
murali | Joined since 2014-11-20

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2015-08-19 14:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by davidkkw79 > Aug 19, 2015 12:37 PM | Report Abuse

I m talking economic,but it sound like here full of politicians

LOL...若是纳吉下台, 马股最少下调300点。(您可不这么想或不卖, 但我会马上走)

由于纳吉在任期间太过软弱, 採取太过开放政策, 造成政局混乱。当下执行集权行动时, 将加强国家稳定。

Yr beloved 何博士 is one of them who likes to mess politic around with economy....

How long have you followed his posting or seminars etc? Go thru his records and then you will see his political stance. Dont simply worship him just for this article or his title...

To me, Dr.Ho's credibility is slightly better than Utusan Msia/ TV3 etc

News & Blogs

2015-08-19 11:22 | Report Abuse

Tey Tian Foo brought up a good point, while Dr.Ho claimed our reserves now is much higher than 1998, how is our foreign debt now??

News & Blogs

2015-08-19 11:17 | Report Abuse

How long have u followed 何博士's postings?

News & Blogs

2015-08-19 11:16 | Report Abuse

RM now at ard RM4.09 vs USD while KLCI at 1582

News & Blogs

2015-08-19 11:14 | Report Abuse

LOL, I just cant see any special in his above article....

目前的局势,马币应该会波动介于3.70-4.20的水平,并不会跌至98年价位(4.8), 而大马综合指数则预计处在1550点的位置被支撑着。

News & Blogs

2015-08-19 11:11 | Report Abuse

Care to share the links for this....
Posted by davidkkw79 > Aug 19, 2015 08:31 AM | Report Abuse

请翻看报纸,何博士是第一个马币还没有狂泻的时候,就预测马币今年内比跌破RM3.8~4, 进而预测马股也会跟着跌到1600。请问你有这样的分析预测能力吗?何博士的话不能参考,那我觉得自以为是的人更加不能让人信服,讲了等于没讲。

News & Blogs

2015-08-19 11:08 | Report Abuse

I am just telling you on my impressions on him.However, I cant find 4 witnesses for you on whether he receives donation from BN or not.

Just like nobody can prove whether Ajib use the donation to buy bags or cincin for hippo or no case....

News & Blogs

2015-08-19 11:03 | Report Abuse

So u can prove he isnt BN's running dog ah

News & Blogs

2015-08-19 08:53 | Report Abuse

During 1997/1998 while he was not yet a Prof, he oredi started to post a lot in newspaper...Some of his few articles which I could still remember is that he sang the same tune with Dr.M that the financial crisis which we faced at that moment was due to the attack by the foreigners as they were jealous of our achievement.....Another great article from him (if I m not mistaken) was that the 1998 Nipah Outbreak (pig disease) could be due to the conspiracy of foreigners as well....All those rubbish articles from him made me have a deep memory on him from that on wards..but too bad I couldnt retrieve those masterpiece of him now....

News & Blogs

2015-08-19 08:45 | Report Abuse

Do u know that the joker once established a website (Malaysia sini, if i m not mistaken) trying to do a copycat on Malaysiakini but only full of pro BN rubbish articles.....

News & Blogs

2015-08-19 08:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by davidkkw79 > Aug 19, 2015 08:25 AM | Report Abuse


Have u ever followed his talks/articles etc? I have known him since 1997

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 22:42 | Report Abuse

He is not run dog to MCA.....I think he works for bn


2015-08-18 13:40 | Report Abuse

Lol....when its up team a will talk cock when its down team b will talk worries....there r always noise here

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 11:23 | Report Abuse

I m not good investor,certainly not super one....but i dare to say my intention is much much noble than kk

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 11:02 | Report Abuse

Me too, I do bring my followers to Holland always, but I am always in Holland with them...not to use them to buy my shares...

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 10:59 | Report Abuse

If yes then I know why u like Koon Koon oredi

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 10:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by SOP2 > Aug 18, 2015 10:56 AM | Report Abuse

no one is perfect, I made many mistake in investing. before , I brough some of my followers to holland .

Yes,i Knew. But do you sell yr shares to them when u asked them to buy??

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 10:57 | Report Abuse

At one time you talked about value growth lah, long term investment lah etc , then after u sold all in a short period of time after ypur endless promotion, u shameless claimed that u are using margin lah, need to sell lah when u see price went up 10-20% kind of craps....

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 10:55 | Report Abuse

Would you tell everybody that a certain counter is the most undervalued shares in the world or galaxy and then u quietly sold all within 2-3 months, after the prices moved up 10-20% from your recommended price??

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 10:53 | Report Abuse

Yes, me too...but is your intention noble?

Would you ask your followers to buy while you are quietly selling to them? Would you used some flawed data or analysis to mislead them?

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 10:48 | Report Abuse

After having studied his previous records (Rsawit/Jtiasa/Mudajaya/Xinquan etc) and if u are still convinced by him then continue to worship issues

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 10:44 | Report Abuse

Dont just look at his wealth or his social reputation or his RM1 million donation to the scholarship every year...nobody will argue on that...

In the context of share investment, study his records and his pattern, and then make your own decision.

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 10:41 | Report Abuse

To give Holland tips is not so bad....

But to mislead people with his Holland Tips with the evil intention to offload to them is certainly unforgivable....Do you want to learn the history?

