
kahhoeng | Joined since 2013-12-02

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2021-01-27 19:12 | Report Abuse

probably those holding preference shares at 0.48 are selling, pressuring the share price...


2021-01-25 18:06 | Report Abuse

err... battery is one of many STORAGE alternative of energy but not a SOURCE of energy! Fossil fuel, whether it's coal, oil, or natural gas is a SOURCE of energy. To compare with fossil fuel, you would need to look at alternative SOURCE like wind energy, solar energy, hydropower, nuclear power, etc.


2021-01-18 20:21 | Report Abuse

My guess, another extension...


2021-01-14 20:52 | Report Abuse

err... garbage analysis.


2021-01-04 15:14 | Report Abuse

When VT wanted to buy Cosway, he said blah blah deal, ended up with little profits to be seen by shareholders; When VT signed Vietnam Toto, he said another blah blah deal, ended up profit yet to be seen after 4/5 years; when VT said dividend post Kyoto Four Seasons sale with huge profits, he spent more on buying his related companies' shares than paying out as dividend; Oooh, he said BCorp is worth so much and so much, yet he dares to have his board signing MOU to buy his Singer (which was initially a BCorp subsidiary) valuing at NA but issued with BCorp shares at 80% discount. VT said many shits, which shit would you trust???


2020-12-28 20:42 | Report Abuse


We refer to our announcement dated 26 August 2020. Unless otherwise defined, the definitions set out in the previous announcement shall have the same meanings in this announcement.

TSH wishes to announce that the parties to the CSPAs had on 25 November 2020, vide letters of extension agreed that the prescribed period for the fulfilment and/or satisfaction of the conditions precedent under the CSPAs be extended from 4 months to 6 months from the date of the CSPAs and such other further extension as the parties may agree in writing.

This announcement is dated 25 November 2020.


2020-12-23 14:35 | Report Abuse

VT, through the recent “Singer" proposal, tells the world how shitty he is, i.e., win I take all, lose I also take all.


2020-12-18 17:14 | Report Abuse

If can go to 2, I will cabut and never look back at this garbage TS company or any of his related co...


2020-12-18 11:50 | Report Abuse

That's why I'm suggesting a dividend policy VT stick to for 'years' not month...


2020-12-18 09:40 | Report Abuse

The best way out for VT would be setting a dividend policy that's kept for years to earn investors trust.


2020-12-16 20:27 | Report Abuse

VT mentioned about the possibility of privatizing BLand for years already, so is listing in Singapore. I have to wonder, given his past records, if Singapore is willing to let VT list there or if BLand privatization coming soon???


2020-12-16 20:26 | Report Abuse

VT mentioned about the possibility of privatizing BLand for years already, so is listing in Singapore. I have to wonder, given his past records, if Singapore is willing to let VT list there or if BLand privatization coming soon???


2020-12-15 22:21 | Report Abuse

No major news, nothing to say...


2020-11-22 18:14 | Report Abuse

probably hidden in someone's ass and becoming germ if not monitor carefully, sigh!


2020-11-19 11:48 | Report Abuse

If VT is genuine about attracting investors, he should announce a dividend policy, say 30% of profit be distributed as dividend. HONOR his policy and STICK to it for a few years, then, share price shall reflect BCorp's TRUE value. Otherwise, guess only he can goreng the company but no one else...


2020-11-18 17:12 | Report Abuse

Being a buddhist doesn't mean he/she will automatically a good person. A wolf can be covered with human skin, but still a wolf.


2020-11-17 08:50 | Report Abuse

then hoping for a sustainable price gain - Nah!!!


2020-11-16 21:23 | Report Abuse

My take, wait for VT announcing dividend policy that he's honoring with a few years of track record before buying... Too late for me to realise this simple fact


2020-11-14 22:00 | Report Abuse

I'm looking forward to TSH trading between 1.50 and 1.80 before Dec 31, is it too bullish?


2020-11-14 17:58 | Report Abuse

err.. pump and dump? There's only dumping over the past few years, where got the pumping?????


2020-11-11 11:44 | Report Abuse

my guess, no serious fund manager would touch this company, especially after VT proposing BCorp to acquire Singer at premium by issuing BCorp shares at heavy discount (VT's flagship company which he believes should be priced a few ringgit per share, haha...) Retail investors like you and me can only pray hard hard VT has mercy and Bursa/SC taking a serious look into these type of bosses, sigh!


