
MZM2511 | Joined since 2020-07-26

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2020-10-25 21:47 | Report Abuse

I think some of the previous problems have been resolved such as disposal of unprofitable property (a building) to settle bank borrowing, clearing certain amount of debts by settling with ICPS and clearing the bad investment by disposing investment property, bad debt written off, fair value loss on investment, impairment on goodwill and write-off of land held for property development (based on last QR).
I think its balance sheet should be in better condition than before.

Many new biz such as the Gua Musang Highway contract, the healthcare business and the profitable logistics business will help the company to be in black again.

Concerning the late MUGC notice, it's better for us to ask the authority, BSKL.


2020-10-25 20:03 | Report Abuse

@Orlando. Are you a witch or a speculator or an analyst? He He


2020-10-25 17:57 | Report Abuse

@Zuliana. Saya bukannya penyokong tegar mana-mana ahli atau parti politik. Saya boleh berada di atas pagar atau sesekali bias kepada kecenderungan politik tertentu sahaja.


2020-10-25 17:55 | Report Abuse

@Zuliana. kalau itu diterima oleh majoriti rakyat. It's okay for me. Bagi saya yang utamanya, kerajaan nanti stabil, perihatin kepada rakyat, boleh uruskan ekonomi dengan baik dan sebagainya. Ekonomi baik, kepentingan ekonomi dan sosial setiap golongan terjaga, keselamatan dan kesihatan terjaga itulah yang didamkan sebahagian besar rakyat.


2020-10-25 17:48 | Report Abuse

@MadCow75. Okay awak boleh beri pandangan awak sendiri atau cuba beri reasoning menyangkal pandangan saya. It's free country. Semua orang boleh berikan pendapat asalkan tidak menyalahi undang-undang. No offence.
Apasal marah sangat. Inikan negara demokrasi????


2020-10-25 17:38 | Report Abuse

Sebahagian rakyat suka darurat kerana kalau dibiarkan demokrasi pun banyak pihak yang saling berbalah untuk mendapatkan kuasa bagi diri sendiri. Tengok, PM Mu sendiri (nak kekalkan kuasa), Ku Li (cuba menangguk di air keruh) , Anwar (gila nak jadi PM) dan juga Tun M (nak jaga kepentingan sendiri). Semuanya selfish!!!!!!!!!

What say you?


2020-10-25 17:26 | Report Abuse

Pada pandangan saya, PU 15 sepatutnya dilaksanakan. Cuma dalam keadaan sekarang Covid-19 pandemik tidak menggalakkan PU 15 diadakan. Saya sendiri berpendapat kita tidak seharusnya mengambil risiko mengadakan pilihanraya demi keselamatan kesihatan kita semua. Pilihannya, pengistiharan darurat adalah terbaik. Saya terima hakikat yang langkah ini akan banyak menguntungkan MU untuk kekal berkuasa, tetapi realiti politiknya seseorang ahi politik lazimnya akan cuba kekalkan kuasanya. Itu lumrah.


2020-10-25 17:15 | Report Abuse

Kalau dibiarkan berterusan dalam keadaan demokrasi, keadaan semasa kerajaan PN yang mempunyai majoriti tipis akan menjadi alasan ketidak percayaan pelabur luar. Kalau AI ambil alih pun, kerajaannya nanti bukan tentunya kukuh dengan adanya perpecahan dalam kem pembangkang sekarang. Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu Jugak.


2020-10-25 17:03 | Report Abuse

Dalam keadaan kerajaan darurat, kuasa PM menjadi lebih. lebih stabil kerajaan Mu. Tiada lagi unsur undi tak percaya ka, ada sokongan majoriti ka. Sapa-sapa yang berani cakap lebih untuk jatuhkan kerajaan sedia ada. EH Em.

Itulah sebahagian besar penyokong pembangkang tidak suka kerajaan darurat. Bukannya semestinya masalah ekonomi yang akan dihadapi tetapi survival politik mereka.

Sehingga PU ke 15 nanti, kerajaan darurat selamat, lebih stabil dan kepercayaan ekonomi akan lebih kukuh.


