
Stockker | Joined since 2014-04-21 09:16:23

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2020-05-29 10:26 | Report Abuse

Is it a direct beneficiary of HSR just because of Bandar Malaysia? Do they have any other strategic land bank near to HSR stations ?


2020-05-29 10:24 | Report Abuse

If go for conversion of Gp warrant, would the risk be high, whether the mother price will drop to 70 sen in 14 days time.


2020-05-29 10:23 | Report Abuse

How would HSR boost BCB’ property launches?


2020-05-18 11:53 | Report Abuse

What is in Theta? Small paid up, IT sector?


2018-12-31 20:58 | Report Abuse

NTA rm 1.17, market price 22 sen, somebody should do a hostile on the company.


2018-12-31 18:04 | Report Abuse

I share the same sentiments as all here. Let’s bring all our grievances to the AGM. Somebody with big block can initiate to group minority shareholders to at least 10%, call an EGM to remove deadwood directors. Even if not unsuccessful, at least can highlight the high salaries the directors are getting and their complete zero interest in minority shareholders .


2018-12-18 16:10 | Report Abuse

It’s only a small company having some success in China. Even a slow down there will still be a big market for them. What has changed since 1 week ago.?


2018-12-18 16:04 | Report Abuse

Are there any negative news?


2018-12-18 15:36 | Report Abuse

Do you think short sellers involved in bringing the price down?


2018-09-16 14:09 | Report Abuse

i think the news refer to the warrants.


2018-06-06 09:34 | Report Abuse

Is it good time to collect?


2018-06-06 09:33 | Report Abuse

Very seldom where concessionaire fork out money upfront, some more for 3 years. Especially BN era projects.


2018-06-06 09:31 | Report Abuse

Is it time to collect?


2017-10-18 16:25 | Report Abuse

Back to 14 sen, another false start.


2017-10-18 16:23 | Report Abuse

Omesti continue selling, still have 56 million;


2017-10-18 16:21 | Report Abuse

Now that rights is completed , and with new cash, borrowings and gearing reduced , better days ahead.


2017-10-18 16:19 | Report Abuse

Translation, please


2017-07-31 19:05 | Report Abuse

Elysia Park Residence, Medini added 5 new photos.

-Site Progress-
Tower 3: Level 24 Slab in progress
Tower 2: Level 16 slab in progress
Tower 1: Level 9 Transfer Plate in progress


2017-05-15 15:59 | Report Abuse

What do you think IWC will say if kena UMA today


2017-05-15 09:01 | Report Abuse

Merger & Acquisition is the path to grow Kerjaya further.


2017-05-12 10:22 | Report Abuse

Stockker 2nd project awarded to Kerjaya Prospek, construction outfit of 8 times its size. Why not BCB consider a tie-up with Kerjaya, win-win situation. BCB with its large land bank and potential GDV of more than 5 billion and Kerjaya with its expertise on construction.

Kerjaya buys BCB, via issue of shares . That will be an interesting idea.
12/05/2017 10:21


2017-05-12 10:21 | Report Abuse

2nd project awarded to Kerjaya Prospek, construction outfit of 8 times its size. Why not BCB consider a tie-up with Kerjaya, win-win situation. BCB with its large land bank and potential GDV of more than 5 billion and Kerjaya with its expertise on construction.

Kerjaya buys BCB, via issue of shares . That will be an interesting idea.


2017-04-23 21:14 | Report Abuse

Follow the lead of Hua Yang Berhad & Magna Prima Berhad


2017-04-23 21:14 | Report Abuse

Stockker BCB seems to be in a hurry to grow, with so many projects in hand. With market capitalisation of only RM 200 million, BCB should either merge with other listed companies or be acquired or JV with other listed companies.

Other than the Tan Sri, I do not see any competent top management. Compare this with other listed property stocks.

Stockker :BCB was quite busy with corporate activities in 2015 ie General Offer in June 2015 and share split in November 2015 but rather quiet in 2016 and 2017.

Any exciting developments expected ? Anybody have any input ?
26/03/2017 17:14
06/04/2017 20:24


2017-04-23 21:13 | Report Abuse

In KSL Page :

Stockker Another strong property stock in Johor. Probably should merge with BCB Berhad who is also strong in Johor.
23/04/2017 17:50
Stockker Sorry, KSL is 6 times the size of BCB Berhad. Probably should acquire BCB Berhad due to its land bank in Batu Pahat, Medini and Kota Kemuning.
23/04/2017 17:52


2017-04-23 17:52 | Report Abuse

Sorry, KSL is 6 times the size of BCB Berhad. Probably should acquire BCB Berhad due to its land bank in Batu Pahat, Medini and Kota Kemuning.


2017-04-23 17:50 | Report Abuse

Another strong property stock in Johor. Probably should merge with BCB Berhad who is also strong in Johor.


2017-04-23 17:45 | Report Abuse

Sideway for a while, it appears. No news to spur any interest.


