
skywalker72 | Joined since 2015-11-05 08:55:50

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2017-09-29 19:55 | Report Abuse

Will the mother share price adjust once bonus share issued?

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 19:36 | Report Abuse

Can i still entitle for the bonus share if i sold all my EG-PR on 28th Sept???

Appreciate your kind advise


2016-01-12 13:47 | Report Abuse

Rumors CIMB will have Right issue so their share will be diluted and that will see more down trend then up, isn't it?


2016-01-03 21:07 | Report Abuse

How shall we interpret this,

"A weakening of the above currencies against Ringgit Malaysia at the reporting date would have had the equal but opposite effect on the above currencies to the amounts shown above, with all other variables held constant."

Particularly this: "but opposite effect on the above currencies to the amounts shown above"

And this reflect in their 2015 annual report (Page 73, item 33.a.i),

Effect on profit after tax,

2014: USD Strengthened by 10%; profit increase by 1,559,274

2015: USD Strengthened by 10%; profit DECREASE by 291,106

Likewise EURO


2016-01-03 08:35 | Report Abuse

Homeritz, a furniture export counter, doesn't benefit from the depreciation of Ringgit.....???

Increase/ (Decrease)
2015 2014
Effects on profit after tax
- strengthened by 10% (291,106) 1,559,274

- strengthened by 10% (8,131) 12,436

A weakening of the above currencies against Ringgit Malaysia at the reporting date would have had the equal but opposite effect on the above currencies to the amounts shown above, with all other variables held constant.

2) For major customer that with revenue >10%, it has reduced from 2014 of 3 to 2015 of ONLY 1

3) Forward foreign exchange contracts, increase from (2014) 807,450 to (2015) 18,710,590

Currency exposure of -3,881,410 (2015) against +20,790,307 (2014)..... GOOD/BAD???

Would that explain the recent fell of Homeritz share price??? We may not expect a good result from 2016 Q1......

News & Blogs

2015-12-07 18:15 | Report Abuse

Where is EG Ind??? Mr. Koon's name is in the latest 2015 Annual report as 4th shareholder.... why EG Ind not in the list?

News & Blogs

2015-12-07 17:56 | Report Abuse

Murali, what/who is Koon Bee and KB System? I confuse now......


2015-12-07 07:49 | Report Abuse

Should we link cashflow to per share ratio? Cause Homeritz have relatively higher number of share

Homeritz = 300 Mil
Latitud = 97.208 Mil
Pohuat = 226.775 Mil
Liihen = 180 Mil

So once we consider per share ratio it has been very much diluted.
However, if per share ratio is not really a concern then i fully agreed Homeritz demonstrate better future


2015-12-07 07:43 | Report Abuse

Pak Saham thanks for your kind info.
Further to KLscreener data,

P/E = 8.33 as compared with previous 3+
EPS = 10.98 as compared with previous 3x.x ++
NTA = reduced to 0.737 as compared with previous 1.73 or 1.75

Although it is still stay below 10 (PE), but P/BV is shooting up, EPS is reducing significantly, it is not as attractive as before, those bought at low (say 50+ cents to 60+ cents) were really discovered the GEMS but we are buy at high now.

I agreed for long term it may still demonstrate good future after the corporate exercises (PP, new investors, etc) but the growing space is limited as compared.


2015-12-04 22:38 | Report Abuse

Pak Saham, how would the Private placement affecting the above number and valuation?


2015-12-04 21:46 | Report Abuse

They bought at low (low entry price) but we buy high now.


2015-12-04 21:43 | Report Abuse

pohuat and latitud big jump due to forex gap between Ringgit (weak) and Vietnam Dong (maintain); but Homeritz factory all are in Malaysia


2015-12-04 21:41 | Report Abuse

yet to see full 2015 annual report....

News & Blogs

2015-12-02 20:36 | Report Abuse

Dear Mr. Koon, i consider myself a new comer due to for the past 10 - 15 years i only rely on tips rather than doing my own homework! Only after a few painful lessons i started to change and learnt it in a very hard way! I appreciate most of the investment guru here and in any other blogs that really shed me some light and i totally salute your unselfishness sharing!

