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2019-03-29 16:32 | Report Abuse

Keep dreaming like Jaya and Betkaukau


2019-03-29 16:21 | Report Abuse

Been collecting BAUTO since around RM1.97/1.99 and I'm happy with the performance of this counter, lets see if I should continue holding or take profit.


2019-03-29 16:18 | Report Abuse

If the ECRL deal gets materialised by Tun M next week as claimed by Daim, then it would create a positive sentiment in the market (shows Malaysia is keen in developing projects along with the Chinese government hence the theme of Bandar Malaysia may once again cause optimism), then IWCITY would rally.

but if the above doesn't go thru, then good luck to IWCITY holders and you guys better pray to all gods to seek for the light to pave you'll towards the right direction


2019-03-29 16:15 | Report Abuse

It's not about are they going to give you some or not, instead it is all about if TF could deliver or once again talk rubbish, lol


2019-03-29 12:56 | Report Abuse

Lanesra, well said, this is Bursa Malaysia and we wouldn't be able to know what's going to happen next but we definitely know how the investors on i3 especially on the AA forum would behave lol.

Today they would say that tomorrow the price would be up because of the following:
1. positive outlook
2. insiders buying
3.foreign funds buying
4. Add made up stories to make the company look good; For example Jaya started a rumour saying that the Q4 2018 results for AA would never be negative yet AA reported a loss, to lie more, he kept repeating that TF was declaring and additional Special Dividend of at least RM0.50 after declaring the previous SD of RM0.40, sadly TF didn't declare what Jaya tried marketing. Jaya tried to further sell his stories by saying that AA hedges 100% of its jet fuel cost which was again he was proven wrong: The point here is that the was trying to twist n spin stories to curate a story that portrayed AA as the best company in the world.

Then tomorrow comes, and whenever what he said above doesn't come true, he (Jaya and Betkaukau) would then say this:
1. No worries guys, this is a fundamentally strong counter guys
2. Its good guys
3. I am buying more
4. Buy buy buy guys
5. Attacks anyone who points out that Jaya n Betkaukau's valuations were flawed
6. Attacks people who know that AA is overvalued
7. Then he would pick once of the lowest prices of the stock in the chart (In AA's case, he choose 0.90 by saying that he bought towards the bottom n his not worried as his portfolio is green la, got dividend of RM100K la etc - But we all know, his a conman trying to fool others to buy into a counter for his own self gain)

and finally.............

8. Jaya would end his arguments by saying trust TF la.....



2019-03-29 12:22 | Report Abuse

what happen to all Sifu's who said by this Friday it would fly ?

Semua talk Kok like Jaya and Betkaukau from the AirAsia section of i3 ?


2019-03-29 10:06 | Report Abuse

the comentor above, are you Jaya ? created a new account and you sound like him too


2019-03-29 09:44 | Report Abuse

Jaya and Betkaukau would say this "No worries guys, my portfolio is still green, my average price is only RM1.X something, I got RM100K dividends, still buying more guys.......finally, believe in TF la"


2019-03-28 13:56 | Report Abuse

Investorking, I think you misunderstood me, what I meant was that nasaie24 is like Jaya and Betkaukau, they only know how to twist and spin stories


2019-03-28 11:54 | Report Abuse


Nasaie24 is just like Jaya and Betkaukau from the AirAsia forum.

Today they would say that tomorrow the price would be up because of the following:
1. positive outlook
2. insiders buying
3.foreign funds buying
4. Add made up stories to make the company look good; For example Jaya started a rumour saying that the Q4 2018 results for AA would never be negative yet AA reported a loss, to lie more, he kept repeating that TF was declaring and additional Special Dividend of at least RM0.50 after declaring the previous SD of RM0.40, sadly TF didn't declare what Jaya tried marketing. Jaya tried to further sell his stories by saying that AA hedges 100% of its jet fuel cost which was again he was proven wrong: The point here is that the was trying to twist n spin stories to curate a story that portrayed AA as the best company in the world.

