
paperplane2 | Joined since 2015-05-19

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2015-07-21 19:57 | Report Abuse

Some even self proclaimed piooner of CFA Malaysia don't know how to calculate twrr, don't know how to do stress testing, calculate ytm, modified duration mah. They eagerly need help mah


2015-07-21 19:55 | Report Abuse

Blog is more on sharing knowledge mah. I notice many Malaysians need that mah. You notice a lot of self proclaimed investment experts also don't know what they doing mah, only know punting for fun and quick profits.


2015-07-21 19:53 | Report Abuse

Blog is blog. Not meant for doing analysis mah


2015-07-21 19:50 | Report Abuse

Icon. Go take rest lah. You old man alredi, so energetic some respect to you. Salute.


2015-07-21 19:45 | Report Abuse

Ya. Good and bad. I also pity those kena trap in gob due to his earlier recommendations. Too bad they have bad lucks


2015-07-21 19:44 | Report Abuse

Well, if stock not going up or down due to my comments, why you all so upset? I really don't understand old ppl nowadays.
Sep is judgement day, better be careful now before sep15


2015-07-21 19:34 | Report Abuse

Kopipeng, you really need cool down. By the way, asiabio risky also. You have? Don't forget Mara in scandals now.....phew. Lucky not owned by 1mdb, but not really good either lah. After seeing how their mgt worked

News & Blogs

2015-07-21 19:31 | Report Abuse

By the way. My return on stock now 20% mah. That is considered very good mah. How to measure? Use return ratio over risk beta mah. If you have lower beta with higher return, then you are a better fund mgr with higher beta higher return you see.


2015-07-21 19:29 | Report Abuse

Icon8888, maybe you can consider listing down all shares you recommended so far. Looking at return in avg. Then only you can start bragging mah. I look at facts, not just some scarap recommended on stock via copy paste.


2015-07-21 19:24 | Report Abuse

Aiya. If want quick money must follow icon888 mah. Over 50% return in short term. 100% guaranteed.


2015-07-21 19:22 | Report Abuse

Ya icon. 1991 me still in high school lah. Me not so old and experience as you mah. But that doesn't mean you are better in investing compare to me or others mah.many punters every year in and out also make little mah


2015-07-21 19:19 | Report Abuse

Icon8888, you need to cool down. I3 forums need you to recommend more stocks for punting.please stay cool to show your quality


2015-07-21 19:17 | Report Abuse

Icon, by the way if you read my blog I have experience since 2011. So I also have real battle field experience mah. But that did not means I am so damn good mah. And I am not like certain ppl. Keepcposting few stocks each month.cif got one kena jackpot can come out brag like gurus mah.


2015-07-21 19:15 | Report Abuse

I where got kao beh. I am only highlighting the risks. You see what they commented? And administration not taking any action to banned them yet. They need to cool down themselves.


2015-07-21 19:08 | Report Abuse

No point attacking me. Kopipeng, icon8, top. You all need to cool down yourself. I am simply highlighting your risks, then you like going nuts already. If your invest kaput also not my fault mah. You earn also not my biz mah. I only highlighting risks to all investors here.


2015-07-21 18:45 | Report Abuse

Well, I did not said I am best. I only said my credential is investlah stock king


2015-07-21 18:42 | Report Abuse

Well, choice is yours. I am highlighting risk in investing only. I do not comments based on guessing, neither using any personal attacking words like icon888, fortunebullz, duit and yourselves.
I understand you have money interest on those stocks but I think I need to highlight risks also investing such stocks.pls comment sensibly.


2015-07-21 18:40 | Report Abuse

Sorry. All my friends in my circles talk sensible, with facts and logic. I seldom come across person like kopipeng with so many personal attacking.


2015-07-21 18:38 | Report Abuse

Avoid asiabio t all cost! Mara! Some scandals in Australia. Better aviod such mgt


2015-07-21 18:36 | Report Abuse

Well. Suit. The fact you showing off superln only now is due to your forgetfulness? Too many stocks recommended? Of course, you punt all short term, how can remember superln at first. Then suddenly think of it then come back here attacking me. Well, it is pointless. I buy superln after studying and follow stockraider advise, not you. And I thanks raider bro for this.


2015-07-21 18:32 | Report Abuse

Kopi peng. Please make sensible comments. We here to share comments. You keep personal attacking me no point. Later you kena banned I dunno.

News & Blogs

2015-07-21 18:30 | Report Abuse

Who said me not familiar equity? I only saying equity only small portion of my total invt assets


2015-07-21 18:29 | Report Abuse

Haha. I have high respect for stockraider bro. But me not stockraider.
Well, if you make recommendations on100 stocks, you tend to have at least one striking jackpot and you can come out make noise mah. This method also copy by icon888 mah. These method I also know loh. But I did not do mah? If you dare, disclose all stocks you recommended since 3 yes back and see avg return loh. That will be more fair mah. Like how kcchong did and show us.

Don't tell me you don't keep track all! If not then this is short punters way investing mah! I not interested on punters method loh


2015-07-21 18:17 | Report Abuse

Sure kah? I am highlighting risk only. Decision is yours

News & Blogs

2015-07-21 18:15 | Report Abuse

This why we said old man forgetful Mah. Believing in somebody with no integrity worst than listening punters


2015-07-21 17:29 | Report Abuse

profit? I got! Superln 70% over liao. So?
Good mindset in investing important also. not just punt and punt.

