
pjseow | Joined since 2017-02-05

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2021-06-26 12:02 | Report Abuse

Charles T , Then.why dont you show me your proof ? No balls to show the truth that you lose big time in stock.market.?

Philip showed his proof n we said sorry n keep our mouth shut

He is man n gentleman lah

unlike some oldman who threatens to sue when somebody doubted his remarks here
26/06/2021 11:59 AM


2021-06-26 11:56 | Report Abuse

Charles T , your are a big liar and hypocrite who dare not show your screenshots of your portfolios . Just because you lost more , you expect others to have similar losses like you . THis is your evil intention . I have never talked bad about you and I never provoke you with nasty messages . I cant think of your any other intention unless you really lost big in stock investment and expect others to lose the same as you .
Based on your twisted logic , Your refusal to screenshot your portfolios is admission of being a big liar .


2021-06-26 11:50 | Report Abuse

Charles T , If you got balls , give me your full name and address .


2021-06-26 11:39 | Report Abuse

GloveOff , Yes , filing a writ of summon on defamation is my last resort . I still give him chance to apologize properly for his baseless accusation without any basis . I want to send a strong deterrent so that he will not use his Despicable Maxim of " Guilty until proven Innocence" to others . I have gave him enough analogy for him to understand the Unethical , Pscyhotic , Mean , Malicious and Immoral Request of P and C portfolios to show proof of not lying as the most despicable request .
He seems to take pride that when he despicably request Philip to expose his portfolio from Philip , he can just say sorry and case closed . He dont even know the damages done when forcing peoples to reveal their " private property" be it documents , body or any other things. Only psychotic , malicious and unethical people will do such despicable request .
The damages done with his malicious intent are sufficient for me to charge him for defamation .


2021-06-26 11:25 | Report Abuse

CharlesT , I am still waiting for your apology for the followings.

1. Accusing him a liar unless I screenshot my private and
confidential portfolio as despicably requested by you .

2. Fail to show any proof of your accussation .

3. Showed malicious intent of defaming me without basis by challenging
me with words like no balls etc .

I have screened shot all your messages and make hardcopy for further actions if you failed to apologize .


2021-06-25 18:06 | Report Abuse

Can any TA expert advise me what made the reversal in early April from.3.80 to 6.40 , a 68 % increase in prices. It was the foreign funds and local institutions which were net buyers at that time.


2021-06-25 16:26 | Report Abuse

Charles T , You expect other to do screenshot of P and C Portfolio when you request. but When other request you to do the same on your P and C Portfolio, you refuse to do . Isnt this an act of a.hypocrite ? Dont try to behave like a big bully .


2021-06-25 16:08 | Report Abuse

Charles T , you are really a despicable hypocrite and do not know.what is right.and what is wrong .


2021-06-25 15:49 | Report Abuse

Charles T , you still want to argue your way out . THe crux of your problem is not the first message that you die die dont believe me .It is your subsequent defense which exposed your Moral values .

I just want to point out your despicable logic by intentionally saying I dont believe you make profits so that you can see what has gone wrong with you MORALLY .

You dip into a bigger hole when you try to ask me to screen shot a P&C portfolio to prove my innocence . This reflect your questionable MORAL conduct . When you said that you requested Philip to reveal his P & C portfolio and he willingly showed it to you and EXPECT me to do so knowing well this is P&C . THis really gets into my nerve .

It is like some one openly tell the public that he do not believe your daughter is a virgin and requested proof by asking her to strip naked and open up to show the rest of the world . Dont you think such request is despicable ?
If I were you , just apologize for the mistake and move on , you can still gain respect . To defend the undefensible mistake , you will dig into bigger and bigger holes .


2021-06-25 15:19 | Report Abuse

Charles T , you are another kyy who like to lie about making profits but actually.losing money but dare not admit because you dare not show the screen.shots of your losing.money portfolios. You are such a hypocrite and double stand person. When you accuse others of lying , you want.the person.screen shots like what you requested from Philips and me to prove they.are innocent . When others accuse you of telling lies, you refused to show your screen.shot. You.are really despicable. Why philip can show.you but you cant show others ? You need to learn.basic moral values of " Do not do unto others if you do not wish do unto you " . 己所勿欲 勿施於人。


2021-06-25 14:46 | Report Abuse

Charles T , At least I admitted paper losses of 20 to 25 % this year on supermx . I had also admitted losses of 60 K on megan media about 20 years ago due to company fraud . Unlike you , so boostful that you predicted in April 2020 chun chun and never admitted losing money . I think you are a loser in stock investments for the last 20 years . You like to talk big and talk kok only . I die die also dont believe you so chun in your prediction . Even Warren buffet also make mistake . I am using your own Stupeed logic . Please show your screen shots of your portfolios to prove that you dont lose money ? Berani ?
I am still waiting for you to show the proof . IF you cant show the proof , that means you like to talk kok only without basis .