2020-10-25 16:46 | Report Abuse

Masalah dalam negara mereka berbeza. Lagi pun kalau tanpa darurat pun kepercayaan pelabur luar terhadap Malaysia bukannya baik. Anwar and the gang asyik duk cucuk bontot Mu sahaja. Kalau kerajaan PN tak stabil apa kata pelabur luar. Lebih baik buat darurat. Keadaan kerajaan sementara (darurat) nanti pada saya lebih stabil dari diambil alih oleh kerajaan pintu belakang AI (ikut cara MU ambil alih kerajaan). HE HE


2020-10-24 01:44 | Report Abuse

As per my understanding the problem affected Nexgram relating to:
(1) Auditors had highlighted a material uncertainty related to going concern (“MUGC”) for the financial year ended 31 July 2019. As per an announcement:

Excerpt from the auditors report showed that:
With the continued support by CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad, the material uncertainty on going concern is deem resolved for the time being

(2) Nexgram’s shareholders' equity on a consolidated basis is 50% or less of its share capital (excluding treasury shares) based on the unaudited fourth quarter results ended 31 July 2020.

From the unaudited fourth quarter results ended 31 July 2020, shareholders' equity on a consolidated basis is 48.11% of its share capital (excluding treasury shares). Its shareholders equity is RM99 360 869 and it share capital is RM206 519 923. Accumulated losses increased to RM138,169,775 after the losses from fourth quarter results ended 31 July 2020 amounted RM62,110,798 has been added.

The risk to be listed as GN 3 listed company is there especially if Nexgram still incurring losses in future QRs after the said relief period ended on 30 June 2021.

For now, Nexgram will not be classified as a GN3 listed issuer and will not be required to comply with the obligations pursuant to Rule 8.04 and GN3 of the ACE LR for a period of 12 months from the date of this announcement (from17 April 2020 to 30 June 2021)

Please correct me if I'm wrong.


2020-10-23 19:09 | Report Abuse

Just extract from one source:

Officials at Putrajaya emphasised that only political activities would be affected by the Emergency.
“It will be business as usual. Economic activities will carry on and there will be no curfews.


2020-10-23 17:23 | Report Abuse

Penyelesaian krisis politik. Juga akan beri kesan kepada ekonomi. Saling nak berebut jadi PM inilah padahnya.


2020-10-23 16:07 | Report Abuse

They would have their own intentions. Only us don't know.


2020-10-23 16:05 | Report Abuse

I want to believe it.
Peram until the expected news (also my expectation) will come.
Let us reap the sweet fruit. He He.


2020-10-23 15:42 | Report Abuse

The buy quantity support at 4 sen started to shrink. Any bad indication?


2020-10-23 15:35 | Report Abuse

There will be a listing of 400 mil new shares under ESOS at 3.684 sen per share.
I think the price will be maintained at 4 sen above.


2020-10-23 14:27 | Report Abuse

Go Nexgram... gooo


2020-10-23 09:43 | Report Abuse

Gerammmmm. Perammmmm


2020-10-23 08:58 | Report Abuse

rather than spreading snakes's venom like somebody always did. #########


2020-10-23 08:55 | Report Abuse

At least we are trying. He he


2020-10-23 08:51 | Report Abuse

It's a progress reports, my dear.


2020-10-23 08:06 | Report Abuse

Nexgram Group is acquiring medical plastic firm Arita Plastics Industries (M) Sdn Bhd (Arita) in a move to enter manufacturing and supply of biomedical materials, life-saving medical devices, medical compounds, and personal protective equipment such as protection face shield, hospital Acrylic (PMMA) Medical Intubation boxes and gloves, and Acrylic sheets as alternative material to borosilicate glass vials for COVID-19 Vaccines.


2020-10-23 07:41 | Report Abuse

Nexgram sees satisfactory prospects for AHSB acquisition


2020-10-22 22:26 | Report Abuse

Esok aktif sikit. Naik tak naik harga tak tahu.
Macam mana pun peramlah dulu.


2020-10-22 22:20 | Report Abuse

Itu idiom Inggeris. Idiom berdasarkan budaya tertentu.
Ianya sudah ditukar yang membawa maksud bau tikus mungkin ada tikus. Sesetengah orang jadikan tikus barang makanan. Itu rezeki namanya. He he.

Memang nak buat lawak dengan awak. Awak tetap OKU


2020-10-22 21:52 | Report Abuse

Peram dulu boh.
Dok nyalak pun tak dok guna.


2020-10-22 21:47 | Report Abuse

Bau tikus, mungkin rezeki nak datang lah tu.


