
qqq47660 | Joined since 2022-12-20

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2023-08-20 19:00 | Report Abuse

in the eyes of the communists..........meaning CPC............stock market is a necessary evil in reform and opening up to catch up with the West...........but is never the master of the nation like Wall Street is master of America.


2023-08-20 18:57 | Report Abuse

there is little doubt that in matters of finance , stock market, hedge funds, currency markets, China is still far far behind international standards. ........... U think Beijing don't know meh?

That is why Beijing places a high priority in protecting its citizens from the excesses of the stock market and also a primary reason why they stop the listing of ant financial. ..and even the latest property market crisis is started when Beijing introduce curbs and standards for the the developers several years back.


2023-08-20 18:47 | Report Abuse

the G7 has far more problems than China and far more difficult to solve.

to be fair, better spend your time looking at the dirt in G7 countries.


2023-08-20 18:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by klee > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Normal ppl like us measure a country's economic progress via the stock index.Asylums inmates measure it thru hallucinations n delusions.


I don't think u can compare China stock market with NYSE ...................... the difference is still too large to compare directly. ...............China is working on it, but still too early, wait for 2030 or 2050 la.


2023-08-20 18:43 | Report Abuse

for China, and for CPC, stock market is just a tool, not the policy ...stock market index level is understood to be controlled by foreigners and foreign funds , that has not changed.


2023-08-20 18:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by treasurehunt > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Sorry to be franked here..mostly novice and losers in the stock market are not able to see the clear picture of the latest development and its consequences in the next few years.

I am not talking about stock market...........I am talking about the real China, about the real economy and the real world, and especially China 2030 and China 2050.

who are the masters of finance? without doubt, the masters of finance is wall street, still..........and China ( including the CPC) is just a novice in stock market and finance.


2023-08-20 18:37 | Report Abuse

the next question is why is western media so compliant in following Biden narrative? one is executive powers and privilege and a big reason is main stream western media is very very afraid of Trump. The western media will do whatever is needed to defeat Trump. , and for that will have to show Biden succeeds in every thing including and especially confronting China.


2023-08-20 18:29 | Report Abuse

qqq is like a camel hiding its head under the sand,did you even read the latest nomura's world report?day day having hallucinations aint good ya....kikiki.Btw it is Nomura,not some id like qqq....lolz


the G7 has far more problems than China and far more difficult to solve.


2023-08-20 18:27 | Report Abuse

the real China.

China emerges from the 3 years covid lock downs as world champions in EVs and all things related to green energy and batteries. As recently as 5 years ago, nobody wants to touch a Chinese car, not even the Chinese themselves. Now, its quality is of the highest class and the price is unbeatable. ................................ China is no longer just making toys for the world, China is challenging in every high tech field. No doubt a big challenge for G7 countries. ................ and the big winners are consumers in global south.


2023-08-20 18:17 | Report Abuse

the ugly truth .....................China sneezes, rest of the world catches the cold.

if China goes down it will not be China alone.


2023-08-20 18:13 | Report Abuse

western media is following Biden 2024 election narrative, that Biden has successfully brought down China ...now the media narrative has pivoted from China Taiwan to China defeated. ...... the narrative is directed from the White House and media just follows.

As for real China, its technology developments will continue and China will continue to improve. Short term ups and downs will be rather meaningless by 2050. In the 40 years of opening and reform, China has crossed much more difficult problems than today.


2023-08-20 12:02 | Report Abuse

Any thing that happens in China u can trust western media to twist it into worse possible light...with lies and propaganda


2023-08-20 00:28 | Report Abuse

if the unity government can help to reduce the cost of living in Malaysia, there will be a lot of people who thank them.


2023-08-20 00:21 | Report Abuse

deflation? I think a lot of people don't mind if prices of food, cars, consumer products and even houses come down. the only problem is it never happens....prices only up no down and that is a real problem.


2023-08-20 00:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 24 minutes ago | Report Abuse

When typical chinese has nothing to back-up their view,

typical Chinese don't need any thing to back up their views. They are defending their country, their culture, their way of life , their civilisation. .... and why a malaysian Chinese or an american should attack them?


2023-08-19 23:19 | Report Abuse

U are from small little Malaysia....people from the mainland can eat you up before u realise....try to act so superior for what?


2023-08-19 21:30 | Report Abuse

Chinese modernity will be carved out by Chinese not by americans not by malaysians.


2023-08-19 21:29 | Report Abuse

no need to worship american la..................worship Confucious better.


2023-08-19 20:42 | Report Abuse

Idio.tic Malaysia Chinese think u are so superior....u are just a useful tool of American hegemony


2023-08-19 20:41 | Report Abuse

The truth.

Chinese people very patriotic very proud of China...why shouldn't they ?

