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2015-06-14 11:47 | Report Abuse

"Double d price then MACC shd be notified"...


2015-06-13 18:04 | Report Abuse

cpo: if cpo price 4000-5000, too much palm oil in d open mkt therefore based on " supply n demand" cpo price difficult to rise. Of course why talk about rm8-10 if UP price 28-30 then fgv also shd get this price provided their yield is 25-30 mt cost of production/mt shd be about rm1500 n below.With d present set of ppl even after replanting can their yield improve, answer is big "NO". Hand over d m'ment to IOI n miracle shsll happen!!!!!


2015-06-13 17:15 | Report Abuse

I am not an expert but since late last yr I hv been reading that our stks r expensive so ppl shy away from Klci. Foreigners hv been exiting for some time looks like klci hv consolidated therefore expecting some window dressing in June....so now u decide!!!


2015-06-13 17:10 | Report Abuse



Kindly be advised of the following :

1) The above Company's securities will be traded and quoted "Ex – Dividend” as from: 23 Jun 2015
2) The last date of lodgment : 25 Jun 2015
3) Date Payable : 10 Jul 2015



2015-06-12 15:08 | Report Abuse

Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin says a meeting with Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili yesterday has lead to Selangor and Putrajaya reaching a consensus over the water restricting issue. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Seth Akmal, June 12, 2015.Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin says a meeting with Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili yesterday has lead to Selangor and Putrajaya reaching a consensus over the water restricting issue. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Seth Akmal, June 12, 2015.Selangor Menteri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali said he is confident that the state's water restructuring exercise will be resolved in two weeks time.

He said after a meeting with Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili yesterday, both Selangor and Putrajaya managed to reach a consensus over issues pertaining to the agreement which included the takeover of land and asset.

"We had a good meeting. Both parties agree to seal the deal in the nearest time," he said in Shah Alam this morning. – June 12, 2015.


2015-06-12 13:56 | Report Abuse

"Airbus 330 makes safe landing (due for KL) in Melbourne after engine caught fire"


2015-06-12 13:44 | Report Abuse

Gentlemen: Fgv profit if any put in Felda Cooperative (FC) a/c n FC pays d settlers. If FC no money then what happens? Govt will hv to divert, epf or tax payers money or gst into FC otherwise settlers will turn 'bersk".....now do u realise d seriousness.


2015-06-12 13:23 | Report Abuse

Ha ha well said with correction terminate d lazy managers instead employ mgrs of high calibre n not race based.


2015-06-12 13:07 | Report Abuse

....cpo price for last one yr about rm2200 can still provide reasonable returns to players who can keep their cost of production between rm1000-1500 a tonne.The near term, d market going to be tough especially d bullish outlook for soya oil, weaker demand from China n India as well as d depreciation of d ringgit.All i know felda cost is nearing rm2000/mt besides yield very very very low low low. They cannot manage here but want to manage Indo...honestly i at a loss to understand what is happening in d country. The agriculture minister shd look into this. The billions of rinngit saved over d years hope not "burnt" in Indon....please raise these issues in AGM.


2015-06-12 12:53 | Report Abuse

Focus magazine : "Be Fair To FGV minorities" ...latest results came as a rude shock to minorities shareholders, many of whom r also felda settlers.D recent massive 97% drop in profit in its Q1FY15 from a net proft from 143m to a mere 3.6m. In fact d loss would hv been 35m if not for some disposals.Other listed plantation componies too hv seen their profits plunge due to lower cpo price, but fgv falls is d worst in d industry.Fgv give reason partly due to severe floods in East Coast that affected d plantations.(if their yield 23-25mt got profit bt yield only 20mt, so they r talking nonsense).also most of d flooding occured in Kelantan, where fgv dont own any plantations.I am here to say company's poor performance were due to bad business decisions....continued


2015-06-12 12:32 | Report Abuse

Ask simple questions 1) why IOI/Klk/UP/TSH yield 25-30 mt n why felda only 20 mt. 2) felda hv a lot of cash why replanting not done 3) in Peninsular not able to manage n hw r they going to manage a foreign land. 4) what is d current yield n cost of production in d new property.


2015-06-12 11:42 | Report Abuse

Felda settlers money not a good move !!!!!?????


2015-06-12 10:02 | Report Abuse

Felda is cash rich: I hope its a wise decision to acquire new property. What disturbs my mind u r unable to increse d yield in yr existing land in Peninsular hw r u going to manage in Indon...n why Indon is selling?...by increasing yield u r figuratively increasing yr existing oil palm land.To me not right?