2021-06-25 13:27 | Report Abuse

MC 33 , Exactly , Charles T simply accused me without any basis. I still insist he MUST APOLOGIZE for slander and libel. I hope he is man.enough to apologize for his wrong accussation without basis.

Jun 25, 2021 1:23 PM | Report Abuse

CharlesT I dont personally know pjseow but you are practically putting him in same basket as KYY who you said is a proven liar in a public forum
You should apologise .


2021-06-25 13:18 | Report Abuse

Charles T , Dont twist the logic. If I accuse you , money makers and othersbof losing millions this year , will you and the others show their.screenshots ? So you can easily just accuse others of lying and they have to show proof. I used to respect you but now I find that you are an ignorant , arrogant and illogical person. It is already an hour . You stilll cannot produce proof and yet refuse to apologize.


actually the logic is funny also

One guy claimed he can fly

Another guy said he die die dont believe so

Then the first guy asked the second guy to say sorry to him if the second guy cant prove the first guy cant fly...
25/06/2021 12:56 PM


2021-06-25 13:03 | Report Abuse

Charles T , I accuse you being a gogolo . Will you prove it to me you are not a gigolo by showing your erectile dyfuntion kok by doing a screen shot ? Dont twist the logic . My portfolio is confidential . Why should I show it to you and the public ? You are the one who are so confident that I lost more than 25 % . You must have a BASIS FIRST by saying so . Why cant you show it ? I am still waiting for your APOLOGY .


2021-06-25 12:49 | Report Abuse

Dannyfly88 , I come to this forum to share and not looking for fight but this sucker Charles T think he is hell of smart and accuse me of lying .
I am still waiting for him to apologize if he is still a man with balls .


2021-06-25 12:37 | Report Abuse

Charles T , Dont chicken out . I am still waiting for you to show the proof that my losses are more than 25 % . You accused me first of lying first . When you accused me of lying , it is YOU who have the show the PROOF . If you cannot show the proof , be a gentleman and APOLOGIZE .


2021-06-25 12:29 | Report Abuse

Charles T , You better dont talk so much . Show the proof first before I defend. If you cannot produce the proof , you had better APOLOGIZE.

pjseow Charles T , You are the who said.die die you dont believe my numbers. That means you must have the numbers to show that mu loss is more than 25 %. You should show.the proof first . Show me. Dont talk kok.
25/06/2021 12:20 PM

Dont talk so much....

when did u start to buy in for this batch? lol
25/06/2021 12:23 PM


2021-06-25 12:24 | Report Abuse

Charles T , In Malaysian law , if you accuse a lady being a prostitute and she sue you for libel , You had better show proof that she is really a prostitute by providing EVIDENCE . She do not have to show proof that she is not a prostitude . Understand ? I am still waiting for you to show me the PROOF .


2021-06-25 12:20 | Report Abuse

Charles T , You are the who said.die die you dont believe my numbers. That means you must have the numbers to show that mu loss is more than 25 %. You should show.the proof first . Show me. Dont talk kok.


2021-06-25 12:12 | Report Abuse

Charles T , simple maths will tell you that you do not need to have a average cost of 4.10 in order to have a 25 % lost as per yesterday closing price . (4.10-3.38 ) /4.10 = 17.56 % . How dare you make a statement that you dont believe my lost is 20 to 25 % . Show me the proof before you use the words die die .


2021-06-25 12:07 | Report Abuse

Charles T ah , why dont you read all my previous messages and do a simple maths before you come to any conclusion ?


2021-06-25 12:01 | Report Abuse

Charles T , It is up to you whether to believe or not . Why must you think I lost more than 25 % ? Why dont you show your calculation from your imagination to prove that I lost more than 25 % since you die die dont believe .


2021-06-25 11:50 | Report Abuse

GloveOff, Giving back 2020 gains? No lah. 2020.is a jackpot with many X profits. This few months paper loss is only 20 to 25.% . Nett nett still make . Now waiting for good rebound which can happen.anytime. Since the downturn 9 months ago, there were 3 rebounds with more than rm 2
increase. On.average 3 months one rebound . The last rebound was from 3.80 to 6.45 in April. With PE now.below 3 and expected similar earnings in the next 3 qtrs , the hawks and vultures are salivating .