They have seen the changes. U in Malaysia what have u seen?


2023-08-19 20:25 | Report Abuse

Don't insult 1.4 billion people...even American cannot stay at the top forever


2023-08-19 20:23 | Report Abuse

1980 it's common for HK and Malaysia people to insult mainlanders...calling people kampong boy...but now is 2023, people in China drive bigger car eat better food.


2023-08-19 18:47 | Report Abuse

a lot of formerly yellow cockroaches now working in Shenzhen .... u can ask those yellow cockroaches.


2023-08-19 18:24 | Report Abuse

cockroaches............HK cockroaches left for UK two years ago........I am told a lot of these cockroaches came back to HK, broke and career vanished.


2023-08-19 18:22 | Report Abuse

maxism? leninism? no CPC official has quoted from Marx or lenin for 40 years already. Xi Jinping thoughts is about digging deep into China's historical past to forge ahead for a New China. that is also the inspiration for BRI


2023-08-19 18:06 | Report Abuse

China got no wisdom meh? no good philosophy meh? no good thinkers? for thousands of years , when ever there is prolonged peace China is the most admired, innovative, most inspiring civilisation. ............................and that is Xi Jinping dream for china.


2023-08-19 17:58 | Report Abuse

its just brain washing by america hegemony.................the rise of china really challenges their core beliefs. ....Xi Jinping plans for China is that by 2050, China will be number one in all aspects, not just GDP. And hopes that the Chinese civilization will be a greatly admired civilization not just by Chinese but by everyone. . ......................................and China always meet its targets.


2023-08-19 17:50 | Report Abuse

if u are to be the 50 percentile, better live in China than live in America lo.

the 50percentile in China got houses, got money , eat well, sleep well. the 50 percentile in America is still full of loans and no savings.


2023-08-19 17:47 | Report Abuse

every thing u write is brain washing by American hegemony......................but objectively, who wants to live in America unless u are in the top 10% income bracket. ?


2023-08-19 17:44 | Report Abuse

Thoughts of Xi Jinping is now part of China Constitution............... I think they are very good guides.


2023-08-19 17:42 | Report Abuse

its dangerous and arrogance to want to interfere into the internal affairs of China.

u think it is still year 1900 China can be pushed around and send in the foreign legion to burn summer palace meh?


2023-08-19 17:38 | Report Abuse

I know Xi Jinping is a very smart chap............and specially chosen by 100 million CPC members to lead China. ..... u smart like Emperor Xi meh?


2023-08-19 17:36 | Report Abuse

China will soon have the largest economy in the world. U wait until then to give them face meh?

actually by ppp, China already number 1 economy in the world since 2016.


2023-08-19 17:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by treasurehunt > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

You know you are also labelled as Chinese traitor and nothing much different from me. lolz

China foreign policy is very simple.........................U give them face they give u back even more face...............that is the cruz of their policy.


2023-08-19 17:32 | Report Abuse

习总语录 everyday.............................not everyone.........but if any CPC official wants promotion better learn it by hard.


2023-08-19 17:29 | Report Abuse

China foreign policy is very simple.........................U give them face they give u back even more face...............that is the cruz of their policy.


2023-08-19 17:28 | Report Abuse

what is Chinese modernity will be determined by the CPC and the people of China.........cannot meh? China has no experience of small little Malaysia or even big America interfering with their internal matters.


2023-08-19 17:22 | Report Abuse

ou don't even realized that you yourself were looking down at the potential of 1.4 billion people. The mind is only full of kowtow kowtow to the emperor.

They love and respect Emperor Xi........................................and also their mandarin class the CPC.................................cannot meh?


2023-08-19 17:20 | Report Abuse

the year is 2023, the whole US Congress wish China disappear from the face the world or at least go back to when China was poor and unable to challenge American hegemony. ..the whole american media follows the guidance from their politicians.


2023-08-19 17:15 | Report Abuse

can't we all live in this world without looking down on China, demonizing China? degrading China?


2023-08-19 17:13 | Report Abuse

treasurehunt...........don't simple look down on 1.4 billion people......they are also people.


2023-08-19 17:13 | Report Abuse

why u keep insisting Malaysia better than China meh? in what way? is it arrogance or what?


2023-08-19 17:10 | Report Abuse

u are in Malaysia...............u have no idea how proud people in China are of their country and their achievements? not enough patriotisms in China meh?


2023-08-19 17:08 | Report Abuse

what about convenience? , what about transports? food? people no money meh?


2023-08-19 17:07 | Report Abuse

20 years ago, I hear people complain about dirty..........................nowadays, China cities far cleaner than american cities.


2023-08-19 17:05 | Report Abuse

how about riots? u see China lost control and riots every where meh?


2023-08-19 17:04 | Report Abuse

what about health care? China cannot take care of their people meh?