
moneymakerx | Joined since 2020-09-11

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2021-02-25 15:58 | Report Abuse

And as you mention, "Bank counters and other GLCs like Tenaga are trading at reasonable levels."

What is the growth there? Can the bank serve oversea market? or tenaga export to oversea? All of which are bound to Malaysia economy, and we are in negative zones in terms of growth now. And these sectors require economy of production to be booming to really benefit from. But if bank counters make you sleep soundly at night, just go ahead. I dont think anyone is saying negative things about banks other than more and more naysayers here saying negative about gloves.


2021-02-25 15:52 | Report Abuse

@prudentinvestor, if you only see gold price went ATH, then you haven't been reading the news. So many other metals have gone up so much.


2021-02-25 15:50 | Report Abuse

"once vaccination is complete and all restrictions on the economy removed, economic growth should gradually return. It can't be worse off than it is today. Apart from gold, I can't really think of any commodity prices that have breached historical highs lately. Bank counters and other GLCs like Tenaga are trading at reasonable levels."

@prudentinvestor, this is in ideal situation. But we are far from ideal. To fully vaccine the whole world we will take 7-8 years if not more given the current maximum speed of innoculations, and that's assuming the vaccines are produced fast enough to cover just 70% of world population. Until then, travel across borders are strictly limited to countries with special arrangements. That's why you are seeing China going all the way for self-sustaining economies, but look at what is happening to them now. Mega inflation, sky high property prices, commodities prices shot up through the roof.

Gold used to be the USD alternatives, it's getting less and less attractive due to cryptocurrencies volatilities in play. Israel being the country with the most vaccination of COVID19 didn't see the results most were hoping for. There is no sharp dive of numbers, because vaccine dont prevent spread or infection. It only controls the disease.

I am afraid this is not the end yet, so we still have to observe social distancing, mask, with proper PPE for the frontliners. The rate at which Malaysia is vaccinating, we are very far off the mark to complete by this year. Hopefully, by June-Aug when the phase 3 results, we will know for sure whether there is different variants can be controlled with single or double dose


2021-02-25 12:39 | Report Abuse

@nicholas99, continue to spread negative vibes here. I am sure it will do good to your life. Fear is almost all time high and market is like a no head snake now. This is a good chance for those who want to collect, bad for trading. Want to trade, go to loss making counters or IPOs. This place is too toxic to contribute anything nowadays.


2021-02-25 12:32 | Report Abuse

@stockhunter88, I am not your mate. and I know my numbers.


2021-02-25 12:32 | Report Abuse

Sorry @eatcoconutcanwin, too free nowadays after delivering on business deals. but cannot tahan all these naysayers who just want to spread negative without knowing.


2021-02-25 12:30 | Report Abuse

@newbie1111, that one you ask the big boss this coming quarter.


2021-02-25 12:30 | Report Abuse

@stockhunter88. clearly you dont know what you are talking about.


2021-02-25 12:26 | Report Abuse

The biggest threat for TG now is Intco, which will overtake TG in just under 3 years in capacity. So, HK listing is imminent and expansion for TG is a no-brainer, a must do, or die decision


2021-02-25 12:23 | Report Abuse

O&G counters have not really rallied even oil already climed from 50 to 65. Why? because there is no recovery, all is on survival mode still. All these talks about recovery just make me laugh.


2021-02-25 12:22 | Report Abuse

@prudentinvestor, that's optimism still. Did you know about the mega inflation in China? The recent bout of commodities prices flying through the roof. That's because the supply chain has been disrupted beyond repair now. Partly to blame is the Trumpism policy that set these in stone. and China's cover up for actual situation there.

Things will get uglier before we talk about recovery. and that's the hard truth that no one wants to admit. Banks will be bet on the most, but now people have alternative, that's cryptocurrency. and banks have already mostly recovered. If things are going to be more expensive as shown in China. this effect will ripple to us soon enough.

We need to start looking at survival before talking about recovery.


2021-02-25 12:17 | Report Abuse

@ernest60, then you dont know Malaysia policy that glove manufacturers have to fulfil local order first and cannot cancel local order. ASP tapers, that's for sure. NBR raw material drops, that's for sure.


2021-02-25 12:13 | Report Abuse

@Canlaughatglove. In 2015, it's around RM0.2, you are looking in the past. and way before that it's below RM0.01. You are late to the game, and will be late to the game again


2021-02-25 12:12 | Report Abuse

@nicholas99, 2021 just started, but there is already prediction on that since we are in second month. gloves usage growth has been mostly double digit since 1990 annually, COVID just X2 on those growth last year.


2021-02-25 12:10 | Report Abuse

@nicholas99. anyone can cancel order. If you know US CBP ban is still not yet lifted. TG business to US has decreased. and expanded on Europe market. That's why the NBR price dropped due to order cancellation. But TG has other markets to fulfil as well. US is only part of the parcel, not the dominant one.


2021-02-25 12:08 | Report Abuse

@nicholas99. TG is, expanding to different industries all the time. Expanding new products all the time. It's not a one trick pony. Big boss is aiming Fortune 500. Any other company in bursa that wants to do that and visibly going for it?


2021-02-25 12:06 | Report Abuse

@nicholas99. do your own homework. Go check out what was the annual growth of glove business and what is the 2020 and what is 2021.


2021-02-25 12:05 | Report Abuse

The fact that I am still invested, it's a rational decision. But what you are saying is that TG will close down in next year because there is too much competition. and it's no longer competitive. That is mistake. you are also assuming TG is not expanding, and that is not true as well.


2021-02-25 12:02 | Report Abuse

@nicholas99, who doesnt know that by now? You are assuming the demand will fall. Supply increase, and demand will taper but the demand growth is already X2 annually.


