
risktransformer | Joined since 2016-08-24

Investing Experience Intermediate
Risk Profile Moderate

risktransformer means I take on risk whenever I assessed that I can transform holding a risky asset in some ways to make it less risky.





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2018-05-16 16:50 | Report Abuse

Good, can start buying back after drop below 80 sen.


2018-05-16 16:43 | Report Abuse

Got all matched but now the price is 1.03.


2018-05-16 16:41 | Report Abuse

Hope not.... but can average down.


2018-05-16 16:19 | Report Abuse

Q buy at 1.05 from morning till now still cannot get. Hope can get b4 close.


2018-05-15 09:24 | Report Abuse

MYEG yesterday already dropped 30% & this morning opened gap down 30% some more. Can buy now or not? Any idea?


2018-05-15 09:21 | Report Abuse

Anybody here knows why MYEG opened gap down 30% this morning? What happened to MYEG?


2018-05-14 10:03 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha!! I key in to sell some at 0.755 this morning but bcoz the price jumped up so fast the broker sold for me at 0.820. Still holding more.... wait for RM1.00 then sell some more.


2018-05-11 15:37 | Report Abuse

But currently, Indonesian Rupiah & stock market drop kau kau.... afraid it may spill over to Malaysia (like during the 1997 Asian Financial crisis started in Thailand spilled over to other SEA countries).


2018-05-11 15:33 | Report Abuse

FGV is a GLC.... the BN Chairman of FGV can be instantly changed to a PH Chairman. So, I think the price drop will be limited.


2018-05-10 09:27 | Report Abuse

Congrats to all PH supporters!!


2018-05-10 09:26 | Report Abuse

Enjoy your holidays Kathejofu!


2018-05-10 00:49 | Report Abuse

Bursa did not announce any holiday for Thur & Fri. I think the stock market no holiday. Only working people have holiday.


2018-05-07 10:28 | Report Abuse

Remember to BRING TISSUE PAPER when u go for voting on 09 May to wrap your finger after being painted the black ink. This is to avoid the black ink from soiling the voting paper. If the black ink kena the voting paper, it will be counted as UNDI ROSAK. Please inform other people about this.


2018-05-05 09:03 | Report Abuse

The chart pattern of BAT now looks like an extension of downtrend... like when I cut loss at RM33 during 1st week of Feb 2018. Since then it has dropped RM10 to RM23 (now). The trend suggests it may drop further even after GE14.

I hope nobody will scold me for saying this like someone did in Feb 2018 when I said I cut loss (another person even wanted to sue me... he said I was telling lies about further price drop in Feb 2018). Don't believe me if u disagree with me... no need to scold me or sue me.... just continue with your investment in BAT. But think... what if the price drop another RM10? (I am not making any prediction, I am only asking u to think...)


2018-05-05 08:22 | Report Abuse

Apr 26, 2018 04:12 PM | Report Abuse

ProRoy: Sudah lah..! Don't be idiot..! Sell..! Before u loose more..! Go Sumatec...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Who looks like an idiot now?


2018-05-05 08:13 | Report Abuse

Hehehe!! ProRoy, I thought last week u kept asking people here to sell SAPNRG & buy SUMATEC? What happened to your investment in SUMATEC? All your money got stuck there?


2018-05-04 21:53 | Report Abuse

Any drop (kau kau) in stock market b4 or after May 09 will be temporary only (a few days to 1 or 2 weeks). Price should come up as uncertainties cleared.


2018-05-04 21:25 | Report Abuse

If BN wins what rr88 said will happen; if PH wins (parlimen & popular vote) then most stocks in KLSE will drop kau kau except SAPNRG (this one will shoot up to RM1.50).


2018-05-04 16:55 | Report Abuse

Bought some at 0.655. Hope next week can fly.


2018-05-04 09:42 | Report Abuse

No, change to KALdaiQ is enough already.


2018-05-03 12:01 | Report Abuse

mobuzz, don't bother answering his questions. I experienced b4.... if u answer him, he will question u "why?" again. Cannot finish answering all his questions.