Then tomorrow comes, and whenever what he said above doesn't come true, he (Jaya and Betkaukau) would then say this:
1. No worries guys, this is a fundamentally strong counter guys
2. Its good guys
3. I am buying more
4. Buy buy buy guys
5. Attacks anyone who points out that Jaya n Betkaukau's valuations were flawed
6. Attacks people who know that AA is overvalued
7. Then he would pick once of the lowest prices of the stock in the chart (In AA's case, he choose 0.90 by saying that he bought towards the bottom n his not worried as his portfolio is green la, got dividend of RM100K la etc - But we all know, his a conman trying to fool others to buy into a counter for his own self gain)

and finally.............

8. Jaya would end his arguments by saying trust TF la.....


2019-03-26 10:34 | Report Abuse

Well said DickyMe

Anyway, where is our used-car salesman's namely Jaya and Betkaukau ?


2019-03-25 09:07 | Report Abuse

Just reached KLIA to fly off to Dubai and decided to check out i3 and it seems that my boy Jaya still hasn't lost his traits of being a used car salesman.

Inb4 his buddy Betkaukau and other dupes come out to protect their master account


2019-03-22 16:02 | Report Abuse

I am childish ? Nice joke brother, keep behaving like your main account Jaya and Betkaukau


2019-03-22 13:28 | Report Abuse

Am currently at Maybank's Championship tournament and watched a few impressive players. went into the bankers long half way to grab a drink and met my fellow local IBs, stock brokers and FM's and they had to bring up the topic about the "salesman" who are dullards namely Betkaukau aka wei wong aka freetospeak aka wongthk and Jaya.

all agreed that i3 has been a little peaceful without our fellow nincompoop namely Jaya but sadly the forum would get hijacked once again when he comes back today from his suspension.

In addition, all couldn't stop laughing as to how the fanboys here could twist and spin stories as a means of portraying a hope for AA.

(Why would I report you Jaya ? I am not a covered like you and your dupes to resort to reporting people as a means of covering up your lies)


2019-03-21 13:36 | Report Abuse

Enough la day, TF would do anything to kiss whoever thats running the country, just look at how he behaved pre and post GE


2019-03-21 13:26 | Report Abuse

there was also a report written by a few about the salesman namely BJ right ?


2019-03-21 13:23 | Report Abuse

Looks like the used car salesman is still promoting his scrap metal units ?


2019-03-21 00:26 | Report Abuse

On this forum, there are 2 main types of investors:
the first, being the rational investor
the second being the irrational investor

In terms of the irrational investor, they are often faced with information that contradicts what they believe. Hence, there are 2 ways as to how they react.

1. They accept the validity of new information, factor it into their perception of reality and fine tune their investment strategy


2. (This is where Betkaukau aka Wei Wong aka freetospeak aka wongthk and Jaya along with his dupes are) They ignore new information which are deemed to be negative towards a said counter and only factor into positive infos that would push the prices up and often get themselves clouded about the outlook of a given company. Once they have instilled themselves with their fake believe as to why their chosen stock is the best, they would go out in public and constantly drum their buy calls by twisting all stories and facts in order to make aa look good (This includes bringing in FAKE NEWS such as TF was declaring another Special Dividend of at least RM0.50 after the RM0.40, saying that AA wouldn't be hit by higher fuel cost since AA hedges all their cost 100% - which is wrong because AA doesn't hedge all their fuel as claimed by Jaya and also stressing repeatedly that in the previous Qr results, TF would never produce a negative result)


2019-03-20 17:06 | Report Abuse

I think once again Betkaukau can't comprehend simple English like what happened previously when CITI downgraded AA and thereafter revised the price slightly higher.

Lanesra was referring to you and the sales man


2019-03-20 16:49 | Report Abuse

Just buy now and sell above 3.00...
20/03/2019 16:20

Betkaukau, why are you behaving like a salesman ?


