
newinvestor17 | Joined since 2017-02-22

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2017-08-03 15:35 | Report Abuse

Good rojak, hope u dont fall into radzi's escalated trip to the 14th floor. Cheers


2017-08-03 15:19 | Report Abuse

No worries man, have never such a lama bugger with a named RojakInvestor that mixes up everything liow and want to know whats the best part ?
This rojak fellow supports a bigger rojak named Radzi lol


2017-08-03 15:10 | Report Abuse

I was contact by bloomberg a few week ago to give a commentary on AAX, emailed back the reporter with radii's i3 comments and guess what ? She laughed and asked me if i was serious that i supported radii's buy recommendation ?

Told her obviously No.

Then she asked me why did i send her a link of radzi's replies about AAX ?

My reply was; You see Mrs X, the first rule of making money in trading and investing is to open up i3 and look at what radzi says, always do the opposite of radzi recommendation and you would do well.

She laughed and asked me so this radzi is that bad of a trader/high risk investor ay ? Must be a kid that trying to act cool lol.

Told her yeah, his an amateur lol


2017-08-03 15:04 | Report Abuse

Read what the fund manager said here la bodo. I traded last time based on renewed interest and i traded today too based on renewed interest, not due to conflict of interest like u


2017-08-03 14:58 | Report Abuse

A lot bro, more than what your dad gave your mom


2017-08-03 11:01 | Report Abuse

To preserve this forum's mental health, just get off radzi, honestly man.

If u have tons of trust on AAX, you won't be marketing this company non-stop. U would just invest in them and STFU.

But having u clearly market this company just shows that you're either a staff of AAX/AA or you're an average investors who dumped a significant amount into this counter and is shivering in his pants.

Now dont counter talk and say you're not worried because u bought AAX at 0.20++ or 0.30++

I have learnt all of your CB talks, talk kok, sing kok, you are a kok


2017-08-03 10:59 | Report Abuse

lol radzi, stop cheating everyone la. You and your delusional prices CERTAINLY AFFECTS THIS FORUMS MENTAL HEALTH.

There's tons of compelling reasons as to why one should not listen to u. The price is low now ? How do u judge that its low ? By looking at your own valuation model is it ?

Lol KNN, Go and consult some IBs who dont have any biases towards AAX and ask them for their sincere advice and stress this "ASK THEM IF THEY HAVE CASH TO INVEST, WOULD THEY DUMP A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT INTO AAX" ?

There's a 99% C.I. (Dont know what's CI ? Its confidence interval - more compelling reasons for you to take up the CFA examination), that AAX is not going to do extremely well like u said.

Now u might think that I'm a retard for typing certain words in CAPS, But i had to do this to impart some knowledge on your brains.

Go ahead and report this post if you want, if you did attend the Invest KL 2017 forum which was held at Shangri-La, you would have listed to my speech on Behavioural Traits that affect investors and how to avoid them. Not trying to humiliate you but i did print screen your continuous BUY recommendation on AAX and showed it to the crowd which consisted of over 90% of Fund Managers, Research Analyst and guys from the Investment and trading advice and guess what was their reply/statement when i showed them your comments on i3 ?

I had an audience from the crowd who is a FM who has been with the industry for approximately 27yrs tell me that she and her team always scroll thru i3 to have a laugh at some of the ridicilious comments, buy and sell signals and tons of them have read your post.

If you make yourself presence to them, trust me, one single FM with a saint mind would hire u lol.


2017-08-02 15:28 | Report Abuse

See Avangelice, now you know why I was bashing some guy here named YB radzi right ?
Dude just talks cock and brings up future possible events that may raise AAX price. Same shit different day. Glad u managed to recover your losses from another counter.


2017-08-02 12:06 | Report Abuse

better pray by November aax goes up radzi, ask mommy to pray for u too cos if it doesn't go up, I would continue bashing u.

Sell you car, sell your house, sell your assets, sell your wife and dump all into AAX.

Cos if it doesn'go up and u end up being a naughty boy, then I'm coming after u


2017-08-02 12:02 | Report Abuse

Jumping up like crazy by November ? Lol, another point for me to note to bash YB radzi.

Started addressing radzi as YB simply because I'm trying to be kind if not he would complain to his mommy lol


2017-08-02 02:10 | Report Abuse

came back to see YB radzi's reply but then realised the time now is approximately 2.08am at Malaysia. Hence YB radzi is sleeping. Sleep soundfully radzi, if u have bad dreams, you can complain to mommy ok ? Sudah minum susu ?


Sleep tightly cos tomorrow you must wake up fresh and start promoting AAX


2017-08-01 21:57 | Report Abuse

lol I don't need you cb advice on what to buy lol


2017-08-01 16:30 | Report Abuse

Yang Berbahagia radzi, hope you're able to meet AAX's KPI LOL. Pretty positive that TONY would give you a fat paycheque for promoting his company non -stop like a loyal K-9.