Recall there is another guru commented in other article (2013 article) EV/EBITDA will be a better indicator as compared with PE. For a cash rich company and with high retain profit, usually EV/EBITDA is lower than PE, and vice-versa.

On P/S ratio, usually if it is below <1.0 it is consider undervalue, right? However, i found some debt rider or companies with an unstable financial some has P/S <1, will that still consider a good counter for long term (since its indicate undervalue)? However, for DIGI, it has 5.67, does it mean it is very much overvalue?

Your guidance and comments is appreciated.


2015-11-27 22:38 | Report Abuse

Thanks Gabriel, so what is the fair value of Homeritz?


2015-11-27 12:36 | Report Abuse

Selling continue... with P/S ratio (>2) still the highest among other furniture stock, is Homeritz overvalued?


2015-11-27 12:33 | Report Abuse

Selling continue like no end.... JT Yeo good point!!!! Thanks for your info....really appreciate that!!!


2015-11-27 07:09 | Report Abuse

i only have 2014 annual report and from 2013 number it demonstrade similar pattern, if we follow the analogic, 2015 would not far out! I won't put my chip at this counter if see no improvement.


2015-11-26 21:58 | Report Abuse

From 2014 Annual report, gross trade receivables is about 19 mil but there is 5.6 Mil that are past due but not impaired... this is come to nearly 30% of Plabs total trade receivables! And there was higher figure reported on 2013 annual report (~6.5 Mil).

Frankly my background is not on accounting or finance related and i am still struggling to read and elaborate further in financial report. I am not sure either how much past due trade receivables (but not impaired as the directors are of the opinion that they are collectible) that being recognized as revenue or being accrued. Please shed some light if this is not the case.

A substantial percentage of past due trade receivables will going to affect the company cash flow and that to me is not a good sign.


2015-11-12 16:24 | Report Abuse

You are right, there are too many rumors flying here and there, some purely just want to share, some to exchange ideas, some with hidden agenda, the best is rely on ourselves and analyse


2015-11-11 12:02 | Report Abuse

Hi Sarahdeaton, may i know where we can access the info on big investor buying into Homeritz? I can't find their footprint neither on itrade CIMB nor Barron's.


2015-11-09 08:15 | Report Abuse

I don't think itrade CIMB stop updating top 30 shareholders..... i.e. Tambun, EPF has been buying on 28 Oct, 29th Oct, 2nd Nov and 3rd Nov and it has reflected in itrade CIMB (share held % from mid Oct 3.5% if i am not mistaken to present 5.05%). The data is consistent with below,

so does Homeritz,

unless itrade CIMB only stop updating Homeritz and Barrons is sharing the same data source as itrade CIMB otherwise i don't see any new shareholders in Homeritz except Hong Leong

I agreed it is weird Homeritz top 30 shareholders reduce drastically and i wonder why too!

Compare Homeritz with other 3, Latitude, Lii Hen and Poh Huat,


P/E, Homeritz are among the highest
EV/EBITDA, Homeritz is the second highest (However, some data are analyzed with most recent published annual reports)
Free Cash flow per share, Homeritz is the lowest as compared as per current month (however, compared with long term data, Homeritz wasn't that attractive as compared)

Highest ROE
Better profit margin

Just my 2 cent thought and your comments is most welcome!


2015-11-07 17:02 | Report Abuse

Hotrod, thanks for info


2015-11-07 17:01 | Report Abuse

I can't find their name in any top 30 shareholders list (Homeritz: itrade CIMB). Please shed some light if you have better info.


2015-11-07 09:30 | Report Abuse

Latest financial report: EPS reduce, tax expense jump by 3 folds +, the appreciation of USD that at once will contribute additional profit to Homeritz (refer Q3 2015 report) but did not reflect in their latest financial report.

Just my penny wise thought


2015-11-07 09:22 | Report Abuse

Mr. Koon yew yin and fong siling are both top 30 shareholders appeared on 2014 annual report, but guess both sold all as of todate