Go ask Kc chong he can educate you all more. I got no time to waste with you all on educations

News & Blogs

2015-07-21 17:26 | Report Abuse

why not comparable. I control few billions of funds, I outsourced my funds also. If you talk shit, I goring you in my investment meeting.


2015-07-21 17:25 | Report Abuse

The downgrade reflects the considerable weakening of Eversendai’s balance sheet and debt-protection metrics over the past 2 years vis-à-vis expectations during our initial rating. In addition, while the Group still possesses a strong business position in structural steel works, its profitability has declined due to variation works on 2 projects with sizeable outstanding claims pending finalisation and softer project margins.


2015-07-21 17:23 | Report Abuse

lu apa pun insider news. Apa insider lar, sudah announced mah, Theme Park 2h2016, profit sui sui coming!


2015-07-21 17:22 | Report Abuse

the face of chairman..........looks........ahemmmmmmmmmmm


2015-07-21 17:22 | Report Abuse

Kc CHong, please come here lah. Educate these barbarians at gate.


2015-07-21 17:20 | Report Abuse

Well, asking back. If someday mother RM2, will WB still pricing such? My guess is around RM1+

But I rather not wait. I will sell anyhow above my cost RM1.20 to get free profit!


2015-07-21 17:18 | Report Abuse

Yes! Buy 1 warrant convert to 1 share. ex-price 0.50! You convert successfully, directly sell the share in mkt, earn 20% profit!

Tricky part is when you sell Asdion after converting at cost around RM1.20, can you still sell above RM1.20? Now selling RM1.46. My guess is---this is a good bet, RM1.40 should be no problem in short term.

With those contracts to HK in hands, RM2 viable near future

News & Blogs

2015-07-21 17:15 | Report Abuse

SIGN WILL continue up lah. SINCE Malaysia got also many ignorant "FUN managers" They saw Value Partner buy, they follow only.


2015-07-21 17:14 | Report Abuse




2015-07-21 17:14 | Report Abuse

KC Chong, please lah help educating these ppl on what is ARBITRATION. PLEASE. HELPPPPPPPPPP

When you do arbitration, you don't even care about fundamental, as it should be quick and easy things to lock in profit only.

Eg. When ppl offer RTO with RM2, mkt price still RM1.50, buy at RM1.50, arbitration gain RM0.50. simple as that. Do you even care fundamental when someone alredi offering RM2? No right?


2015-07-21 17:11 | Report Abuse

tired answering this. I sell ASDION OK! I BUY ASION-WB. this is what we called Arbitration! Go google ok if don't understand Arbitration!

Or ask the best knowledgable person here-KC CHONG how to do Arbitrage!

News & Blogs

2015-07-21 17:09 | Report Abuse

Well, for CIO, they look at risk of exposure in both Bonds+Equity.

when ship sinking, both equity/bond affected. Don't you agree?

Posted by Icon8888 > Jul 21, 2015 05:03 PM | Report Abuse

Fixed income better stick to fixed income lah

Equity investment leaves it to expert like us

Now I know why u so risk adverse already

Fixed income investors always ship tail scare thieves, ship head scare ghosts, LOL

News & Blogs

2015-07-21 17:08 | Report Abuse

Icon, your comments only show how ignorant you are. If you are CIO, you will here both comments from FI and Equity. How can you separate this 2 when some companies issue bonds at the same time listing.

Take eg, Perwaja,KINSTEEL. Downgraded I remember around 3-4 years ago, then after downgrade around 1 year plus only become PN17. Downgrade is already a warning sign.....


2015-07-21 17:03 | Report Abuse

hehe, down good for accumulation, nanti RM2 don't cry


2015-07-21 17:01 | Report Abuse

lorisayur, lu sure ada insider news punya. Kawan I bagi tahu I juga. Tey Por Yee nak goring cepat cepat. sikarang slow accumulating sahaja


2015-07-21 17:00 | Report Abuse

Well, you can say me cocky. But I know my stuff and FACTS!
If you are my fund mgr Duit, I would have FIRED you and bad mouth you in market making such insensible recommendation to BUY.....


2015-07-21 16:58 | Report Abuse

RAM do not downgrade simply. It must be CASHFLOWS problems......phew.......wish all the best in Sendai punting


2015-07-21 16:57 | Report Abuse

The downgrade reflects the considerable weakening of Eversendai’s balance sheet and debt-protection metrics over the past 2 years vis-à-vis expectations during our initial rating. In addition, while the Group still possesses a strong business position in structural steel works, its profitability has declined due to variation works on 2 projects with sizeable outstanding claims pending finalisation and softer project margins.


2015-07-21 16:46 | Report Abuse

see? duit keep accusing me on lies. I did not comment even anything first place.


2015-07-21 16:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by duitKWSPkita > Jul 21, 2015 04:34 PM | Report Abuse

Sabar sabar!!!!!!!!

He will tells you Cold Eyes dare not to challenge him with 30 -years stock challenge........ then we all lose again.

Posted by DarKLoRD888999 > Jul 21, 2015 04:32 PM | Report Abuse

Dun talk like a god , if u really that so pro cold eye is ur name not fong siling


2015-07-21 16:45 | Report Abuse