
qqq47660 | Joined since 2022-12-20

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2023-07-10 16:39 | Report Abuse

the rise of China is unstoppable...........nothing America can do can stop the rise of China.

China don't even call it rise of China..........China calls it the return of China to prominent position in the world.


2023-07-10 16:37 | Report Abuse

what China needs is unity. And China is doing a great job, is doing a great job.


2023-07-10 16:32 | Report Abuse

malaysia is a good example.........with PH and PN fighting good meh?


2023-07-10 16:31 | Report Abuse

democracy under seige. None of the major democacies giving a good account of themselves.

....firstly too much misinformation, disinformation, lies, slander ......and importantly, none of the major democracies doing well for the people.


2023-07-10 16:16 | Report Abuse

democracies and misinformation, disinformation, lies, slander goes hand in hand.

China is a country that don't welcome misinformation, disinformation, lies, slander ..........good for china.


2023-07-10 15:56 | Report Abuse

China has a systematic way to gather public feedbacks via the internet................very impressive. No wonder they call it full process democracy.


2023-07-10 15:45 | Report Abuse

US Congress even has a USD $ 500 million pa budget for anyone to do anti China videos for utube.


2023-07-10 15:38 | Report Abuse

u must ask, who go and do all these anti China stuffs? and their motives.

behind them , u usually find CIA, or NED, or Soros or similar people.

have not seen enough lies from western media about HK, Xinjiang, Tibet , Taiwan meh?


2023-07-10 15:36 | Report Abuse

to me, its very difficult to build a united country................and China has successful build, with great efforts, a very united very patriotic country .....................................


2023-07-10 15:33 | Report Abuse

Thousands of local Chinese make thousands videos everyday seems like CCP are common enemy of locals.

really meh? on the one hand u say China got no freedom, on the other hand u say China got thousands of nonsense..........................so which is which?

truth is... ...... to these Chinese haters, whatever China do also wrong.


2023-07-10 15:31 | Report Abuse

u must ask, who go and do all these anti China stuffs? and their motives.

behind them , u usually find CIA, or NED, or Soros or similar people.

have not seen enough lies from western media about HK, Xinjiang, Tibet , Taiwan meh?


2023-07-10 15:28 | Report Abuse

look at the unity, the dedication during covid. ...no where else u can find such unity and dedication and people volunteering to help...............such a country can die meh?


2023-07-10 15:25 | Report Abuse

China is doing very well....

after all the party has 100 million party members and it is their job to serve the people .....100 million not enough meh? need idq and foong meh?


2023-07-10 15:15 | Report Abuse

u must ask, who go and do all these anti China stuffs? and their motives.

behind them , u usually find CIA, or NED, or Soros or similar people.


2023-07-10 15:09 | Report Abuse

anyway even as americans want China to die

Malaysia has no place for China haters..................................................


2023-07-10 15:05 | Report Abuse

u didn't read the article? it shows malaysia bolih and FFB bolih.


2023-07-10 15:00 | Report Abuse

China rise is good for China, good for the world............what is there not to like?


2023-07-10 14:52 | Report Abuse

actually Chinese are very proud to see the rise of China....and very happy.


2023-07-10 14:51 | Report Abuse

idq foong....your parents are also Chinese.....don't la say Chinese China is evil.


2023-07-10 14:50 | Report Abuse

obsessed with telling lies about China................wrong time, wrong place......................................................very silly of idq foong.


2023-07-10 14:45 | Report Abuse

No one can escape the big cycles. A long time at the top will decline, a long time at the bottom will rise up. And it is China turn to rise up


2023-07-10 14:40 | Report Abuse

being born a Chinese, definitely a good time to be alive, whether in mainland or as overseas Chinese.

definitely silly to be idq foong................


2023-07-10 14:12 | Report Abuse

No one can escape the big cycles. A long time at the top will decline, a long time at the bottom will rise up. And it is China turn to rise up


2023-07-10 14:08 | Report Abuse

There is no real democracy in America . What the people want and needed is seldom co related with actual policies


2023-07-10 14:06 | Report Abuse

But America fails because it cannot stop being a warring state


2023-07-10 14:04 | Report Abuse

Instead of liberal whatever, America has turn to China's model to compete with China..... America has turn to state sponsored capitalism, protectionism, closing down tik tok, tariffs, ...there is nothing liberal about biden policies....biden has decided to expand state powers.


2023-07-10 13:59 | Report Abuse

Liberal democracy lost legitimacy even in America...how do u expect other people to cling on to liberal democracies?