2017-08-01 16:29 | Report Abuse

How much is AAX saying you radzi ?

Tony increased your KPI to promote AAX kaw kaw ? Lulz Butang ina at its highest level liow


2017-08-01 12:52 | Report Abuse

Mana u puny TP dull cakap AAX fundamentally strong counter ?

Don't worry guys, I am buying AAX, AAX is a fundamentally strong counter guys, Sindikets are pushing prices lower because they want to collect lower, something is brewing guys.

ready for takeoff guys, common guys.

Those were Yang Berbahagia Radzi's famous comments


2017-08-01 12:50 | Report Abuse

How much is AAX paying u to market this counter kaw kaw madam burger kaw kaw ?

Not going to report to mommy baby ? Lulz


2017-08-01 08:51 | Report Abuse

Lol radzi, go back home and complain to mommy la. Ever small thing also acting like a kid. Later when you loose while trading/investing, also going to complain to mommy ?

Butang ina


2017-07-31 22:30 | Report Abuse

On Behalf of i3 , I attached this warning to radzi, stop being an asshole and promoting others for your own gain. Never studied ethics in your CFA level 3 examination ? Oh wait, you're too dumb to even pass level 1 and 2.

Let me tell u the golden rule of ethics "Put your clients interest ahead of your own and don't deceive others"


2017-07-31 14:04 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-07-02 03:36 | Report Abuse

after raya and sifu is still promoting aax.....


2017-06-23 13:14 | Report Abuse

lol Dato Haris, dont argue with radzi about AAX lol. later he would quote an article where by Tony is buying more Airbusses lol

Radzi, macam si bengal


2017-06-23 13:13 | Report Abuse

lol panggil orang lain stupid tapi siapa yang predict Q1 punya results salah ? Stupid betul si benggal ni


2017-06-22 10:28 | Report Abuse

lol, now going to start promoting TuneProtect


2017-06-20 12:18 | Report Abuse

Just wait for my article about you. KNN


2017-06-19 23:01 | Report Abuse

It would be all over the internet that I would make radi GREAT AGAIN


2017-06-19 23:00 | Report Abuse

Dont be worried bro, I'm working on an article for you too and I'm going to post it all over i3 by the weekend


2017-06-19 22:38 | Report Abuse

If you dint the language being too harsh for you, learn to man up


2017-06-19 22:38 | Report Abuse

You deserved a lesson hence I'm teaching you. just wait for my article you *****ng b****


2017-06-19 22:37 | Report Abuse

I only said it once at that moment that ABLE group was wortth the gamble simply because tons of lOSS making companies were going up. Hence it was a good gamble for high risked individuals. The same i did for IWCITY. Said it once or twice and then the key point "I STOPPED WHEN I WAS WRONG"

Not like some thick headed babi that keeps promoting AAX despite it going down ? WHERES YOUR 0.60+ TP ?


2017-06-19 22:35 | Report Abuse

No body needs a lesson from a retarded shit like you that keeps promoting AAX


2017-06-19 22:25 | Report Abuse

Hey tomato juice. No worries, how sure are you that this is the bottom of AAX ? Maybe this is just the beginning. Anyway, lets leave it. Would come up with my article by this weekend about my Sifu and post it here. He can delete all of his previous comments if he wants but to prove my point, i have been having screen shots of his accounts


2017-06-19 22:16 | Report Abuse



2017-06-19 22:15 | Report Abuse

I would come up with an article about you soon. Just give me a day


2017-06-19 22:15 | Report Abuse

No one with a sane mind would agree with your article bro. If you dont believe, google most FM's in Malaysia and you could easily get their office email address. Give them a link to your article and get their honest opinion bro.


2017-06-19 21:45 | Report Abuse

Tony is a snake just like radzi. Which boss has admitted that he knows his in deepshit ? If he did admit, investors would run away


2017-06-19 21:44 | Report Abuse

Lu Jangan Cibai Dengan gua.

Trust me, he can say whatever he wants but i can bet my till my last dollars with you that this years Q3 and Q4 would be worst than last years. Just wait and see. no point in arguing


2017-06-19 20:59 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-06-19 20:52 | Report Abuse

Sifu i3 memang besar, kalau first time opinionnya dibaca, nampak macam pandai.
Orang ramai ingat Sifu i3 pandai,
Kerana dia selalu post benda baik,
benada baik untuk naikkan saham AAX.
Dia akan kata banyak benda,
Umpamanya dia tahu semua.

