
steven_c | Joined since 2017-10-25

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2022-05-11 13:37 | Report Abuse

@Natsuko I don't think Biden will dare to do that as most Americans still prefer trade war with China due to negative perception and cold relations with China. The way I see it, Biden may even lose the coming elections and won't be surprise if Donald Trump makes a come back. You may disagree with me but Donald Trump did a better job than what Biden did.


2022-05-06 17:58 | Report Abuse

High inflation is not a good signal for a growing economy, rather a worrying signal that economy will slow down quicker due to consumers being more cautious. High inflation to food costs, raw commodities, energy, logistics will all lead to less spending on unnecessary items like apparel and furniture. But strengthening of US$ does make export cheaper which supports Lii Hen's bottomline.


2022-05-06 10:27 | Report Abuse

Dexter Lau, so what is your plan for business growth? Seems to me that this company is very quiet even though making some profits. Going under the radar is one of the biggest reasons the share price is stagnating. You being the younger generation should be more proactive to step up and bring excitement to company share prices.


2022-04-29 14:39 | Report Abuse

@cherry88, this is smtg good to hear. I am not sure about skyrocketing results but I do look forward to good results and potential recovery of their generous dividends haha


2022-04-25 17:50 | Report Abuse

Betulkah undervalue? Sbb sekarang ni aset OCK tak bertambah byk pun. Historical EPS pun lebih kurang antara 0.63 hingga 0.67. Kalo pendapatannya tidak menunjukkan perkembangan yg byk, amat sukar untuk mengatakan OCK "undervalue". Kecuali lah OCK mempunyai pelan utk menambahkan aset seperti edotco dan mempunyai peluang utk menambahkan pendapatan dibawah kontrak JENDELA dan 5G, maka adalah potensinya harga saham boleh naik.


2022-04-24 16:33 | Report Abuse

Pearl White, sebenarnya EPF, KWAP dan Amanahraya tidak mempunyai pegangan syer SD lagi. Hanya PNB, LTH, Lembaga Kmjn Bintulu and State Secty Swk je yang masih ada. Itu pun boleh dilihat dalam senarai pemegang saham AR2021 Serbadk. Atau ertinya maklumat AR2021 mengenai pemegang saham terbesar 30 ke-atas berbeza dgn maklumat terkini?


2022-04-24 11:27 | Report Abuse

Lagi adessss byk pulok twist and turn ni. I twist, you turn and we all get entangled. All because of Serbadk. Haha. Anyways, it is a Sunday and let us just straighten up and relax. Enjoy the SD show.


2022-04-24 10:47 | Report Abuse

To each his own. The case is still pending and on going.


2022-04-24 10:36 | Report Abuse

Adesss, ada org kat sini tak faham apa maksud kontrak kah? Kontrak tu kena diikuti terlebih dahulu. FFU yg tak perlu pengesahan hanya textbook material. Kalo kontrak kata laporan yg diperlukan adalah X maka hasilkan la X, sudah tentu laporan tu akan dikemukakan. I won't challenge that. Tapi masalah sekarang FFU yg dimaksudkan tu belum siap (Not yet completed). Hopefully that clarifies, just in case you cannot comprehend BM. Even EY also agreed their FFU have pending items but Bursa who attended the meeting requested for it to be released. So this is where SD is coming from. Furthermore EY does not want to continue where they left off with the incomplete FFU. The FFU findings from EYC supposedly have questionable figures because it is not completed yet. These are just presented materials to the board with Bursa in attendance on status update findings. Do you submit unfinished report in your line of duty? Think about it.


2022-04-24 09:44 | Report Abuse

FFU daripada EYC tak selari dgn hasilan KPMG dari segi nombor yg ditemui. Walaubgmn pun kita tengok dan perhatikan je la kes ni. Saya sendiri pun tak terlibat langsung, saya org luar je yg kena kajikan drama ni sbg analyst utk kerja. Tunggukan lah episode seterusnya.


