
specter | Joined since 2017-04-04

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2017-08-11 12:01 | Report Abuse

Jealousy won't take u far. Find your inner peace, learn and excel at things u want to do.


2017-08-11 11:58 | Report Abuse

We should fill Hevea forum with a welcoming atmosphere not in-fighting and negative vibes. Is this end of the world? Enjoy the journey :)


2017-08-11 11:56 | Report Abuse

godhand, u don't just keep barking like a mad dog. If u buy nothing at discount is your own loss. So please bark less, it's only nonsense coming out from your mouth. If u are good, please contribute something useful for Hevea followers not baseless barking. Thank u!


2017-08-11 11:56 | Report Abuse

flytothemoon, I've reviewed your comments. You should have 10k paper gain (based on ur comment) if u sold at 1.73 and I've said I sold out 2 days ago. It retraced almost 10 cents now so u should not have be angry but accumulate at low and be happy about it.


2017-08-11 11:48 | Report Abuse

No problem. May peace be with u. Don't try to put blame on others but reflect yourself. Thank u!


2017-08-11 11:39 | Report Abuse

From the start, this godhand came in and keep scolding. U really have no inner peace? What is the matter with u? Losing money or what? Hevea followers should have gained a lot even if they haven't sell their shares until now.


2017-08-11 11:33 | Report Abuse

nikicheong, I seriously don't get it. If all these people are following my calls to buy all the way then why are they being angry now? They should have reaped the wonderful profits not mad at me unless they bought it late? For many Hevea followers, even u sell it now u still make a lot of money so what is wrong with them? I have no bad or negative intention and I've not talked anything bad about Hevea too so what is the problems?


2017-08-11 11:27 | Report Abuse

Andrewhlc, u made a good choice because Hevea is the best among its peers.


2017-08-11 11:25 | Report Abuse

I have no intention to take on a childish person like godhand because I have a wonderful gains even now. Please practice patience and find your inner peace :)


2017-08-11 11:24 | Report Abuse

flytothemoon, that is not my intention and I'm still investing into Hevea. This proves that no one likes a smart ass, right? No point u get angry because it's meaningless. Does it boost up the price of Hevea's securities? Focus on winning strategies will be better off for u.


2017-08-11 11:20 | Report Abuse

Not many people would want to hold that long term because the dynamics of the markets are so volatile and crisis keeps popping out anywhere else so best is shield yourself from any potential risks. Most people would prefer instant noodles for its simplicity and convenience, not that the real non-instant noodle (long-term) isn't tasty and all but most in the markets are rather more short-sighted nowadays thus it affects the sentiments and price movements a lot than the good old days.


2017-08-11 11:15 | Report Abuse

For me it's simple only and I don't dig out the old past because no one will want to remember the old glory days. What matters is now if u can make it big and successful. No pain no gains.


2017-08-11 11:14 | Report Abuse

Andrewhlc, u posted a good sharing because u are in the markets long enough and u have inner peace. It makes a big difference if one invested a big sum into a stock and reaped the 40% gains compared to a small investment because the returns are huge. Don't take it negatively, I'm not bragging just a general sharing but still some will take it bitterly.


2017-08-11 11:08 | Report Abuse

Hi Beza. No worries, I'm always keen on peacekeeping not conflicts started by somebody else. I sold my Hevea shares and locked in over 40% gains with a lot of profits. Sharing is caring so I don't understand why people like godhand & flytothemoon want to break the peace here?


2017-08-11 10:54 | Report Abuse

I sense a lot of anger inside godhand. When u have inner peace, u won't be angry anymore lol


2017-08-11 10:50 | Report Abuse

I make money not conflicts so godhand should learn first. Thank u!


2017-08-11 10:48 | Report Abuse

If u are in the market for many years and u still don't gain much then u must learn to invest based on fundamentals which is the most important. How did I earn and increased my net worth over time is all based on this effective approach. Spot the winner stocks not the losing ones.


2017-08-11 10:45 | Report Abuse

Hevea is still best among all wood-based product manufacturers. Not only the accounting side but also the efficient management and bright prospects compared to its peers. That was big part of the reasons I invested heavily way before analysts uncovered this gem among the rough stones.


2017-08-11 10:40 | Report Abuse

Andrewhlc, I exited within 2 and half days to be exact. Timing matters when u see it peaked.


2017-08-11 10:37 | Report Abuse

Only a few among the crowds do win big in stock trades. Most people know how to get in but not out before it peaked. If I'm not as what I said, u can check my previous comments.


2017-08-11 10:29 | Report Abuse

I don't talk to people who invested small amount but talk cocks in front line like godhand. Look at your own nick and we can know.


2017-08-11 10:27 | Report Abuse

flytothemoon, is it really the case? Then there is always an exception in the whole wide world. Anyway I still like Hevea and bought back a bit to keep.


2017-08-11 10:21 | Report Abuse

This is not boasting but I do it to person like yourself so before u talk cocks please use your manners first


2017-08-11 10:18 | Report Abuse

I bought a lot worth a few millions between 1.27-1.32 and averaged to 1.30 and sold at high 1.73-1.77. How much profits do u think I pocketed?


2017-08-11 10:08 | Report Abuse

What I have is a solid gain. Thank u :)


2017-08-11 10:07 | Report Abuse

It's a no brainer for not selling for a 40% gains just under 2 months period. Now buyback is an option too but smartly.


