2021-03-07 21:28 | Report Abuse

The previous sell call was without any basis change or fundamental change to RM5.5. and then when this buy call is called. It's with NEGATIVE views, but still commands 48% target. Can just ignore Macquirie research in the future. Not that they know nuts about investing anyway.


2021-03-07 21:27 | Report Abuse

@Moi87. Yes, Macquirie behind all backs, upgraded their call to buy. Just filthy scumbagz.


2021-03-06 00:42 | Report Abuse

@DickyMe, you are just full of yourself. A castrated unwanted loner.


2021-03-05 17:07 | Report Abuse

@DickyMe. what makes you such a toxic person? You lost too much on stocks? Because of your comment in CCK. I put 50k in CCK avg 0.55. I also believe it's a good stock. But TG is also a good stock. I dont understand is what do you make out of all these big talks?

Your other recommendations are quite mediocre and some are goreng stocks.

But why you have to stood so low as to attack people? Tired of making money and having fun putying stup!d comments here?


2021-03-05 13:45 | Report Abuse

Haters of gloves will always be haters.


2021-03-05 13:44 | Report Abuse

Ignorance can be educated, crazy can be medicated, but you can't fix STUP!D!


2021-03-05 13:43 | Report Abuse

@LosAngeles. And many still dont believe there is no side effect from unlimited printing of currency. And even more US people dont believe it will affect them. The divide between the poor and the rich is widening. COVID and the USD printing in mass has just geared up the inflation 10 years - 20 years in advance.


2021-03-05 13:28 | Report Abuse

@Yong Ken. current vaccines only help on the disease that COVID caused.
It does not stop transmission, does not stop infection.


2021-03-04 15:41 | Report Abuse

EFP doing the used-to-death tactic, put selling pressure and then collect the cheap ticket. At 6%++, their appetite is not yet full.


2021-03-03 18:08 | Report Abuse

Thanks to the panic seller. Now EPF gobble up like there is no tomorrow.


2021-02-25 22:48 | Report Abuse

prudentinvestor, you just answered your own question. "Could" and reality is still a debateable subject. Now that I had made you read your article. You realize that 1.3mil is going to take them till Dec. To really by July. You can calculate the number.


2021-02-25 22:28 | Report Abuse

I mention ideal, because we are assuming the same vaccine works for all variants. and to really be effective, more studies need to be done.


2021-02-25 22:27 | Report Abuse

If you are too lazy to find article to read for whole world vaccination progress.
You can start with this.

I hate to hand out reading assignment. I can paste it here.

Here is an excerpt. and this is in ideal condition.
"Globally, the latest vaccination rate is 6,141,896 doses per day, on average. At this rate, it will take an estimated 5 years to cover 75% of the population with a two-dose vaccine."


2021-02-25 22:18 | Report Abuse

US is administering close to 1 mil shots one day. that will means US will need to do it daily till next year spring to fully vaccinate all. I dont know where you pull your number from this one that says they will do it within this year. but "think" and reality is different.


2021-02-25 22:14 | Report Abuse

prudentinvestor, you are assuming I didnt read those. I did. So is the US number show drop in infection. Does vaccination has any play in US? None, because the number of innoculation is less than 15%. But the pattern is similar. So, your point is? We should take the article as is? You are naive.