2022-04-24 09:27 | Report Abuse

Huang, tentu lah I tahu apa yg I katakan. Saya kata "pegesahan" drpd EYC diperlukan. Masalahnya FFU itu masih belum siap sempurna, jadi macam mana FFU boleh dikemukakan tanpa tanggungjawab EYC yg hasilkan itu? Assignment dihasilkan pelajar kenalah ada butiran dia sendiri dgn pengesahan yg fakta dijumpai adalah benar dan segala informasi diterbit akan dipikul tanggungjawab oleh pelajar. Kontrak sendiri yg tertera tiada laporan boleh dikemukakan kpd pihak ke3 sehinggalah Final Report disediakan. FFU bukan Final Report. Kalo ia final report pun maka, beranilah bertanggungjawab mengesahkannya. Apa masalahnya? Biarlah EYC yg jawab. Bukan suruh ko jawab pun.


2022-04-23 19:17 | Report Abuse

@huang kau ni mmg operator lol. Tadi saya pun rasa kau mmg tau sebenda 2. Tapi atas apa yg ko kata tadi mmg I dah tau ko tak tau apa apa pun. FFU tu PERLUKAN pengesahan berdasarkan Kontrak yg dituliskan EYC sendiri. Kalo FFU tak perlukan pengesahan siapa yg bertanggungjawab menjawab keraguan yg ada? Tapi masalahnya Kontrak sendiri yg tertulis tak boleh dikongsikan dgn pihak luar. Ko ni bacalah betol2. Kalo kamu bodoh, sekurang kurangnya jgn la tunjuk bodoh. FFU hanya tak perlu pengesahan jika KONTRAK kata tak perlu. Sekarang KONTRAK bulat2 kata PERLU. Pergilah baca kontrak dari EYC tu.

Tu lah, @Huang ko ni jenis pendatang kalo ko pandai takpe, tapi ko ni jenis pendatang yang tau menyalak saje dan asyik tak nak baca betol2 mmg memeningkan negara.


2022-04-23 17:26 | Report Abuse

@huang Haha rasanya ko amat kurang waras fikirannya. Takpe la, saya pon tak nak jatuhkan maruah saya sendiri ke tahap ko tu. Mana saya kerja tak kena mengena dgn ko, tak perlu ko percaya pun.

Kalo ko tak fasih BM rasanya ko boleh la ke JPN dan pulangkan IC ko. Carilah negara lain utk bermastautin dan sudi menerima ko.

Anyway back to SD, to each his own. You made a stand on your point and I have provided my own point of view against your point and thus we ended agree to disagree.


2022-04-23 09:53 | Report Abuse

@huang Mmg sudah tertera dalam kontrak EYC tu. Saya kerja dgn institusi yang menghandilkan wang persaraan pekerja. Kita mmg mengikuti perkembangan kes ni.

Kalo ko tak fasih BM, kenapa ko masih berada di Malaysia? Bahasa negara sendiri pun tak erti, kenapa pula nak jadi warganegara? Kerana org seperti kau la yg berlagak sebagai org putih padahal nak berpegang kpd warganegara tanpa FASIH BM pun. Buat apa?


2022-04-22 18:32 | Report Abuse

@Huang Sudah tentu saya faham beza SIR dan IR. Cuma boleh ko tolong baca kontrak EYC sekali lagi. Kontrak tu kena dikotakan. Tu la yg kita fikirkan dan faham terlebih dahulu.


2022-04-22 18:29 | Report Abuse

@Huang, Of course I know English but it appears to me you are not fluent with Bahasa Melayu. Seems you are also not comfortable writing in BM. What happened to your command in BM? Are you not Malaysian? Or a Malaysian who has lost his ability to write in BM?


2022-04-22 18:26 | Report Abuse

@Huang Ko masih blom faham apa yg terkandung dalam kontrak ke? Kontrak tu tertulis terang2 yg report belom lengkap TIDAK BOLEH dikongsikan dengan pihak luar. Kalau perlu kongsikan maka beranilah mengesahkan dgn tandatangan dahulu. Knp EYC tidak berani buat pengesahan? Kontrak EYC sendiri tetapi EYC sendiri yg mungkir? Ko ni byk buat andaian sendiri. Baca la dulu sebelom keluarkan ayat ko tu. Ko kena fikir secara lebih objektif.