2015-06-12 09:58 | Report Abuse

An Eagle High plantation in Indonesia. The company currently has a total land bank of 419,006ha, of which 147,000ha are planted. – eaglehighplantations.com pic, June 12, 2015.An Eagle High plantation in Indonesia. The company currently has a total land bank of 419,006ha, of which 147,000ha are planted. – eaglehighplantations.com pic, June 12, 2015.Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd (FGV) is close to sealing the deal to buy a substantial stake in PT Eagle High Plantations Tbk, the third largest plantation group listed in Jakarta, according to industry sources.

It is understood that FGV has been in talks with PT Eagle High's controlling shareholder Tan Sri Peter Sondakh, whose investment vehicle PT Rajawali Corp holds a 65.5% equity interest in the Indonesian plantation group.

Sources said the negotiations are in the final stage, with a stake of some 30% set to change hands.

"It (the acquisition) is almost concluded, just some of the minor details left to be sorted out ? it?s a big acquisition for FGV," the source said.

Eagle High's share price has gained some 75% since end-April nudging its market capitalisation to just over US$1 billion (RM3.74 billion), which would indicate that Sondakh's 65.5% has a market value in excess of RM2.4 billion.


2015-06-12 09:50 | Report Abuse

Selangor Menteri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali is hoping that the problems involving the water restructuring exercise in the state will be solved by today. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, June 11, 2015. Selangor Menteri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali is hoping that the problems involving the water restructuring exercise in the state will be solved by today. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, June 11, 2015. Selangor Menteri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali hopes that all disputes over the restructuring of the water services industry in the state will be resolved by today.

He said he would meet Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili today to conclude matters pending from the water agreement.

"I have already received full briefing from the Selangor Economic Planning Unit on the current situation involving the water agreement," he told reporters after chairing the Selangor Economic Action Council meeting at the state secretariat building in Shah Alam today. – Bernama, June 11, 2015.


2015-06-12 08:36 | Report Abuse

Advise: onlyTRS can save so please wait for news!!!!!!


2015-06-12 08:00 | Report Abuse

ALOR GAJAH: The Royal Malaysian Customs Department has collected over RM6 billion as Goods and Services Tax (GST) as of Wednesday, since the tax system was implemented on April 1.

Deputy Director-General (Enforcement and Compliance Division) Datuk Matrang Suhaili said of the total amount, GST paid on imports accounted for RM3.37 billion.
He said the GST collection was part of the department's total collection of RM20.7 billion nationwide from January until Wednesday.

"We are optimistic of achieving the overall collection target of RM45.44 billion for this year where RM23.7 billion will come from the GST as over 300,000 merchants registered under the GST system will submit their GST statements by June 15.


2015-06-11 21:48 | Report Abuse

Something happening in Selangor water deal????? i not sure!


2015-06-10 19:32 | Report Abuse

Only next Q can decide!!!!!!!!!


2015-06-10 12:57 | Report Abuse

The cabinet has directed the Home Ministry to prepare a cabinet paper to remove the tourist visa requirement from China tourists for a trial period of one year.

This is to attract more visitors from China which had dropped sharply following the MH370 tragedy last year.

Minister of Tourism and Culture Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz revealed this in a question-and-answer session at the Dewan Rakyat today.

The cabinet had discussed ways to attract tourists from China as an estimated 110 million Chinese will travel abroad according to United Nation World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), he added.

"If things turn out fine after one-year trial, we will consider continuing with it."


2015-06-10 12:05 | Report Abuse

Improve? how to improve FGV, hand over d m'ment to IOI, they can create miracle otherwise "doomsday".....


2015-06-10 09:53 | Report Abuse

From 43 now 405, dirty game going on so dont panic just buy. Once land sold dividend shall be declared n then wait for d release of next Q, eps up land sale profit reflected so ST 60 n long term 1.50-2.00.


2015-06-10 09:49 | Report Abuse

Basic knowlege palm oil price must be above 2500 to survive now only abt 2200. Minimum mage coming + fertiliser cost up wt GST.Oil palm plantation wt 20 mt cannot survive.If they go for replanting r u sure they can increase d yield??? Every seedling must be treated like yr own baby otherwise gone gone n gone forever nothing left except delisting, u need more briefing i can give.


2015-06-10 08:51 | Report Abuse

I feel in 4-5 yrs time FGV may be another Mas. Instead of increasing yield in d existing land they r buying land in Sabah, ha ha ha clowns, circus hv vacancies, better act there so ppl can laugh their guts out.


2015-06-09 18:40 | Report Abuse

"B4 listing FGV did they do the due diligence study"?


2015-06-09 10:04 | Report Abuse

.......to save d industry yield 30 mt n no argument on this.