2020-11-03 19:58 | Report Abuse

another one on Nov 13, showing how cheap BCorp BODs, particularly "independent" directors?


Ordinary Shares - Deemed interested held through Berjaya Times Square Sdn Bhd, Berjaya Media Berhad and Gemtech Sdn Bhd

Name of Registered Holder Date of Disposal Price Per Ordinary Share (RM) No. of Ordinary Shares % of Ordinary Shars
Berjaya Times Square Sdn Bhd 3.11.2020 0.1860 9,400,000 0.187
Berjaya Media Berhad 3.11.2020 0.1900 1,071,200 0.021
Inter-Pacific Equity Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd 3.11.2020 0.1861 6,444,000 0.128


Date of buy back 03 Nov 2020
Description of shares purchased ORDINARY SHARES
Currency Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
Total number of shares purchased (units) 21,000,000


2020-11-03 18:00 | Report Abuse

Surely BCorp can't fly! Go and read the announcement, BCorp bought back over 23 million shares as if to ensure VT can unload 15 million shares!


Ordinary Shares - Deemed interested held through Gemtech Sdn Bhd and Berjaya Times Square Sdn Bhd

Name of Registered Holder Date of Disposal Price Per Ordinary Share (RM) No. of Ordinary Shares % of Ordinary Shars
Inter-Pacific Equity Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd 2.11.2020 0.187 10,000,000 0.198
Berjaya Times Square Sdn Bhd 2.11.2020 0.185 5,000,000 0.099


Date of buy back 02 Nov 2020
Description of shares purchased ORDINARY SHARES
Currency Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
Total number of shares purchased (units) 23,553,000


2020-11-02 09:53 | Report Abuse

25 then 50? what makes you think it'll happen???


2020-10-16 10:12 | Report Abuse

BLand has no money for dividend for years but enough to keep on acquiring assets not contributing much to earnings that benefits minority shareholders in terms of dividend or other BCorp/VT controlled companies. Yet, SC and Bursa don't seem to have able to contain this behavior to protect minorities. Given circumstances, still can top up???


2020-09-21 11:44 | Report Abuse

Instead of seeing VT goreng BCorp into a soaring share price, would rather VT (1) stop using BCorp to buy high sell low his privately owned companies with "independent" directors really independent acting in the best interests of minorities (2) further streamlining BCorp into an easier to understand companies, structure-wise and financial reporting-wise (3) start treating minorities fairly by declaring dividends including all listed subsidiaries. These will ensure a sustainable BCorp that can provide long term benefits to all shareholders, majority and minority included.


2020-09-12 17:42 | Report Abuse

survivor13, if I were not wrong, VT is the biggest warrant holder...


2020-09-12 12:45 | Report Abuse

eddysurge, I meant if you are concern over BCorp and BLand acquisition of 7-11, you should write to SC, let them investigate.


2020-09-12 11:47 | Report Abuse

eddysurge, write to SC then.


2020-09-10 15:32 | Report Abuse

kelvin61 Wonder why the regulators have given BJLAND so much time to regularise their PSS. Is there something amiss at the regulators or is there more than meets the eye on VT's influence?
09/09/2020 11:51 AM

kelvin61, what you can do is to write to SC seeking an investigation into officer allowing BCorp to delay addressing the liquidity issue. Think the decision is made by BURSA and not SC...


2020-09-08 09:27 | Report Abuse

err... are you sure, sounded like Bursa is abating VT's effort to buy cheap???


2020-09-07 18:55 | Report Abuse

VT intends to keep BLand listed?


Further to our announcement dated 23 June 2020, the Board of Directors of Berjaya Land Berhad (“BLand” or “Company”) wishes to announce that Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad has, vide its letter dated 4 September 2020, granted BLand a further extension of time of 6 months from 23 September 2020 until 22 March 2021 to comply with the approved public shareholding spread of 20% (“20% PSS”).

Currently, the public shareholding spread of BLand stood at 13.255%, a shortfall of about 6.745%. The Company has yet to formulate any rectification plan to address the shortfall in the 20% PSS but will explore all possible options to meet the 20% PSS.
This Announcement is dated 7 September 2020.