2022-04-22 18:13 | Report Abuse

Rasanya ko tak faham apa yg terkandung dlm kontrak EYC. EYC telah menyatakan EYC hanya bertanggungjawab mengeluarkan Final Report dan bukannya intermediate report yg belom lengkap. Jadi bagaimana SD sepatutnya mengeluarkan FFU yg hanyalah report belom lengkap ke pihak ke3? Klao ko tau, ko jawab la. Tiada sesiapa pun yg ingin bertanggungjawab memberi keterangan kpd report belom lengkap. Kalo ko xtau mengaku je la. Jangan asyik kutuk tanpa memikirkan secara lebih objektif.


2022-04-22 18:03 | Report Abuse

@Huang siapa kata saya memegang stock SD? Saya memegang stok lain tapi saya mengikut perkembangan SD sbb berita ni mmg hangat dalam bisnes Malaysia. Ya, saya fasih, tapi apa yg kena mengena katakan saya memperoleh stock SD? Jadi betol la ko tak dpt fikir dgn waras. Saya memegang KLCC, PetGas dan Bank Islam je.


2022-04-22 17:34 | Report Abuse

@Huang Xpe aku sendiri pun fasih proses auditing. Cuma beza antara ko dgn saya, aku lebih suka fikir secara objektif. Tapi biarkan la, mcm org putih suka kata "To each our own".


2022-04-22 17:31 | Report Abuse

Sebenarnya kenapa sesiapa yang berfikir lebih waras dan objektif dikatakan gila? SD tidak menyembunyikan fakta yang ia memperoleh 59 cop kompeni. Itu pun telah dimasukkan dalam tulisan penjelasan yg dikeluarkan cuma kita tidak mempunyai penjelasan yg cukup mengenainya. Bon mmg tak dpt dibayar disebabkan institusi bank telah menarik balik fasiliti kredit SD maka memerlukan masa utk menyelesaikan kes ini terlebih dahulu sblom ruangan kredit boleh diperoleh semula. Mmg betol template invois dijumpai yg blom dicerahkan pihak SD, maka SD perlulah beri penjelasan. Jadi tindakan yg diambil SD utk memberi pencerahan adalah wajar supaya pihak lain boleh memikir secara objektif. Benar atau salah, biarkan lah SD sendiri mempertahankan diri.


2022-04-22 17:21 | Report Abuse

@Huang benda ni tak semudah yg ko fikirkan. Ko kena lihat dari sudut yg objektif. Jgn je asyik dengar dari satu pihak tanpa dengar dari penjelasan pihak tertuduh. Penjelasan yg dikeluarkan SD telah menyebabkan syak wasangka yang mana banyak lagi penjelasan dari ketiga-tiga pihak diperlukan.


2022-04-22 16:52 | Report Abuse

OCK mungkin hadapi masalah pemasaran syarikat towernya sebagai entiti berhad baru disebabkan pemilikan aset di Myanmar yang mungkin ada risikonya berdasarkan masalah dalaman di Myanmar.


2022-04-22 16:36 | Report Abuse

@Huang rasanya ngko la yg sakit jiwa. Penjelasan pun telah dikemukakan. Cuma kau je la yg sengaja tak ingin faham apa yg tertera dlm penjelasan. Kontrak pon telah terang2 kata sebarang laporan yg belum siap TIDAK BOLEH dikemukakan kpd pihak luar sehingga FINAL REPORT telah siap. Ini pon bukan Final Report.


2022-04-22 16:27 | Report Abuse

Kalo FFU tiada pengesahan siapa yg bertanggungjawab utk memberi penjelasan? Fikirkan la betul betul. Dalam kontrak, EYC bertanggungjawab menghasilkan Final Report, bukannya FFU. Tambahan pula, EYC sendiri yg kata FFU tidak boleh dikongikan dgn pihak luar. Hanya utk tujuan kajian dalaman. Bacalah betul2 dulu.


2022-04-22 16:14 | Report Abuse

SD tak dapat mengemukakan FFU sebab FFU tiada tandatangan pengesahan dari EYC. Maksudnya dokumen FFU tu tiada pemilik. Bukan SD yang menerbitkan FFU tu tapi EYC. Kalo EYC pun tidak ingin megesahkannya, bagaimana SD akan mengeluarkan dokumen tu?


