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2021-06-21 12:38 | Report Abuse

Nah. The naysayers are the one who refused to believe the pandemic will be ending soon and vaccines are reaching every where by now. 9 months to be precise. The table is being turned for long.


2021-06-21 12:16 | Report Abuse

Overall market is weak and US dip is not helping the situation either. It's obvious that the trend is not the same like previous April. And some of you think by merely mentioning the word speculation and even a short few days rally is an easy task to do ? Don't just simply quote unquote if you are not following the technical aspects, overall volume and sentiment closely. On what basis ? Even my 30 cents prediction failed miserably twice. It just reached 20 cents each time. That's from the lowest too. If we want to see little hope and momentum, hopefully it stay above 3.70 today. Don't talk about 5,6 7 first until it clears the 4 hurdle. Don't do post price action profitable comment here. Small kid will know how to boast when everything is laid on the table nicely.


2021-06-19 21:49 | Report Abuse

Not sure who you are but should have sold in the month of May but you made strong comments to buy of instead from your previous post dude. Gloves sentiment across the board. You should know better. Telling some facts are not condemning. Just want to ruin someone party because there might be innocent investors fall into the peak trap. So far so good. Rest assured we will support when the share price back to where it should belongs in tandem with overall market sentiment. We don't do post price action comments. Magical profits comment out from nowhere to be precise.


2021-06-19 15:20 | Report Abuse

Really dude ? Keep posting comments and don't hold accountability when thing keep goes wrong but blame the silly readers ? That sum up the person integrity and not sure who you are or hiding different identity. Just bash these scammers without mercy ! Don't say anything if you have nothing to offer.


2021-06-19 13:32 | Report Abuse

Well at least a moral victory weekend closing and reduced some tenses. Now suddenly everyone is speculating and forgeting the fundamental just because of the little hype. Hah. Stock market can really influence. Nonetheless amazing room atmosphere indeed. The first short technical rebound from range 3.82 - 3.95 didn't last long and probably this is second potential technical from the new low 3.62. Again it might be 20-30 cents or reaching 4 hurdle TP before forming any solid next signal or direction. Good for those 3.62 new investors if there is really one. Hopefully it will not short live yet again like the first round.

Right now can't really make the same comparison from previous April short mid rally first. Everyone saw obvious foreign funds flow and coupled with new low and potential great ER news which including TG HK listing and of course my personal 2 factors as well. Sentiment was unwavering then but now it seems we are just relying on feel good feelings due to overdue long downtrend. Just be extra cautious because obviously other setbacks have not been addressed yet. Perhaps local traders are taking charge now. Remember to sell if 30 cents is attractive enough or else only consider some decisions when it stay at 4 solid. If you are unsure what you are reading and follow here. Do extra step, one click on the user previous comment stored will give you more idea assisting your investment decision. GL investors, traders or gamblers whoever you are !


2021-06-18 12:41 | Report Abuse

The real money is not in Bursa. Learn how to become a night watcher if you are seriously want to become a successful investor or trader.


2021-06-18 12:37 | Report Abuse

Every existing good stocks are potential to make some decent return in Bursa. Just remind again no one said Supermax and other gloves companies will not rebound one day. It's all about timing and the find the right entry price. Trapped investments from 12, 6 and 4 is not the same. The chances to make the return for those at 4 is definitely higher but again what if this go down to 2 or 3? What would you choose.

Some are harsh on this stock because it's potential and figures relates to the world wide crisis now and of course some long term investors behavior cannot accept the facts. That's the reason they retaliated. Whether you like it or not. Again just make money because of the share price movement and not hoping for another crisis and wrong reason and turn it to be investors only justification so that the share price can move. Having said that some with good experiences here have pointed out clearly before the gloves sector and company make the big U-Turn. We are competing with the big boys and not small fella in this room. Now just regroup and pick the news faster so that everyone will learn to prevent unnecessary paper or real losses before start talking about making real profit. SO much to learn and digest here. Why pay the subscriptions fees ? Go for counseling course of instead.


2021-06-17 16:29 | Report Abuse

You bet on the Covid-19 further deterioration and this is what you get and expected. Fair game and pricing too. Nothing to really complain anymore. We stopped loss clean and no grievances and move on.


2021-06-17 16:19 | Report Abuse

The heat is still on the second and third layer. The ordinary citizens and soldiers are fighting the battle. Life goes on for the kingdom and emperor for now and why hurry. Why not call for another press conference ? Now track closely if there is any news on the kingdom and their royal bloods. If yes please share here. And also appreciate the one who post foreign funds landing news on Bursa. The earliest the better.


2021-06-17 16:02 | Report Abuse

That's why we asked the brave soldiers to stop loss at 3.79-3.80. Be responsible to your comment. This have surpassed the previous new low 3.76 and let's see where is it heading next. How low it can go and time for technical and back on track on what basis ? You have all the answers here.