2019-03-20 15:53 | Report Abuse

Obviously you're behaving like a used car salesman. If not you would have stopped overpromoting your scrap metal and we would have stopped correcting you along time ago Betkaukau


2019-03-20 15:38 | Report Abuse

Anyway, where's the former user named comemoremoney or something like that ?

Missed the way he used to attack Jaya


2019-03-20 15:36 | Report Abuse

Normal la bro, scammers would try to attack others and report others who are stating the facts because if our facts are left open in the public's eye, these scammers cant scam people


2019-03-20 14:43 | Report Abuse

Well said once again origamiandair.

Once a dullard always a dullard. But the issue about leaving this dullards alone is that they keep repeatedly waiting a rosy outlook of AA and when a newcomer comes into this forum and see these multiple nincompoop only talking good things about AA (because they are holding it), they would assume that AA is very good without any flaws and would end up buying only to fall in a trap


2019-03-20 14:31 | Report Abuse

one HKL said this:
Today drop and they will come shouting, see told you will drop.. Laugh die me. HaHa...

But that same HKL if AA goes up today would come shouting, see told you buy guys


2019-03-20 11:24 | Report Abuse

Well said origamiandair


2019-03-20 10:12 | Report Abuse

graynoize, they won't get tired bro, they need to promote non stop because they are aware that they aren't good in selecting good stocks. hence how do they operate ?

these are the steps.

Steps 1: They randomly invest into a counter
Step 2: read a little public information that is available
Step 3: think of how to make up stories
Step4: Create more dupe accounts
Step5 : Start going full retard on forums by spinning stories, twisting stories in order to paint a rosier picture of AA
Step 6: Kiss the ass of the management of AA n other former who support to buy AA
step 7: screw, fight and bark like a mongrel towards any rational investor who points out the flaws of the people from this site with their fallacy thinking


2019-03-19 22:17 | Report Abuse

looks like many irrational people on this forum who cant stand the truth

Anyway got to go now


2019-03-19 21:51 | Report Abuse

Becareful of Jaya, when he comes back after the 22nd March when his ban ends, he would attack your profession like how he did to me, claiming the following:

1. First he said I was attached with CIMB/Citibank since the two banks gave a low TP for AA (I have stressed that I had never worked with the 2 mentioned firms above)

2. Then he stressed that I wasn't a Fund Manager and instead was a clerk to a FM. I guess his the clerk and he can't stand it when someone else is doing better than him in life. Typical lowlife who attacks others when they point the facts out saying his statements were wrong (Just go back and see his previous comments about AA'S hedging policy, I kept stressing that jet fuel prices would affect AA n he kept repeating AA is fully hedged despite me warning to him that AA never hedges their jet fuel cost fully)

3. Then later he attacked me of being a primary school boy. I would infect be happy if he think that I'm a primary school boy because if I am a primary school boy and I could already do so well with my investments (despite jaya claiming that his been ages in the markets), I could beat him easily knowing that ive already beaten him when im still a primary school kid

4. Then finally when he runs out of ideas to accuse you, he would beg us to have trust in TF and claim that his average cost for AA is only like RM1.x something and his dividends are like RM100K etc (this fellow can really imagine and make up stories, guess Walt Disney should hire him to produce some kids fantasy cartoons)


2019-03-19 21:24 | Report Abuse

Origamiandair, How are you ?
Have been following your post and I'm glad you're not like the person who I am against which is Jaya.
Not too sure if you have followed my previous comments but I have not much against AA, despite AA not delivering what they have promised too. Benn working in the Fund Management Industry ever since I graduated. Started of being an analyst within the Transportation , Automobile and Aviation industry and being an analyst for over 3 years covering the said sectors and thereafter being promoted in becoming a FM has enabled me to have a solid understanding of various companies within the said sector.

Now if you go back to my previous comments, you would realised, I have always stressed that AA is overvalued. Now some brainless people in this forum keep shouting and barking high TPs and keep repeating Tony's statements of claiming that AA is undervalued. Obviously la TF would stress that AA is undervalued because he wants customers to buy into his shares and prop prices higher (Just like the former here namely Jaya and Betkaukau aka freetospeak aka Wei Wong aka wongthk). Running out of time as I need to head for a meeting but let me give you a brief descriptions as to why I hate TF/AA and thereafter why I hate most former here namely Jaya, Betkaukau aka WeiWong aka Freetospeak aka wongthk.