2020-10-22 21:41 | Report Abuse

Bukan sebarang kilang botol, botol boleh isi vaksin covid-19. Banyak bisnes dan banyak untung tu.


2020-10-22 21:39 | Report Abuse

It's okay @OKU_2020. For somebody, bau tikus is good. Tanda ada rezeki. He He


2020-10-22 21:31 | Report Abuse

It will be started from November 2020. For the retail businesses related covid-19 (without major contract) should be continuing....


2020-10-22 20:27 | Report Abuse

Jika RCPS itu ditukar kepada share dalam NMEDI, saya rasa ianya tak menjadi masalah kepada subsidiari Nexgram atau Nexgram sendiri. Kecuali ianya akan mempengaruhi peratus pegangan Nexgram dalam NMEDI berkurang menjadi 90% sahaja, atau ianya mungkin dilute share holding.


2020-10-22 20:16 | Report Abuse

@Trader Invest. Semua jenis pinjaman yang diambil oleh sesebuah syarikat akan disertai dengan risiko yang ditanggung. Semua jenis pinjaman sama ada pinjaman jangka pendek, jangka panjang atau pinjaman dalam bentuk saham keutamaan (termasuk RCPS) mengandungi risiko yang berbeza.

Walau macam mana pun, penggunaan pinjaman yang berlebihan atau pinjaman yang digunakan
untuk pelaburan yang tidak berdaya maju akan memberikan kesan yang negatif kepada syarikat.
Jika ia digunakan sebaiknya, maka positif untuk syarikat.

Sekadar kefahaman saya sahaja.


2020-10-22 19:55 | Report Abuse

The Purchase Consideration of RM19,500,000.00 is to be satisfied via the issuance of 1,000,000 RCPS in NMEDI at an issue price of RM19.50 per RCPS at ZERO COUPON RATE with NO DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND throughout the tenure of three (3) years commencing from and inclusive of 12 October 2020 with an option to extend for another period of three (3) years.

Every one (1) RCPS MAY BE CONVERTED into one (1) new NMEDI Share at 3rd anniversary of RCPS or if extended, at the 6th anniversary of the RCPS shall be automatically converted into new NMEDI shares.

NMEDI shall have the option to redeem the RCPS at the 3rd anniversary of RCPS or if extended, at the 6th anniversary (“Maturity Date”) based on the latest audited net assets of NMEDI as at the Maturity Date and in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2016.


2020-10-22 19:43 | Report Abuse

What is the risk? Could you give the explanation.


2020-10-22 16:34 | Report Abuse

Peram dulu boh.
Dok nyalak pun tak dok guna.
Sapa masa dio, naik lah tuu.

Kena turut stail TunPika. Rasonya nexgram juga boleh buat kejutan.


2020-10-22 09:55 | Report Abuse

Using your logic, therefore the share price will never up in the future @ forever.
What a kind of logic is this???? He He


2020-10-21 08:51 | Report Abuse

Okay. Noted. Thanks


2020-10-20 17:57 | Report Abuse

Good for insiders but not so good for the company.


2020-10-20 17:55 | Report Abuse

Revisited the ideas given by fellow forumers before this. They keep the shares price low maybe on a purpose. Like esos and pp.


2020-10-20 13:50 | Report Abuse

20+ sen in 2016. Before that I don't have the data.


2020-10-20 12:08 | Report Abuse

@kangcs. In this situation, do you think Nexgram is under accumulation?
I'm no chartist and don't use any TA program.


2020-10-20 12:05 | Report Abuse

Kadang-kadang hilang sabar juga. Nampaknya kena peram saja, buat tak tahu.
Baru tak geram. He He


2020-10-20 11:02 | Report Abuse

KTB pn 17 pun boleh naik. Mesti ada gosok dengan tongkat ali


2020-10-20 07:37 | Report Abuse

As comparison. Luster as an example:



2020-10-19 22:57 | Report Abuse

Nexgram officially never add its healthcare business into its list of business.
It's a poor marketing strategy adopted by the coy.


2020-10-19 21:44 | Report Abuse

At least will be monitoring the next two QRs.


2020-10-19 17:10 | Report Abuse

Nobody knows the future except...


2020-10-19 15:37 | Report Abuse

Dia tak mahu naik. Patut turun 2.5 sen. Nak top up sikit