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 10:39 | Report Abuse

After having the hard lessons of his previous Holland tips, I wonder if any of his previous follower/ supporter dare to follow his VS n Latitude. I think u are just a new follower of him

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 10:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by SOP2 > Aug 18, 2015 09:48 AM | Report Abuse

if we bought at the right moment he recommended ,we made money.

Yes, for recent cases of VS n Latitude, which is recommended by his Super Fund Manager, OTB...

But still many people followed his Rsawit, Jtiasa, Mudajaya n die very hard,,,,


2015-08-18 10:25 | Report Abuse

Looks like today could be Salted Fish n the gang's day....welcome back

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 10:23 | Report Abuse

Houdini, i dont know who u are but i found that u seldom post yr comment here. However, all your comments seems to be very supportive of Koon Koon. Could be due to love or whatever reasons...but who cares..

Anyway, my interpretation on this article is just another post for him to promote his VS, Latitude n Liihen, wiht those underlying message.

Just wonder, what's Koon Koon's opinion on the current economy outlook? Is it a good time to buy these counters at recent prices? Or is Koon Koon quietly selling now, while asking people to buy....Just like what he did in Rsawit, Jtiasa. Mudajaya etc....I think the painful memory is still fresh, among those who bought in these counters, under the influence and advice of Koon Koon.

Sincerely, do you want me to dig out his previous records? Hari ini dalam Sejarah? Learnt from the history and dont become another victim...

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 09:40 | Report Abuse

Yeap, just to point out that we see different motives from his posting.

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 09:24 | Report Abuse

I dont think he is anything closer to Superinvestor, but he is certainly a Super Salesman...

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 09:22 | Report Abuse

Please kindly recommend me some really good shares to buy.

My requirement is very simple. The company must have announced increasing profit in the last few quarters on Bursa Malaysia and it is selling below P/E 10.

Why I only seeing that he is promoting his VS, Latitude n Liihen which happens to be in the above category?


2015-08-18 09:13 | Report Abuse

When prices go up, salted fish n the gang will come out to talk cock, if prices come down then some of us will come out to talk

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 09:11 | Report Abuse

Paying RM2.15 now for a share which owns cash of RM1.84 per share n with NTA Rm2.90 seems to be a no brainer investment, somemore can see Msia WB giving few hours talk cock show every year....does it sound good?

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 09:03 | Report Abuse

What did he do with the shareholder's money for the past 4-5 years? He kept most of the cash in FD and used the FD interest for his big fat gaji buta while waiting for durian finally after a long wait, it seems to come...he got nothing to lose but everything to for you, u eat roti kosong n drink air kosong during these period of time...

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 08:59 | Report Abuse

Can buy some now, but dont treat it as a long term investment, say 5-10 years loh....TTB will always think about his own pocket first, not the small shareholders....Just check with his shareholders then u will know

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 08:47 | Report Abuse

The performance of ICAP (or TTB) sucks for the past 4-5 years, but now he is dame happy.....finally can come out to talk cock again.....

News & Blogs

2015-08-18 08:45 | Report Abuse

Though I dont like TTB, I am quite sure that he will not only survive thru this round, but instead will be greatly benefited from it....


Non-current assets
Investments (Note 1) 145,597

Current assets
Other receivables and prepayments 3,488
Short term deposits 257,434
Cash and bank balances 518

Cash and short term deposit ard RM257,952,000, or about RM1.84 per share (total share 140,000,000)

What do you think?

News & Blogs

2015-08-17 22:13 | Report Abuse

TTB get screwed left right now center for the past few years for holding lots of cash n he shall be damn happy now,finally....

News & Blogs

2015-08-17 22:11 | Report Abuse

Dude,do u know that TTB has been holding lots of cash since few years ago?can they survive this round?you must be kidding....


2015-08-17 20:26 | Report Abuse

I thought u and other crooks kena tangkap oredi...


2015-08-17 20:25 | Report Abuse

On the way lah...cant even understand simple English...

News & Blogs
News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2015-08-17 19:34 | Report Abuse

And his most loyal supporter Anene Mohan62 will come out to bark around

News & Blogs

2015-08-17 19:33 | Report Abuse

Dont worry, Koon Koon will open many many more threads soon

News & Blogs

2015-08-17 19:31 | Report Abuse

Wah..looks like many people in I3 know how Koon Koon cari makan here..not so easy now for him to dispose his shares which are currently under margin facility.....especially under current market condition

News & Blogs

2015-08-17 19:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by Up_down > Aug 17, 2015 12:47 PM | Report Abuse

My wild guess in priority...It's Latitude, Liihen & VS. In fact, there are not less than 100 counters are traded below PER 10x now. hihihi

Bro, u are really a genius....How come u know one?


2015-08-17 16:58 | Report Abuse

No RTO, instead could be paying millions of RM to buy 51% share of a co who sell BMW in east profitable will it be?


2015-08-17 15:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by sangharimau > Aug 17, 2015 08:16 AM | Report Abuse

T4 on heavy volume the last few days well absorbed. Bottom liao

The shameless crook did a last minute promotion early today,hoping to catch more water fish


2015-08-17 15:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by WB1234 > Aug 17, 2015 09:14 AM | Report Abuse

sangharimau, beli alot kena trap meh? 0.16 on the way deserve to you,Good luck

Where got....Tiger n salted fish n the gang did a great job in trapping water fishes probably driving BMW laughing all the way to the banks