In terms of TF/AA/AAX,

1. TF is only good at talking, he would talk all sorts of things and isn't able to deliver his results. He doesn't walk the talk. (Every AGM for AAX and during our management visits to him and his team, he claims that AAX is going to have the best year. Let me give you an example. In 2010, he claims 2011 would be the best, in 2011 he claims 2012 would be the best, in 2012 he claims 2013 is the best, u get my point right ?)

2. AA is over ambitious. Yes it is good to diversity its business but first get what you have done right

3. Tons of redundancy

4. Bad operational efficiency. learn to understand AA and you would know why they lack in terms of their efficiency in running their business

5. Learn to grow strategically

6. Honesty, integrity. Now don't get me to start on this, those who have been following TF would know his character and I dont need to criticise him personally because a simple search on him would reveal everything, just look at his behaviour during the previous GE

Why do I hate Jaya and Betkaukau along with their fanboys and dupe accounts namely WeiWong, freetospeak, abilakh.

(The short answer is simply because they behaved like radzi previously from the AAX forum)


When AAX price goes up (by 0.005cents), he would say this " See guys, everyone believes in AAX thats why they are buying, place took off "
When Tony, Kama buys, he says this "See guys, the management has confidence, thats why they are buying".

When AAX price drops, he says this "Something is brewing guys, the institutional players/sindikket is pushing prices down as they know that AAX is good and they want to collect it lower before pushing it higher "

When an IB gives a lower TP for AAX than its currently traded price, Mr R (Radzi in short- let's keep it as R as im tired to type the buggers name out), would say, "Aiyoo, those people dont know how to value AAX. I have always never liked their valuation".

When crude oil price goes up, Mr R would say, "don't be worried guys, AAX jet fuel is hedged"
When crude oil decreases, Mr R would say that "see guys, lower crude oil is better for AAX"

When the RM increases, his statements were like "see guys its good mah, AAX debt is in USD and RM has strengthen against USD so its good"
When RM decreases, he instead say "see guys, more people would fly with AAX especially foreigners ass the RM is cheap and its cheaper for them to come to Malaysia".

When AAX goes up by 0.005cents or 0.01cents, he would say, see guys AAX is flying, better tighten your seatbelts.
10. When AAX drops significantly from RM0.5Xsomething to RM0.36, Sifu R would say, see guys i am averaging down, its a fundamentally strong counter, future is good, crude oil down, RM UP, Sindiket is pushing down because something is brewing etc"


2019-03-19 11:43 | Report Abuse

can’t stand the truth ay ?


2019-03-19 11:38 | Report Abuse

Because undoubtedly you type like freetospeak aka weiwong for sure


2019-03-19 11:37 | Report Abuse

Why are you so stressed wongthk?

Looks like you’re the one who needs to be calm for a few reasons, among them are:
1. Sounding extremely aggressive.
2. Attacking others where they were even not talking to you in the first place. Go back to my previous comment and did I mention your name ?
3. Sounds insecure just like Jaya because you know it’s a matter of time before tho gd turn sour

No point in trying to act smart.

The most important question is “Are you Jaya ?”

Because you are definitely behaving like him


2019-03-19 11:26 | Report Abuse

Wasn’t a technical rebound bound to happen ?

Why overly excited ?

If jaya was here today he would be trying to further uplift the at layovers of AA by saying he made Rm100k, RM300k etc


2019-03-19 09:09 | Report Abuse

So Betkaukau,

How are you going to twist and spin stories to tell people to buy more AA ?


2019-03-18 17:50 | Report Abuse

Time and time again Betkaukau (Jaya) has been proven to be wrong but still continues with the same pattern. This is what a thick skinned investor who isn't rational behaves like


2019-03-18 17:03 | Report Abuse

lol slow slow collect till one looses their last drop of blood ?