2023-07-10 13:56 | Report Abuse

The year is 2023....with the possible exception of a few small city states, very few countries are able to provide good governance and development models to it's people.

China is the exception. In fact China is an attractive model for African countries in their quest to quickly develop their countries to meet the needs of their countries.

China and Africa is a match make in heaven and u can see it in action.

News & Blogs

2023-07-10 13:32 | Report Abuse

there are a lot of misinformation.......typical of democracies.

isn't it better to live without the misinformation?

News & Blogs

2023-07-10 13:31 | Report Abuse

there are a lot of misinformation.......typical of democracies.


2023-07-10 11:05 | Report Abuse

Xi jinping says changes not seen in a hundred years....prepare for worse hope for the best


2023-07-10 11:03 | Report Abuse

The real question is how two Malaysia Chinese can be so brainwashed by Western media lies and western propaganda


2023-07-10 09:47 | Report Abuse

black cat white cat is about what works not about deng or Xi.........not about the labels u give to people.

deng is a product of his time, Xi is the product of the present time. ..out of the 100 million party members, China has chosen the right man for the job. very impressive.


2023-07-10 09:32 | Report Abuse

the difference between forumers and experienced fund managers is experienced people places high importance on impressive biography whereas inexperienced only know talk about high PE.


2023-07-10 09:31 | Report Abuse

the difference between forumers and experienced fund managers is experienced people places high importance on impressive biography whereas inexperienced only know talk about high PE.


2023-07-10 09:29 | Report Abuse

this guy got an impressive biography.


2023-07-10 09:27 | Report Abuse


PE 30 also high side leh. Can lower sikit or not.

if my analysis is correct, the PE will be lower by increasing profits, not by lowering prices. u didn't read the article meh?


2023-07-09 17:35 | Report Abuse

good vs evil........Christiandom's wars of good vs evil has kept Europe in the dark ages for a thousand years. ..and then launched their crusades and their empires ...who is good? who is evil?


2023-07-09 17:31 | Report Abuse

good vs evil.........America's wars in Libya, Iraq, Afganistan, Syria is painted as wars of good vs evil. ...what happened?

Africans still remember how the west killed one of their leaders. How is Libya today? During gadafi time, Libya has a large middle class, bright future, prosperity every where ..what happened now?


2023-07-09 16:40 | Report Abuse

can malaysia ever have poverty eradication programs that actually work?


2023-07-09 16:38 | Report Abuse

and the best part of China is not even in the shining cities of Shanghai and Shenzhen and where the billionaires live but in the tier 3 tier 4 cities and in the poorer provinces. That is where support for Mao and support for Xi Jinping is the strongest. That is where u still find photos of Mao and of Xi is common. Reverence for Deng is only so so in those poorer regions. Xi Jinping poverty eradication programs and anti corruption programs have make a hugh difference in those poorer regions and now u can see plenty of prosperity in those formerly poorer regions and cities.


2023-07-09 15:59 | Report Abuse

and the best news for China is.............. Africa is very close to china and africa will benefit from their links with China and africa will be a good and wonderful market for china trade and commerce. ........................ I have seen Buddhist temples in Africa, shaolin temples in Africa singing mandarin songs in Africa...................its all wonderful.


2023-07-09 15:56 | Report Abuse

China has lived up to its potential..............u cannot say the same thing for India.


2023-07-09 15:53 | Report Abuse

every town in China is very clean, even the villages are very clean, peace and security is assured, girls can walk alone at midnight and no worries in the world., no tent cities, no slumps in China, everyone has a chance for good education and a chance to better themselves, enough to eat. .the country has come a long long way.


2023-07-09 15:49 | Report Abuse

1.4 billion people in China...look at their faces, look into their eyes.............knowing where the country come from , where they are today and where the country is going.....u think they should be happy or sad?


2023-07-09 15:45 | Report Abuse

common urgent tasks of humanity is not war war war and good vs evil.

it should be understanding, mutual respect, non interference, don't be overly critical, .... and in the words of Xi Jinping, it should be about common prosperity, blue skies and green mountains, and clear water. poverty eradication, health, education, housing for all. ..and eventually happiness and satisfaction.


2023-07-09 15:40 | Report Abuse

What is wrong with the world is not China not communists not even Russia.....what is wrong with the world is American hegemony and too much good Vs evil....always imagining themselves as the forces for good. Christians Vs evil, their god is best crusaders, only western liberal democracies allow to exist. ..what is needed is less arrogance more humility....live and let live, mutual respect, common destiny of mankind now with common urgent tasks such as climate change