2022-04-18 15:23 | Report Abuse

Jika Pak Karim membaca komen disini, saya amat berharap Tuan boleh memberikan sedikit pencerahan apakah pelan utk Serbadk sekarang? Dengan segala berita yang tidak baik tertulis di sekitar media sosial mahupun berita, warga pelabur perlukan maklumat yang lebih mengenai status syarikat dan business plan utk menyelamatkan Serbadk semula. Masa kini, kita tidak tahu apa perkembangan yg baru dari segi bisnes syarikat mahupun projek yg dijalankan. Kita tahu Serbadk berdepan dengan masalah FFU tetapi walaupun didapati bersalah atau tidak, syarikat perlu beroperasi untuk bangun dan hidup semula untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan para pelabur semula. Kemungkinan besar syarikat perlu restruktur semula dan masalah kewangan juga perlu distruktur semula tetapi silalah jangan duduk diam mahupun berdiri di tempat yg sama. Silalah melakukan perubahan yg diperlukan utk memastikan Serbadk bangun semula dan juga berkongsikan pelan dan visi masa depan Serba dgn kita semua.


2022-04-18 14:22 | Report Abuse

Haha... biarlah Dnex buktikan diri dahulu. Asalkan Dnex boleh tunjukkan perkembangan keuntungan setiap suku, maka tak perlulah terlalu bimbang. Cuma sekarang Dnex memerlukan wang kapital yg banyak utk melaksanakan perkembangan bisnesnya, tentulah perkembangan keuntungan tak akan begitu pesat masa kini. Bagilah sedikit masa Dnex buktikan kebolehan diri dahulu. Selamat melabur.


2022-04-15 17:58 | Report Abuse

I just hope Lii Hen can continue dishing out better dividends which was what they were well known for. Now dividends have been much lesser compared with previous years. Apart from that, there has been almost no news about Lii Hen at all. Hope management will make themselves more visible to investing fraternity.


2022-03-24 11:05 | Report Abuse

@SinGor, i wouldn't call it demand destruction but rather demand reduction. Oil is still a primary need for energy, transportation, raw material and the likes. Sure, I agree that war leads to economic recession because the only industry that benefits directly are weapons industry, but life has to go on, albeit restrictive spending. As for IC, Silterra will depend mainly on long term supply contract with its partner's network supply chain to lock-in sales.


2022-03-22 13:31 | Report Abuse

@AlsvinChangan I don't think he is FELDA man, is he? FELDA man is Isa Samad, right?


2022-03-21 17:07 | Report Abuse

@jk20598 Even if EPF are not able to load up on DNeX, perhaps other institutions might (e.g Tabung Haji, ASB, KWAP, etc.)


2022-03-21 14:10 | Report Abuse

@KingDavid that is a ballpark way to put it if all goes according plan. However, so far it appears DNeX is a good growth story with bigger potentials that is very rare to find.


2022-03-21 14:01 | Report Abuse

@KingDavid Thanks for sharing the information. So, this means they will be in expansion mode for the next 2 to 3 years.


2022-03-21 12:49 | Report Abuse

@jk20598, any potential spinoff would probably happen after some value creation. I think, from my own view, Silterra will need to at least lock down another 1 or 2 more long term clients to reach 90% capacity utilization. Tan Sri also has given a ballpark figure of how much is needed to upgrade and expand infrastructure at Silterra, which will be funded by GCP. IPO for Ping Petroleum might sound likely as the price of crude oil is high now, and with Russia/Ukraine war happening, I think price of oil may remain high which favors Ping spin-off. Additionally, Tan Sri said something about commercializing Avalon field which is part of Anasuria cluster then, additional capital is required. Since banks are hesitant to lend capital to new O&G greenfield projects due to ESG theme being played, thus, a potential Ping spin-off will be very likely. Just my 2 cents thoughts.


2022-03-11 11:30 | Report Abuse

KTC seeking shareholder approval for Share Buyback of 10% of total shares. Any thoughts on this? I can only imagine that this is one way to boost EPS, should earnings remain consistent and should they cancel the shares bought.


