
kahhoeng | Joined since 2013-12-02

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2021-07-07 17:12 | Report Abuse

selling Toto business? Might as well sell everything! Earlier news said Toto key to cash flow, now flip to selling???


2021-07-07 10:33 | Report Abuse

same feeling, after selling will take it out of investable list of co...


2021-07-07 09:21 | Report Abuse

nope, it should be crude up, hibiscus may be up, crude down, hibiscus surely down...


2021-07-06 22:04 | Report Abuse

Lu Tau Bob? So, squeeze minorities to con their money for charity??? What a shame...


2021-07-06 07:34 | Report Abuse

my goodness, crude at 77, now we are going to see hibiscus falling to 0.65???


2021-07-05 21:51 | Report Abuse

It would be crazy to accumulate when share price is falling on a rising crude oil price


2021-07-01 14:31 | Report Abuse

The most recent BCorp quarterly report reveals the following:

Deposits with financial institution: 448.8 million
Cash and bank balances: 857.2 million
Subtotal: 1,306 million

Long term borrowing: 3,025.9 million
Short term borrowing: 2,009.1 million
Subtotal: 5,035 million

The ICULS (600 million in total) are ignored here given they're not redeemable. So, BCorp net debt is actually 3.7 billions.

Besides that, there's warrants WB 700 million and WC 706 million, totaling 1,406 million

If Jalil just needs to reduce 3 billion debt in 3 years, he can easily achieved that simply by making sure BCorp share price is above RM 1, cause those warrants will be converted and BCorp will pocket 1.4 billion, leaving only 1.6 billion to be addressed!


2021-06-30 18:01 | Report Abuse


Read the above, it's a bit nonsense. BCorp is not in desperate mode to monetize its asset, why should it sell BToto? Like it or not, BToto is providing predictable and sizeable cash flow to BCorp. What BCorp lacks is the ability to monetize its landbank and other assets and businesses.


2021-06-30 14:26 | Report Abuse

before the recent KLCI downfall, hibiscus has not rallied in accordance to crude oil price for a short while already. Initially, I thought market is assessing the deal, guess it's more than that.


2021-06-30 12:30 | Report Abuse

crude oil is rising but hibiscus not, so it's nothing to do with crude oil but the management or the asset acquired!


2021-06-29 09:53 | Report Abuse

alas, hibiscus was above 0.74 the last time crude rose above 70, and now crude is above 74 while hibiscus at 0.685. What's more, hibiscus was above 1 7-8 years ago when crude was trading above 70. So, either the Repsol deal is bad or hibiscus management has failed to impress???


2021-06-28 08:36 | Report Abuse

sadness, thanks to rising crude oil price, may be we shall see hibiscus falling to 0.65?


2021-06-25 22:14 | Report Abuse

To me, there's no harm holding a maximum of 2 years to learn if Bcorp will truly divest 2 billion asset to pare down debt and how will jalil plan will benefit shareholders. Just don't follow stockraider recommendation to buy more.


2021-06-24 10:25 | Report Abuse

thats why i was saying too many retail investors, "market" decides ...


2021-06-24 09:53 | Report Abuse

Sslee, thanks! Your effort is much appreciated.


2021-06-24 09:46 | Report Abuse

neither hot nor cold? It's very cold lah, the last time crude above 75 years back, hibiscus is above 1. The most recent when crude above 70, hibiscus is at 0,745. Now, with super Mario deal and crude above 75, hibiscus is like a patient awaiting viagra...


2021-06-23 20:23 | Report Abuse

there is ONE thing Jalil can do, distribute BToto shares to BLand shareholders to show he is genuine in restructuring!


2021-06-23 09:53 | Report Abuse

guess too many retail investors in this stock, "market" decides to celebrate crude above 75 by making sure that hibiscus is falling or staying flat...


2021-06-22 22:17 | Report Abuse

Alas, simply sell everything and distribute accordingly, surely every share held will be more than RM 1 for both bcorp and bland shareholder


2021-06-22 10:58 | Report Abuse

No hope, I guess. The last time crude hit above 74, hibiscus traded a high of 0.745. Now crude is above 75, hibiscus still at 0.725. Sigh!


2021-06-22 10:52 | Report Abuse

stockraider, when you are stuck, you can cabut or you can hold and wait, I choose to wait.

First, VT causes massive losses to minorities and show no remorse, there's nothing to be praise in the first place. Second, VT has yet to show he's genuine to do the right thing and you are starting to praise him like a God, and this is disgusting!


2021-06-22 10:29 | Report Abuse

stockraider, is BCorp undervalued? YES! Is VT trading more than announcing restructuring plan? YES! Has VT mistreating minorities? YES! Why else BCorp traded at such a desperate level! Why else there's no fund managers coming in to buy what VT has overbought?

Truth is, VT has YET to show he's genuine and current market has NO trust in him. Except for appointing Jalil, VT has shown NONE right now! I'm a minorities hoping VT treating his minorities fairer so I can collect dividend or sell at profit and not loss in the future!


2021-06-22 09:16 | Report Abuse

stockraider, please stop polishing shoes lah! Reading your post almost makes me puke. If you were to post further, guess you will need to say VT is a saint...


2021-06-22 09:06 | Report Abuse

real big joke, with every new peak oil price reached, hibiscus is seeing a lower peak!


2021-06-21 21:25 | Report Abuse

Busy with Tzu Chi? More like busy buying selling VT's listed co shares, just look at the announcement, almost everyday got him buy and sell. Wonder if he's a big boss or a big trader???


2021-06-21 17:22 | Report Abuse

err... brent up but hibiscus down 1.4%???