2021-02-25 11:45 | Report Abuse

@stopbombing. Did you really not know the previous year rally in US market is due to SBB? Really? US printed 40% of all their currency in 2020 alone. and what did they do with the money? Buy stock, so that their top management can sell at high price. and this cannot continue forever due to underlying economics are weak.

TG SBB using profit after CAPEX for expansion is already allocated and in progress. TG is also actively hiring all those retrenched staffs from other companies that shutdown.

You may be uncomfortable with SBB, but if it's money. It needs to work harder!


2021-02-25 11:39 | Report Abuse

@CuriousGuy, very keen observation. my thought as well. there are certainly movements to collect at and after every attack. Shortists keep shorting and collecting at the same time. Both for leveraging and covering. Eitherway, this game is never level without IDSS.


2021-02-25 11:37 | Report Abuse

@stopbombing, RSS is good for me. It allows a bubble to burst before fully formed. Discouraging trading. And now IDSS further postponed just proved my point. Bursa dont want retailers to gamble, only allow the big boys to do. This is bad for trader, but good for flushing out traders.


2021-02-25 11:25 | Report Abuse

by end of 2021. my cost will be RM0.5. Keep shorting. Not enough of good stock anyway. TG CAGR is well above 10%. next year will be more. More technology, research, patent filing, new product and innovations. More automation to come.

If you want to go long on tech and O&G, go ahead. It's also good future. but river dont fight with the sea, if it dont suit your appetite. just get lost. I think I myself have read enough negative news or development. Here is to highlight the potentials.


2021-02-25 11:21 | Report Abuse

@stopbombing, then you open a new telegram channel that is all glove negative news lo. Why want to go into the TopGlove group to say bad things? Make no sense. I think a lot of follower here would want to hear all the negative news.

Nobody seem to notice that media bombing has stopped. This means that whoever shorting TG is already on collection mode. may be almost enough already.


2021-02-25 09:46 | Report Abuse

cashflow, you warn what 7 je. If other people earn money, and because of you they lost it. Then are you going to compensate? Just go back to whatever cave you come from. if you dont believe in this counter. just dont comment.


2021-02-24 18:02 | Report Abuse

PE is useful to compare within same industry, same product range. Cross industry, PE is useless to use.


2021-02-24 16:38 | Report Abuse

Shortist, closing positions


2021-02-24 15:42 | Report Abuse

@Sam Singh, it's bad for Malaysia to lose such a bright star like yourself. You should be spearheading the human rights for workers here. Canada is such a laidback country. Please share the link for interview here when you have. This cesspool of Malaysia deserves people like you to make it.


2021-02-24 15:33 | Report Abuse

Sam Singh, where is your campaign for foreign worker? if no money nevermind, setup on patreon. I want to see how you are helping them.


2021-02-24 15:27 | Report Abuse

@Stockisnotfun, now apply that theory to all the counters in bursa that suffers the same fate. Does it work? Only in your small world.


2021-02-24 15:26 | Report Abuse

US tremor, started last week. is felt here. Look at all the bourses in the east. that will tell you a better story. than just focus on TG on vaccination.


2021-02-24 15:25 | Report Abuse

haha1234, you are among the first to wake up. Oh well, not too late.


2021-02-24 15:15 | Report Abuse

Many are in this forum, but dont realize that the storm hits the whole bursa. and nothing to do with vaccination.


2021-02-24 14:48 | Report Abuse

US market tremour is felt here already.


2021-02-24 14:48 | Report Abuse

@The Thinker PN17 is for company that is insolvent. please dont abuse this term.


2021-02-24 13:33 | Report Abuse

Nasdaq is mostly technology stock. TG is in US stock market already, with alternative market instrument.


2021-02-24 13:32 | Report Abuse

HK listing is already underway with remote factory inspection and due diligence. Will go head to head with Intco.


2021-02-24 13:28 | Report Abuse

Market fear is almost all time high on glove sector. This is good news. Too bad IDSS got postoned. Otherwise glove trend reverse straight away on March.


2021-01-29 17:03 | Report Abuse

Today RSS 2.52m share


2021-01-27 17:43 | Report Abuse

gemfinder. you really believe that because there is no covid. there is no business for gloves company? Is that what your feeble brain can think about?


2021-01-26 09:13 | Report Abuse

Consensus for harta is around 800-900mil. Nowadays write report must use brain abit more. Cannot simply give halfbaked analysis.


2021-01-26 09:12 | Report Abuse

JPM is really a joke la, "in line with JPM and consensus expectations"? Hello, the results blew your report out of the water la.


2021-01-24 21:29 | Report Abuse

The biggest clusters are those that is without clusters.


2021-01-24 21:28 | Report Abuse

@stockisnotfun. No, gloves remained operational throughout all 2020. except for the Nov period, a part of the factories closed for COVID swab


2021-01-22 13:53 | Report Abuse

DickyMe. then you earn nothing as well. Time is your best and worst friend. When 2021 ends. all my holdings will be pure profit. But you wil still be waiting in vain.


2021-01-22 12:35 | Report Abuse

Will188. those RM6 blocks are likely from shortists to collect before pushing up


2021-01-22 12:23 | Report Abuse

berry, I am glad that you exited. otherwise who is going to push up this counter when the tide comes. hahahaha


2021-01-22 11:42 | Report Abuse

DickyMe. you slowly wait. while people cash in and out until then. I was hoping the short would push it around 4.5-5 for collection.


2021-01-22 11:37 | Report Abuse

Goes up too fast. Havent collect finish yet.


2021-01-21 16:45 | Report Abuse

bankers will want to build their position better this round. most IB have underestimated the demand. So the cycle to build recovery stocks are almost ending. IB will start to distribute when it's time to release bad news about recovery.