
stupid | Joined since 2014-07-08

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2018-05-21 17:30 | Report Abuse

how many value investor still hold even laosai, haha. value trap still so happily hold is sorchai. yes a stupid call u sorchai!!


2018-05-21 12:54 | Report Abuse

ekovest "911"~bibobibobibo


2018-05-18 18:08 | Report Abuse

Is this a bn related share?


2018-05-18 15:38 | Report Abuse

Lol, botak can keep the cash and not distribute to shareholder! small shareholder get shit la. so hard to understand har.

RichandRich @ stupid, Investor will still get the money, because the asset is under Ekovest, not Botak individual name.


2018-05-18 13:20 | Report Abuse

Why so stupid...get money from government but botak wont pay you! Wah so idiot.


2018-05-18 12:30 | Report Abuse

although im a stupid but i think more, hehe. happy value invest ya


2018-05-18 12:29 | Report Abuse

before invest in value, make sure no trap...the botak is already a big trap. second price collapse is greater than your value that you expect. risk>reward and time that you are waiting also a big loss.


2018-05-18 12:27 | Report Abuse

i only can see value investor eat shit due to value trap, hehe.


2018-05-18 12:27 | Report Abuse

haha u all still talk about value hor. you all trade share so long, still dont understand the fear/panic will make share price collapse before you earn your value? ok la if really government pay ekovest lump sum on the duke, do you think botak will share with you? think think think....what is value when you can see cant eat. hehe


2018-05-18 09:11 | Report Abuse

aiyaya, value investor how now? buy or cry?


2018-05-14 17:01 | Report Abuse

hehe im not idiot but stupid, hehe. thank spending time with me stupid~take care your heart, dont heart attack. although you said a lot to loss, but take care also you seem so serious on my words. hehe. so happy make you so angry and so many harsh words come out. hehe


2018-05-14 16:59 | Report Abuse

this kien911 heart attack soon so hot~~hehe


2018-05-14 16:58 | Report Abuse

waaaaa kien the 911.... sudah lose money banyak ka ?? +9999999999999999999999999999999


2018-05-14 16:47 | Report Abuse

peace ya kien911....dont so angry until heart attack need to call 911 for you. kien the 911. so pity you~


2018-05-14 16:45 | Report Abuse

kien911 wah your are so angry har? loss a lot until personal attack har? hope your realize your loss and move forward. sometime i feel sad for value investor although know this counter will loss like shit still jump inside shit hole. i will come here to remind you everyday how the share price plunge ya~


2018-05-14 16:32 | Report Abuse

0.685 happy to all value investor la, cheaper and cheaper~remember to buy more


2018-05-14 16:31 | Report Abuse

UncleJohn hi uncle have you wake up? check how much i sold~this uncle still not awake...adui~


2018-05-14 16:30 | Report Abuse

kien911 dont bad mood la...i know you holland with ekovest. but value investing ma, so keep the share for your son or maybe your grandchildren lo. paper loss only, dont heart pain. it will drop more trust me, try to control your emotion is important~


2018-05-14 16:28 | Report Abuse

how do you know my money is inside market today? so happy earn bat~yea im a newbie everyday try to learn from you all value investor. tq shifu teach me what is value trap!!!!

Halite As long as your money is still in the market
There is no such thing as loss or win

You are too new here to understand the game


2018-05-14 16:25 | Report Abuse

dont personally attack la~~~even i shout here i never attack, haha. you are not steady~ drop more!!! let the value investor buy more please!!


2018-05-14 16:24 | Report Abuse

yea!! below 70, value investor how now? im a real stupid that i dont buy ekovest, haha. you are too smart to loss money ya~


2018-05-14 14:55 | Report Abuse

value investor said this is a solid and good future company! buy! but how come you value investor loss like hell har?


2018-05-14 11:36 | Report Abuse



2018-05-14 10:51 | Report Abuse

buy buy buy now! i dont want see up then value investor come out hu ha hu ha. haha


2018-05-14 10:50 | Report Abuse

still bandar malaysia? head got damage ar? still dreaming? value investor this is really cheap le. i wonder where are those so called value investor have gone...kinda miss them. maybe loss until delete ekovest from watchlist.kekekekekekeek


2018-05-14 08:42 | Report Abuse

Ekovest holland! Good luck to those value investor. Told ya this is value trap, now you taste the shit


2018-05-13 12:13 | Report Abuse

Sistem pengangkutan awam sekarang terlalu
berpusat di Kuala Lumpur. Kawasan-kawasan lain di
seluruh negara masih memerlukan peningkatan liputan
pengangkutan awam, baik di bandar-bandar besar
apatah lagi di luar bandar. Ini mewujudkan suasana
yang ironis, di mana golongan berpendapatan rendah
di kampung-kampung memerlukan kereta untuk pergi
ke mana-mana, walaupun pendapatan mereka adalah

Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan akan memperluas akses dan
liputan perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam dengan
cara mewujudkan insentif bagi syarikat bas untuk
berkhidmat di kawasan sekitar bandar dan luar bandar.
Syarikat-syarikat bas yang mahu mendapat konsesi bagi
laluan yang membawa keuntungan akan diwajibkan
menyediakan perkhidmatan di laluan yang kurang
padat. Tindakan tegas akan diambil sekiranya syarikatsyarikat
ini gagal mematuhi peraturan, agar kelemahan
yang wujud selama ini dapat diperbaiki.
Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan memandang positif
perkembangan teknologi baru dan pertumbuhan sektor
ekonomi perkongsian seperti e-hailing yang semakin
banyak digunakan. Ada juga negara yang kini sedang
mencuba teknologi ini untuk perkhidmatan bas dan

Kami akan bekerjasama dengan syarikat-syarikat
dan pemilik-pemilik bas dan bas sekolah sedia ada,
dan akan menggalakkan usahawan tempatan yang
memiliki kenderaan yang sesuai untuk menceburi dan
bersaing dalam sektor ini, agar ia tumbuh dengan pesat
di kawasan-kawasan yang memerlukan lebih banyak
pengangkutan awam, termasuk kawasan luar bandar
serta di Sabah dan Sarawak. Kami juga akan mengurangkan
kos bayaran lesen bas sekolah.

Ini memerlukan sistem perundangan dan kawal selia yang
mesra inovasi, agar lebih ramai individu boleh melibatkan
diri dalam sektor e-hailing, lantas menyumbang ke arah
peningkatan akses pengangkutan awam dan pada
waktu yang sama mempelbagai peluang pekerjaan di
luar bandar. Untuk itu, Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan akan
memperkukuh hak para pemandu e-hailing, dan pada
waktu yang sama memastikan hak dan kebajikan para
pemandu teksi juga turut terjaga.
Kami akan memastikan syarikat-syarikat pengangkutan
bersaing secara sihat untuk mendapatkan konsesi, agar
tidak wujud monopoli, lantas menyumbang kepada
penurunan kos.
Di bandar-bandar besar seluruh negara, kami akan
memperkenalkan secara berperingkat skim pas
pengangkutan bulanan dengan kos RM100 sebulan
sahaja yang akan membolehkan penggunaan pelbagai
jenis pengangkutan awam dengan satu pas.

Untuk memastikan kualiti perkhidmatan bas awam boleh
diperbaiki, kami akan memastikan berlaku pertambahan
10,000 unit bas awam di seluruh negara dalam penggal
pertama pentadbiran Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan.


2018-05-13 12:06 | Report Abuse

yea~value investoe is here


2018-05-10 14:10 | Report Abuse

so called value investor pls correct me if im wrong, hehe


2018-05-10 14:09 | Report Abuse

bye bye ekovest, holland soon. lkw is bn crony. hello anymore value investor here? so happy to see free fall next week, be prepared and stay tune~


2018-04-30 13:28 | Report Abuse

bagi semua holland!!! anymore value investor here? or all cut loss already?


2018-04-25 13:10 | Report Abuse

value investor should we buy in now? keke


2018-04-23 15:20 | Report Abuse

0.8 instead of 1.2...waiting below 0.8


2018-04-23 14:53 | Report Abuse

yes! tekan!!!! please break 80 and go south!!


2018-04-23 08:09 | Report Abuse

you all still ok har? bagi tekan kuat kuat! value trap! told ya


2018-04-08 15:41 | Report Abuse

Woohoo can't wait for tekan kuat kuat day! Value investor are you ready when you money all stuck at high position?


2018-04-08 15:39 | Report Abuse

Hehe. Maybe im a real stupid. But why boss want to help those betrayer? No reason. He would like to see all betrayers go to holland. Tomorrow is tekan day. Tekan kuat kuat! Let's has a good show tomorrow.


2018-04-07 10:26 | Report Abuse

Ya good..good to loss money. Value trap. More to come, tekan below 80. I see many cut loss, those reject shark proposal. Memang eat own shit now..hehe


2018-04-06 16:05 | Report Abuse

Tekan! Value trap!


2018-04-04 21:57 | Report Abuse

not sleep yet? tonight -1000, tomorrow be prepared. run forest run!!!! trust value but loss money


2018-04-04 17:41 | Report Abuse

dji drop 9 9 tonight. tomorrow tekan kuat kuat lagi. Everyone must sleep early tonight get a good rest to prepare tomorrow heart attack ya. Another -10% is ahead VALUE VALUE VALUE~bye


2018-04-04 17:20 | Report Abuse

not that i add salt, my point is you betray big shark, big shark will let you pain 9 9. if you help him maybe he help you support this time not free fall.


2018-04-04 17:18 | Report Abuse

election? trade war? this is good chance for him to do huge revenge. GOD also help him to punish. If i were him i also use some reason to do revenge la. buta-buta tekan can tekan so much?


2018-04-04 16:43 | Report Abuse

haha, i see stupid 69% in the ship. i jump fast fast. let those 69% sorchai sohai sink 9 9 together.


2018-04-04 16:42 | Report Abuse

hope those value investor still not yet cut loss ya...cause value le, buy more!!


2018-04-04 16:41 | Report Abuse

no shark what is support? you tell me. punish more!!!


2018-04-04 16:40 | Report Abuse

69% happy? this is what you ask for....kasi tekan lagi!!! value? but how much do you loss? value my ass


2018-04-04 15:34 | Report Abuse

run or die~~!!


2018-04-04 15:34 | Report Abuse

good, kasi 9 9...teach a leason to 49%. kasi tekan lagi~