2018-05-03 10:41 | Report Abuse

mobuzz only announce when he buys but did not announce when he sells. Hahahaha!!


2018-05-03 08:27 | Report Abuse

Waah! Market not yet open already planning escape arh? Hahahaha!! (I already sold some at 0.695 yesterday. Hope can buy back some today.)


2018-05-02 18:34 | Report Abuse

Dia ada sini sepanjang pagi waktu harga turun mendadak.


2018-05-02 18:08 | Report Abuse

newboy18 will only turn up when the price drop la. He cannot turn up today bcoz he is suffering from massive losses in his investment of strong TA & FA stocks recommended by his sifu.


2018-05-02 17:57 | Report Abuse

That newboy18 said LCTITAN got impressive TA and impressive FA (recommended by his sifu with highest exam score in MSTA).... I checked it out today.... it dropped from RM6.30 to RM5.65 (what a joke!) some more dare to come here to lecture everyone about TA!! He must have lost a lot of money following his sifu's advise.


2018-05-02 17:07 | Report Abuse

This morning opened gap down & now close gap up.... very good show today (& we have KALdaiQ to cheer us along the whole day).


2018-05-02 17:04 | Report Abuse

Maybe tomorrow morning will have profit taking (since up 10.9% today).


2018-05-02 16:46 | Report Abuse

And that KALdaiQ keep making fun of us today.... so annoying!!


2018-05-02 16:42 | Report Abuse

newboy18's sifu got the highest score in MSTA exam.... expert in TA!


2018-05-02 16:41 | Report Abuse

Where is that newboy18 !!?


2018-05-02 11:12 | Report Abuse

Thanks rr88 for the detailed info.


2018-05-01 23:13 | Report Abuse

It is quite likely tomorrow may drop below 60 sen (otherwise, it may close at 0.605).... but anything can happen with SAPNRG, it may surprise us by moving up slightly (SAPNRG is a very unpredictable counter).


2018-05-01 20:32 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha!! hlafdz, I hope what u said will come true (good for u, good for everyone too). As for who will win GE14, it doesn't really matter.... our daily life will go on as usual.


2018-05-01 15:43 | Report Abuse

@newboy18: Looks like u want to prolong argument with people here. I just didn't want to point out your ignorance to shame u. That's y I just gave general pointers. Now about backward looking... all TA is backward looking, i.e. looking back at prices (or data) of past few months or past few years in order to guess future trend. It seems u don't know what I mean when I said u r trend follower. U think only trend follower like u use TA? Does TA belong to trend follower only. Other people may use TA differently. Do u think that the only way to make money is by buying when the trend is already going up very high?

Just to illustrate so that u can understand.... look at PETDAG's past 3 years chart (since u said that Petronas Dagangan has strong TA). Look at Mar 2016 to Dec 2016 of the chart, it had a very strong uptrend. If I were a trend follower like u, I would definite buy a lot of PETDAG in Nov or Dec 2016. Then look at what happened from Jan 2017 to May 2017.... those people who dought in Nov - Dec 2016 got trapped by the bubble and had to cut-loss (losing money) bcoz of trend reversal. From May 2016 to Nov 2017, PETDAG was flat for one & half years (can't make any money from it). From Dec 2017 till now (Apr 2018), PETDAG is uptrend again. U must have bought a lot of PETDAG by now. R u sure that u r not going to get trapped at RM27.00 per share? How sure r u that the uptrend will continue for a few more months? Look at PETDAG's current MACD histogram... it is red & declining sharply for the past 6 trading days. Look at its RSI (RSI = 76%, overbought territory). U call all these very impressive TA?


2018-05-01 11:21 | Report Abuse

@newboy18: I am not going to teach u about share trading/investing here. But when I looked at the list of companies u gave.... in my mind there r so much that I must explain to u if I want to prove to u anything. I just wonder how much money u invested in those companies (& how much profit u have made) to the extend that u keep lecturing to all the people here in this forum.