2021-06-19 18:40 | Report Abuse

when a share is traded at dirt cheap level, there's no loyal supporter anymore, if there is any, only those trapped not wanting to let go...


2021-06-18 21:40 | Report Abuse

DickeyMe, actually, oil guzzlers have become far more efficient than they were first rolled out. Human desire for better life pushes up more vehicles that consume more than what improved energy efficiency saves. Will electric vehicle become mainstay, well, its hard to tell. One can only say the chance is high. Despite the development of EV, we need to understand that EV need energy sources, batteries in EV are merely energy storage! When it comes to energy sources, only nuclear and hydro can be developed in big scale now, but they're often omitted by developed countries due to safety and environmental concerns. What comes next are wind and solar, but these sources are not stable due to nature. Also, please bear in mind, battery is NOT renewable, its just a mean of storage


2021-06-18 19:13 | Report Abuse

I am not doubting the potential of renewable, but fossil fuel will stay. Unless renewable is abundant and cheap relative to fossil fuel, fossil fuel will not be buried. The source of carbon emission is NOT fossil fuel, it's human greed.


2021-06-18 19:04 | Report Abuse

DickyMe, go and check how much renewable energy as a ratio of world energy supply and you will be surprised! Renewable energy is still at its infancy, not to mention these "renewable" energy are not clean either and will end up polluting the earth.


2021-06-18 18:55 | Report Abuse

Look at the conversion price of 0.48, no wonder why it's so difficult for share price to rise...


Additional Listing Announcement /Subdivision of Shares


1. Details of Corporate Proposal

Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? No
Types of corporate proposal Conversion of Preference Shares
Details of corporate proposal Conversion of Islamic Convertible Redeemable Preference Shares to Ordinary Shares
No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal 3,715,416
Issue price per share ($$) Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.4800
Par Value($$) (if applicable) Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)


2021-06-17 09:55 | Report Abuse

To me, Jalil announcement is positive but lags details, and the VT&family issue is not really addressed. If Jalil can make some fair & reasonable disposal within a year, that should boost shareholders confidence, surely not something like buying VT's singer at net asset value by issuing BCorp shares at hefty discount. It's a 3 billion disposal within 3 years, should help BCorp balance sheet and net income rather significant.


2021-06-16 15:50 | Report Abuse

sigh, with brent above 74 and I thought it's time hibiscus seeing 0.80... Guess it's only a dream


2021-06-16 11:10 | Report Abuse

distributing all toto shares to bland shareholders as special dividend and bcorp inject other gambling business not owned by toto into toto in exchange for shares? that should be good


2021-06-16 10:11 | Report Abuse

not really lah, experts trying to gauge the impact of CEO's plan, and it's a difficult one given everything is still anything but vague... I would have expect Jalil to announce at least one concrete deal, like privatizing BLand with its listing status be transferred to a REIT comprising of BCorp buildings, malls, office buildings, etc. or sell to UMobile for backdoor listing...


2021-06-16 10:09 | Report Abuse

not really lah, experts trying to gauge the impact of CEO's plan, and it's a difficult one given everything is still anything but vague...


2021-06-15 23:24 | Report Abuse

dickeyme, you must be joking! Go and trace demand for crude oil for the past 50 years... Even if hydrogen fuel cell were to be a success, you would still need HYDROGEN, and where is it going to come from? Electrolysis using what electric energy? Or natural gas, CH4?


2021-06-15 21:42 | Report Abuse

Truth is, how on earth can there be an end to fossil when 95% vehicles produced burn fossil fuel???


2021-06-15 19:49 | Report Abuse

nothing concrete, worthless piece of an announcement!


2021-06-15 19:37 | Report Abuse

Nothing concrete


2021-06-15 14:58 | Report Abuse

already give free hotel stays for 2 years. I had one for 3 days 2 nights expiring end of this month, but who dares to stay in hotel now given covid-19???


2021-06-14 15:47 | Report Abuse

what brewing? brent crude already more than 73!


2021-06-14 10:54 | Report Abuse

fainted, brent at 73 and hibiscus can't even break 0.73???


2021-06-14 10:33 | Report Abuse

stockraider, then the potential you are chanting is not coming, cause fund managers not seeing up potential! Shows VT character clearly


2021-06-14 09:21 | Report Abuse

stockraider, if VT is genuine, he could easily sell his shares to fund managers through direct negotiation rather than daily disposal. If he can't sell his shares to fund managers, that could only either he has some hanky panky behind the whole exercise or there's no trust among fund managers.


2021-06-13 22:47 | Report Abuse

The last quarter report showed increased profits eaten by enlarged share base. Hopefully, repsol deal concluded soon without too much dilution that'll start to show increasing per share profit


2021-06-11 09:27 | Report Abuse

without repsol deal, hibiscus should be flying given higher brent. Now, with repsol deal, hibiscus barely move, why? Guess only one explanation, many doubts over the deal...


2021-06-11 09:17 | Report Abuse

3050 akan datang


2021-06-09 16:31 | Report Abuse

I bought into hibiscus when crude is at 60-62 range if I were not wrong, believing then that crude will rise to above 70, hopefully between 75-80 range. When crude began its rise to 70+, hibiscus hit a high of 0.745 and it began to fall. It took another attempt to rise above 0.72 but couldn't even reach 0.745. If I were not wrong, years back, when crude is traded around 70+, hibiscus was actually above 0.90. So, I believe something is not right, if not with the management, it must be with the company's production capability or hibiscus has issued way too many shares that what the market is willing to absorb.

Given current scenario, it further strengthen what I believe. So, best don't add anymore position.