2021-06-17 15:49 | Report Abuse

Some made horrible recommendations and comments during 12,10,7,6,5 and now even 3 still brave enough to keep doing the same here like just another day. Give credit to the one and those who came in last November during the downtrend when vaccines news started rolling out and relentlessly reminding many not to chase each peak and share their views. By the way all facts with strong grounds and potential setbacks have been recycled many times here and it's really nothing new in this room by now. All these wild imaginations, fantasizing and scenarios assumptions remain speculations without basis.

Well you have another shot to prove your strong opinion at this level and let's see where it goes. But again don't stood so low hurling insults and negative personal remarks when it didn't favor your way end of the day and also get ready to be lectured. Every 10-20 cents count if you have plan to invest. You can't crack anyone so easily if the current facts and price action backed him or her heavily due to the previous sharing. Respect the price movement at least if you still have some dignity and play by the rules. Man up our comments and we should blame no one but ourselves if the investments suffering huge losses in stock market because many have shared so much here. Digest and think first before you act. We are answerable to our family in this trying time.


2021-06-15 14:18 | Report Abuse

Well we are waiting to buy Supermax when the time is right but it's good that gloves doubters can confirm the timing too. That will be double affirmative. The real enemy in stock market is we ourselves and of course the big boys out there. Sounds weird but it's fact. The naysayers term should be the buyer side now because the current share price said so. Think about it. Hah..


2021-06-15 14:10 | Report Abuse

No latest news but certain banks imposed restriction early in the morning. The MCO news is highly expected in the month of June-August if you do understand what is beneath.


2021-06-15 14:02 | Report Abuse

Don't think the comments here are rude or anything wrong except those who are calling vulgar words, profanities related to female and mother and hoping people family karma just because of they are telling something and facts that some listeners don't like to hear and accept? That's so low. Everyone can challenge each other opinions to prove their investments wisdom and gain a small fame here but end of the day we have to respect and submit to the facts and share price movement because it cause the other side winning and losing. That's the beauty of the stock market and this room purpose. Take it like a true gentleman. I am sure our time will come one day but not now. Don't lose our investment capital to the big boys and unethical high price promoters out there.


2021-06-15 13:02 | Report Abuse

Is this the lowest range ? Nobody knows but are there any obstacles or positive news ahead ? You should able to list down. Beside the good PE and productions seems robust or intact in line with pre and post pandemic assumptions like many so called experts have pointed out. There are many downsides you really have to consider. CBP risk, PBT reducing lead PE back to normal range, post pandemic effect, historical of gloves sector price reaction each outbreak. US plan abortion, competition out there and etc.

Even if you have decided to invest for a very long term but bear in mind, investing at 12,6 and 3 or 2 are totally not the same. Don't be fool and misled by others that it's okay your long term investment incurring 20-30% just in weeks time and just let it be for years and you will definitely guaranteed the ultimate returns. This is not guaranteed unit trust fund. Anything can happen in between and by the time you realize, it already wipe out your total investments and hard earned savings ! So think carefully and digest your own risk appetite.


2021-06-15 12:30 | Report Abuse

Shouldn't have chased high and should have sold above 6,7 and 8. Last stop above 5. And now you can easily start accumulating again but some of you clearly made the strong comments when you have the chance to decide what was best at that moment. Instead of listening and give a thoughts about it but went against some opinions here.

Anyone can be investors including a six years old boy but its the real experience separated them. And genuine investors or traders can take the heat and understand the consequences of share price movement. Silent is golden when sometimes you don't have any facts to offer anymore. Vice versa if the share price is trading at higher than before but it's not happening now. So just wait if this will come true one day. Until then just focus and re strategies your investments and we will never know in stock market.


2021-06-14 13:50 | Report Abuse

Should have sold 6 and above dude but of instead asked others to chase at that peak. Silent is golden sometimes.


2021-06-14 13:15 | Report Abuse

That's why some of you don't understand how the stock market works and many have stranded with their investments with the wrong strategy. Sometimes just don't think too complicated and understand what is forward and soon to be stagnant or slow industry. Maybe certain sector pricing like Genting and Petgas are not favourable right now but as long as its forward sector and that's how the public will perceive. There will be always demand when the time comes and post pandemic effect.

Again no one said gloves sector is not the right investment but looking for the reasonable and lowest entry price is every investors dreams. Thus you can always do sniper trading, short term or eventually long term in between once you have decided if that's the best price level with all the risks and setbacks have weighed down significantly. Listen to some of our commenters here. They have many valid points and don't just single out a few here but not those who have asked you to buy at the peak but still act like nothing in this room as usual. How can you say that Supermax is back on track just because of TG OTC one day performance? This is highest form of speculations if we make that kind of comment and buying opinion. So are we not gambling here noble investors?