2019-03-18 16:46 | Report Abuse

as usual, your fake predictions have been wrong yet you still are one thick headed person trying hard to be right


2019-03-18 16:34 | Report Abuse

Betkaukau Today break 2.85 !!!
18/03/2019 08:28

what happened ?


2019-03-18 10:56 | Report Abuse

When a given counter is on a downturn, all the buy calls aka "used car salesman" would disappear or would try to counter with some fake news saying that now is time to buy, this is hedged, that is covered etc

When a given counter is going up by a mere few cents, the same buy callers aka "used car salesman" would be extremely energetic and would try to further enhance the outlook of the said stock by either spreading more fake analysis ( jet fuel is fully hedged, AA going to be the next biggest thing in the market etc) and would bombard any rational investors who came in the way and point that the valuations are overvalued.

Where are the used car salesman ? Looks like they would definitely come out after the 22nd March once their Master account Jaya is back from suspension


2019-03-18 09:24 | Report Abuse

Only thing that's going up is your level of irrationality bro.

In investing/trading, you got to be rational to make money in the market.

No point in only claiming behind the keyboard that you made RM100K, RM200K ETC but anyone can type that.

As I said Jaya, turn up for AA's AGM if you got the guts


2019-03-18 09:18 | Report Abuse

Mar 15, 2019 12:42 PM | Report Abuse

Today close above 2.80 !!!

on March 15, last Friday, AA didn't close above RM2.80 as what you forecasted bro.


2019-03-18 09:09 | Report Abuse

Someone here said last week Friday that AA would close that day above RM2.80 and it didn't. What happened sifu ?


2019-03-18 09:08 | Report Abuse

Wow, Malaysia is definitely going to snow someday soon when climate change happens.

In the previous week, it was common to see Jaya posting his spinned and twisted stories as how and why one should buy AA but this weekend, it was peaceful. This is how it should be.

Despite Jaya loosing his main account named Jaya, his still operating from his other accounts namely Betkaukau etc, just a matter of time before that account disappears too.

Inb4 there's a technical bounce in the charts and all the dupes here come out posting reasons like how previously was done. Among the possible reasons /fake claims made by them is that:

1. Foreigners/Institutions already buying AA because is profitable
2. Cant wait for the positive results and got to buy
3. My "friend" said some foreign fund managers going to buy into AA
7.The list goes on and

XXX. and finally, Believe in Tf LA as what Jaya says to end his arguments


2019-03-15 17:00 | Report Abuse

some sifu said here this :

Mar 15, 2019 12:42 PM | Report Abuse

Today close above 2.80 !!!

where bro ? it didnt even touch RM2.8 LOL


2019-03-15 15:35 | Report Abuse

Enough of being a spoiled used car salesman who's trying to make ends meat bro


2019-03-15 15:14 | Report Abuse

Trade cautiously in any counters guys. Dont simply buy and gamble away hard earned money.

Most importantly, dont get over influenced by the analysis carried out by Jaya in any forums. Jaya has been good at spreading fake news and twisting stories as a means of getting people to buy into a particular counter just because his holding it.

I3 has just banned him for about a week but his dupe accounts are still running aimlessly in this forum


2019-03-15 15:12 | Report Abuse

if stay above 0.20 why sell... :((
15/03/2019 11:29

YSL76, I sold off a huge portion at 0,205 because I wanted to lock in profit. No point in only sitting in paper profit and when others start taking profit, you would be left with none. Dont be too greedy and learn to realise profits as time comes


2019-03-15 15:11 | Report Abuse

Trade cautiously in any counters guys. Dont simply buy and gamble away hard earned money.

Most importantly, dont get over influenced by the analysis carried out by Jaya in any forums. Jaya has been good at spreading fake news and twisting stories as a means of getting people to buy into a particular counter just because his holding it.

I3 has just banned him for about a week but his dupe accounts are still running aimlessly in this forum