2017-08-11 10:00 | Report Abuse

I see the one who barked previously has become cheerleader for Hevea? lol


2017-08-11 09:57 | Report Abuse

If war erupted between NK and US with its allies, cross-border trades may be affected to certain extent so it's an uncharted territories. Importantly, play it safe :)


2017-08-11 09:53 | Report Abuse

nikicheong, if u look at the Table 3 of the doc u posted u will noticed that the IPI figure jumped from 3.4 (Oct-16) to 7.1 (Nov-16) which is almost doubled for the Y-o-Y due the the sudden depreciation of the Ringgit started in the beginning of Nov 2016. As long the Ringgit remains low, exporters will still reap the benefits of the Ringgit weakness. Have a look at the chart that shows the aforementioned:



2017-08-11 09:43 | Report Abuse

Not necessarily because some wood-based manufacturers sells more than the others thus it doesn't reflect entirely into the industry-wide figure but I believe Hevea's share of the pie is certainly not small.


2017-08-11 09:25 | Report Abuse

We may see cheaper because the the previous rally had priced in most of the positive factors. Be smart~


2017-08-11 09:23 | Report Abuse

Now u know why I sold it 2 days earlier :)


2017-08-10 15:58 | Report Abuse

It retraces just as I expected :)
I hope everyone makes money


2017-08-09 16:34 | Report Abuse

I'm observing many investors/traders/managers are reorganizing their portfolio and I believe u could get better entries in the coming days/weeks.


2017-08-09 15:29 | Report Abuse

Seriously u do not want to hold onto a stock indefinitely but only the very selected few. Always locked in your profits no matter how great the prospects because it takes time again to reflect another surge in price. Different people do it differently so it's very subjective.


2017-08-09 15:22 | Report Abuse

Many different opinions stated here but nothing new and I believe most of us are not amateurs. I've locked in substantial profits already and even maxed out my profits few rounds as much as I could. Extremely grateful and happy! My portfolio balance ballooned up! Re-entering smartly.


2017-08-09 12:20 | Report Abuse

My fellow Hevea shareholders flytothemoon and Andrewhlc, be patience and hold onto your horses because good things are bound to happen as we're moving forward. We're the horsemen and knights of Hevea lol.


2017-08-09 12:17 | Report Abuse

Hevea gave me 40% gains under a short 2 months duration and it's not my only best investment this year but I'm gladly looking to add more into my portfolio for long term. I like the wood-based product manufacturing industry as whole considering the overall average PE ratio remains low at below 10 being cheap and suitable for long term investment holdings.

I like their management team's ability to deliver results and steering the company into all the right directions. I admire their motto tagline in their AR2016:

"Inspiring sustainable growth, delivering results"

Now there are many who chase high after research coverage were initiated by research houses or after they found out this is a brilliant company when it trended up so high in a short time span.


2017-08-09 11:27 | Report Abuse

I can lend to Andrewhlc and I charge lower interest than loan sharks lol


2017-08-09 10:57 | Report Abuse

Put in Rm737k becomes Rm1 million already. Put in Rm2.3 gave u a million gain also. Haven't count dividends received yet.


2017-08-09 10:32 | Report Abuse

Smart buying translates into higher upside if u know what I mean.


2017-08-09 10:27 | Report Abuse

The high profit margins should be well sustained and to be improved further due to new involvement of the new mushroom venture which in itself command higher than 30% margins so that will add up to the core margins.


2017-08-09 10:13 | Report Abuse

Two near term catalysts (RTA capacity expansion & mushroom venture) are fast to go into productions in Q1 2018 so it's hard to ignore the earnings will be well sustained and more importantly increased.


2017-08-09 07:03 | Report Abuse

Tapping 1.86 will achieve the billion ringgit market cap mark. Keep that in mind.


2017-08-08 22:49 | Report Abuse

Whenever we spotted those lame accounts appearing, they'll have to compete fiercely to collect. The solid demand for Hebeaboard's doesn't disappoint. We're in a robust vessel.


2017-08-08 14:32 | Report Abuse

It's bargain hunting season. I'm bringing a lorry to load up my kills.


2017-08-07 09:45 | Report Abuse

The consistent buying up may be due to those who bought at very low price looking to increase their holdings to average up. They still don't lose money even buying at current high price because their holdings are being supported by Hevea's generous dividends. So other kiasu people would also join the bandwagon afraid to lose the chance of benefiting from Hevea's growth story. Now we have seen some logic behind where the buying demand comes from.


2017-08-07 07:46 | Report Abuse

From 1.30 to 1.78 including dividends received, it's 40% returns in total and still counting with the generous forthcoming dividends. All these spectacular returns were realized under a short 36 days only. Try to beat that!

I'm still holding & adding due to near term catalysts (mushroom venture & new RTA furniture expansion capacity built on just next door land), generous dividends and visible growth, profits and earnings. The company has a very solid balance sheet among peers. Please find me some weakness of the company because I'm dying to find any.


2017-08-04 11:49 | Report Abuse

Wow Hevea can't stop to surprise us. Why demand so strong? Perhaps public understand it more. Those sold out must be buying back at higher price!


2017-08-04 11:38 | Report Abuse

Bravado! multiple new ID with similar tones