
nicklsyuan | Joined since 2018-03-10

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2018-05-31 13:30 | Report Abuse

HAHAH i dont eran through stock kid :D you are 12 years old dumbo old man?why say yourself? Dont say yourself that way, dont bellitle yourself. Have faith in your life, i believe with proper mentality u can get out of your misery. hahahah so funny you, keep i up gay, i wanna continue this entertainment of yours xD


2018-05-31 13:23 | Report Abuse

Lose money? It's ok, only peanut money. I'm not miserable like you hahahah...i would suggest you, less commenting more earning for your pitiful family, you're supposed to be the breadwinner of your family, not a disgrace. tsk tsk tsk aaahahaha


2018-05-31 12:07 | Report Abuse

gayinvestor afternoon fly into 45 cents? HAHAHAAH
31/05/2018 11:11

Pleaseee...I'm waiting, hope it happens so we can collect more.

Gay, what are you trying to achieve by commenting on others decision? hahahah i enjoy reading your comments, I really enjoy reading uneducated peasant's shallow comment. Seriously, i really enjoy seeing pathetic people :D hahahah keep it up dawg...I'll quietly read your comments, while imagining your pity kids having such childish unproductive dad. Satisfaction hahaha


2018-05-30 16:31 | Report Abuse

KAQ really orang paria hahaha...kesian la keluarga u are seorang yg hanya tahu buat bising macam budak. Kesian anak hang, bapak diaorng kelakuan macam anjing HAHAHA

kah kah kah

kah kah kah

woof woof woof


2018-05-25 08:43 | Report Abuse

ProRoy, don’t be act like an uneducated peasant here, talking like a kid...I wonder how your family and children sees you. Pityful hahaha


2018-05-21 09:15 | Report Abuse

Why proroy keeps barking? Kesian lah...people with no life. Pity your family too, their breadwinner only keeps whining in life, pathetic :D


2018-05-14 18:06 | Report Abuse

Hahahah..rr88, of coz not your match you’re a dimwit. And an idiot don’t realize they’re an idiot. So, keep it up with your jokes, I enjoy seeing you make yourself low :)


2018-05-14 17:01 | Report Abuse

rr88, shock doesnt mean its negative just so u know. But im shock of how shallow you are :D


2018-05-11 00:20 | Report Abuse

Lowlife ProRoy is back at SAP forum, after kena badly burnt in SUMATEC hahahah! So funny SAP forum ask us go buy sumatec, but saw you whining like a kid in sunatec forum. I wonder if your family knows you are that pathetic? Just wondering :D

News & Blogs

2018-05-11 00:16 | Report Abuse

Well, I pity that you are a dimwit. Competent in managing economy? Establish good relation? Based on what u say, it’s obvious that your expectation for your life, family and nation is shallow not mentioning uncompetitive in life. Without much fuss? He is the idiot keep delaying conferences and still pointing fingers around showing no remorse after u finally dare to face to public for press conference. It’s because of him we can’t achieve Wawasan2020, we could achieve more and be advance and moderate nation if it wasn’t for him. Like it or not, his greed has led to his own demise. He did nothing to the country. He’s gone for good. And it time for you to reflect yourself. Try to be less shallow


2018-05-07 13:54 | Report Abuse

No worries mate. Hahah


2018-05-07 13:41 | Report Abuse

ttsay, I didn’t mention anything about parties kid, try reading again ;) I can translate it if u wan hahah


2018-05-07 12:08 | Report Abuse

No brain is not the word to describe newbie2018. It should be kurang ajar, newbie2018’s parents didn’t teach him well and not to be racist and a sampah masyarakat. People like this can’t go far in life, we can’t blame his for his shallow mentality.


2018-05-07 11:58 | Report Abuse

ProRoy, I thought u ask everyone in sapura forum to come sumatec because can earn big? Hahahah now u say sunatec going 1cent? Hahahah you’re a disgrace to yourself


2018-05-07 11:56 | Report Abuse

Sorry kid, I’m still earning :) keep your lousy assumption to your lousy self hahah


2018-05-07 11:45 | Report Abuse

Pang72, you need to get English tuition OMG. BTW, don’t waste your time commenting here your statement are insignificant, false and inaccurate. I pity u


2018-05-06 15:43 | Report Abuse

ProRoy is back in SAP forum... asked us to move to sumatec to make money, but I end up seeing him say sumatec lousy counter and can’t make money on sunatec forum HAHAHAH I seriously pity that lowlife low education proroy. Please continue proroy, I like to see people like you bring yourself low


2018-05-03 13:17 | Report Abuse

Why_ and newbeetua’s mentality really damn low. Now I know why some people talk wheres some bark.


2018-05-03 09:07 | Report Abuse

Pity pang, can watch no money eating sour plum :’(


2018-04-29 21:18 | Report Abuse

How do u the opposition is incompetent when they have ruled this country before? You dimwit, look at Penang and Selangor versus other pitiful states


2018-04-23 00:37 | Report Abuse

Guys, just ignore ProRoy shall we...he can’t bark forever when everyone ignore him. let’s focus with the share, not a brain dead pest :)


2018-03-15 15:55 | Report Abuse

Been onboard since 0.705 weeks ago...fingers crossed! I really do believe in sapura