Congrats on earlier profits , could've avoid giving back the gains now ...
25/06/2021 11:05 AM


2021-06-25 11:03 | Report Abuse

Haha, I am not so chun . I bought supermx in 2019 and June 2020 . The most important is when sell .

Aiyo since apr2020 ... why never come earlier and help advice our poor chap pjseow ...
25/06/2021 10:56 AM


2021-06-24 22:31 | Report Abuse

I think you dont understand what I said.

pjseow I do not want to keep repeating this. It was supermx management who said they may do sbb not me. Based on.past years record. they had been doing it regularly. Personally , I prefer supermx management to do a 50 to 60 % dividend payout policy like.what topglove and harta are doing. With.the dividends, Tan sri and shareholders like us can decide ourselves whether to buy more supermx shares when the price is depressed . I will ask him during the next AGM.

GlovesOff If you're truly LONG TERM investor, you'll be glad 4b kept for expansion and not futile sbb
24/06/2021 9:52 PM
24/06/2021 10:21 PM

GlovesOff See, pjseow ... stop fantasising ...
24/06/2021 10:22 PM


2021-06-24 22:21 | Report Abuse

I do not want to keep repeating this. It was supermx management who said they may do sbb not me. Based on.past years record. they had been doing it regularly. Personally , I prefer supermx management to do a 50 to 60 % dividend payout policy like.what topglove and harta are doing. With.the dividends, Tan sri and shareholders like us can decide ourselves whether to buy more supermx shares when the price is depressed . I will ask him during the next AGM.

GlovesOff If you're truly LONG TERM investor, you'll be glad 4b kept for expansion and not futile sbb
24/06/2021 9:52 PM


2021-06-24 21:44 | Report Abuse

There is a big difference between sbb which is company buying back its own.share vs CEO or directors use their personal money to buy the company shares. When company.do sbb , the shares belong to the company or all shareholders. If the company decide to distribute this treasury.shares, all.shareholders are entitled proportionately. If Tan.Sri use his own money to buy the company shares , the shares belong to him only. See the difference. Now I know why you keep saying Tan Sri Thai do not have one billion. I am not talking about Tan Sri money but company money . Your understanding of sbb is completely wrong.
Cincai la ... you've stopglove too no? Not happy tsri & family support??? Apa lagi mau?
24/06/2021 9:30 PM


2021-06-24 21:23 | Report Abuse

I know 7113 is topglove. If Tan sri used his own money to buy topglove shares , do you call that sbb ? Is topglove buying.back its own shares using the company money ?

7113 is topglove la ... tansri sbb deng
24/06/2021 9:06 PM


2021-06-24 21:02 | Report Abuse

Obviously , you do not know what is sbb.

Pjseow you call 7113 or 7106 ??? SBB yes but wrong glove haha
24/06/2021 7:35 PM


2021-06-24 20:30 | Report Abuse

toneefa , thk you.


2021-06-24 19:42 | Report Abuse

Beary, thk you for your encouragement.


2021-06-24 14:16 | Report Abuse

Moneymakers 2nd half messages are not from.MARGMA. Entirely his BS.

MARGMA info:
2018 - 12Bil shortage (shares 50 sen)
2019 - 40Bil shortage (shares 65 sen)
2020 - 100Bil shortage
2021 - expected shortage 80Bil (shortage/ASP alrdy starting to fall)

- MARGMA projects global demand 2022 @ 480Bil
MY production 2022 320Bil
IntCo production 2022 130Bil

- 2022 glove shortage 30Bil (less than 2019 shortage 40Bil)..havent include production from EU/Thai

- With lower shortage in 2022 than 2019, definitely ASP return to 2019 level

- ASP prepandemic = profits prepandemic = share price prepandemic (65 sen)..simple
24/06/2021 12:57 PM


2021-06-24 13:00 | Report Abuse

Invest malaysia , you had promoted harta two months ago when the price was 9 plus . Now what happened ? Luckily.I.sold at 9.92 . If I.had listened to you , I would have lost a lot of money .


2021-06-24 12:57 | Report Abuse

Invest malaysia, I am talking about insufficient vaccines in third world countries. As long as the vast majority are not vaccinated , dont hope.that pandemic will be over soon.