2021-06-14 11:00 | Report Abuse

It's a good technical rebound but however it need other stock news to boost up the sentiment. Looks not convincing. Still just make sure you understand the pros and cons before you plan to invest for short or long term at this level. This thing came down from 12 to below 4. I supposed many have highlighted their thoughts and let's hope it can back to 4 again and stabilize first. End of the day just remember to sell if TP hit. Cautious with TG OTC later in the evening. Hope it can hold and if not, the same outcome applies the next day.


2021-06-13 13:47 | Report Abuse

Now everyone is looking forward Monday TG domino effect and hopefully it will spill some to Supermax and sector. Keep guessing world cases and assuming figures forecast. Are these not speculation and gamblers mindset? Hah. All these self claimed long term fundamental investors. End of the day it's all about share price movement.


2021-06-12 20:02 | Report Abuse

Great news indeed. The signs were out there much earlier during the PGA golf tournament and followed by NBA. Soon tennis Grand slam. No masks requirement too. It's only in Msia and a few countries still struggling to contain the outbreak. Still hopeful it be back to normal in 1.5-2 months time.


2021-06-12 16:57 | Report Abuse

By just judging the sentiment in this room, have you ever wondered what's the public opinion and perception about this company and gloves sector ? It's like haunted stocks for the time being. Only a few here are still very excited and not too sure why you are so obsessed with gloves so much. Nevertheless if you think there is potential sudden strong upside, just make sure you seize the opportunity and SELL if you have make some good returns. Just don't miss it.


2021-06-12 00:48 | Report Abuse

You really think this is Wall Street ? You can't win the small percentage of short sellers in Bursa. Those are the big boys and doing the check and balance now. Otherwise there will be more casualties at the high side. You should call out the one who started the nonsense bursabet letter and trapped many naive believers at one time.


2021-06-12 00:44 | Report Abuse

I'm not buying dude. We don't do this kind of business here. We have stopped many innocents from buying high and forced them to sell at the right level. When we buy we tell exactly what and how and when to sell. That message is not meant for you but you just came in same time when I posted. So just relax if you're not into that group.


2021-06-12 00:32 | Report Abuse

Those who have hidden intention and promoted like nobody business and still managed to cash out with handsome profits but leaving many innocents trapped at many peaks with massive paper and real losses are the one would be answering to Someone one day. Of course they will deny all these because they want everyone to buy and make profits and it's a noble act. Just go after these people.


2021-06-11 14:51 | Report Abuse

Haven't even touched the 3 personal factors, this stock is already struggling on it's own. Just be cautious with the potential CBP issue. That will definitely punish the share price another round if it's real. And all these assumptions and personal forecasting will be disappeared overnight.


2021-06-11 10:22 | Report Abuse

Fundamental is one of the criteria only and open facts. We don't need any experts in this room to tell you what is this all about. Someone who are more qualified have already shared and it's all published everywhere. Hundreds out there. All the assumptions, forecasting and personal predictions are made because what they strongly believe and of course their personal pursuing and self interest too.

Perhaps this is what most of us think about Supermax and gloves sector current turmoil as a simple trader or investor. Market perception, pre and post pandemic effect, what started will end one day, price entry is the most important element and of course others combination factors determining the share price direction. Just too many but let's use common sense and don't make it too complicated. Everyone has the chance to SELL but failed to do so. There's nothing wrong the Supermax share price but it's more on the investors and traders attitude. So far I am okay with Supermax performance and this downtrend and uncertainty creating investments opportunities. Still looking for the right entry price for long term. There is nothing wrong with the PE and share price. Not too sure about others.


2021-06-11 10:02 | Report Abuse

He's a long term investor and the most rational among all. Accepting current facts and not blindly justifying since the downtrend from the peak. The only one who bashed the company management and stake holders here and not blaming others. That's the right approach. Again the King is still not feeling the heat yet. Let's wait how soon.


2021-06-11 09:48 | Report Abuse

Mercenaries tried to support also got hit. That's telling us how brutal the big boys and share price can be in the real stock market. It's okay 2-3% loss for this uncertainty. Anyhow still hope for some technical once the setbacks are cleared. Protect your investment capital at all time. GL !


2021-06-11 09:41 | Report Abuse

Price action won't lie. Oil hit new high and that's telling us what our futures ahead. Trade and invest carefully soldiers. Just don't get trapped another level.


2021-06-11 09:37 | Report Abuse

South we go. No mercy for technical. Hope all soldiers have escaped nicely. Let's fight the battle again next time. Never let the losses swing. Our commenters here are kind and always consistent.


