
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2021-05-20 16:54 | Report Abuse

Its official. 200 day mvg avg is at 1577. Todays close of 1575.32 below 200 day mvg avg. However skeptical you are at this juncture, everything will go down from here. Seen it before.


2021-05-20 16:45 | Report Abuse

Seriously be prepared for BLACK MONDAY next week.


2021-05-20 16:34 | Report Abuse

You hv 15 mins to escape this trap relatively unscathed. This is exactly how they distribute shares in this trap. Tomolo all big buy in buy queues will disappear n all trembling over each other trying to get out towards 0.32.

If u havent noticed index dropping below 200 day mvg avg. Big gun big real business companies like lctitan dropping. See u in ucrest at 0.22 - 0.25.


2021-05-20 13:12 | Report Abuse

I told you at 0.40++. Dont forget history. Jalil bought, VT sold. Jalil bent over, VT pumped backside. Little innocent Jalil.

Hype dies out, share price drifting downtrending lower n lower. Later got a little bit of news, share price pops up for a 2 day play. Then drifting lower n lower again to hybernate back at square one 0.18 - 0.22 cents. Why? bcause company loss making, fundamentals do not support anything above 0.22.

If you bought during the speculative hype hu-ha at 0.45 naively believing it is easy job to restructure n turn around this serabut company, then think again. It would take years n mostly with not so good result.

Sell. Salvage whatever you can salvage.


2021-05-20 11:59 | Report Abuse

My intention of writing this is for investors not to lose money, he he...

Aluminum price moved from 1300 to 2400 the past one year. Lbalum share price moved from 0.40 to 1.40.

Investors were misguided by perception that the move in al price would cause lbalum share price to go much2 higher.

Dont overlook that possibility that al price is peaking n the next swing will be downwards for the next 1 year. This is what mr market is factoring in now when lbalum share price has dropped substantially from 1.40 to 0.90++. I believe this is the case n the current drop is not a bargain. Its another opportunity for market to absorb more suckers as the share price will eventually return back to square 1 at 0.40 in 6 - 12 months time.

Sell !!!


2021-05-20 11:48 | Report Abuse

Plenty of traps all over the place. Operator who scooped up 0.69 - 0.71 in late trades yesterday is controlling, churning to unload for 3 cents profit a piece. You masuk, you kena. Stay away.


2021-05-20 11:20 | Report Abuse

Dont miss the forest for the trees. Perfect storm is brewing across cryptos, metals & commodities, and stock markets worldwide. Yesterday n last night move was a warning across these asset classes. There are times to buy n there are times to sideline n do nothing. Do nothing these few days. Wait for this storm to pass. Next week everything will crash. Stay 100% in cash to buy during the coming carnage. This ucrest will trade below 0.25 by then. You hv been warned by oldtimer here.

For ucrest todays trade is part of a grand scheme by insider & crooked operator to escape from their bad position. The gang is looking for victims today all day long to unload their shares. Stay away if you dont want to get hurt. If you already in, then quickly undo yr mistake n get out.


2021-05-20 09:22 | Report Abuse

EVIL INTENTION. Operator got stuck in sell off. Operator ganging up with insider to create news. Now operator is churning left pocket trading with right pocket to distribute at some profit. YOU MASUK, YOU KENA. Stay away !!


2021-05-19 23:29 | Report Abuse

You go ahead. I see you at 0.21/0.22 later when you pee in yr pants full of regret.


2021-05-19 23:07 | Report Abuse

No kidding. All commodities n cryptos n markets are crashing. Lumber, oil, aluminum all crashing off their parabolic curves. Sell n salvage whatever you can.


2021-05-19 22:55 | Report Abuse

Remember my track record. I said down at 0.44/0.47 it went down. I said up at 0.285/0.30 it went up. Now i say it will make new lows n crashing below recent low of of 0.285 bcause everything in the world is crashing as i write this. Run for cover b4 too late.


2021-05-19 22:50 | Report Abuse

Seriously no kidding. Everything is crashing from their parabolic curves - commodities (lumber, aluminum, oil etc), cryptos, markets.

By hook or crook dump all at opening bell. Do not bargain bcause everything will go down much much lower from here.


2021-05-19 22:11 | Report Abuse

No kidding. Crypto crashing 20 - 30%. Markets crashing. Bcause of the big elephant in the room that is covid has damaged economies worldwide. Dump to first available buyers at opening bell tomolo n move to sideline with 100% cash.


2021-05-19 21:52 | Report Abuse

Tomolo you guys go ahead. I pass. Good luck. May the force be with you.

1. The chart is very scary. The move from 0.295 to 0.375 could very well be only a technical rebound. A drop below 0.295 would take it to all the way to 0.215 being a symetrical technical drop 0.295 - (0.375 - 0.295). A sebsequent rebound from 0.215 will be stopped at 0.285 being the lowest point of recent downtrend.

2. That scenario in (1) would become a reality once the index drops below its 200 day mvg avg around 1575. It has flirted with this level today n has been so on a few times the past few weeks. Market has been cracking this wall for some time now. I reckon it has weakened n will crack at any moment. Once it closes below its 200 day mvg avg, market will seriously accelerate downwards across the board for go for lower longer.

(3). (1) & (2) above are nothing strange in market adage "sell in may n go away".

"Reach for the stars but dont forget your feet on the ground"


2021-05-19 20:32 | Report Abuse

Signed agreement online? He he...the tail desperately wagging the dog. Any contract signed under an mou is not legally binding. The china govt will deep fry their balls first b4 they could start manufacturing in the land of sinovac.