2021-06-24 12:44 | Report Abuse

To all those naysayers who dont own any glove stocks.
Lets follow what our glove association MARGMA ' s data and projections. No need to speculate as the body know better than.anyone of us because it gets input from all the glove makers.
MARGMA stated clearly that the gloves growth rates are as follows:

Pre pandemic 8 to 10 %
During pandemic 20 to 30 %
Post pandemic 12 to 15 %

As of now , nobody knows when the pandemic will end . It may be end of 2022, 2023 or 2024. The whole world is still short of vaccines especially the third world countries in Africa , Latin America and Asia . With new variants like Delta and delta plus , the efficacies of current vaccines are lower. New improved vaccines are required to fight these new variants like Alpha , beta , gamma , delta and delta plus. We do not know what is next ? Lamda , Omega variants ? The fight with the new variants is intensive and extensive. Lets pray the viralogists will find a super vaccines which can fight the current and future variants. Amitaba.


2021-06-24 10:06 | Report Abuse

I am calculating how many shares 1 b sbb can buy from the market

at 3.50 1 billion can buy 285.7 millions shares

at 3.40 1 billion can buy 294.1 million shares

at 3.30 1 billion can buy 303.0 million shares

at 3.20 1 billion can buy 312.5 million shares

at 3.10 1 billion can buy 322.6 million shares

at 3.00 1 billion can buy 333.3 million shares

The lower the prices , supermx can buy more shares and then distribute more to shareholders .


2021-06-24 00:49 | Report Abuse

Go to sleep lah. You dont own any supermx shares. Why so susah and kepo whether supermx management do sbb or not ?zzzzzzzz


2021-06-24 00:37 | Report Abuse

During prepandemic period ,supermx had been doing sbb regularly when its cash in hand was between 150 to 180 millions only . Now with 25 to 30 x more cash in hand , it is logical for supermx to do sbb with 25 to 30 x more cash than pre pandemic period. Anyway it was supermx themselves who briefed the analysts on 6th May that they may do sbb with their huge cash piles. Also , it was supermx management who said that they will distribute the treasury shares as.bonus. There were many such precedents too.


2021-06-23 23:44 | Report Abuse

Supermx cash piles is more than topglove. If topglove can spend more than a billion to do sbb , why cant.supermx do the same? Furthermore ,with the current price or may be lower , doing sbb now is better than sbb a .few months ago . The same amount of money can.get double number of shares . As shareholder of supermx , it is to our interest that supermx do sbb at such lucrative prices . After all , supermx has such huge cash piles. As for those naysayers who dont own any supermx shares, why worry about whether supermx do sbb or not ?


2021-06-23 22:31 | Report Abuse

Wow, whenever I talk about sbb , so many negative replies within 40 minutes. Looks like they are more "" kanchong "" than me leh. 11 replies within 40 minutes. Why so scared of sbb ? Ada udang disebalik batu ? Seeing the word sbb like seeing ghost like that. hahaha.


2021-06-23 21:57 | Report Abuse

Pls check the history of sbb by supermx for the last 10 years . You can see its sbb records . I have recd Treasury shares twice as dividend for the last 2 years. Without sbb, how did supermx distribute treasury shares . No need to argue.


2021-06-23 21:41 | Report Abuse

sorry typo . The cash in .hand will grow another few hundred millions not few hundred k.


2021-06-23 21:39 | Report Abuse

The question of whether supermx has.cash to do sbb should not arise. In another 1 week , this qtr will end . The cash in hand will grow another few hundred k from the previous 3.99 billions after minus dividend paid plus some expenses from.capacity expansion. Supermx had indicated during the analyst briefing that they may do share buy back with the big cash in hand on 6th may . On this date, the share price was rm 5.57 . With today closing at only rm 3.44 , sbb can happen anytime. Supermx just need to take out 1 billion first for sbb. It can buy up more than 10 % of the total shares and distribute to all shareholders as treasury shares later.


2021-06-23 13:26 | Report Abuse

Invest Malaysia , please read the whole report then you can understand the ASP situation better . The report was writtern by Nomura based on supermx Briefing .
The first paragraph " Supermx hosted a 3FY21 earnings call earlier today ."
On ASP , please read the first key takeaways from the call as follows .

- ASPs have peak in this quarter . Blended ASP per 1000pcs for Jan/Feb/March was USD 84.6/87.65/89.2. Supermx has orders booked until end of the year with advance payment( 30 % -50 % of order value in some cases) collected , Its contractual orders in hand will help avoid any drastic fall in ASPs for the rest of the year as spot prices have gone below contracted prices now . Currently ,only 5 % of its capacity is allocated to spot orders . April- June qtr blended ASP is likely to be in USD 80 -110 range while spot prices are already at USD 70-80 range .

You can see that for this qtr ( April -June ) the ASP is still high at between USD 80 to 110 which is higher than the previous qtr . Its contractual orders with the final customers will help avoid any drastic fall in ASPs for the rest of the year .