2021-06-10 15:53 | Report Abuse

From green desert to red sea again. Closed to first breaking point and no signs of reinforcement and little support too. Mercenaries also stranded. Hope for a better closing and tomorrow. Hold the line at least for a while.


2021-06-10 11:21 | Report Abuse

At least TG and other gloves stocks weathered the post QR storm for now. Credit to those who did not simply sell but perhaps added more during the most uncertain time this week. The different between Supermax and TG QR results, one was on the strong uptrend and the latter already long downtrend prior to the result announcement. The next hurdle shall be potential CBP and KLCI exclusion and of course pandemic vast improvement. What we can see that this stock have exceeded one of the longest T cycle. Today is the 12th day T downtrend. It didn't go above 4 yesterday 2 cents short. Nonetheless let's track and hope it will come through one day. Just remember your escape plan if you still keen and plan to hit the 5-8% return. SELL or decide what's next for your own investment when you achieved your TP. Local fund local play and until the big boys and FF comes along. Do not underestimate the local player and PDT when the volume is low.


2021-06-10 09:37 | Report Abuse

Hopefully a small technical north first before anything. It's been a while since the long selling down. Let the medium boys decide which direction with this volume and if not just get out before 3.79 or 3.62 range. Just make sure you have a plan to escape when under siege.


2021-06-10 09:24 | Report Abuse

Good green and let's make it above 4 first and decide what's next and the new direction. GL !


2021-06-09 15:57 | Report Abuse

Certainly my friend if investors and traders will able to make some decent returns and won't lose big chunk of the initial investment capital. Share more convincing facts and points if any.


2021-06-09 15:54 | Report Abuse

Nah. Just leave him alone. No point if spamming is only his skill. Body legs claimed long term but mindset and action like hardcore gambler here. It's the same. Should have sold 6 and above if cannot accept the facts.


2021-06-09 15:07 | Report Abuse

Hah. Big boys. It's strictly business and experience counts. Hope some got it and if not its alright. So you decide if you want to turn long term. Our mission is 20-30 cents. You decide and your choice ! I am responsible to my comments here. No post price action. All in advance !


2021-06-09 15:00 | Report Abuse

Another 11 cents would be nice ! Those who attacked yesterday and this morning are the super soldiers. 10 T cycle matched accordingly. It's all about discipline.


2021-06-09 14:44 | Report Abuse

Well at least survived the QR impact for now. Let's heading north gradually and achieve the mission. GL !


2021-06-09 13:59 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Lim and family are feeling the heat and they will do their best to bring their empire back on feet again. While the others still enjoying the best moment in life and there is no urgency to tackle the issues now and that's why we are still hanging on and floating for so long. So you guys fight in the battlefield for now. I put this very lay man for someone to understand.


2021-06-09 13:39 | Report Abuse

The only difference separated the two stocks is forward and stagnant or organic growth investments. One gained from sudden pandemic and the other one suffered from the crisis. What is next when you definitely know pandemic will be contained or end soon one fine day because the signs are clearer day by day. Understand the kingdom battlefield layers. When the King and royal bloods start feeling the heat, they will do everything to protect their kingdom and interest. Think beyond before others grab the opportunity first.


2021-06-09 12:00 | Report Abuse

That would be rather too late and market and investors perception react much quicker than that. 3 months to 1 year in advance. That's what happening to Supermax share price now. Invest on rumors and make the returns before facts.


2021-06-09 11:44 | Report Abuse

Don't do this algorithm dude. What's good for you and the rest ? Just focus on the share price and don't lose big chunk of the capital investments. Should have sold 6 above and if not 5 if you can't accept the heat here.


2021-06-09 11:31 | Report Abuse

Won't go wrong with Genm investment at this juncture if you are a strong believer Malaysia lock down and pandemic will end one day. Business revenues affected due to sudden pandemic and not natural cause and poor management. By the time the hills packed with the crowd again, that's the time you will see true value and cash out for returns.


2021-06-09 11:26 | Report Abuse

Next TP above 4 hopefully. Under the big boys radar and mercy if any. It has to be green for today to see short technical recovery ahead. TG QR and CBP remains biggest challenges disrupting the short rebound. Lets hope not. GL !


2021-06-09 10:59 | Report Abuse

Congrats those who bought 3.81-3.83 ! Brave soldier. We attacked a day earlier. Let's go for 20-30 cents !


2021-06-09 09:24 | Report Abuse

Yes GenM is the forward investment. No question about it. Do not wait until the hill crowded one day and only react.


2021-06-09 09:22 | Report Abuse

10th red T cycle completed Tuesday. Let's see today the big boys and onwards. Hopefully a good one and green.


2021-06-09 00:12 | Report Abuse

Made strong statements and accept humble pie now. It's all about facts and price action. Let's see tomorrow if there is little hope but looks like very unlikely. A small technical also some consolations. Red sea for so long and see to believe.