Anyway, I'll just say two things to u:
1. What u think is impressive TA (bcoz u r a trend follower) may not b impressive to other trader/investor bcoz they have a different trading/investment method.
2. The FA of those companies u listed r impressive to u bcoz u r a backward looking person... u r not forward looking (to the future of those companies). Some of these companies I have invested in them b4 but I didn't make much money from them (remember, our purpose is to make money... not to put money there bcoz they r fundamentally strong).

Good luck to u newboy.... just don't make too much noise here, please.


2018-05-01 10:50 | Report Abuse

Pmaster, ask that newbie to b like u, then he will b the smartest in share market.


2018-04-30 17:28 | Report Abuse

I asked newboy18 to give me the name(s) of companies that have impressive TA & impressive FA (or so called growing stocks) 2 days ago.... but until now he cannot produce any name of such companies.


2018-04-30 17:05 | Report Abuse

We don't announce our buy bcoz we don't want to encourage people to buy & then later they'll blame us when the price drop more. We already know the price will drop. Anyway, I bought some at 0.630 even though I know it will drop more when market opens after Labour Day holiday. By the way, I am not one of those who got trapped at 70 sen above.... I am just starting to collect now.


2018-04-30 15:25 | Report Abuse

I already said yesterday that the price will go down... I cancelled my plan to buy at 0.645 after seeing very thin volume & fast drop in price this morning.


2018-04-29 14:35 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha!! Even wearing an iron shirt also cannot tahan the bullets from those IB killer shorties.


2018-04-29 11:42 | Report Abuse

@mobuzz: My trading/investment adage is - Safety first (minimize risks); cash-flow next (i.e. cash into my account more than cash going out); profit/lost consideration last.


2018-04-29 11:21 | Report Abuse

mobuzz, I think u r doing alright for holding huge quantity of SAPNRG bcoz u bought agressively when the price was around 40 sen to 50 sen; your average price is also so much lower than most of us in this forum. U also seem to have much bigger investment capital than most of us. Most of us would not b able to invest like u. For those of us with small investment capital (less than RM250k), we have to play it safe a little. We can't afford to have our capital slashed by 30% or more in case of a sell-down. Good luck to u and others.


2018-04-29 10:02 | Report Abuse

I'm still holding some but substantially less (after taking profit a few days ago). SAPNRG has dropped around 15% from 0.790; I'm waiting for another 5% - 10% drop b4 I start topping up. I think if it rebound this coming week, the rebound will b very limited due to so many uncertainties (which I believe everyone knows). If the world stock markets turn bearish in the coming weeks, then I will reduce my shareholding in other counters by half (I will still hold onto whatever I have left in SAPNRG... not much left).


2018-04-28 23:23 | Report Abuse

@newboy18: Out of the 1,000 plus main board companies in KLSE, how many companies have impressive TA and impressive FA? I bet there r only less than 10 (if any). If u have in mind any such company, can u please name them here? I'll b happy to look into them later if u can name them. But I am only interested in main board companies with high market turnover (don't give me small companies).


2018-04-28 18:10 | Report Abuse

@rr88: p master's mistakes is not only capitalizing on small price movement; he also capitalize on getting attention for himself by making a lot of noise (hence distracting other serious investors & very often giving misleading advice).


2018-04-27 22:06 | Report Abuse

@spinninglotus: rr88 is changing his mind about SAPNRG. He is waiting for the right time to enter SAPNRG. When the most bearish investor is getting interested in a counter then u know that sooner or later that counter is going to shoot up in price. That's y I am interested in what he has to say (though the way he said it really puts people off). To me, when there r more people sharing their different ideas the better.... it gives me more insight. But of course I don't enjoy reading comments from fake sifu(s).


2018-04-27 21:27 | Report Abuse

I'll start with 0.645 first, then 0.615, .... I can go lower. But let's not predict yet... it may surprise us with a rebound next week. I'm not prepared to put my head on the chopping board, especially with SAPNRG (usually full of surprises).