Dont forget that by the end of this year , supermx capacity will be 36 billions pa which is about 38% higher than the current 26 billions .

You need to read the whole article to have a better feel of what Supermx is trying to convey.


2021-06-23 12:53 | Report Abuse

The potential share buyback and distribution of treasury shares are not imagination. Pls read the last paragrapgh of Nomura Analyst report.



2021-06-23 12:19 | Report Abuse

The share buy back and distribution of treasury shares is from supermx management not from me. Topglove and Harta had been doing share buy back more frequently than.supermx. Topglove bought back its shares at between 7 to 8 while harta bought back at 9 plus to above 10.
If supermx buy back at 3.50 or lower , why not ? If supermx management buy back at the current prices or lower , the shareholders will get double the shares than buying back.at 6 or 7. I remembered supermx last bought back was end of last year. The bought back prices were more than double the current prices.

THe last paragraph of Nomura Analyst report dated 6 th May 2021.

" Secondary listing in SGX has been postphoned . The company may still do some shares buy back due to availability of cash in hand and will consider distributing its existing Treasury shares of 103 million as stock bonus as well. "


2021-06-23 11:51 | Report Abuse

I read a number of i3 forum participants were angry with supermx management for not defending the share price . I just want to quote the last takeaway from the last Analyst Briefing by Supermx . THe last paragraph of Nomura Analyst report dated 6 th May 2021.

" Secondary listing in SGX has been postphoned . The company may still do some shares buy back due to availability of cash in hand and will consider distributing its existing Treasury shares of 103 million as stock bonus as well. "

I believe Supermx management will do the above in the coming months or qtrs . In view of the fact that supermx will make a few more billions in the next few qtrs until end of 2022 , supermx has enough money to pay for the RM 1.39 billion capacity expansion plus the 2.2 billion new plant in US . The total cash including the current 3.6 ( minus the 13 sen dividend paid ) will be about 8 to 9 billions .
If I were Tan Sri, I would allocate 2.72 billions ( rm 1 per share ) to either buy up the shares or distribute it as dividend or do both .
Tan Sri may be waiting for the right moment to do share buy back . With such depressed sentiment , the lower the price the more shares company will get using the same amount of money . Assuming the share buy back at average of rm 3.50 , the 2.72 billion can buy 770 million shares . If you add the current 103 million treasury shares supermx possess now , the total number of shares will be 873 million shares which is 32 per cent of the total shares . If the company decided to distribute all these shares to the shareholders , for every 1000 shares the shareholder possess , 321 shares will be given as bonus .
Alternatively , supermx can distribute the rm 2.72 billion as dividends . THe total is equivalent to RM 1 per share . In the third scenario, supermx can decide to do both concurrently .
I believe supermx management is waiting for the right time to sapu the shares . The lower the price , the more shares supermx can buy back .Share buy back is like investors averaging down from company huge earnings which the market do not appreciate .


2021-06-22 23:40 | Report Abuse

Glovefinish, why you said peoples use mouth to buy ? ? Why you said they need millions and millions only they can buy low or add ? Do they said they bought millions? It is normal.for peoples to add a few lots or tens of lots when the prices have drop a lot . Do you mean only peoples with millions only can add ? There is no such rules in Bursa .


2021-06-22 23:20 | Report Abuse

Glovefish, why you like to second guess other peoples ? During the super uptrend. peoples were buying at 7, 8, 9 , 10 , 12 . Now it is only 3 plus which is so.much cheaper at half , one third or one qtr of the higher prices, Why you said peoples.are using mouth to buy ? It is more logical for more peoples to buy at cheaper prices than higher prices mah. Havent you seen supermarkets are much more crowded when there are cheap sales ?If last time you need rm 11 to 12 to buy one share, now for the same price you get 3 , why not ? Isnt this is natural and logical ?
Your logic is always warped ?


2021-06-22 21:47 | Report Abuse

Glovefinish, what stupxxd logic is it ? Are you saying the American medical expert who wrote this article to warn the governments and the public are selfish and hope that this delta variants will spread to the rest of the world . We are just quoting this article such that peoples are aware of the danger of this new variant and take more precautions and do not underestimate such.variants. It is peoples like you who is damn selfish and try to play down such warning and danger so that peoples do not take this seriously . Remember how DONALD TRUMP played down the covid 19 in March last year? He said " Dont worry covid 19 is just like Flu , it will go away in April . Come April , we.will open up during Easter so that everybody can go to church ". What happen.next ? Today you are behaving like Donald Trump.