
sharemarket21 | Joined since 2020-08-17

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2021-07-29 20:30 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-29 16:24 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-29 16:22 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-29 10:00 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-28 17:36 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-28 17:23 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-28 17:08 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-28 16:51 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-28 16:27 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-28 16:06 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-28 13:10 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-27 15:08 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-27 14:13 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-27 13:45 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-27 11:31 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-27 09:49 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-27 09:07 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-26 17:17 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-26 00:15 | Report Abuse

Lock down and travelling restriction implementation and at the same time allowing vaccination to take place is effective to curb the Covid-19. Domestic opening up without tourism is still meaningful. Unfortunately SEA took it very lightly due to inexperience or whatsoever reasons particularly Malaysia. As expected earlier Government will take at least 1.5-2 months to make a strong recovery. Hopefully by end August to September and upgraded vaccines would be rolling out massively by then. As for now citizens should adopt UK model. Be accountable with everything you do and including your own investment too.


2021-07-25 18:00 | Report Abuse

The place I am residing is zero for months. World fatalities still going down. South America cases recorded new low and many other part of the world. SEA is new high and August hopefully it will stop and reduce significantly and completely.


2021-07-21 10:42 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-21 10:36 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-19 17:37 | Report Abuse

The public room must allow free comment and free reading as long as it meets the forum requirements. As long it's fair and equal rights for both sides. One-sided action disregarding the room's own policy will only lead to fishy and hidden motives. You should write to Busa if you are not happy with the big group or individual involving in the stock price performance but not in this room. And now I am writing to the forum that they are not observing their own guidelines closely.


2021-07-19 16:50 | Report Abuse

The whole idea is to allow free posting without bias and as long as meeting the room code of conduct. Otherwise the room should impose additional condition and spell out clearly the intention. The price up down movement is secondary and by removing negative comments won't justify the action. The priority and objective have to be set properly in order to avoid suspicion or certain commenters motive end of the day. Bursa allow regulated short selling as well and this room should not stop anyone posting factual for any form of investment and trading. And no one should incur losses because it will contribute to someone gain. Let's have a fair investment and trading which including all the positive and negative comments.


2021-07-19 14:30 | Report Abuse

Comments can be removed and reinstated and worse still the room operator can choose who and what to be removed even many comments met the room code of conduct and requirements. This lead to fishy action and inconsistent with the room objective. But of course hopefully the share price can go higher and if not, this is rampant and unethical behaviour as a public forum. The staff are responsible and answerable to every action for some investors who rely on certain factual to make some good investment. We shall see the pricing end of the day. Hope they are doing the right thing here. Still don't stop posting comments if it helps some investors to buy and sell at the right timing.


2021-07-19 00:10 | Report Abuse

Comment reinstated ? Hah.. Obviously scammer around. So long didn't mention this word and it fits the one who is doing this. Didn't know the biggest scammer is the room operator. Be very careful with your investment. Modus operandi around..


2021-07-18 12:39 | Report Abuse

There is nothing new about all sorts of positive statements. In fact it was being shared very aggressively and fearless last year when that was the best opportunity for many investors but it went horribly wrong. It's now only being repeated or recycled at this range. Stock price is formed from many different aspects and elements and not just purely profits alone. Every pieces are crucial determining the share price direction. Strong technical is still possible but going back to half where it belongs, it's quite challenging unless there is another potential outbreak which many disagree and concur no matter what it takes. Still my personal 5 factors stand. 20-40 cents until the signs are clearer or share price low enough for re entry. Lay man term sharing.


2021-07-18 11:49 | Report Abuse

It's okay with the flagging and removal. The room and website integrity have gone for long and hopefully the share price will go far and if not, it shows the room operator or person in charge is trying to scam or exiting some positions. Just be cautious and digest all the news and potential setbacks. Facts remained unchanged that the share price came down from 12,9,7,6,5,4 and 3 now. The same happening when it was trading at 6-7 and some hidden hands were involved for rampant and bias removal. Look at the share price now ? Many lost heavily. Make sure digest the news first especially new bies and newcomers. Existing holders can't do anything at this level for now. 5 factors impact too. Upgraded vaccines are rolling out soon once the older batch expired. South America cases dropped to almost lowest. Just remember the 20-40 cents strategy..


2021-07-14 21:33 | Report Abuse

This potential setback has been brought up months ago and it will haunt the stock and sector performance for ages. Another major hurdles CBP and first ever profit potential declination. Vaccinations rolling out fast and big players refused to take position. Don't underestimate these news. And of course like many here were so excited about the rising cases will lead to another potential world wide lock down ? That's the only bet you got here. Digest all these facts and make a good decision and conclusion.


2021-07-14 21:18 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-14 21:13 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-13 21:29 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-13 16:31 | Report Abuse

Well I am okay with thousands of messages related to the stock but not taunting and personal attack repeated comments. I'm fine with it. Just read and digest and focus on the share price and don't have to worry about it. Let our friend deal with the administrator here who have been removing comments in rampant manner and not those taunting and clearly breached the room code of conduct. Unless the share price keep appreciating but it's still below and meet his expectations and predictions. That matter the most..Keep it up !