2017-04-13 10:50 | Report Abuse

BOD : LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN : SELL YOUR KOTA KEMUNING LAND !!! ( refer Focus Malaysia article )

Per your FY 2016 Annual Report : Details of your KK Land :

Land size : 151.27 acres Net Book Value @30/6/16 : RM 181.732 million ie RM 28.49 psf
Leasehold expiring 18/4/2101 ( balance 84 years )

Focus Malaysia said current market price is RM 150 psf, if so :
Your profit will be RM 800,668.394.00 ( RM 800 million !!! )

Even if say, you give a 30 % discount from market price , your selling price will be RM 105 psf, if so :
Your profit will be RM 504,148,949.00 ( RM 504 million !!! )

Say you cut to 50 % of market price, your selling price will be RM 75 psf, if so :
Your profit will be RM 306,469,319.00 ( RM 306 million !!! )

Compare these figures with this :

You say the GDV for this land is RM 1.8 billion over 5 years project. You have already completed RM 280 million. Balance GDV is RM 1.52 billion.

Your average ROE over the past 5 audited FY is about 12.56 % . Without the benefit of segmental profit of your various locations, say we take this against the potential GDV of RM 1.52 billion. Your projected profit before tax on this is only RM 190,912,000.00 ( RM 191 million !!! )

Isn't it a no brainer to sell your land ??? In addition, your leasehold land is depleting year by year.


2017-04-13 10:07 | Report Abuse

CharlesT Whoever bought 40K at RM0.05 (total RM2000), after consolidation of 4 into 1, yr shares becomes 10K.

Then u will go thru rights issues of 1 for 2 at RM0.25 (plus 1.5 free warrant) and 2 PA at RM0.05. So u have to standby for RM0.25 X 0.5 = RM0.125 + Rm0.10 (PA) = RM0.225 (or RM2250).
09/03/2017 09:51

CT, say I buy 400,000 shares at 5.5 sen, my cost is RM 22,000.00
Shares consolidate to 100,000 shares, cost is 22 sen per share.
Then I am entitle to rights of 1 for 2 at 25 sen, my cash outlay for 50,000 shares is RM 12,500.00.
And I am entitle to 200,000 ICPS at RM 0.05, ,my cash outlay is RM 10,000.00
And I am entitle to free warrants of 75,000 warrants.

Total shares = 150,000
Total ICPS = 200,000
Total warrants = 75,000
Total cost = RM 44,500.00

Betul kah ?


2017-04-12 23:01 | Report Abuse

Placee should have cleared all by now after he sold via direct deal of 50 million shares ,


2017-04-12 22:59 | Report Abuse

Construction is the theme , hopefully should come back stronger after short rest.


2017-04-12 22:57 | Report Abuse

Sometimes it's good to take some profit off the table , and return another day.


2017-04-06 20:24 | Report Abuse

BCB seems to be in a hurry to grow, with so many projects in hand. With market capitalisation of only RM 200 million, BCB should either merge with other listed companies or be acquired or JV with other listed companies.

Other than the Tan Sri, I do not see any competent top management. Compare this with other listed property stocks.

Stockker :BCB was quite busy with corporate activities in 2015 ie General Offer in June 2015 and share split in November 2015 but rather quiet in 2016 and 2017.

Any exciting developments expected ? Anybody have any input ?
26/03/2017 17:14


2017-03-26 17:14 | Report Abuse

BCB was quite busy with corporate activities in 2015 ie General Offer in June 2015 and share split in November 2015 but rather quiet in 2016 and 2017.

Any exciting developments expected ? Anybody have any input ?


2017-03-24 12:20 | Report Abuse

Whole exercise involves rights issue, free warrants and issue of ICPS. Any idea how long the exercise will take ?


2017-03-21 18:20 | Report Abuse

Aprll 24th, what is on ?


2017-03-21 15:11 | Report Abuse

What happened to the Shantawood's award by the court ? Where is the money ?


2017-03-14 14:43 | Report Abuse

Progress of Elysia Medini - billing at what stage ?

Elysia Park Residence, Medini added 6 new photos — feeling wonderful at Elysia Park Residence, Medini.
February 24 at 3:12pm · Johor Bahru ·

Site Progress as at 21/02/2017
Tower 3 : Level 10 Slab in progress
Tower 2 : Lift Lobby – Level 9 Lift Core Slab in progress; Tower Foot Plinth – Level 8 Slab in Progress.
Tower 1: Lift Lobby – Level 6 to Level 7 Lift Core Walls in progress; Tower Foot Plinth – Level 6 Slab in progress.


2016-05-06 16:39 | Report Abuse

This means based on the report, at current share price, pay 14 sen for RM 1.00 land. Buy for anak and cucu cicik ?


2016-05-03 14:38 | Report Abuse

How does it improve its recurring income ?


2016-05-03 10:30 | Report Abuse

Popular sing song tag line, good time to pick up some sold down stocks.


2016-01-24 13:41 | Report Abuse

Just saw the update this morning, with the landscaping almost completing ,the results seem to justify this award winning development.


2016-01-13 21:28 | Report Abuse

Free Warrants - Approved by Bursa.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Dolphin, Hong Leong Investment Bank Berhad is pleased to announce that Bursa Securities has, vide its letter dated 12 January 2016 (which was received on 13 January 2016) resolved to approve the following:

(i) Admission to the Official List and the listing and quotation of 55,500,002 Warrants to be issued pursuant to the Proposed Bonus Issue of Warrants; and

(ii) The listing of 55,500,002 new ordinary shares of RM0.20 each to be issued pursuant to the exercise of the Warrants.