2015-06-09 10:03 | Report Abuse

Felda shd stop increasing d land bank instead increase d yield in d existing land.For 600,000 ha if they increase d yield in d existing land by 10 mt of fruits is equivalent to 300,000 ha figuratively.Once i read in d newspaper UP not interested to venture outside Peninsular as they may not be able to give full supervision hence may affect yield n field costing may go up. They r right wt d present drop in palm oil price, minimum wages coming n increase in fertiliser cost the industry may collapse.


2015-06-09 09:34 | Report Abuse

Ya! True when AirAsia boss wanted to restructure MAS he was kicked out perhaps he would hv absorbed some of the employees n maybe 6000 eyees may not hv got d marching order, all stupidity.


2015-06-09 09:21 | Report Abuse

Policies hv to go if Mas can appoint a foreigner to helm d Co. Race base mgrs hv to go.Appoint UP as Plantation Advisers. Train young graduates in IOI/UP/Klk to do field audit n report direct to MD n also PM for procative action as drop in yield especially Felda/Sime jointly holding 1,000,000 ha is a national cocern.Even Tengku Razali is talking of race base party is becoming a failure in d country out ringgit already 3.80.


2015-06-08 18:52 | Report Abuse

If felda mangement hv brain like UP their price may be above RM10, hw nice can save d country from present financial crisis. Why they r so weak? Klci keep dropping may drop to 1700 until nrws out on d GST collection. Education standard gone one by one all going gone gone, no talent so how lah??????


2015-06-08 15:34 | Report Abuse

Plantation industries and Commodities Minister Douglas Uggah Embas said the B10 programme is expected to soak up 1 million tonnes of crude palm oil a year. – The Malaysian Insider pic, June 8, 2015.Plantation industries and Commodities Minister Douglas Uggah Embas said the B10 programme is expected to soak up 1 million tonnes of crude palm oil a year. – The Malaysian Insider pic, June 8, 2015.Malaysia, the world's second-largest palm grower plans to raise its biodiesel mandate to 10% by October this year, from 7% currently, a senior government official said on Monday.

The B10 programme is expected to soak up 1 million tonnes of crude palm oil a year, Malaysia's plantation industries and Commodities minister Douglas Uggah Embas told reporters at a planters conference in Kuala Lumpur.

"The meetings with stakeholders will be completed by end-June," Embas said.

The B10, which mandates a minimum 10% of bio content in diesel, may lend support to palm oil prices that are currently at RM2,344 per tonnne. – Reuters, June 8 2015.


2015-06-06 16:07 | Report Abuse

.....any more questions!


2015-06-06 15:57 | Report Abuse

....Auditors shd select a couple of estates n give 100% supervision on fertiliser application n watch d yield.Estate does palm census annualy n who counter check them.Auditors shd confirm d census, per/ha suppose to hv 130 female palms n male palms shd be chopped n replaced otherwise hw to get d yield. I read in d news paper some yrs back,any male palm found in IOI estates must be reported to d MD. Tan Sri will come to d estate n talk to d palm to "start bearing" n give 3 mths notice n if still stubborn (no fruit) he orders d tree to be chopped n replace with a young palm.This is committment n felda now only talking of replanting, what d so called PAs' were doing then busy dancing to policies.Low crop in felda can bring d nation down, share price from 5.20 now 1.90, 9 billion wiped out from stock market. Does d PAs' know what is stock mkt??????....continued


2015-06-06 15:37 | Report Abuse

No delivery due to GLC policies. To me very simple, if d job meant for "x"he shd be given n if cannot deliver then give them d boot n give to another "x" until they realise, Co mean buisness instead of pampering.Policies r very strong what can d PAs' do, they r all dancing to policies.If d so callecd PAs' hv been doing their job then d yield shd be 25-30 mt.Every year auditors will come to d estate to audit d accounts etc n they cant find anything,difficult to steal n no lost of crop, security very tight instead shd switch to field audit. They shd be sent to UP/KLK/IOI estates for training.Auditors can use d latest technology like video etc n report direct to d MD......continued


2015-06-06 07:50 | Report Abuse

During Asian Crisis palm oil saved d country. If Felda can get yield of 25-30 mt of fruit can help d country.Everbody here must realise if job given to d wrong ppl, they can destroy a nation.During d crisis palm oil price was about RM3000 but now 2200 but a higher yield will of course cushion d situation.


2015-06-06 07:45 | Report Abuse

Good morning, yes inputs from media


2015-06-05 22:28 | Report Abuse

Iris is suing if win got money unless d court dimiss d case with costs.


2015-06-05 17:34 | Report Abuse

UTDPLT 27.50 +0.26
............UP also planting d same trees look at their price shame to Fgv M'ment.