
risktransformer | Joined since 2016-08-24

Investing Experience Intermediate
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risktransformer means I take on risk whenever I assessed that I can transform holding a risky asset in some ways to make it less risky.





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2018-02-27 10:00 | Report Abuse

Pmaster, my two questions:
1. Y u don't sell all your remaining few million shares (1st investment @ RM1.30 average cost)?
2. Y do u want to buy again "if got chance"?


2018-02-27 09:56 | Report Abuse

Pmaster, u never answer my two questions (I sincerely want to know your answers).


2018-02-27 09:53 | Report Abuse

Pmaster, y did u say "if got chance i will buy again"? since u sincerely believe the price will never go up again? What's the point of u buying again if u really think the price will never move up again?


2018-02-27 09:46 | Report Abuse

Pmaster, if u really think the price will drop to 0.500, then u should also sell all your 1st investment (a few million shares @ RM1.30 average cost). Bcoz if u don't sell those few million shares (in steel safe) u will lose a few more millions RM (my sincere advise to u).


2018-02-27 09:13 | Report Abuse

Pmaster, I hope u have sold off all your SAPNRG shares.... don't wait till 2019 (otherwise, u will lose a few more millions RM).


2018-02-27 08:58 | Report Abuse

I think they already missed the boat yesterday..... we will see today (I may be wrong).


2018-02-26 21:55 | Report Abuse

The volume today is not high.... less than 32 million shares traded today, if high means more than 100 million shares. When the volume is this low (less than 32 million), the price drop is manipulated and not due to panic selling bcoz of any bad news.


2018-02-26 16:44 | Report Abuse

Don't look like it will close green.... probably close at 0.695 (no luck today).


2018-02-26 16:31 | Report Abuse

Price back to 0.700 now, hope will end green today.


2018-02-26 16:13 | Report Abuse

As far as I know, Pmaster still hold onto a few million shares of SAPNRG (at RM1.30 average cost) locked in a steel safe.


2018-02-26 15:47 | Report Abuse

Pmaster only encouraged people to buy when the price dropped from RM1.60 to RM0.80.... but discourages people to buy when the price is RM0.70 or lower.


2018-02-26 09:28 | Report Abuse

Don't worry too much about EPF dumping. EPF's holding of SAPNRG's shares is now coming close to 6% of total issued shares. Very soon, by end of March 2018, EPF will b left with less than 5% of SAPNRG's shares. Once it has less than 5%, EPF will no longer b the whale it used to b... it will b just like one of the big foreign funds holding SAPNRG's shares, hence it will no longer b able to push the price down too significantly.


2018-02-23 21:01 | Report Abuse

Based on classical charting, 0.670 looks like a "double bottom" (once on 02 Jan 2018 & 2nd time on 13 Feb 2018). The TA of SAPNRG also look very promising: the MACD line already cross over the signal line & the MACD histogram is positive with a shallow uptrend. But, of course, charting & TA is only one of the many factors that will determine whether the price will move up next week or not.... there r other factors to consider.


2018-02-23 17:31 | Report Abuse

@Betkaukau: Did u miss the boat? It looks like SAPNRG is slowly moving up in price (toward 72 sen) instead of going down toward 60 sen or 65 sen as u r hoping.


2018-02-23 17:22 | Report Abuse

Even reporting a loss of less than RM100 million is good enough bcoz most people r expecting a loss of more than RM200 million.


2018-02-23 16:58 | Report Abuse

Today considered good show for those who r holding SAPNRG's shares bcoz up 1.44% (the KLCI only up 0.35%).


2018-02-23 15:40 | Report Abuse

The past few good news were offset by EPF taking the opportunities to sell heavily (3 to 10 million shares per day) whenever the price move above 0.685.


2018-02-23 11:07 | Report Abuse

EPF just started dumping again!


2018-02-23 11:03 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha!! It depends on the BB & EPF actions & some technical analysis.


2018-02-23 10:31 | Report Abuse

Those huge Q to sell quantities r usually fake by BB (of course sometimes could b real) to force more people to sell off (those who could not wait) so that there will b less genuine sellers left... then they can buy up all the sellers' shares using less capital. This way the share price will suddenly move up a lot.


2018-02-23 10:07 | Report Abuse

Some retailers think negatively; some retailers think positively; some retailers contra; some retailers buy & hold.... so they act according to their thinking or method of investment.


2018-02-23 09:42 | Report Abuse

Less than 500 lots = small retailers; 500 lots to less than 1000 lots = big retailers; 1000 lots or more = BB.


2018-02-23 09:29 | Report Abuse

By looking at the quantity bought or sold.... small retailers small quantity; BB big quantity.


2018-02-23 09:24 | Report Abuse

The selling yesterday & early this morning were from small retailers who could not wait; the BBs were buying up SAPNRG shares since yesterday.


2018-02-14 20:28 | Report Abuse

If want to bullshit about supermx should bullshit at supermx forum, not here.... here is SAPNRG forum (I guess sohchai won't understand that.... he don't even know that he is in the wrong forum).


2018-02-14 18:20 | Report Abuse

Somebody got angry at me (about 1 week ago) when I said BAT may drop below RM30.


2018-02-14 18:02 | Report Abuse

Yes, today happy enough.... I sold some at 0.705, hope to buy back some tomorrow at 0.685 or lower (maybe 0.675, if not possible also never mind... still have some more SAPNRG to sell if price go higher than today). Happy CNY!!


2018-02-14 17:42 | Report Abuse

But even if it goes down to 60 sen also no problem. Many of us r prepared to buy at that price.