Bad timing for this goreng news. Up lar 1.5 cents in the first 5 - 10 mins b4 turning yellow n red. When a goreng news fails to sustain buying, the ensuing red would be fatal. Take opportunity of early green to escape.


2021-05-19 17:53 | Report Abuse

A bearish pregnant lady candle formed today. It will go down.


2021-05-19 17:38 | Report Abuse

Yes double top. Will drop n moving sideways to no where 0.75 - 0.85 range until yr hair turn white. Then when al price makes a return back to earth, it will drop another leg down to hybernate forever at 0.50. This is how you will lose 50 - 60% of yr hard earned money in stock market.

Sell !!


2021-05-19 17:15 | Report Abuse

Zero position. Sleep better. Kepala no pusing. When the music is slow you tango to the slow rythm. When hope starts to set in, you sell. Market weak lar. Very weak.

When todays buyers got stuck, then you go for easy money later. If its moving up beyond critical mass, then you give chase like no tomolo lar. Either way you make money. Just know how to tango. Rock n roll, cha cha, jazz or heavy metal.


2021-05-19 17:06 | Report Abuse

Profit today rm1,388.20. Relax bro. Live to fight another day.


2021-05-19 16:50 | Report Abuse

Simple math. If it did not rebound this afternoon when it was suppose to rebound, it will go lower. Come to papa at 0.29.


2021-05-19 16:42 | Report Abuse

Just dump. Dont sayang2. Sayang could kill you.


2021-05-19 16:37 | Report Abuse

Tango to the music babe..


2021-05-19 16:37 | Report Abuse

If u bought at 0.33, dump at 0.325 now. Better lose half cent now than panic stricken at 3 - 5 cents lower later.


2021-05-19 16:33 | Report Abuse

Correction. Not 0.66. Will overshoot to 0.62 b4 any rebound. Sell.


2021-05-19 16:30 | Report Abuse

Contract award announced. Market sell the news ler. Will go back to 0.66. Sell.


2021-05-19 16:19 | Report Abuse

Done. SOLD ALL avg 0.334. Profit 0.4 cent less brokerage. A man got to do what a man got to do. Dont fall in love with a stock.

Dnex forming a bearish pregnant lady candle. Bearish market ahead. Wait ucrest at 0.29 double bottom.


2021-05-19 12:25 | Report Abuse

Full lockdown or no full lock down so what? Market is selling on anticipation, n will buy on news. One way or the other, this market will rally. Buy.


2021-05-19 12:12 | Report Abuse

Dnex candle yesterday was one of marobuzu. Dnex will go to 0.84. When that happens, ucrest will revisit 0.40 again. Buy.


2021-05-19 11:55 | Report Abuse

Hello china man, market oversold buy lar. If drop some more, cut loss lar. Apa takut. No risk taking, no gain. Yr brain shud be in yr head, not in between yr legs.


2021-05-19 11:50 | Report Abuse

Clearly this market will run out of sellers in the afternoon. Buy b4 lunch.


2021-05-19 11:39 | Report Abuse

Bought some more 0.325. Bottom is 0.32. The fearful are selling. Take advantage of that n buy!


2021-05-19 11:17 | Report Abuse

Yesterday morning 0.405. Now 0.335. Cheap oredy. If you want cheaper you might miss the boat. Buy.


2021-05-19 11:02 | Report Abuse

Dnex has bottomed out. Buy. Everything will rebound after 4 pm n continue to go higher tomolo morning, when you take yr profit then.


2021-05-19 10:46 | Report Abuse

Buy 0.32 - 0.335. Sell on rebound 0.37/0.375 there about.


2021-05-19 10:40 | Report Abuse

I start buying. Bought some 0.335.


2021-05-19 10:25 | Report Abuse

Dumping in dnex will spillover to ucrest. Ucrest will go lower.


2021-05-19 10:23 | Report Abuse

Big traders escaping. Run..


2021-05-19 10:09 | Report Abuse

Very bad. Buyers not buying. Sell/escape. Dont bargain. Just dump.


2021-05-19 10:02 | Report Abuse

I told u to escape yesterday. This will get ugly.


2021-05-18 16:32 | Report Abuse

Gold game over. Sell. Tomolo limit down.


2021-05-18 16:29 | Report Abuse

Sell. Gold game over.


2021-05-18 15:59 | Report Abuse

What cannot rebound, will go lower. Sell. Bcause more n more people will start to exit today n tomolo.


2021-05-18 12:23 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-05-18 11:51 | Report Abuse

Not only ucrest arr. Tide blowing south across the board. All coming down.


2021-05-18 11:49 | Report Abuse

Kenie. Dont post too long lar. Sakit mata lor. Short, compact, smart n straight to the point lar. Grow up lar.


2021-05-18 11:46 | Report Abuse

Tango to music lar. See market lar. Very weak. How to go up? This is sellers market. Sell/cut loss/escape. Bcause it will go lower.


2021-05-18 11:34 | Report Abuse

Todays close 0.355. Tomolo lower. Sell.


2021-05-18 11:27 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-05-18 11:25 | Report Abuse

1.07 - 1.17 intraday descending triangle breakdown. It will drop to 0.97 in afternoon trades. Sell!


2021-05-18 11:15 | Report Abuse

Bullish turned bearish. Cut loss!