2021-07-13 15:28 | Report Abuse

Everyone should entitled to post and comment freely here. Since there are some hidden hands involved, let's continue to do our part and see how rampant and far the abuse will continues to take place. The price tumbled from 12-3.19 remain an important facts. This also happened several times during the previous few peaks. Even it stays for a few seconds in this room, worth the effort. The staff or supervisor need to work as hard too. Hah..


2021-07-13 11:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-13 10:49 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-13 09:47 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-12 15:13 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-12 12:43 | Report Abuse

Variants forming from the original Covid-19 will be the final battle against the existing and newly more effective upgraded vaccines soon. That should be the final mankind weapon to end this bloody pandemic once and for all. It's been sometime and ruining people lives. If the Royal and very rich people can just mix in the crowd without proper protection knowing that the variants are still very deadly, they should have stopped doing it by now. Believe what you want to believe. At least you can digest how and when this will be end soon or it relates to your investment. Anything is possible but strongly believe mankind will prevail end of the day. Don't underestimate some comments on here, in facts it's meant across the glove sector since the peak last August. Reinforcement is coming for Msia and SEA. Hang on there guys !


2021-07-12 12:04 | Report Abuse

The whole market sentiment and trend are quite heavy compared to the just beginning last year and April short fiery term. Coupled with many bought at the few peaks. The energy and hype have disappeared for now. The volume is not convincing and investors and traders are feeling the heat and burden. This had developed to a grabbing investments. As long as Msia are still not able to come out from the present turmoil or having a proper plan to resolve some issues, every potential rally or recovery might be short-lived. The funds are switching from one place to another. Unless Bursa stocks are getting very cheap in line with the current crisis, otherwise FF and big boys will just have to wait and see.


2021-07-12 11:16 | Report Abuse

Overall Bursa volume and value are still below the expectations. DJ have shown some serious correction signs. It probably will be spread to SEA because of the current Covid-19 situation. So any spike in between with heavy volume is worth considering to log in some decent profits. Otherwise be cautious with potential setback like CBP, latest profit result and TG pricing gap catching. Of course continue to target your low entry price. Still think the stock volume has to slow down first for best price recollection.


2021-07-12 11:03 | Report Abuse

It's okay with the removal. This is not the first time it's happening. It was started since the few peaks. Damages already done. Just be cautious with the all the possibilities and including the room admin or whoever is doing this. Personal vested interest or hidden motive. No matter how a commenter put up the the proper words, it was conviently removed without basis. One sided action and similar to one sided regular news posting behaviour but ignoring comments which contain taunting in between lines. The most important and truth that the price tumbled from 12-3.04. Just keep doing our check and balance here. Perhaps the group of administrator or staff would be replaced or stopped one day I hope. As for now invest with extra care and digest all the news. Wimbledon fully packed, Euro final amazing crowd ,UFC and so on so forth..GL !


2021-07-11 23:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-11 23:36 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-11 22:37 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-11 22:09 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-11 21:22 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-11 18:56 | Report Abuse

Neither we are legal experts in medical field nor qualified doctor to comment the current outbreak and impact but merely to correct certain false or extreme Covid-19 general statements or comments so that investors and traders can read and digest both inputs related to gloves sector in this room. Am more interested to predict the share price performance and stock market based on past, current and potential factual and investments factors. Shall leave the Covid-19 and medical sharing to the experts to do the job. Or else we can just conviently search for one sided news and ignoring the truth exactly like many did during the share price trading at the peak. Anything is possible in the world. Totally understand that some investors who have invested in gloves and objective to see more negative Covid-19 news because it helps the investment and boost the share price. Who's not ? So just be fair in posting both inputs. Readers can digest. Damage is already done since then.


2021-07-11 17:00 | Report Abuse

No you are are making extreme cases without basis and yes everyone still have to be alert with the Covid-19 and any potential variants outbreak. You are picking from selective articles and shouldn't put this across the board. The place we are residing now is zero case and we know certain facts and not just theories and assumptions. Yes zero case due to self initiative control because vaccinations rate still less than 20%. So it's possible that Covid-19 can be eliminated not entirely depending on vaccines and many other factors. Fear will only lead to more complications and panicking mode and so we ought to exercise any assumptions or speculations with more factual. There must be a strong reason that the west continue to lead their lives without fear and minimal control although Covid-19 is serious. Again different country have different set of administration. That's what happening to Malaysia and surrounding Asean country. No matter how stay at home and wear masks are compulsory for all citizens for now.


2021-07-11 12:11 | Report Abuse

Mild infection cases are increasing due to final phase of variants and death no so far. No one is dying but surely businesses are if there is no proper plan being carried out here. Look away from Malaysia and SEA. Don't be clouded just because of home place crisis. Elsewhere every events are packed and the Covid-19 is contained to a certain degree. When event like Wimbledon can packed with crowd without masks and and soon Olympic knowing the grave consequences, we should really understand how the global situation right now. Again if you think that there will another pandemic, make your decision and if not , just read and digest all the news and info here. There are still plenty of great trading opportunities around. Every strong technical and also potential lower entry price still make sense.