2020-09-02 08:40 | Report Abuse

Deadline is fast approaching on the liquidity issue, wonder what's BCorp plan?


2020-09-01 14:49 | Report Abuse

simon2020, based on what you have presented, I can't be sure if BCorp has any stake in U Mobile now. I once tried to find out the ownership of U Mobile a few years back. What I found out then was U Mobile is owned by VT personally... Now, I could be wrong, maybe a small stake.


2020-09-01 11:54 | Report Abuse

U Mobile got nothing to do with BCorp... Would rather VT announces a dividend policy going forward for BCorp and BLand.


2020-08-28 20:50 | Report Abuse

BCorp bought back quite some shares during the past few months, it's distributing those shares as dividend.


2020-08-28 19:03 | Report Abuse


Share Dividend


Entitlement subject Share Dividend
Entitlement description Distribution of share dividend on the basis of four (4) treasury shares for every one Hundred (100) existing ordinary shares held

Ex-Date 30 Sep 2020
Entitlement date 01 Oct 2020
Entitlement time 5:00 PM
Financial Year End 30 Jun 2020


2020-08-28 18:25 | Report Abuse


Reference is made to the earlier announcements of Berjaya Land Berhad (“BLand”) dated 6 November 2015, 23 March 2016 and 30 June 2020 in relation to the JDC Lawsuit.
The Board of Directors of BLand wishes to announce that the resolution of the JDC Lawsuit involving the settlement of all claims and disputes in relation to the Project (“Settlement”) has been completed today and accordingly, BJR ceased as a subsidiary of the BLand Group.
The Settlement sum after taxes and expenses is about KRW102.1 billion (equivalent to about RM361.0 million). The BLand Group is expected to record an estimated gain of RM59.1 million during this current financial year ending 30 June 2021.
BLand proposes to utilise the net cash proceeds from the Settlement in the following manner:
(i) KRW51.1 billion (equivalent to RM180.5 million) to repay part of the existing bank borrowings of the BLand Group; and
(ii) the remaining sum to fund its overseas projects and for working capital of the BLand Group.
This Announcement is dated 28 August 2020.


2020-08-26 23:29 | Report Abuse

as a shareholder, surely hope the deal is genuine and making shareholders money with REAL dividend... Sigh, what a shame, philanthropist tycoon, LOL.


2020-08-26 22:28 | Report Abuse

Err... When VT said next year, he said it during AGM end of 2018


2020-08-26 22:27 | Report Abuse

VT son said 3 years to breakeven. VT said next year during his return to bcorp... Don't know if its really making any money cause its not disclosed


2020-08-26 18:58 | Report Abuse

nobody will trust VT on this, remember the Vietnam Toto "license" turning out to be "managing the business" for the Toto license owner?


2020-08-21 16:58 | Report Abuse

anyway, lets see if VT will declare dividend as promised. Like my email to BCorp and BLand investor relation, it's not the amount that matter, it's delivering promises that matter. I have requested for 0.01 dividend if VT believe BCorp and BLand should preserve as much cash as possible given Covid-19 pandemic that's sudden and unexpected.


2020-08-21 15:51 | Report Abuse

rogers123, you are right, I should seriously evaluate my investment strategy to focus on avoiding crook owner. More specifically, I should stop assuming that it's SC and Bursa role to make sure these owners are not getting funds from the public...


2020-08-17 11:19 | Report Abuse

Last I emailed Lydia, not yet. Guess there'll announcement if bland has received it.


2020-08-17 09:53 | Report Abuse

Looks like pump and dump lately, legal???


2020-08-13 17:22 | Report Abuse

an MOU that should not even be started...



We refer to the Company’s announcement dated 2 June 2020. The Board of Directors of BCorporation wishes to announce that BCorporation had on 13 August 2020 entered into a Termination Agreement with Berjaya Retail Sdn Bhd (“BRetail”) and Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun to mutually terminate the Memorandum of Understanding in relation to the proposed acquisition by BCorporation of 100% equity interest in Singer (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd from BRetail for a total purchase consideration of RM536.00 million (“Termination”) due to business challenges and uncertainty in the recovery of the economy after the Covid-19 outbreak.