2022-02-18 09:58 | Report Abuse

In reply to ltw1123: I believe no, due to fact DNeX is in business expansion phase. It needs the cash to fund acquisition of Ping's 60% and Silterra Expansion Plan. Even with potential higher profits declared, I will assume the cash will be used for the purpose above.

ltw1123 Any possibility for DNeX to declare dividend this time around?


2022-02-17 12:23 | Report Abuse

Shortists are attacking again? Lol


2022-02-17 10:28 | Report Abuse

That is why Silterra signed long term supply contracts with clients. With Hon Hai as partner, they should have clients under the Hon Hai umbrella. Besides, the foundry expanding capacities are of different segments with higher technological advancement requirements where Silterra is unable to serve.


2022-02-17 10:22 | Report Abuse

Haha maybe difficult for Dnex to be listed on Nasdaq due to Ping Petroleum, maybe just Silterra can.


2022-02-17 10:15 | Report Abuse

I am thinking most investors should be looking at future prospects for Silterra. Being a foundry to produce wafer with strong partners like CGP and Hon Hai, I believe there should be brighter future ahead. Of course Silterra cannot be compared to giants like TSMC but if they can achieve at least to a scale of 30% of TSMC in time to come, perhaps there can be more share price appreciation. Just sharing my own thoughts ya?


2020-09-03 16:12 | Report Abuse

@stocktrade101 I don't think creditors will accept pledged shares to hold. I believe LKT pledged them to financial institutions to raise money and do a debt restructuring with creditors to form repayment plan. This is to manage the cash flow to ensure there is enough cash for operations during times like this. Also, the financial institutions holding the pledged shares would not want to dump the shares too as this will drive the price of the shares down to the Pledged value which LKT took out the loan for. They are already having a buffer to protect their own interests. Please correct me if i am wrong.


2020-08-28 15:19 | Report Abuse

Like the Big Brother also not giving out dividends eh? Banks very conservative now.


2020-08-27 15:18 | Report Abuse

I agree it is sad that Maybank did not declare dividends this time. However, I am glad that this is the worst case scenario assuming no one is paying their installment during a moratorium and still managed to eke out a small profit by banking standards. The next phase is when the moratorium ends, how many potential debt restructuring and defaults there will be... I believe once management has a vision when moratorium ends, the dividends will return again.... and maybe an additional special dividends to make up for the lost dividend this quarter... As you know EPF, ASB, KWAP and many institution funds depend on Maybank for good returns. I don't believe MBB will ignore them.


2020-02-13 10:49 | Report Abuse

It is good to see it appreciating in its share price now. After so long it remained silent and its price stagnant at so low. Hope the momentum builds up to reflect better worth of this company.


2019-09-24 10:13 | Report Abuse

Hi Up_down, I see, that makes sense now on the low dividend yields. Yes, their business fundamentals are strong which is the original reason in invested in them. However, I do have my concerns now due to the thinly traded volume over the past years. Hopefully, senior mgmt engage more in publicizing the company to reverse this trend.

Thanks for the info, Up_down


2019-09-24 10:07 | Report Abuse

Hi RainT, thanks so much for the info.


2019-09-19 15:55 | Report Abuse

Has the exercise for Yee Lee privatization failed? I wonder if management will consider privatizing Spritzer instead? Liquidity is very low (few hundred units of transaction volume), dividend yield is very low (roughly 1.5%), no news written about management's vision to motivate the shareholders, thus, appeal to investors are almost non-existent other than Yee Lee themselves.


2019-02-27 17:11 | Report Abuse

@TakeProfits, Thank you so much for your kind encouragement. Today, i thank the lucky stars for guiding the management of KTC to show good quarter profits. I have not gone through the details yet as the report is just out but earnings of RM2,630,000 (round figure) is probably the best since it's IPO. However, there is a slight drop in revenue but i won't be so concerned at this point of time.


2019-02-21 09:52 | Report Abuse

Thank goodness Velesto bagged a US$38mil contract recently. I am trusting the management to be more aggressive to win more, especially from Petronas. If price of crude oil rises further, it will be a bonus for oil and gas counters. Wishing the best of luck to all.