2018-02-14 17:38 | Report Abuse

There is only 1 sohchai in this forum who keep saying 60 sen.


2018-02-14 17:37 | Report Abuse

How do u know we bought at RM1 or 90 sen? Those who bought at that price may already cut-win or cut loss already. Who r u to call everybody in this forum as sohchai!!?


2018-02-14 17:18 | Report Abuse

No need to explain to superbullshit sohchai.... he won't understand 1, he only can understand supermx.


2018-02-14 17:11 | Report Abuse

Sohchai bullshitting to himself!


2018-02-14 16:34 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow morning still have half day show.


2018-02-14 15:22 | Report Abuse

@superbullshit! AKA sohchai: Looks like supermx is the koyak counter today... only up 0.91%; at least SAPNRG is up 2.98% today.


2018-02-13 17:20 | Report Abuse

spinninglotus must have lost a lot of money while he was following pmaster's hot tips. So he wants other people to cut-win or cut-loss like him. If we don't follow his "advice" or "warning," he will stay on in this forum to continue to wish for the worst to happen to SAPNRG & wish that we all lose money. Is my analysis of spinninglotus' mentality close to correct?


2018-02-13 16:16 | Report Abuse

This sohchai only knows about supermax.... nothing else, thats y he keep posting the same thing 20 times everyday.


2018-02-13 16:03 | Report Abuse

There is only one sohchai in this forum. This sohchai spent the whole day in this forum calling other people sohchai. He has nothing better to do. I don't know what he is trying to achieve. maybe trying to boast to other people how smart he is.


2018-02-11 13:00 | Report Abuse

superbull11 will only appear in this forum when the price is down but will disappear for a long time when the price is moving up.... how convenient!


2018-02-11 09:03 | Report Abuse

But look at it this way: what is peanuts (by holding SAPNRG's shares) to EPF (bcoz they can make so much more profit elsewhere) may not be peanuts to us (small retailers). By selling of SAPNRG's shares at super low prices (bcoz EPF is currently going after overseas assets aggressively) EPF is giving way to small retailers to pick up "peanuts" at very attractive prices. This "peanuts" may grow into some big investments in the future (like Hengyuan).


2018-02-11 08:51 | Report Abuse

I agree with yellavia that EPF is exiting SAPNRG (considering its on-going rate of selling off SAPNRG's shares) but this should not be taken as indicating something wrong with Sapura. We should also not blame EPF for selling of SAPNRG's shares at super low prices bcoz EPF is actually making lots of profits mostly from oversea's investments (they r just selling off less profitable local investment & buying more profitable oversea's investments). Read the NST's article about how well EPF is doing in oversea's investments.



2018-02-11 08:15 | Report Abuse

From Rick Newman, Yahoo Finance, February 10, 2018:

"Some analysts are now comparing the current downturn to 2015. The main trigger in that selloff was a crash in Chinese stocks, and some other problems associated with Asian markets. That’s obviously not an issue this time around. But forced algorithmic selling was a factor then, just as it is now.

Some of the differences between the current correction and the last one may actually be a cause for optimism. “For equities, this looks like a 2015 type of crisis,” JPMorgan analysts wrote to clients on Feb. 8. But, they pointed out, “there is a big macro/fundamental difference between now and the August 2015 market crisis.” The differences: global growth is stronger now, U.S. corporate earnings have been at record highs and may be going higher, and commodities such as oil and copper aren’t gyrating at all on the turbulence in equity markets. Those are reasons to think the current downturn will be relatively short-lived, or at least won’t lead to a genuine bear market."



2018-02-09 18:11 | Report Abuse

I hope u will not sailang $200k all in at once. Better buy in stages...bcoz there is also the possibility that the current price may slide down a few sen.


2018-02-09 17:28 | Report Abuse

If u take inflation (let's say 4% p.a. compounded over 4 years, O.K. this is economics) into consideration, the current KLCI is actually near all time low (I am refering to "real KLCI".... this is an economic term).


2018-02-09 17:19 | Report Abuse

KLCI all time high was 1,885.72 in May 2014 (a few years ago) & the recent high of 1870.00 on Feb 2 did not even reach the all time high in May 2014.


2018-02-09 16:44 | Report Abuse

A few years ago, the KLCI was equal to the S&P500..... now the KLCI is 1,822.99 and the S&P500 is 2,581.00. So, is the KLCI all time high? Compared with regional markets like Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, etc. these countries' stock market indices have been increasing at 30% to 40% p.a. for the past 3 or 4 years but KLCI was down most of those years except up a little last year & now. So, is the KLCI at all time high?


2018-02-09 16:32 | Report Abuse

If u really want to warn us about "Big crash" then u should show us hard facts to support your warning... not just based on your own instincts or guessing. U have 50% chance to be right if the market really crash one day but that does not prove u r a genius. Please prove to us y u think the market is crashing (don't just shout to us that it is crashing).


2018-02-09 15:07 | Report Abuse

@spinninglotus: The KLCI dropped 1.05% today & u call that market crash!? It is not even a correction yet.... a correction is a 10% drop. If the KLCI drop more than 10% & u start shouting your "Big crash" message, we can understand... but to keep shouting "Big crash" repeatedly at this stage, I think it is a nuisance!


2018-02-09 10:37 | Report Abuse

This "very strong stock" dropped 3% this morning while the KLCI only dropped 1.26%. Good luck!


2018-02-08 16:42 | Report Abuse

Y some people r so sensitive about what other people say? Can't understand....


2018-02-08 15:53 | Report Abuse

It took him 2 or 3 days to think of this new Public Bank story.