Beli saham melambung tinggit, Sifu i3 mula lah perangai haramnya,
Akan dikata AAX naik, kebab something is always brewing,

Tapi bila AAX jatuh, sifu I3 bukan mengaku kesalahannya.
Dia tahu dia telah merossakan namanya dan prediksaninya salah,
tapi untuk mengelakkan kerugian pada pelaburannya, Sifu akan memberi banyak sentence motivasi,
seperti, ada something brewing di AAX,
ataupun, I am a long term investor.

Untuk mengukuhkan statement ataupun pendapatnya,
Mula sifu merujukk pada apa-apa fakta yg sokong pendapatnya bahawa AAX akan naik.

Tapi perlulah difikir,
Airline saham yang WB beli, adakah ia AAX ?

Mulalah Sifu jadi marah apabila diberitahu pendapatnya salah.

Bulan Puasa hampir kehabishan, mulanya Bulan Menyambut Kerayaan.
Sekaranglah masanya aku untuk memaafkan Sifu ini kerana kedegilannya.

Salam Aidilfitri rakan sekalian.


2017-06-19 20:44 | Report Abuse

Evryone on the net can claim that the have obtained a CFA charter, became a Tan Sri, running a 1billion dollar company, having an excellent track record in investing, adding investment jargons to make them selves sound right and smart, claiming this and that BUT ONLY A FEW ARE ABLE TO ACHIVE THAT AND THE SIFU AND FELLOWERS THAT I AM REFERRING TOO ARENT ACHIEVING THAT ANYTIME SOON


2017-06-19 20:42 | Report Abuse

last time one sifu was very happy when AAX mentioned that they are adding new routes to Europe/UK and what so ever. He kept bragging that this would increase revenue as demand for these destinations are high.

Today AAX announced that they are not flying there.

All Tony and his team did was to blow a hype up big and make everyone believe into a fallacy which he knew could not be delivered.

When tony said his adding these destinations last time, my i3 sifu was using it as his marketing point to promote AAX. Today AAX cancelled it.

i3 Sifu where are you ? what happened now ? Always spoke like a professional FM in the house.

Now he would say no worries, AAX going to add another new destination, trying to grow their business organically and strategically.

My only work to this Sifu and his fellow i3 mates (which i know this sifu has a few i3 accounts) is that LOL, yes you read it right. LOL. Ive always laughed out loud reading these Sifu's here calling for AAX to reach to the sky.

Bah kata Pantun Melayu;

Buah Cempedak Di Atas Pagar,
Ambil Galah Tolong Jolokkan,
Saya Budak Baru Belajar,
Kalau Salah, Tolong Maafkan.

The pantun above is something that radzi, and his followers (RojakInvestor etc ) should peace too


2017-06-19 05:46 | Report Abuse

FMs are also impressed that radzi bought AAX when it was 0.2+ or 0.3+. Shows that radzi is in profit despite the turbulence. LULZ


2017-06-19 05:45 | Report Abuse

got to ask radzi if they hedged their fuel bro. Radzi seems to know a lot about AAX even we in the FM industry are flattered with him.

Tried being nice and his the one that provocates stuffs.


2017-06-16 15:40 | Report Abuse

Macingbursa, why do you have to bring race issues here bro ?

I am just against radii's view on AAX.

Nothing personal against Radzi. Infact, if i was to meet him in person, we may be good friends.

Nothing person against radzi as a whole.


2017-06-16 13:17 | Report Abuse

No worries Radzi, although theres a correlation of 75%, there is a chance of things going south. Lets just wait for Q2. Nuff said.

If i followed your advice and loaded on AAX, sure mati babi one


2017-06-16 12:40 | Report Abuse

Rojak Investor i know that you're a radzi's dupe.

No need to create tons of new i3 accounts la

Adui, memang samdol la mamat ni


2017-06-16 12:34 | Report Abuse

Nvm radzi, lets just wait for every Q results to come out and i can easily draw a 99% C.I that you're wrong!


2017-06-16 12:33 | Report Abuse

Now Sifu talks about stock market pattern which i agree.

Hence understand la, AAX also has a pattern. Go up 1 year come down more than 1 year.

Easiest pattern and he can't observe and wants to do complex prediction


2017-06-15 14:41 | Report Abuse

kau ada website apa ? Website "How to DOUBLE your money in seconds" ? Lula. Balik rumah la bro


2017-06-15 09:39 | Report Abuse

I just sent a feedback to i3 yesterday requesting them to start charging custmers for each post that they make. Sure i3 would be able to make tons of money if suckers like radzi keep posting lol. Once a KNNCB always a KNNCB


2017-06-15 09:38 | Report Abuse

Overtime the sucker gets hit, he logs in to another i3 account and comes praying his original account by saying; THANKS RADZI, WOW YOURE EXPERIENCED.

Lol, political games being played at its highest level of political correctness.

Got to bring Trump to make i3 Great Again